MxM ⛧Lit/Long-Term Search⛥

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MxM ⛧Lit/Long-Term Search⛥

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They Look Like Monsters to You?
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Today 11:27 AM
Hello! This is a revamped version of my previous Request Thread with some updated plots/etc.

⛧ Feel free to call me Chernabog, Cherno, or Dae.

⛧ I have been writing in various forms for around 20 years

⛧ I have taken part in many text-based RP writings, most very long-term and went on/are ongoing for years.

⛥ I do high advanced lit/novella style responses. 700 - 1k+ minimum words usually, but I also usually match my partner depending on what's going on in the RP and sometimes shorter posts happen

⛥ I almost exclusively write M/M as primary characters [this includes trans men as well as masc leaning NB/etc] - but write any gender third party/NPC characters

⛥ I write in third person only [past tense]

⛥ I can usually post weekly; now that the world has emerged from the pandemic I plan on going out more this year. Additionally, I am in a management role in my job so there are times I'm just too swamped to post weekly - but I'd always keep you updated. I'm lenient with partners, but would ask for the aim to be once a week or at least twice a month.

⛥ I am a big Discord user for OOC stuff - I'm always down for OOC talk/plotting/inspirations/art/music/etc - love inspiration talk, but not required

⛥ I write both dominant and submissive characters but please note this is not a character trope thing. Sub Bottom and Dom Top. I like my characters as well as the opposing characters to be more than just their sexual preferences and prefer versatile/switch behaviors for both.

⛥ All of my ideas are 18+, though lean more towards story than smut. Love a slow burn story as well.

⛧ I'm looking for long-term partners who have similar writing style preferences to create long-term stories. If you find yourself getting bored of stories/often dropping them and don't want to try workshopping with your partner on how to get on the same page - I don't think we'd mesh.

⛧ I'd need my partners and their characters to be at least 21 years old, preferably. [I'm in my 30's, apparently ancient lol]

⛧ I am not ghosting friendly. I'm not expecting a two-week notice with an attached cover letter and thesis or anything, just tell me if you need/want to drop it. If you find yourself dropping stories in that way without contact, we probably won't mesh either. That being said, I completely understand that life happens; I just hate being left hanging/unknowing

⛧ Writing samples are awesome [if you have no post history on IS] but otherwise feel free to check any of my stories/post history for my own. I have them linked in this thread as well as in my signature.

⛧ I ask that my writing partners match along with me, minimum 600 words a response, and preferably limited in how often that happens. If it starts constantly hovering around or dipping below that, I will politely contact you to see if there's anything I/we can do to help your responses. However, if it continues to be an issue unfortunately I tend to lose interest. If you find yourself writing smaller posts on a regular basis, we might not mesh either but I'm willing to discuss.

Please Note: If you have post history upon reaching out, I will be taking a peek. If I notice that your post lengths usually rest under what I'm looking for, I will ask about it/see if you're willing to bump up to novella-length posts for a story with me. Please don't take offense to this - but if you've read everything thus far you'd understand that it's something important for when writing with me.

⛥ My F-List is: Here - [Still a WIP but has the basics]

⛥ Teratophilia stuff [AKA Monster/Creature/Supernatural Being Lover]

⛥ No God-Modding. I'm fine if we control third party characters to swap around as needed [with discussion] but no directly controlling my main OC unless directly asking beforehand or for assuming minimal actions. IE: If your character kicks the legs out from under mine, I'm fine with you assuming they'd fall. Or, if your character is leading mine into a room, it's fine to assume they'd follow. If you want to propel the plot a certain way that would be easier to just assume my character's actions - just ask if you're not sure!

⛥ No explicit Non-Con. I'm okay if it's apart of backstory or referenced if it's happened to a character [would prefer if we talked about it first though], but not explicitly writing it out. Consent is sexy, ya'll.

