Looking For a Bit of Everything (New Idea Added!)

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Looking For a Bit of Everything (New Idea Added!)

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Today 6:33 PM
*Waves cheerfully* Hey everyone! As my incredibly creative title may have told you, I'm interested in getting some 1x1s going (why else would I be posting here?) I'm new to this site, but not by any means new to roleplaying. Anyhow, I've learned over the years that when looking to start RPs it's best to be very clear what I'm interested in from the beginning, so this post is a bit lengthy. I totally understand if you want to jump to the end and get to the interesting bits (aka what I'm interested in writing), but I do ask that you read the other sections before messaging me. 'Cause, you know, I'm nice and all, but if issues come up that could have easily been solved by you having read what I wrote here, I may get a little grumpy...

Edit: New Kitsune idea has been added! I'm super excited, so hopefully I can find a partner for that!

Now, rather than leaving a huge, messy, novel worth of text up front, I've divided it up into sections for you. So, that said, here's the quick guide of what is where:

    • Spoiler 1: About Me
      This tells you all about me, the writer. Obviously. This is divided into two smaller subsections. The first is my basic information, and the second is a brief FAQ on me.
    • Spoiler 2: Partner Expectations
      This tells you the sort of things I look for in a partner
    • Spoiler 3: What I'm Into
      Yes, this is finally the good stuff- the sort of things I'm interested in writing. Including a few plot ideas of my own. Including one I'm especially proud of and put a lot of work into (my Fae Detective idea, in case anyone is interested), so if anyone is interested in that idea in particular, I would absolutely love to find someone to write that with. Just saying...

As I said earlier, this, my About Me section, tells you a little bit about me, as well as an FAQ at the end. Aren't you just totally impressed by my ability to come up with creative titles? You know you are. But anyway, moving on from that...

The Basics:

    • As I said earlier, I am not at all new to RPing. I've been doing it on and off for about eight years now. So I know my way around things and understand terminology and whatnot. Not a total newbie here...
    • I tend to write a lot. Like, A LOT. As though this post isn't proof of that. Sometimes been known to drop 10+ paragraph posts on my partners when I'm particularly inspired. No, I'm not exaggerating. However, my general rules is that I try to get an average of at least three paragraphs per post, and I will always get out at least a paragraph. I just don't do one-liners, if I can help it. So if you do see a one-liner from me, it's probably a sign that I'm running out of inspiration and our RP is starting a death-spiral on my end. Not a good thing.
    • I'm huge on out-of-character communication. I will talk to you. A lot. I'm not shy about sharing ideas, bringing up concerns, or just asking you about how your day is going. If I'm on, you will hear from me.
    • I consider myself to have a decent grasp on the English language, especially seeing how it is my only language. Yes, I write multi-paragraph posts. I'm also pretty familiar with grammar rules, and use spell-check or whatnot. Yes, I will have an occasional typo or slip-up now and then, but I do try my best to be easily understandable. I also have a relatively advanced vocabulary, and some complicated words may come up now and then. If you don't understand something I say, for any reason whatsoever, please message me and I will be more than happy to clarify.
    • I typically write as female characters. Being female myself, I'm just generally more comfortable with that. That doesn't mean that I cannot or will not write as male characters if the situation calls for it. Or any other gender designation, although I haven't really branched out into anything less conventional yet. More than willing to try, though. But female is definitely my comfort zone.
    • Do I like romance? Of course I do! But as stated earlier, I prefer writing as a female character, and my preference for pairings is mxf. I've done fxf before too, and I'm cool with that as well. Not at all experienced in mxm, but as I said, I'm open to try just about anything at least once. Just not my preference.

    • Obviously, writing smut is allowed on this site. It didn't take me hardly any time to figure that out. So, the big question is, do I write smut? Of course, or I wouldn't have purposely chosen this site. I'm not the most experienced at it, but I'm definitely open to it. As in the previous point, I prefer mxf with myself being the female, but I am willing to try others. As far as kinks and whatnot go, I'm open to just about anything other than any bathroom play. So if you have specific interests, feel free to suggest it. I'll try just about anything once.
    • Angst! Angst is life. I love angst. Angst will show up in any and all of my RPs. Perhaps not in a major way, but there will be at least some angst. Especially in my character backstories. My characters almost all have angsty backstories. And yes, I am using the word "angst" as much as possible to drive the point home. Because I freaking love angst...


