MxF Looking for a Wordsmith to Re-animate my Muse

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MxF Looking for a Wordsmith to Re-animate my Muse

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Yesterday 9:52 PM
"If all we have is this imagined empty canvas of endless possibility...this potential heaven...then let it be our haven. A place of marriage between two souls desperate to feel something beyond the cruel tedium of real life. If we truly be the masters who dream these dreams then let our innermost desires fuel the adventures we create and the love that we make here, let it all unfold endlessly or for only a brief moment in time but for as long as it breathes let it devour and I will forgive you your boldness if you will be so good as to forgive me mine..." ~ Chantarelle

After a long hiatus wherein I've battled some demons and met with the loss of my mother, I've decided to pick back up my figurative pen and press it once again to figurative paper. At this moment in time I am only interested in the last offering in this ad, 'The Oracle Queen', unless a particularly enticing plot is presented concerning one or more of 'my girls'. I want to apologize to those I ended storytelling with so abruptly and I hope you understand my desire for something fresh and shiny.

With that said...

I've been writing role-play for 20+ years of my life and pride myself in having grown much throughout the years. Developing my skill as a writer has been a serious endeavor for me and I've always striven for improvement and have found that in order to best aide in this pursuit of self-betterment its been crucial for me to seek out writers who's skill level matches or (even more helpful) surpasses my own. I am a multi-paragraph storyteller who puts strong effort in character development and as much as I do enjoy a good 'love at first sight' story I have oft times an even greater adoration for a challenging love/hate dynamic between mains. It should also be noted that I will never write stories where the main focus is smut, sex of course will always make an appearance in the worlds we create together (slow burn and sexual tension is a requirement for me) but it should be treated as a cherry on top of the sundae rather than the sundae itself. Kink-wise I am - so sorry to the majority who read this - a vanilla ice cream type of girl. Those who reach out should be aware that the stories I tell through my characters come saturated in mature and dark themes. Lastly, I ask that my partners use discord as a homebase for all OOC socializing and collaboration as well as use actual pictures (or no pictures at all) for FC's.

The Oracle Queen


My hope for this story would be to find a partner who enjoys playing multi-character epics that revolve around our respective main characters. It has been my long shot as far as my story requests go but when I do find the right match, every time it has been magical even if the magic lasts only a little while.

Sincerely, holding onto hope with fingers crossed.

The Letter

To my betrothed and future King,

Considering we are not meant to meet and are forbidden to speak until the day of our matrimony as per order of the supreme counsel which I am subject to obey as consequence my gender and unwillingness to marry absent of force I have taken great risk to pen this letter clandestinely in order to make myself known to you in my own words since there is for me no telling what the venomous and haggard men of the cloth and state have told you of Emrafah, the Oracle Queen of the kingdom of Ellesmere.

Firstly, I am loved by my people who if they knew how I was being treated would not hesitate to rise up in loyal defense of my honor. I dare say the only reason I do not tempt a message to my army is that I do not wish to see further blood spilled and the war between our two kingdoms have caused the deaths of too many men young and old already. I would rather accept my fate at the alter and align our kingdoms with fresh sights set on sustaining peace.

This said, the feigning of a marriage I submit to for the benefit of all and yet it is in your full right to know that I will not, indeed am not capable of submitting my body or soul to a man, king or otherwise because despite the gossip that circulates through your kingdom that my title of Oracle is nothing more than a fraud perpetrated on the gullible I assure you my hallowness is based on no lie. Therefore, forthwith upon completion of our mutual vows I will be taking up residence in the Easterly wings of Gaillard and leaving you to full reign of the Western premises. Concern yourself not with appearances for I will be at your side showing a face of unity in court and in public for the benefit of the masses but at no other time will I wish to be bothered by a husband. To be clear and unmistaken I am not yours for I belong to God and to my people alone.

