MxF Looking for a Female Dom

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MxF Looking for a Female Dom

Lynx Hatter

Emperor of Romance
Local time
Today 9:17 PM
Basically I have an rp I have been wanting to try out for a while.

Then this once scene I really want to do. She would dominate him, then the relationship would be about 50/50. Maybe 60/40 if she plays him right he will be a big boy lol.

Ofcourse in turn if your craving something Chris can return it. He has very few limits.

I am looking for someone who can plan a dominant woman. My man is not strictly submissive, hes a switch, but this will be a angel and demon rp. Very generic right?

Well not really.

In this rp, our characters would be former humans. Dieing and being resurrected as an angel or a demon. My character Christopher Hasbro sacrificed himself for a child and was resurrected as the most powerful form of angel, guaridan angel. Your character would have died a few years prior to Chris. A misiribl . Gruesome death filled with hate. Rape, torture, wrongly accused. What ever you want. This becoming a demon, not any demon. A succubus warlord. Stunningly beautiful and graceful in every aspect of her form. Shes a very powerful demon who stumbled into Christopher's terrain and... something about him just clicks.

You see, guardian Angel's keep their entire memory of their living life, it aids in their will to protect. Fueling their desire to help and guard those in trouble. Demons on the other hand, have little to no memory of their life. YC would have none, the reason is because she lived a relatively good and noble life.. it just ended very badly.

She approaches him and they instantly know the other is powerful in their own right. And then they begin to interact. He wont attack her unless she actively does something wrong. So they can talk. He is on guard but she woudlnt have any reason to be. Angel's have rules to fallow, and attacking someone they dont know for sure has done wrong is breaking one of them and angel punishment is gruesome.

While she feels a connection, her demon instincts kick in and she messes with him. Harassing him and getting him all ryled up. Touching him and verbally harassing him to ruffle his feathers.

Then lies to him about something that would cause him to fallow her.

The whole time he is feeling the pull of a succubus, only reason he can resist is because of his angelic status, yet the fact he also feels drawn to her weakens his resistance.

We will see what happens from there! :3

"Im not afraid of the future, Im afraid of repeating the past."

Christopher Hasbro- Guardian Angel

Strait Man, not against a threesome or a one night stand with a man, but would not want to date one. Chris is not into BDSM, but it not opposed to it. He is a energetic switch who enjoys any and all positions. He is not shy.

342 Years old, looks 25

Reputation- light hearted and thoughtful, gentle and sensitive to other people thoughts and feelings. He is the protector of children so he has this calming aura about him that can soothe anyone. Help anyone to relax and find peace. He is happy and goofy, if someone needs to be cheered up or comforted, he is on the case! He is a good man with a good heart, slightly annoying sometimes but he tries his best to help other people in any way he can. He will selflessly jump into a fight and face danger head on. Completely oblivious to the danger he points himself in.
Character- he is insecure, so busy building others up that people assume hes ok when hes dieing inside. He holds it all in so hes not 'that guy', but when his emotion builds to a level he cannot contain, the slightest thing could make him snap. But he is a man so he must deal with his problems alone. Yes he is selfless, but he is more importantly humble. He is aware of the situation he is in and aware of how other are. It may seem like an askadent when he walks into a wall- it's not. He did it to make you chuckle. Even just a small smile when you feel down. He places himself in harm's way because he knows, it won't kill him. It may hurt worse than he could imagine, but it wont kill him. He will get though it like he always does, and always will. People never tall about his resilience, his ability to get up when others knock him down. Knowing who he is when everyone else believes hes just another blonde baboon. Yes the words hurt, no he will not lash out. He will continue on like he always does.

Christopher is about 6'2 and very big built, he is basically solid muscle and has a nice tan throughout his whole body. He has ocean blue eyes and rich golden blonde hair. His smile can brighten any dark situation because of how it just covers his whole face. He uses a magic that hides his dead scar, otherwise his whole body would be wrinkled and deformed from being crushed by a train.


Chris looked around, where was Liv? His little sister seemed to just… vanish. He frowned in confusion, then realization hit him, she was on the train tracks. Why was she on the train tracks?!! That was when he heard it, the train, he saw it appear from the tree line and head toward his little sister. Normally, the train wouldn't have been a problem, she could have just stepped off into the grass; but these train tracks were a bridge into a tunnel over a massive river, standing a good 100 feet above the surface of the water. His little sister and her friends had nowhere to go.. Then he saw it, a train car hanging over the side of the train tracks! The people who built it must have forgotten it behind in the construction. Chris took off. Sprinting onto the train tracks and toward his little sister, careful not to stumble and fall into the river below. He stopped and looked at the train car… shit, it was rusted and couldn't hold much weight… He started to lower his sister and her two friends into the train car, they were screaming and crying from the racket of the train crossing onto the bridge. Chris slowly stood up, letting go of his little sister… The chains holding the train car may break if he got into the car with them. He couldn't risk his sister's life. He smiled gently at her and took her small hand, kissing it, before he ran into the train tunnel. He didn't want her to see him die.

He can create tides and water cyclones at will. He can bend and draw water from the air from a single thought. As well as suck all the water out of a human body by just looking at them.

Indestructibility, he cant be physically harmed jn any way, all because of how he died. That train was basically a meat grinder, and an Angel's scars cannot be harmed. So he is totally covered in scars that protect him from harm. Super strength and super speed are also in his abilities. A single feather of his weilds incredible magic that can turn the tides of war. But he cannot harness it.

Ruling God/Goddess

long, huge wings perfect for gliding for unlimited amounts of time. They are powerfully built and long, about thirty feet long. A beautiful shimmering blue, reflecting rippling water patterns along his wings. If he is near the ocean, they reflect a shimmering green blue ocean tide. If he is near a lake, A a murky blue and black. A river or stream is a soft blue and silver. His wings are water proof and he is an excellent swimmer with or without his wings. Also able to take flight from the water.

Basically anything. He is a very flexible character, real world, apocalyptic, fantasy, he covers it all.

Theme Song
Car Radio- Twenty one Pilots

One scene I would really like to incorporate is where he fallowed her and she uses a vine ability to get him all tangled up. Like REALLY bound as he has super strength and its already hard to hold him. Then ofcourse she takes advantage of him. >:3
Dont worry it wont be rapey. He will be willing and enjoy it.

Also she does not have to be a total dominatrix. Only requirements is that she likes to tie him down and is into some minor pain play. Chris can not be physically harmed(has to do with how he died) so it won't be bloody or anything. He can be domiant, as he is a switch but he likes to be active. He will get bored if hes a dom too much.. or even a dom too long on the same night.
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