All Lookin to escape reality?

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All Lookin to escape reality?


Bored As Nails Writer
Welcome to the Sanctum
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Yesterday 11:21 PM
Up Dumb Fukery River
Lookin for a bit of a dabble, are ya now?

(Note: Please PM, don't reply below)
Who am I?
You can call me Tac or Tactful or whatever suits your fancy cause I've probably been called it. I've been a writer since I could string words together. It's only a hobby, however. No great claims of novels or long lasting worlds. That is not to say I am incompetent when it comes to writing. I express myself well enough in my writing albeit with some grammatical errors. I'm no George R. R. Martin. I'm here for fun. My role is being an asset to facilitate your escape.

What can you expect from me?
I am more than capable of writing a minimum of three paragraphs per post, so that is covered for most people's expectations. I like to indulge the whims of my partner such as exploring their wants and ideas when it comes to story direction. You have every right to turn down suggestions though I do ask that you at least hear me out. I do work quite a lot so I can at least promise a two to three posts a week.

What is expected of you?
I have three simple requests-

1) Don't be a creep.
I might be willing to write a woman who'll spread her legs for ya but I'm not that woman. If something crosses my limits or even toes the line, I reserve the right to shut the idea down.

2) If we start a story, all I ask is some communication.
I am well aware of the pitfalls of life. Stories get dropped. People leave. I only ask that you keep me updated. You are free to say that you just aren't interested anymore. Whatever it is, let me know.

3) Have fun.
Sometimes I think sites like these people take things to heart too much. We loose the point that this is all supposed to be a place to escape. Life is too stupid to be too serious. If you want a fucking Bozo the Clown superhero bangs Lois Lane, then fuckin go for it. I might question your sanity, but hell we'll laugh about it as we skip arm and arm to hell.

Post frequency:
As I've already said but tl;dr I can do like two to three posts a week. Maybe more but life is life.

Story Flavor:
Mostly story, some smut if needed. A rump under the sheets is nice, but anyone can fuck. Showing a girl a good time is what is hard.

No goes?
Stop. Halt. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I will drop you like a hot potato.

Anything listed in the site rules. Duh.

Explicit rape scenes.
If this kind of trauma is apart of a story 1) it better be vital to the story, and 2) not described. If a character 'needs' flashbacks, they must be short and non-explicit.

If you aren't sure if it crosses the line, ask first.

What am I interested in?
I have a few general pairings that I wouldn't mind indulging in. The Bold is the character I would like though there can be some negotiations. If nothing is bold, than I'm up for either role.

Mafia member x Reporter
Thief x Paladin
Royal x Knight
Banished ruler x current ruler
Witch x Witch Hunter
Apothecary x Adventurer
Dragon being x royal
Space pirate x Alien diplomat
Boss x Secretary
Superhero x Villian
Gargoyle/Winged Creature x Human

Some delightful genre/ Story tropes
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Revenge love
(hear me out on this one) A wronged lover killed in an accident or murdered by partner, sent back in time before death with all their memories intact, now with a goal to punish those who led to their death. (very popular on Webtoons rn)
Curse bound lovers
Fake love to real love

Personally, I would like to leave these out, but feel free to suggest one. I might be willing to scratch that itch of yours. Well, as long as it doesn't require a doctor's note.

If you would like a writing sample or would like to write with me, feel free to PM.
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