  • Are you always so sarcastic/ snarky OOC?
    • Me? Snarky? Never! *Insert sarcasm here.* Yeah, okay, so that was a total lie. Yes, I am sarcastic and snarky. And enjoy adding little action narrations (You know, saying things in asterisks, like above...) This is my personality, and it's here to stay, at least OOC. And some of my characters may inherit this trait as well. And let's not even mention the constant stream of rhetorical questions, yeah?
    • Why do you always talk like a dictionary?
      Yes, I've actually been asked that question before. Believe it was from the RP where I used the word "exsanguination." (Fun fact, by the way- according to my browser's spell check, that word doesn't exist. Had to double check like three times to make sure I wasn't completely butchering the spelling.) I write the way I do because this is the way I grew up talking, and the way my family talks. Just the way I am, really. Can't help it. If it bothers you, sorry, but it isn't going to change.
    • Why don't you write pure romance/smut?
      Sorry, people, but pure romance/smut just doesn't hold my interest. I need some other plot to keep things moving on, or I'll get bored. This is generally when the one-liners start coming out, and as I said earlier, that's never a good sign..
    • Why are you so picky?
      Yes, my post here may seem a little picky to people. Honestly, though, I'm really not that hard to get along with. I've just found that I prefer to be clear about what I want up front. I'd rather not waste both of our time coming up with an idea only to realize within the first few posts of the RP that we don't really work together. So I prefer to consider myself as clear, not picky.
    • You sound familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?
      I've written on a lot of forums over the years, so I've run into the same people on multiple sites before, and even when I use different screen names and whatnot, they seem to find me. So if you write on different sites and I sound like someone you know, I might be, but I will neither confirm nor deny this. I like to keep my sites separate, thank you very much.

Yes, this is basically my "rules" section. I hate using the word rules, though. Rules are absolute and inflexible. I, on the other hand, am not. So most of these are just guidelines- things I prefer in a partner. But even if you feel as though you may not meet all of them, I'd still love to write with you! The exception to this are the points marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning. These are rules, and breaking them will likely cause me to drop the RP.
    • *No godmodding! This is a pretty universal rule, and it pains me that I even have to specify this, but I've had it happen to me waaaaay too many times to leave it unsaid. If you think of something you'd like my character to do/say, feel free to message me and suggest it. Unless it clearly goes against their character, or against another idea I have, then I am more than likely willing to go along with your suggestion. However, taking over my character in your post is not okay. If you do this, I will drop the RP, end of story. The exceptions to this are npcs, if previously specified that they can be controlled by either person, or if I give you permission ahead of time.
    • *No perfect characters! Everyone has flaws, and your characters should to. Characters that never make mistakes or cannot be beaten in a fight will make me upset. It just isn't realistic. I want to be able to relate to your character. If I can't, I'll get bored. I can assure you, my characters will have their fair share of imperfections. Please make sure yours do too.
    • *Talk to me! I don't by any means expect you to run every little detail by me, but OOC communication is important to me. If you have ideas, please feel free to suggest them to me. And even more importantly, if you have any concerns or issues with the RP, let me know! I don't bite, and I won't be offended by anything you say. But I'd rather have the opportunity to work with you on any issues as they come up, rather than having one of us drop out because we aren't enjoying the RP and it is now too late to fix things. And of course, even if everything is going great, talking and getting to know you out of character is always great!
    • I prefer multi-paragraph RPs. I tend to write quite a bit, and I would greatly appreciate it if my partner could write at least two paragraphs a post. Of course, there are times (generally when frequent responses are needed, such as a conversation or fight) that a shorter post length is necessary. But I would prefer this to be the exception, not the rule.
    • Please have a pretty good grasp of the English language. I understand that people make mistakes. And I am also more than aware that there are inevitably people on here for whom English isn't their first language. And that's fine. But constant spelling and grammar mistakes will distract me from the RP. Most browsers helpfully have a built-in spell check that can help with some of this. If yours doesn't, you can always try typing posts up on Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or some other similar thing. It is very useful in catching spelling and grammar mistakes. The only way this is ever going to be a serious issue, though, is if I find myself having to constantly struggle to understand what you mean. Because if I can't understand, then I won't be able to respond. But otherwise this isn't too big of a deal. And for me, just knowing that you are doing your best to avoid these mistakes will go a long way, even if it isn't entirely successful.

