Closed Looking For A Partner or Two ~ (Long Term Only)

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Closed Looking For A Partner or Two ~ (Long Term Only)


Ugh... Susan
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Welcome to the Sanctum Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 100 Likes!
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♡ About Me! ♡
Holy shit, I've been on this site for so long and this is the first time I'm writing my own request thread. 😆 Anyway, hi! I'm Julia or simply Ju, but you can also call me by my user if you'd like. I'm a full-time female fine art university student, aspiring to become a professional artist one day. Writing has been one of my hobbies since childhood, and I've been roleplaying on and off for about 10 years at this point, starting through g-mail (yes, g-mail 🤣) and later moving to forums. I'm also into video games, mostly on PC, so there's that.

♡ General Preferences! ♡
- Post length: I prefer longer posts, so if that's not your cup of tea then I'm afraid that I'm not the partner for you. I typically pump out around 1,000+ words per post, and I'd love if my partner could at least match me most of the time. I can accept shorter posts if it's a dialogue-heavy scene, though, or purely an action-based scene. Now, when I say this, I'm not as strict about it as I may sound. Basically, as long as I don't feel like I'm the only one moving things along I'll be happy. To me, a reply should contain the person's own contribution as well as enough detail and content to advance the plot and be entertaining enough to read. (Take a look at some of my past posts if you'd like to get a better sense of my writing style).

- Tense & Grammar: I only write in third person. Any other tense simply doesn't feel natural to me, so I won't settle for anything else. As well as that, I won't write with people who use asterisks (*) or write in a script style. Now, when it comes to grammar, I'm nowhere near perfect (I'm human, like most of us here I'm sure) and I can accept a mistake here and there, but I'd appreciate if my partner didn't leave me scratching my head as I'm trying to figure out what the heck I'm reading. Too many spelling or grammatical errors can really destroy the flow and immersion, ya know? I always read over my replies before posting to minimize the number of mistakes as much as possible.

- Communication: I love OOC and I'm not shy when it comes to communicating. In fact, I'd prefer if my partner was open to regular communication too, whether it's about brainstorming ideas for the roleplay or simply other stuff! Of course, I don't expect us to be the very best of friends, but I do enjoy sending a meme or two once in a while. I also believe that roleplays tend to feel more engaging and enjoyable if we at least have some chemistry. I might lose interest if I begin to feel like my partner doesn't wanna talk to me. As well as that, I'd appreciate if my partner kept me updated if they can't post a certain week for whatever reason, that way I'm not left there wondering if they're still interested or not. I will of course do the same if something unexpected pops up!

- Availability: As I said before, I'm a full-time fine art student, and while fine art isn't the most demanding of courses out there, on a normal week I'm still kept busy enough. With that being said, you can expect a couple replies from me a week, give or take, but I can't promise daily (I can be active daily when it comes to OOC though). I'd love if I could at least get one reply a week from my partner, but I can understand if life gets tough. As long as my partner keeps me updated, I can be quite patient.

- Ghosting: I am not ghost-friendly. I've been ghosted before and I know how much it sucks being left hanging for ages, wondering if I'll ever get that reply. If the plot's good, I can get quite emotionally invested. This can link with communication, so please, if you don't like an idea or where the plot's going, then TELL ME. I'll of course do the same if I think we're not compatible. Believe me, I understand that it can be hard to bring up if you're not happy about something, but for the love of all, just do it anyway. I'll be more upset if you disappear into the beyond rather than just telling me that the roleplay sucks. 😆 I'll consider that I've been ghosted if I don't hear from you within 2 weeks, but I can make an exception if you've got a good enough excuse.

- Collaboration: Roleplaying is supposed to be a collaborative effort, right? So then that's what I wanna see from both of us. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one moving the plot along, or contributing any ideas to the table. If that's what I wanted, I'd have just sat down and written my own damn book. Don't be afraid to bring up ideas, concepts, whatever. After all, brainstorming is supposed to be fun - and messy! Bring on the ideas, bring on all the ideas! That being said, honesty is also important, so do tell if you think an idea is wack.

♡ Roleplay Preferences! ♡
- Genres: Finally! Onto the more juicy stuff. I adore fantasy (high and low) and adventure. Give me elves/fae, dragons, magic, witches, demons, angels, ALL OF IT! (Only thing I'll say is that I'm not too fond of werewolves and vampires, sorry to disappoint 😂). Romance is a must, it just gives me something to look forward to. My favourite time periods/settings are in the medieval times or during the golden age of piracy/age of explorations BUT I can make an exception for something more modern if I'm really digging the plot. I'm not particularly fond of slice of life or sci-fi (just not my cup of tea, I suppose).