⛥ No underage characters in any sort of adult situations [as per site rules as well]

⛥ No bathroom play

⛥ No anime or real-life people faceclaims, please. I can work with no faceclaims at all so long as I have lots of details/descriptions, but otherwise would prefer semi realistic art/renders to go off of. Also not the biggest fan of AI.

⛥ Not really into pregnancy/mpreg. I have no qualms with trans/enby character's ability to become pregnant, but it's not anything I really want for my stories unless otherwise stated.

If you have questions on anything - just ask! I'm pretty opened minded to stuff

My plot ideas/etc [AKA: The good stuff] in the post below!
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My Plots/Ideas: [Reminder, these are all M/M]

NOTE: Even if you don't see anything here that strikes your fancy, feel free to message me with any ideas you have! Always willing to take a look at someone else's plots.

Also Important: I have ranked these in order of want/cravings. AKA: one star [⛧] being the least, five stars [⛥⛧⛥⛧⛥] being the most. [meaning that the lower the star, the more convincing I'd possibly need to get it off the ground/just not craving it as much right now]

Heart of Stone [⛥⛧⛥⛧]
Gargoyle/Demon x Witch
Note: Inspired by webcomic: Atnomen - check it out for inspo but doesn't have to be a carbon copy of the story, just general aesthetics/theme

YC is a gargoyle, bound to a churchground as a slave whose priest master died many years ago. He is unable to leave and has long ago given up that he'd ever be free. However, the last few months a witch [MC] has started to visit him during the day and stayed with him for as long as possible before being torn away by the church before the sun sets. YC has started to pine for the man, the only company he's had in years and wants to protect him from the church's abuse that he also experiences.

MC is a captured witch who is terribly abused by the church, but kept around as a slave for his magic and body. The only thing keeping his mind from breaking is the solace he feels after having found a beautiful gargoyle statue that he goes to as much as he can. He isn't sure if the gargoyle is still alive or has let themselves stay as stone for good, but doesn't let that alter his interactions with him.

It is one evening when a series of events happens that allows for MC to be out at night and they finally get to see each other, revealing YC is very much alive. They wish to try and work towards freeing one another; even with the difficulties of their captors and only having access to each other at night.

An Echo Left Behind [⛥⛧⛥⛧]
Spirit/Ghost x Human
YC is a loner, down on his luck, who never understood why he hasn't had much success in life. He used to live with his great uncle, until he was taken away due to his uncle's eccentricities - despite that he was one of the few people who ever openly showed him love and care. He was placed within the foster system instead where his abuse was rampant. He never learned the turth or details as to why he was taken away from his great uncle. Yet recently has been approached by an estate lawyer to let him know that said great uncle has died, and willed him everything - including his massive, isolated manor. Part of his will has left YC with a novella of instructions; in which YC realizes that his uncles eccentricities were actually his interests and dabbling in the occult. He is told that apart of his estate comes with something unimaginable; a ghost/spirit, bound to the mansion. He is instructed to not research into releasing this spirit, as the may end up being vengeful - yet to take care of him regardless.

MC is said ghost/spirit. Long ago his form was trapped by YC's great uncle in a ritual against his ethereal will. It was a violent, angry start, but after many years together of trying to understand each other, they fell in love - even despite their circumstances. Yet MC, ever eternal, had to watch his lover age and eventually die before figuring out how to release him so they could be together in death. MC is angry that the small child that he once played with in the halls is now his new 'owner.' Upon seeing him, he realizes that YC is an almost mirror image of his former lover. This makes him angrier in his despair, grief, and enslavement. Despite this, he can't look at YC without thinking of his past love and desperately wants to feel that connection again.

Note: This would most likely be a bit more on the violent side at least in the beginning.