Yes, we've finally gotten to the interesting part- the kinds of things I enjoy writing. After the walls of text in the previous sections, I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet. Well, except for my actual plot ideas. Those are a bit long...


    • Fantasy
    • Supernatural
    • Sci-fi
    • Steampunk
    • Historical (especially medieval period)
    • Romance (as a side plot)
    • Fairy Tail!! (Love this one!!!
    • The League series, Sherrilyn Kenyon
    • Kate Daniels series, Ilona Andrews
    • Ranger's Apprentice series, John Flanagan (yes, teen fiction. Sue me...)
    • Percy Jackson series (both), Kane Chronicles series, Magnus Chase series, all by Rick Riordan (yes, more teen fiction. Tough.)
Specific Plot Ideas:

Name: Adrienne Maysa
Gender: Female
Race: Kitsune
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Amber




The history of the kitsune race is told in myth and legend. They say kitsune were once common. They were all powerful mages. In fact, they are the source of all magic, and only those humans with a kitsune ancestor have any magic at all, although their magic can not even come close to that of a full-blooded kitsune. They were revered, sometimes even worshiped as gods. Many stayed in the royal courts as mages and advisers. Some even intermarried with the royals. They helped protect their kingdoms and maintain peace.

Or at least they did until the rise of Deiron Chulain. The general of one of the most powerful kingdoms, he rose up against the royals and nobles of the court, killed of imprisoned them all, and took over the government. He supported a new religion that had been emerging recently, and declared the kitsune false gods, and a danger to the people. He began to systematically kill them or chase them out of his kingdom. But holding one kingdom was not enough for him, and he and his heirs launched a long and ultimately successful campaign to conquer all the other kingdoms.

After a dozen generations the mighty empire of the Chulains had fallen, but the damage was already done. The kitsune were long gone, believed to be hunted to extinction. Many still believed in them and remembered them, but at the same time, the new religion the general had promoted so long ago had taken hold, and the stories he had spread of them being violent and dangerous spread along with the stories of the good they had done. While they were still honored, even to the point of having a yearly festival called the Festivia Magica, very few ever bothered to wish they were still around.They were a race lost to history, remembered but long gone. Or so most believe...

The Festivia Magica is one of the most important yearly evens in most of the seven kingdoms of Kalnor. It celebrates magic, and the kitsune from which magic originally came. Those magical beings were long gone, and opinions on them are mixed at best, but no one could deny their role in history. It is a night when anything can happen. Citizens put on their best clothing, don the traditional kitsune masks, and take to the streets, illuminated by lantern-light. There is singing, dancing, drinking, plays depicting historical events involving the kitsune, and demonstrations by those with kitsune ancestry who still bear some small amount of their magic.

Unfortunately, though, the festival as been more subdued the last few years in two of the kingdoms, which have been embroiled in a bitter war. In fact, the prince would not have even attended the festival at all, but his father insisted his presence would reassure the people.

While at the festival, something catches his eye. Or to be more specific, someone. It was the mask that first caught his attention. It looked old, much older than any of the other masks here, but beautiful none the less. Almost as beautiful as the woman who wore it. Intrigued, he made his way over to where she was, hovering at the edge of the crowd. But to his dismay, when he got close to her, she fled. For whatever reason, he found himself following her.

