Challenge Submission Life and Death Within a River's Embrace

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Challenge Submission Life and Death Within a River's Embrace


How fine you look when dressed in Rage
♔ Champion ♔
100 Likes! April Challenge Participant Challenge Champion
Local time
Today 10:19 PM
CW: Domestic Violence/death/related themes

"Stupid bitch." The man muttered as he struggled to haul up a suitcase out of the trunk of his car. It was the middle of the night and he had driven many hours to get to this river in the middle of nowhere. The suitcase was stretched at the seams and zippers, far overstuffed and threatened to rip at any moment. It also was suspiciously heavy as it landed to the ground with a heavy, wet thud.

"You actually thought you could leave me?" He snarled, pausing to quietly close the trunk and wiped his brow with the back of a wrist. Despite the long ride with the air conditioning blasting, particularly at the suitcase, he had been sweating profusely the entire trip. "I told you. I told you to stop talking with those stupid bitches that you called your friends. Shrieking harpies, the lot of them. I don't care what they told you. Everything I did for you was out of love. You made me hurt you. It was your fault." The man continued to rant at the bag. But there was no despair in the man's voice. Only a rage that was building all over again for a second time.

"I love you. No other person could love you the way I do. Not even that fat pig you call a mother. And you tried to leave me?! To leave that love?" The man was now nearly hissing at the suitcase, yelling in a whisper. "No one will love you the way I do. I would never let that happen." Came the once-again growl as the man grabbed the suitcase, and started to haul it to the riverbank. The luggage was dragged behind him, but he still had to stop every few feet; especially as the earth beneath his shoes - splattered with a suspicious substance that was becoming tacky with the hours - was turning to mud. "This is all your fucking fault. And now I have to clean up your mess!" He heaved both for air and the suitcase at the same time, but it suddenly plopped heavily into mud.

"It's bad enough I had to clean up your goddamn messes whenever you got pregnant. I told you not to get pregnant. But no, you did anyway. You made me have to kill my own kids. Do you think I liked pushing you down those stairs? Kicking you in the stomach? But you never learned. And now look at what I have to do. Look at what what you've done to my fucking shoes!" The man suddenly growled as he noticed the smeared stains over them, in addition to having to yank a leg violently to pull it from the muck.

But finally, he was at the river's edge. It was the last stretch of calm waters before it turned into rapids, and he knew that it was unlikely for the suitcase and its contents to be discovered. And if it was? Then when it became calm again there were all sorts of animals that would love to discover it, he was sure. Panting as sweat continued to trickle down his flushed skin, the man kicked the suitcase into the water… only for it merely to start to sink but not catch in the flow downriver. "Fucking bitch!" The man cursed. "I told you that you were too fat. Here's the proof!"

Stepping into the water, he bent forward to continue to struggle, pushing the suitcase through the shallow riverbank until it would, hopefully, inevitably float.


The foreign voice, as sweet as it was, nearly made the man jump out of his skin. He shot up into a straight stand as he was now nearly knee-deep into the river. He rested a foot on top of the suitcase that had finally started to move, but he looked around frantically for the source of the voice. Finally, his eyes settled on that of a woman who stared at him as she waded in a deeper part of the river.

"What are you doing with that bag?" She asked in a voice that sounded like soft coos, breathy and innocent.

The man realized then, that from what he could see of this woman in the moonlight, two things: 1. She may have been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and 2. He could tell she was naked.

His brows raised at this. "The better question is what the hell you're doing skinnydipping in the middle of the night in a dangerous river." He tried to distract from the situation at hand.

The woman giggled softly, the sound making goosebumps shiver over the man's skin.

"I live around here. What better time to take a dip than under the moonlight? There aren't usually strange men littering in the middle of the river."

Littering. The man internally thanked the woman for such a naive explanation. She must have been quite the bimbo for not finding any of this suspicious. He feigned embarrassment. "You're right. I just couldn't find any dumps that were taking trash around here outside of being in a garbage truck. Sorry for trespassing."

"Mm." Hummed the woman as she smiled, and slowly lifted her body a bit out of the water until the surface rested just under her bare breasts. The moonlight made her skin shine, slick and tantalizing. "I could get you in trouble, you know." She mused softly. "But maybe you can make it up to me and we'll call it even." Her full lips curled into a seductive smile as she motioned for him to come deeper into the water.