A Tale of a Taikomochi [⛥⛧⛥⛧]
Geisha/Entertainer x Client/Lord
First and foremost: Taikomochi are male geisha [geisha meaning literally 'arts person' or 'art entertainer'], and actually came before female geisha. Highly suggest if anyone is interested in this story to do a bit of research ahead of time, but the tl;dr is:

Taikomochi were once attendants to feudal lords from the 13th century, and most of their provided entertainment was focused on dancing. Taikomochi both advised and entertained their lord and came to be known as close friends/'comrades' and direct assistants of the lords, and were fellow art connoisseurs and assisted with elaborate tea ceremonies. By the 16th century, they shifted more to being famous storytellers, their entertainment focused less on art and more about storytelling, humor, and conversation. They were also trained to be advisors for military strategies and depending on how close they became with their lord, even battled at his side.

Starting in the 17th century was generally considered a time of peace, so the taikomochi had to shift focus again, and around that time changed from being advisors to becoming pure entertainers, and many became high-class courtesans [ie - extremely high class prostitutes that sometimes even attended court of their lord/were the paramour while the lord also remained married.]

Story: Storywise, I would like the taikomochi to be a mixture of the different jobs mentioned above. A dancer, musician, entertainer with stories and conversation, a detailed strategist as well as illicit lover.

The general idea I have for this is that it would be a long term story, starting with the taikomochi fresh out of years of training as a youth and fully entering into his position as a young man in his 20's. It would be interesting if he didn't necessarily want this lifestyle/is a bit resistant to it, but has his reasons for staying. [Maybe to help give his parents money regularly, enjoyed being able to be an artist, entertain, etc].

He is assigned to a Lord, and over time, they do become genuine friends before eventually lovers. Of course, the taikomochi is expected to give his lord whatever he needs/wants in the interim.

I'm not 100% decided on what character I'd want to play, but heavily leaning towards the taikomochi. I would like there to be at least somewhat of an age difference, at minimum the lord being in his 30's. I'd rather the lord also not be a terrible character [outside of being landlord or warlord], but most of the power dynamic/conflict in that this is a customer/courtesan situation.

However! Willing to discuss.

Hallucinations of Horror [⛥⛧⛥]
Monster/God x Mortal
MC is an extremely powerful nightmare demon/monster that once upon a time used to be worshiped as a god. But over time, with science and more understanding of how the human minds work, he as a deity/controller of said nightmares has largely been forgotten or disblieved. No real matter though, because he still lives in a dreamscape kingdom in which he is empowered by the fear that his nightmares can bring, especially the more creative and horrible.

YC is a depressed artist that had one claim to fame but hasn't been able to create anything remotely as powerful since. He's back to a starving artist and miserable. YC starts using his nightmares as inspiration, and it's been getting noticed by people again - though most also report that they end up having nightmares about his pieces which is both thrilling and miserable for many.

MC has taken notice of YC because the paintings are quite flattering to him - reminding him of days of yore in which he was still worshiped. So from behind the paintings, he has been using them to 'infect' into the nightmares of others, garnering YC more attention as an artist as a sort of 'giving back.' However, during one nightmare - YC actually sees MC, which is something that never, ever happens. Usually just the nightmares he casts are seen, never himself. This only further drives MC's curiosity towards this fascinating new mortal.

However, again, MC is a nightmare demon/god that feeds on fear. While he can change form, overall he's monstrous in appearance as well. Nothing he creates in visions is ever truly pleasant. It's either traumatic/heartbreaking/painful, or otherwise absolutely horrific and terrifying. While YC's paintings are finally garnering much-deserved attention and his inspiration has never been higher... even if he finds himself mutually intrigued by MC... at what cost? He can barely sleep a full night, is often plagued with truly horrific nightmares and visions, and now his works are causing the same in others.

A Confession of Blood [⛥⛧⛥]
Virgin Sacrifice x Blood Count
CW: Dub-con, bloodplay, torture, sub/dom or master/pet dynamics, murder/death.

Essentially, this is a genderswap take on Elizabeth/Erzebet Báthory.

