MxF Looking for a role-play buddy!

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MxF Looking for a role-play buddy!


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Today 5:42 PM
Hi, I'm new to this site but I have roleplayed on other sites. I have a couple ideas on what I want to roleplay but of course, I'm willing to hear anything you want to do too. I'm looking for someone who likes romance and adventures. I play female roles, mostly because I am a female but I can play males. Though I'd rather just do that for side characters. I love fantasy based roleplays (such as magic, dragons and/or supernatural beings.) I don't like choosing someone's character or role for them so my roles are rather open. I don't mind how much we type to each other but I like to keep it above a couple sentences. I'll put as much or more (hopefully) than you do unless I really can't think of anything to type.

Roles that I have include
Rogue x Assassin
Demon x Angel or Demon
Hunter x Supernatural or Hunter or both
Princess x Knight
I have a zombie apocalypse idea as well.
Bully x Bullied
I'd be down to plot with you. I most play as male characters (they're easier for me to write with than females). I'm also down for any type of theme as well. I currently have a zombie apocalypse thread started that's up for grabs but I'd also be down to start an entirely different thread with you also.
The rogue/assassin idea sounds interesting; it reminds me of the video game Thief.
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