Gaillard Palace, being as it is newly refurbished and nestled between our two kingdoms will be used accordingly for the purpose of mutual rule along with shall from day one I assure you be a beacon of hope in the eyes of her citizenry and in pursuit of this goal I give my commitment and my handmaiden as discreet gifted womb to be made full when the time comes in fulfillment of this commitment.

Your Promised Queen,Emrafah Hyzenthlay

My Cast

Queen Emrafah Hyzenthlay (Main)

Emrafah plays the sage-like and wise Queen but she relies heavily on Tomas and Hildie for her emotional support as she trusts no one else. They are her circle. She sees Tomas as a father figure and Hildie as something akin to a daughter strangely enough and she sees them both as her companions sent by God to comfort her on her journey to fulfill her purpose which is to bless her people and in order to do that which through Tomas and the "book of Yohm" she has learned and come to believe fully that she must live a life of purity which means that she will never fall in love and will never bear children of her own. She's had to toss out all thoughts of romanticism prone to youthful, silly women and reject daily natural inclinations towards fleshly things in general aside from the opulence required as a symbol of the state. She's gotten good at maintaining the mental attitude she needs in order to be who she needs to be but she is not perfect. She struggles with bitterness, depression and anger and as we find her in the beginning she is under a lot of stress.

Spiritual Advisor to the Queen, Father Tomas Marley (Betrayer)

Emrafah began having visions of her parents untimely death years before it actually occurred. They got so bad that she eventually stopped eating and was sent to a priest, an older man named Tomas Marley who's FC is Anthony Stewart Head. While with him in his small parish the princess warns Father Tomas of a fire that will soon engulf his church going so far as to finger the man who would do it. Now Tomas, being a man of reason took this warning with a grain of salt but nonetheless kept a close eye on the man in question who often joined the little group in gathering to worship. It did come about that one night while heading back to his room after tending to Emrafah and one of her nightmares a glowing arose, spotted out of the corner of the priests eye, a torch moving outside around the church. If not for some quick and decisive action on Tomas' part Emrafah's vision would have found its fulfillment. Throughout this event, in fact immediately upon setting eyes on her Tomas secretly fell in love with Emrafah and began teaching her from the "book of Yohm", a tome of scriptures, a lie written by his own hand all in a scheme to convince Emrafah that she was touched by God, that she was in fact not cursed but blessed and that in order to keep Gods gift she would have to adhere to a life of celibacy and abstinence. This way Tomas could not have her but neither could anyone else.

Handmaid to the Queen, Hildegard "Hildie" Rhinehart (Offered "Gifted Womb")

Hildegard (Hildie) Rhinehart is another character in my ensemble whose FC is Isla Fisher. She is the daughter of a Northern noble who had for years been an informant for Emrafah's father charged with spying on the happenings within the Northern Kingdoms court (not YC's kingdom which is to the west) where forever an eminent revolution was whispered about, a revolution that when did finally come began with the execution of all loyal nobility to the current crown. It was only the trusting relationship her father had developed with the King of Ellesmere that he, Hildie and her brother escaped the slaughter by ship to start a new life as a reward for their brave service. As official and very special guests to the king and Queen a feast was prepared to welcome the Northern three and it was there where Hildie's brother poisoned the both Monarchs wine and watched in quiet as they drank deep. His later proud confession would reveal that he had dedicated his life's purpose to the Red Guilds's revolution and to the "One" it paved the way for (this person or "Northern threat" could be plotted out and used later in our story). Swiftly, after the deaths of both King and Queen, the Council of Twelve gathered. The public execution of the guilty young man was supposed to be followed by the public execution of his sister and their father as well and it would have been if not for the heir apparent who spared them as she believed in their ignorance and innocence. Hildie became Emrafah's handmaiden on that day as she could feel the girls allegiance to her having spared both hers and her fathers life.