MC is Elizander, a powerful and obsessively vain Count that is desperate to keep his youth and beauty. Some years ago, a young male servant accidentally pulled a snag in his hair when brushing it, throwing Elizander in a rage to beat the young man to the point of drawing blood. The blood got on his body and at first he was horrified and disgusted. However, he noticed that in the areas on his flesh in which the blood had been, it appeared more youthful, taut, and vibrant. He experimented with this concept, and over the years found the perfect beauty routine: Bathing in the blood of virgins. The count dabbles in both murder as well as keeping a 'blood stock' of virginal young men to donate to his needs in a constant cycle. In order to get said constant supply of men, Elizander has paid the men's families to take them away from home with the lie that he will put them through training to become a 'proper gentleman' and possibly work their way through to becoming rich. Most, if not all, of the men that enter Elizander's castle do not leave alive.

As much as exsanguinating a full body's worth of blood is the far faster 'easier' solution, he also knows that a constant disappearance of men never to be seen from again is highly suspicious [as well as body disposal problems], and has had to deal with hunting down runaways as well. So, within Elizander's rule are men that are human blood bags - prisoners that are treated 'well' and fed the best foods in order to supply the most blood on a monthly basis that can also write back to their inquiring families or any outside source suspicions. When these men either cannot keep up with the blood demand, make any sort of mistakes that Elizander does not like, or in some way finds their blood 'no longer good enough' - they are sacrificed and disposed of.

YC is one of these 'donors' - a rare 'late bloomer' that is still a virgin despite being somewhere in his 20's [aka - actually is just gay in a time where that is somehow worse than anything else and isn't attracted to women]. At first Elizander is ready to merely use him as a full sacrifice because he seems too old, only to realize that he's quite curious about this 'unicorn' and
there is an attraction between both men, despite the horrors of what Elizander is capable of. Elizander is considering making this man his little blood pet.

Note: Obviously, this is going to be a story with a lot of spicy content. As mentioned: dub-con, bloodplay of... many varieties, murder/torture, sub/dom or master/pet dynamics, etc.
HOWEVER: Per site rules, no child abuse/death/etc will be described in the story. Referenced, maybe - but extremely vaguely - no details. For age-appropriateness and to avoid anything especially abhorrent and gross, it'll just be assumed that per ye olde times with harsh religious structure: men and women are both expected to wait until marriage and have to be at least 18 before engaging in anything 'scandalous.'

A Match of Malice and Magic [⛧⛥⛧]
Witch x Demon

MC: A witch that has lived alone for many years in the heart of supposedly haunted and rather dangerous forest, purposely living there to stay away from the tyrannical lord of a nearby kingdom/dominion who he has a painful and disturbing history with. He is content for the most part, but is world-weary and wishes his life's trajectory hadn't so far included so much death and misery.

YC: A demon that has been imprisoned by the aforementioned lord since as long as he can remember. He doesn't remember any life before or even how he came to be in this place. Because of this, he has no real idea of what his potential can be besides that he is used as both a sort of enforcer for the lord. Lots of wiggle room for what his setup is/etc, but just a basic skeleton idea. Mostly he's treated as an animal instead of a proper demon.

Plot: MC finds out that someone he holds dear has been killed by a 'beast' [YC]. It sets him in a spiral and he vows revenge, even if it means having to sneaking into the castle to kill the lord's terrible pet. However, it is there he quickly realizes that the beast is a captive demon and YC is merely a puppet and nearly caged animal being used and abused by the lord. This throws a massive wrench in MC's plans and his concept of the entire situation. As history has shown, demons and witches have worked with each other for centuries, and the two find that their abilities interact and become empowered when around each other. MC takes pity upon YC and instead of killing, breaks him out to stash in his woods home, but ever looming that the tyrant of a lord will find them and only add further suffering as MC works to try and rehabilitate and teach MC about his own kind and help put his past together.

The general idea is that this is an unconventional story of healing with a lot of hiccups along the way. Our characters don't exactly trust each other, and both are dangerous in different ways. But it's along this trajectory that a sort of bond builds between them, more than just that of a partnership/pact that can be made between witches and demons.
Not required, but I've also had the idea that there's a pretty big size difference here, and while both are switch/verse, MC is also a bit of a power bottom.