He chased her into the darkened woods, but eventually he lost sight of her. As he looked around, he realized he did not recognize this part of the forest, nor did he know which way he had come from. He began to wander, looking for his way back. But what he found instead was a tower, one that should not have existed this close to the city. He carefully approached it, and, finding the door unlocked, goes inside. But what will happen when he discovers the structure saturated with magic? When he finds the girl he followed here and find out that she is a true kitsune- a member of a race thought to be long extinct? And will he be able to persuade her to put her skills to use and save his country from the war that is threatening to tear it apart?

Ahem. In case you can't tell from that intro (and the incredibly creative title...), I'm the kitsune, and I'm looking for a prince! I might also consider a character that is the king of the nation. Since this is such a niche idea, I would prefer someone who is willing to create a character for this, but I may consider and already-existing one if it fits. Now, as explained above, the only humans that have magic are those that have a kitsune ancestor somewhere in the past. Since the kitsune were once more common, and were advisers to many royal families, sometimes even marrying into them, the prince would likely have some magic. However, it would be nowhere near as strong as that of a full-blooded kitsune. This idea can (and preferably will) include romance and adult content, but that isn't necessary, nor is it the main point of the story. But anyway, I think that's all I'm going to put out here for the moment, so if you're interested and want to hear more, message me and we can talk about it!

Alright, I'm going to kick this off with a warning- this idea is very long. So, instead of being in this post, you can read about the idea on this Google Document. Because it comprises an entire document that is 26 pages long. I didn't want to break the site trying to shove it all into this post. Of course, this idea, like any of mine, is definitely open to romance and/or smut. However, as an important note, certain characters (namely those from the Unseelie Court) will be more open to kinkier encounters and whatnot (if that doesn't make any sense at the moment, it will after you read the document.) If you have specific interests, let me know and I can point you toward the characters that would be most likely to be open to that.

This idea is based off of a short piece I wrote for a writing prompt during my approval process on a different site. The idea really flowed once I got into writing it, so I'd like to write an RP along this line. The image that inspired the starter can be found in the spoiler below.

Elida sweat inside her suit as the sun beat down on the arid expanse spread before her. That wrathful orb blazing in the sky had long ago rendered the surface of the planet uninhabitable. What little remained of the once mighty civilization that once thrived here had been forced to move underground simply to survive. Even there the heat was oppressive, and the temperature barely dipped during the nighttime hours. It was a hell of a place to call home, and Elida had hated it ever since her parents had dragged her here. But her opinion had never really mattered to them. And besides, it wasn't like they'd had much of a choice in the matter. Anyone who lived here did so for a reason. They were the one who could not, or occasionally would not, stay anywhere else. It was a land for those who had something or someone to hide from. Anyone from petty thieves to hardened thieves and traitors fled here to evade capture from those hunting them. She wasn't sure what her parents' crime had been, but she'd known the last few months they'd lived off of this world had been spent in constant panic. The fleeing from home to home, nation to nation, planet to planet. The paranoia. They'd always been convinced that someone was watching them, listening to them, stalking them, hunting them. They'd been fleeing- always fleeing from some unknown enemy.

That life that they'd lived at the end there had meant that she'd been happy at first when they came here. When they'd brought her down through the tunnel into the small underground city and told her that they would be staying here for a long time. That they weren't going to be constantly uprooted anymore. That she could make friends without being afraid that she would have to leave them suddenly and without warning, never to see them again. It was a reward that seemed to more than make up for the down-sides. The sweltering heat, the choking sand and huge dust storms, the darkness in the deep city carved out of the reddish sandstone, lit only by the dim electric lights set into the ceiling high above and the electric torches most of the inhabitants carried with them wherever they went. The promise of safety, stability, and companionship had outweighed all of that. Those first few weeks living here had filled her with such hope, more hope than she'd had in a long, long time.

But it was often said that hope, just like rules, were made to be broken, and in Elida's case this had certainly been true. This wasn't her fairy tale city. It wasn't a place where her dreams would come true. It was a dangerous, lawless place. Where she couldn't leave their one-room house alone. Where her parents never left unarmed. Where her mother had been robbed and murdered only three weeks after they'd arrived. She'd cried when that had happened. Cried, and cried, and cried. She'd sobbed her heart out for days. And then she'd turned to her father and begged him to leave. Leave this horrid place and never come back. But they hadn't left. Just as with everyone else here, there was no life waiting for them in the outside world. That was why this was a place of last resort, where only the most desperate came. Why no one ever came to search for them here. Because once you came here, you never left.