Spokesperson for and Member of the Council of Twelve, Cardinal Albert Crawley (A Villian)

Emrafah's father assembled the Council of Twelve to be the "people's voice" but gradually it has become the voice for the nobility. After her coronation, Emrafah set to work on making changes to how things were done in Ellesmere. First, she abolished the practice of slavery that had flourished under her fathers rule. Second, she concentrated on education reform and expanded her army made up of newly recruited free men which made a phenomenal difference in morale and victories in the ongoing war (referring to the seven year war between our kingdoms) but did nothing to allay the Councils concern about the new Queens growing popularity. They had thought a young Queen would be easy to control but once she began travelling through the kingdom, "blessing" the peasantry with her ever present and pesky priest by her side that is when they knew they had to act.

Captain of the Royal Guard, Edric DelVaney (Crawley's Puppet)

The war with the West continued to rage as it had for years, these new waged laborer's that replaced the slave class brought resentment to the nobility and to the Council itself and it was also heard by a spy placed in the Queens circle and confirmed by Emrafah herself that she had no intention of marrying or bearing an heir and this fact alone would not be tolerated. It was a simple thing to turn the Captain of the Royal Guard with this information. The coup happened one night suddenly and forcefully. It took the Queen by complete surprise and she quickly found herself locked up in her summer palace (Chartaris) far away from the public eye. It was there she was kept until she finally agreed to an arranged marriage which would officially end the long, stubborn war after many weeks of contemplation and dark nights of the soul.

The boy, Walter Ralph (Crawley's Aide/Scribe)

The boy has an overall good soul, a young man who has the potential for uprightness if only he could live his life beyond Crawley's shadow as his proximity to such evil will eventually, it is feared, destroy him.

Commander General Aldred Fletcher (Asshole)

Fletcher was 17 when he fled to Ellesmere where he quickly got into trouble and landed himself in the Kings army as a conscripted soldier which as it turned out, suited him nicely. He gradually climbed the ranks, feeding off the violence and bloodshed as if it were milk and honey. He served the crown as Commander General five years prior to the Great seven-year War, never having lost a battle, a feat that carried with it great notoriety as well as resentment from other nations. Stories of the Commander General now have been circulating for years amongst the young men in Erywon (country wherein Ellesmere is its capitol) traveling as far as Walters hometown of Adyna as well as making the rounds in the courts of Gaillard where strangely enough even the noble maidens would turn these tales of heroics and feats of masculinity (stories to inspire boys to become men) into gossip and swoon.

The East

Erowyn is known to some as "the land of sanctuary" where ancient, nomadic peoples fell in love and their wanderings ended. It is a vast land which boasts coasts on two oceans, the Sondara and the Midori, as well as her prized Emerald archipelago and hard won Isles of Sienna and Trint. Being so big it's landscape varies drastically. The majestic Terrin mountains are generally known as the spine of Erowyn as it's formation stretches from north to south along its center, dipping low at points making travel and commerce convenient while cresting dramatically with summits reaching up into the clouds. It's in these highest parts of the Terrin where merikek monks have built a monastery and go to renounce the world.

The naked steppes in the East's east are home to men known as the Wyllen (or wild one's) who believe that it is better to live as close to nature as possible. These are the people who called Erowyn home before the great migration occurred and it has only been since Emrafah's fathers reign that an accord has been reached with the Wyllen and Ellesmere that makes trade and overall mutually beneficial relations possible.

Erowyn provinces and villages are mostly found to be bordered by vast, thick forests and are never too far from a river or marshland or more often, a lake.

In the capitol city of Ellesmere, during its long winters it snows profusely and the auroras at night create a surreal and stunning view adding a magical appeal to it not found anywhere else in the East. During the spring is when the notable Amoret Gardens open to the public and in the usually mild summers the city smells like lavender and hibiscus.

More on the Wyllen…these people live off the land in the most truest of senses. They consist of tribes. thirteen, if we go by the councils of twelve's numbers, though these are known to be unreliable since there are tribes that choose to live in isolation and refuse to speak to not just kingdom officials but to anyone, including other Wyllen. These hidden tribes are known as the Obscuran.​
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