The man was stunned. What was this, a porno? This woman was completely nuts, and apparently a slut, too. But… she was exactly his type. Her appearance was as if all of his preferences were made into one woman - standing before him and just waiting for him to pull a 'wham bam thank you, ma'am.' He stared her down, but for a fleeting second he glanced down to the now-soaked suitcase under his foot. He had nearly forgotten about what was within it.

But no hesitations would be allowed to be had. The strange, nude woman who waited for him within the river waters started to hum, and all else suddenly melted away as her voice whispered in his ear like a needy lover. She didn't even need to fully sing, no lips needed parting for her song to reach deep into his subconscious. It reached inside of him, and acted as if a physical tether as his legs acted on their own. His shoe was lifted from the luggage and he waded into the river towards the woman. A smirk remained on his lips, already thinking of the ways he would violently take and leave her just as he was leaving the bag behind.

The strange woman gave a soft, gasp-like laugh as immediately the man grabbed her roughly. "Do you want to go deep…?" She asked in a purr-like voice, whispering. Of course, she knew the simple-minded man would take it in a way that was a double entendre. But her body lead him in the way she meant, shifting towards a deeper area of the river.

The man's smirk deepened. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, you little whore?"

She merely smiled in response. But that smile grew. And grew. And grew some more. The smile across her features now nearly split her face in half and beyond those lips, multiple rows of serrated teeth pushed forward into view. Her skin was taking on a verdant hue with the slowly-revealed outlines of scales, and her eyes widened to be too round, lidless, and unsettlingly vacant in their gaze.

"I would." Finally came the response as claws suddenly plunged up and under the man's ribcage before he could even fathom what was happening before his eyes. The horrific maw of teeth abruptly clamped onto his throat as the creature suddenly dragged him down into the water. His screams of terror and pain were drowned both in the waters as well as within her jaws, though bubbles erupted from gills upon the sides of her neck in response.

A massive fish-like tail appeared and thrashed out of the water as the two struggled, causing an equally large series of splashes. But there was no match for the man, dragged into a deep part of the river as he was torn asunder with teeth and claws, consumed as he was drowned. Perhaps ironically, no mercy was given to him. He was eaten alive before succumbing to the water filling his lungs.

It was sometime later that the river siren, having gotten her fill, emerged from the waters again. She was idly using a fresh bone shard to pick the flesh from her teeth while remnants of gore and viscera flowed around and beyond her. Her large, disc-like eyes settled on the leftover suitcase that had gotten stuck on a log instead of floating down into the rapids, and her head canted to the side in curiosity. Her long tail flicked outwards and with powerful muscles, curled around the bag to bring it closer to herself. She leaned in, smelling the scent of old blood and the distinctive odor of fear and pain. Her claws made quick work of the bag, peeling open the lid.

Having already suspected what was within, the river siren looked at the folded corpse of a battered woman, her throat slit.

Her gills fluttered softly as she took in the slight, reaching with webbed claws to softly brush a blood-caked lock from the woman's face that the water had yet to get to. The creature seemed to consider and ponder for some time before reaching in, and easily pulled the woman's body out, cradling it against her own body. She swam backwards and back to where she had killed the human male, stashing what wasn't finished off for leftovers later on. Still holding the woman against her, a hand of sharp claws rummaged around within the man's corpse now, fiddling around in his chest cavity before tearing out his heart.

This was usually left as a sweet treat for the siren, saving the best for last. But the creature bit into the heart as if nothing but an apple of flesh. Holding the back of the woman's head, she pressed her much-wider mouth against the human's, slowly feeding her the heart of the man who had killed her. Once between the victim's lips, the siren leaned in and rested her face against the carved throat of the human in her arms.

Familiar humming turned to soft singing. A haunting, melancholic sound in a language that was as arcane as it was inhuman.

It was as if the creature was singing a lullaby, though in this case: the complete opposite. In a sudden gasp like that of the first breath of a newborn, the gaping throat of the human woman started to change into the form of gills.
Omg thank you for this, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!! (fuckin CACKLING rn cuz what a dumb bastard 😂)
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