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Hello, hello.
Welcome to my RT.
Currently looking for a buddy to partner up with. Whether it's role-playing my ideas or yours, doesn't matter to me. Either way, hopefully we can create something pretty damn awesome together regardless.
Welcome to my RT.
Currently looking for a buddy to partner up with. Whether it's role-playing my ideas or yours, doesn't matter to me. Either way, hopefully we can create something pretty damn awesome together regardless.
1. I do not mind writing smut in the least, but it cannot be the sole reason for the story. Plot comes first. Smut is just icing on a very well thought out cake.
2. I love when someone can bring out the humanity of their character. Give me a little background, let me see them interact with their family in your post or deal with the lack thereof. I like seeing both parties create something both on their own and together with their characters. It doesn't have to be a novel or even more than two paragraphs, by any means, but I would like more than just, "Tom works out sometimes and he looks great." Looking for a little substance, does this make sense?
3. Decent grammar please. Don't have to be an English professor, but basic principles go a very long way.
4. Though some of my posts tend to run little long, please don't be alarmed. I, in no way, expect the same. 2-3 paragraph minimum would be appreciated though. Understandable if it's a dialogue scene and posts are a little shorter. However, no single sentence replies. Please and thank you. *namaste bow*
5. As said with smut, I don't mind playing in a romance, but there has to be a decent plot supporting it. I find that when the plot is the romance for the sake of romance unless it's connected to a major plot point, I tend to grow bored because I'm writing cute scenes with no goal.
6. I love, love, LOVE brainstorming. It's half the fun for me. Even if I got an idea or setting mostly fleshed out, feel free to add your own comments/concerns/thoughts/ideas. Please. Role-playing is all about collaboration. I want to see both of our concepts come alive.
7. When it comes to fandoms I very much prefer to play OC's. The only characters I'd be willing to try my hand at playing are Lara Croft and Black Widow.
8. Please PM me if interested.
Plot Ideas:
I don't have many, at the moment. But if there's a story you would like to flesh out or if you have an idea in mind, feel free to run it by me. I'm more than willing to provide writing samples upon request, if needed.
Preferred Pairings (MC in bold):
Healer x Warrior
Demon Hunter x Afflicted
Adventurer/Archaeologist x Ex-partner/boyfriend
Preferred Genres
Fandoms/Movies (OC's only)
Blade Runner
Fast and the Furious
Star Wars
Starship Troopers
Death Race
That's all I can think of now. Will post more as I think of more.
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