It had now been twelve years since they'd landed here. Twelve long, torturous years. Elida's father had passed away five years ago. But unlike her mother, his death hadn't been a surprise. He'd been sick for years before he'd passes. Sick with a horrible disease that had left him wheezing, coughing, choking, and constantly unable to breath. He'd spent much of that time wracked with fever, shivering despite the heat, often only semi-conscious. She'd only been sixteen at the time he passed, and she'd been left alone in a world that chewed up and spit out people much tougher than she was. At first she'd been panicked. Scared. Up to that point she'd never even left the dark, tiny house by herself. How could she possibly survive here by herself?

It turned out, though, that she'd underestimated herself. Or maybe she had just been lucky. But either way, she'd survived. Most likely because, as it turns out, she wasn't on her own. Not quite. She'd found help from an unlikely source- one of her father's associates. Friends was too strong a word, for they didn't like each other. But they did do business on a regular basis. And it just turned out that at that time, the man had been looking for someone to fill a position. A dangerous position, but it was still a job. And one that many down here would have killed to get. There were two kinds of people who survived here- those who were able to find work, and those who were strong enough to take by force what those who worked earned. Anyone who wasn't strong enough and couldn't find work would perish here. It was just the way their world worked. And though she'd been young and inexperienced, she'd been offered the position, for a price of course. Down here everything had a price. But it had been the only chance she had at survival, so she'd agreed.

Which was how she'd found herself here, up among the scorching heat and whipping winds. She was experienced at this now, but she still hated it. The planet's surface was much too hot for anyone to travel up here without a climate-controlled suit. Anyone foolish enough to try would literally be cooked alive. Her suit was old and worn, and it didn't work nearly as well as it should, so the heat was still brutal even with the cooling unit running, but at least it kept her alive. She was perched high on the back of a dromedary. The massive beasts were bred for this planet, and they could easily survive the harsh landscape. And best of all, they needed very little water. And here, water was the most precious commodity. Most who lived here were more than willing to kill for it, if only because those who weren't didn't live long. And Elida was carrying enough water in her pack to last her and her dromedary for two weeks. Hence why she was so heavily armed. Over the past five years she'd received extensive training in self-defense. She may not be the strongest or most experienced, but she was a far cry from the scared little girl who'd first wandered into this den of scoundrels. And most underestimated her, which gave her a slight advantage. She had survived many dangers, and she was confident in her ability to protect herself.

What space in her pack that was not occupied by water was occupied by another good. One which in many other places was one of the most valuable substances available. Here it was just another silly thing to be traded away for that which was more important. Yes, her sack was filled with that heavy, glittering thing that so many crave- gold. Parts of this land were rich in it, and the area her city was in was in one of those areas. As the underground areas were expanded, gold was often removed from the rubble. And her boss collected this gold. It was his trade. And then he sent his workers, workers like her, to brave the outside in order to trek to a settlement about five days away. It was the nearest place on this planet where ships left to the outside world. And so she was traveling there, as she had so many times, to trade the gold that had been collected for those supplies that were vital to survival.

Even on this dangerous planet, this job was considered extremely risky. Leaving a city always was. Technology failed, and if her suit were to break down there was no way to survive. Even if she made it to her destination, there were many willing to kill for what she carried. Every time she left her "home," she was pushing her luck. But then, no risk, no reward, right? And by now, Elida was more than used to taking risks. And so she pushed her way on, wending her way along the now-familiar path. After all, for her, this was just another typical day at work.

This is a sort of cliche arranged marriage type idea. It falls into a sort of historical setting, but it can definitely have fantasy elements thrown in, 'cause I love fantasy. Or more of a supernatural style, if you prefer to lean that way. I don't know how well it will work with other genres, though. It is, of course, open to both romance and smut, but that isn't by any means required.