- Characters: I typically tend to play a male main character. It's just something that I've gotten used to. That being said, I have a preference for MxF, with me playing the male role, but I can make an exception for MxM if the plot's good. However, when it comes to side characters, I play both males and females and am open to MxM and FxF side romances as well. I enjoy adding new characters if it fleshes out the plot, and I'd like it if my partner was comfortable with playing at least more than one role! Now, when it comes to personality, I have no patience for shy, meek and overly submissive characters. I need characters that bite back, that refuse to take any shit. 😆 My characters each have their own attitudes, so I'd love it if yours had something of the sort too, otherwise, it just gets boring. (Probably why I love enemies to lovers so much... huh). All characters must be 18+.

- Romance:
Gotta' bring this up, man. Now, I know I said that I like characters with an attitude, but there's a fine line between some good ol' banter/bickering and straight-up toxicity. I'm looking for HEALTHY romances, where our characters are like the burger to their fries, the peanut to their butter, the water to their ocean, the- okay, I'll stop. Of course, I don't mind some darker themes, but in no way, shape or form do I want them being glorified, if that makes sense. Other than that, give me all the angst and all the fluff because I love that kind of stuff! Oh, and forbidden romances. Those are awesome!

- Smut: I have a strong preference for slow burns as I believe that makes romances more satisfying when they finally do blossom. That being said, I don't do erotic stories, so don't ask. Typically I prefer around 80-90% plot and 10-20% smut. I wanna slowly build up that sexual tension. As for kinks, I'm pretty tame (again, sorry if I disappointed you 😆). I can settle for some mild bondage maybe, but that's about it as far as kinks go. Anyway, this is up for discussion, so if there's something you'd like to try out but aren't sure if I'd be okay with it, ask me. Some hard no's would be; scat, watersports, vomiting, violence/abuse, humiliation, incest etc.

- Gore/Violence: This? Hell yeah! I wanna see blood flowing, bones breaking, wounds... everything! Give me torture scenes, gruesome fights/battles- you get the idea. It's not a total deal-breaker if my partner isn't into that sort of thing, but I do enjoy a bit of those gruesome details sprinkled in here and there. I've said this before, but I'll say it again for the hell of it; I'm fine with darker themes, as long as they're not being glorified or portrayed in a positive light.

♡ Fandoms! ♡
Alright, so I'm not into roleplaying fandoms, but I don't mind if we take a bit of inspiration from them to help with our plot! I also don't mind roleplaying within a select world as long as there are no canon characters involved and as long as our plot isn't a carbon copy of the original, or follows it too closely.
I'm also open to discussing some of these in OOC! Plus, these might give you a better idea of what I'm into? (Feel free to ask about any others, I probably forgot something).

- Throne of Glass
- A Court of Thorns and Roses
- Genshin Impact
- The Witcher (Been ages since I've read the books, but I have watched the Netflix show and played the games)
- Six of Crows (haven't read Shadow and Bone, sorry 🙁)
- Red Queen
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Legend of Korra
- Arcane (League of Legends)

♡ Pairings! ♡
Because of my laziness, I'll only be listing pairings for now. Might add some plots soon, though! Although if you have a plot idea you think I might be interested in, feel free to shoot me a PM! It's great when people come to me with ideas, I love hearing them! (These aren't the only pairings I'm willing to settle for. By all means, if you have any other ones, tell me!)
(Underlined are roles I'd prefer to play. If neither are underlined, then I don't have a preference).

- Assassin x Prince/Princess
- Prince/Princess x Soldier/Guard/Knight
- Assassin x Assassin
- Elf x Human
- Sorcerer x Sorceress
- Royalty x Royalty (arranged marriage?)
... Could be hate to love, where one is sent out to kill the other
- Demon x Human/Angel
- Chosen One x Chosen One
- Mortal x Deity
- Pirate x Pirate
- Enemies to Lovers (warring clans/kingdoms, rivals etc)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don't reply here. PM me if you're interested, I wanna keep things nice and tidy. Also, DON'T message me with nothing but "hey, wanna rp?". It drives me nuts, and you'll most likely be ignored. I'm gonna need a little bit more. Seriously, give me something, anything. Tell me about yourself at least, what are your preferences, what pairings are you interested in, do you have any ideas. Please. 🙃 (Also, please don't come to me without first reading the thread properly. I'll know if you haven't ^^).
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