The Sea's Calling [⛧⛥]
Selkie x Human
After a hellacious storm/hurricane, a lonely fisherman [or could be a lighthouse worker/something related to being near the sea] finds a heavily wounded and beautiful young man washed up on shore near his home. Curiously, the beached man is naked except for a dark/spotted seal's pelt. The fisherman brings him home and works to nurse him to health. The strange man eventually comes to; warm in a seafront home, wounds dressed and healing because of the efforts of the fisherman. Eventually, it is also revealed that he is in fact, a selkie.

Because of the fisherman's devoted and extended care for him, the selkie finds himself falling fast for the human. For awhile as the selkie continues to heal and wants to spend time with the fisherman in his isolated home by the sea, But over time, the selkie begins to feel homesick and longs for the sea once again. More and more the fisherman finds the selkie gazing out at the sea, nostalgic and yearning for the life he had before he had been caught in the storm.

The fisherman has hard choices to make; he can entrap the selkie with him by stealing his pelt and forcing him to stay in a human form like legends of yore at the potential cost of his new love that would turn to misery, or he can learn to let him go with no guarantee that the selkie will ever return to him.

Wouldn't really mind who plays who. Likely has the ability to be a shorter story.

The Godly Touch of an Artist [⛧]
Artist x Creation Come to Life
The Creation [Character B]: Could be any form of art: A statue, painting, a doll, woodwork, etc - so long as life sized and adult-bodied. They/he is painstakingly and lovingly created by the Artist [Character A] and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into their creation. Perhaps this is why, suddenly, the creation comes to life more and more as the artist continues their creation. When finished, they are fully realized and are able to truly be 'born' into the real world.

This is very much a basic idea, but there's a lot of angles that can come with it. Does the creation love the artist/their creator immediately? Did the artist accidentally create a living being from the image of a former/dead lover and is now consumed by confusion, angst, longing, maybe even regret? Perhaps it could be like Frankenstein's Monster, where as much as the creation wants to love their creator, they also grow to hate him? Or does the creation and the artist first merely love each other in a parental/child like way only to realize they both have conflicting, almost taboo-like feelings of something more? Or hell, is this all just a hallucination of an artist gone mad?

Lots of wiggle room for brainstorming here, and I don't have a set choice of who would play who.

A Lifelong Oath [⛧]
King x Knight

The knight character's father was a royal knight for the king before, and grew up being childhood friends with the current prince. But that childhood friendship turned to curious feelings between the both of them. They've since grown, the prince having become the current king, and his best friend his closest knight/protector. However, it has always been a forbidden romance that neither man has ever truly been able to act upon, with years of longing for each other. The knight has had to watch the king take a queen and create heirs, and the king has had to watch his best friend/love of his life go out to battle without emotion. They love their families, but it's not what they want. They want each other.

An opportunity of some sort comes where the king has to leave his own lands, of course with his faithful guardian.

I'm overdone on the younger prince concept, I want for this to be a king and his knight. Proper adults. At least late 30's in age. I'd be 100% okay and almost prefer 40's and above, regardless of people's lifespans in ye olde times lol.

There's a lot of wiggle room here, including 'flashbacks' to when they were younger to mix things up a bit. I also don't mind who would play who/willing to discuss.

Here are some pics of the vibes I'd love to go for:

D2E3ACC5-57E3-4F30-B2B3-1A2AEED1F494.jpeg IMG_8375.PNG

General Plots/Fandoms/etc [Note: I am a fan of monster-y stuff, but not really furries. Hit me up if you have ideas for related topics/ideas]

Fandoms [Some are kinda niche, but hey, you never know]
Silent Hill
Most of the 'Soulsborne' series
Pacific Rim

If you're interested, please DM me vs commenting! If you're the shy sort and have a hard time messaging first, feel free to give me the 'replying now' reaction on this post and I'll shoot you a message.
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Because of a story or two dropping as well as multiple hiatuses going on from others for the foreseeable future, I'm temporarily opening my thread for taking on one, possibly two new stories.
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