Any Looking for a Co-leader

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Any Looking for a Co-leader


Sanctums Certified Stalker
Local time
Today 12:57 PM
Indianapolis, IN
As the title reads, I am looking for a Co-leader. To what, you may ask. Why its to help me run my own DnD game since the first one seemed to run so smoothly! So lets get to the requirements!

What you NEED to know:
- Basic DnD rules
- Basic Character development
- Leading a Group Roleplay

What your JOB will be:
- Keeping the players in check
- Assisting the story along
- Generating some good ideas for quests
- Answering questions

If you are interested, leave a comment or shoot me a PM with the following information:
* Have you played/seen DnD be played?
* How much experience do you have with running Group Roleplays?
* Would you feel comfortable running simple things on your own?
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