MxF Longterm RP partners wanted.

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MxF Longterm RP partners wanted.


~𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘢𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘀𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺.~
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My name is Kaila. I've been writing for about 8 years now, with a hiatus in between there. I've gotten back into it, and have been enjoying it quite a bit. I am generally a multi-paragraph writer, and tend to lean on being very descriptive especially when it comes to my characters thoughts and emotions.

I average about 350 as much as 1k words, depending on the situation and what it calls for as well. I can match my partners fairly well. I tend to write in the third person, and I focus more on the story than I do anything else. I don't mind erotic writing, but it is not a primary focus for me in most cases.
I like to write characters with depth, personality, and inner conflicts. I think it makes a story pretty well, and I enjoy moments of conflict in my story that get resolved and make the characters involved grow.

This is why I want to find partners to stick with for the long term, and be willing to write long term stories with me and maybe even multiple stories if we enjoy writing with each other enough. I do personally like communicating OOC, getting to know the partners I am writing with, and building a genuine friendship outside of the roleplay. Response time varies on genre, story matter, length of replies, and intricacy.

I want to make this doubly clear: I am fine with smut, but it can't be the main focus. I write stories, not smut books. I enjoy romance, so general pairings is also fine, There just has to be more substance than just that for me.

Some of the genres I am interested in and can write decently with:

  • Slice of Life/Modern day
  • Sci-Fi
  • Western
  • Low fantasy/Supernatural

If any of this sounds at all interesting, or I seem like a good partner, go ahead and shoot me a message. I don't bite... yet anyway.

Here's a quick example of my writing.

Light shines into an office, roughly about 3 in the afternoon so the sun is just at the right spot in the sky to shower the entire room in a bright natural light. It makes the brown walls, and white carpet with rustic-style decor all that more homey. Except, the tension in the air right now is anything but homey.

Katarina stands with her arms crossed tightly around her chest, shooting daggers at her father who sits behind his mahogany desk. Her father almost sinks into his black leather computer chair, averting his daughters gaze. If looks could kill.

"Was she worth it?" Kat spits out at her father, a clear disdain and venom dripping from her otherwise velvety voice. "Was the 15 minutes worth breaking Mom's heart?!" She raises her voice louder this time, making her father, Josh, flinch back into his chair. It isn't often Kat speaks like this, but she can't ignore the blood boiling and the anger coursing through her entire being like she's about to combust into flames at her walking into her father having sex with another woman in his office, just 12 hours ago.

"Kat," Her father finally speaks, trying to reset his frame to appear like the fatherly figure he is supposed to be and not a coward that's shying away from his own daughter out of sheer guilt. His voice wavers. "I know you're mad at me, but I am still your fath-" Kat's loud laughter cuts him off.

"Don't you dare say Father. The father I know, who I grew up with, would've never been between the legs of some 5-cent cheap sl-" Kat was just as heartbroken as her mother. She didn't know if this was some midlife crisis stunt, or if her father was never who she thought he was and he had been living this double life of infidelity the entire 27 years they were married.

"Kat!" He finally barks trying to put on the fatherly disciplinary tone, but it does not affect her right now. "You do not speak like that, to me or anyone else."

Kat rolls her eyes with a wave of her hand, a dark smile on her face. "You have no say over what I can or can't do. You think just because you're rich you have control over me? News flash, pop, I have money now too."

Her father bred and sold competing horses for a living. Rodeo, racing, show jumping, dressage. He bred and sold for all Equestrian sports. He was one of the most renowned horse breeders in the state of Oklahoma, and she was working her way up to being one of the most renowned barrel racers in the state of Oklahoma. Her earnings for competing were working their way up to 90k, which was amazing for someone her age in the rodeo circuit. So, she didn't make nearly as much as her father, but she made enough that she didn't need Daddy's money anymore. And he knew that.

"This isn't about wealth, Kitty Kat-" She stopped him with a raise of her hand. "Kat to you, or Katarina. You lost the right to call me that." She snarled, her bright green eyes seeping with anger. "I thought I knew you better than this, Dad. I really did. But I'm looking at a man who I hardly recognize." Her eyes start to well with tears, both from the heartbreak of the situation and her own anger. Maybe this was her German bloodline getting the best of her, but either way, the situation was still screwed up.

Before she knew it, tears were streaming down her face. Kat had already told her mother, her sister, and her brother. All of them lived in their own little cabins that were on the family ranch. They all loved working together and making the ranch run effectively and smoothly. They were the best family-owned ranch near Guthrie, and now her father had thrown it all away for a measly 10-15 minutes to make whatever part of himself feel better. "I don't even recognize you anymore. I can't look at you anymore." She spat, disgust evident on her face as she turned on her heel and stormed out the door, her father attempting to call out after her but she didn't care.
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