It takes place in a (made up) setting with three different kingdoms. One was known for their trading prowess and incredible amount of wealth. The second, while not very wealthy, is known for having a powerful military. And the third is sort of (in a cliche way) a barbarian/less developed, and yet large, and very warlike. At one point in the not-so-distant past, the third kingdom attacked the other two, intending to conquer them both, so the two kingdoms formed an alliance and, after a vicious and bloody war, defeated the third and sent them fleeing back into their own lands. However, both kings knew they would some day become a threat again, and decided they needed to make their alliance permanent. Fortunately, as luck would have it, the king of the rich kingdom had a son, and the other had two daughters. They were all still children at the time (with the son being around the same age as the older daughter), but the kings agreed that once the prince and eldest princess were both 18, they would be wed, sealing the alliance between the two kingdoms.

Because of this, the eldest princess was frequently brought on trips to the other kingdom, in order to get to know her betrothed. She was, all would agree, extremely beautiful. She was also prim and proper, elegant, and demure. Essentially, a prime example of a perfect princess. The younger princess had visited with her sister a few times, early on, but after she got into a heated argument with the prince on one such trip, she was no longer brought along. She was only about ten the last time she and the prince had met, but even at that time, it was obvious that she was the complete opposite of her sister. Gangling and awkward, a tomboy, and not at all shy about sharing her opinions. It was no surprise she had clashed with the prince, or anyone else, for the matter.

However, a year before the prince and princess were to be wed, disaster struck. Both the king and his eldest daughter were killed in a tragic accident, and suddenly, the youngest princess became the sole ruler of her kingdom. At first, there was an ominous silence, with no communications being sent out by the new queen. Just long enough that the king of the other kingdom had begun to suspect that the alliance was no more. But finally, a messenger arrived bearing news- the queen would honor her father's treaty with the other kingdom by marrying the prince on the day she turned 18.

A month or two before the set wedding day, the king of the other kingdom passes away, and the prince becomes king in his own right. The king's advisers believe that the inexperienced prince will be totally under their control- a puppet king. And, since they believe the other kingdom had been ruled by advisers since their king's death, they believe that once the two monarchs are wed, they will essentially rule both kingdoms. And now that their old adversary is getting bold once more, raiding across the border, the alliance is more important than ever.

And when the queen finally arrives a week before the wedding day, it is very clear that she is nothing like the child they'd known all those years ago. She's grown into a beauty in her own right, and is a lot more polished, calm, and composed. And, as they will eventually find out, she is no puppet, and has no intention of allowing herself to be controlled. She may be quiet, but she is still plenty opinionated. And she is also a cool, calculating tactician. See, for years the elder princess had been trained to be a queen, but no one had ever expected the younger princess to take the throne. And in their kingdom, it is not uncommon for women to join the army, and it is often a close relative to the ruler who commands that army. The younger princess's interests tended toward martial skills, and so, before her coronation, she had spent many years being trained to take command of the army once she was old enough.

Well, that's all the specific ideas I have at the moment. I'll update this if I come up with more, though.

Specific Cravings!

These are the specific things that I really want to write at the moment. I'll keep this updated as much as possible.

    • Kitsune Idea!! (This is a new one that I am dying to try)
    • Fairy Tail! 'Cause, you know, it's Fairy Tail. Enough said. This is going to be a permanent fixture on this list, because Fairy Tail is my thing. I might be slightly obsessed with it...
    • Fae Detectives idea (This is my baby right now)
    • A Land of Thieves and Scoundrels idea
    • The League based RP
    • Sci-fi. I am very much in a sci-fi mood right now.
    • Fantasy! I'm a huge fantasy person, so anything fantasy-based is always great.

Oh, you're still here? I'm impressed. Anyway, if I haven't managed to scare you off yet, please send me a message and I'd love to write something with you!
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Top of the muffin to you. Consider the terms and conditions (spoilers, in this case) check marked read. I am absolutely craving some fantasy plots and am currently fishing the site for a good 1x1 if you are still looking. My limitations are very similar and am open to developing non-fantasy characters as well.
I'd LOVE to do the fae detectives plot with you. I'd like to go with the Seelie Court as my choice and we can talk about individual characters later. Are you still interested?
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