MxF Looking for Advanced Writers to RP <3

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MxF Looking for Advanced Writers to RP <3


The Surprise Tentacle Monster
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Hey, my name's Paraveene! I'm currently a college student, and I specialize in creative writing. So for practice and for fun, I roleplay, and I love it! I've been writing for years, literally most of my life, so I'm pretty advanced at writing when it comes to structure, character development, and detail.

One important thing about me is that I cherish my characters they are blueprints of me and my thought process at the time.

1) 2-3 minimum Paragraphs. I don't do sentences, I've tried that. Paragraphs are where I thrive and just sentences drag along the plot and it leaves me bored. Starters are different, but I usually plan out large ones. I like to capture imagery and emotion through this format. I'm looking for advanced writers, with detail and coherent sentences. But if you want to take on the challenge of writing with me for improvement and critique, I'd be happy to help. Just don't waste my time, I will move on.
2) I would love daily replies, but that's not realistic. Just try to at least reply twice a week. But I also go to school so I won't be incredibly consistent.

3) Do not ghost me, if you do, I'll be under your bed. Just kidding, but I'll be irritated. Just tell me you're not in it anymore. I don't like wasting good characters.

4) My character is not your slave unless it's essential to the plot. It's only fun being the submissive if we planned it. Smut is welcome, but the plot is heavily focused on, 70-plot/30-smut. Also, don't be a cheesy romantic, I love romance but- it has to be worked up to.

5) No non/con sex, unless it's important to the plot. My character can be threatened, teased or anything like that. No crazy kinks, like foot fetishes, or scat.

6) No teacher/student it's so overused and gross. (Unless they are an appropriate age) Also no kid x adult stuff either. OR incest, because realistically speaking it's not cute in real life.

7) Also, grammar is pretty important, typos and misspellings are okay. I like things my way, as in dialogue being a separate paragraph; (Everyone has their style of writing).

8) Planning is mandatory! That means OOC convo, if you haven't heard from me in a while, shoot me a PM, my messages are so jumbled sometimes. If you're having trouble let's brainstorm, I LOVE writing and planning is so fun. (Helps to become my friend, so we can gush over our children and torture them)

8.5) I should not be the only person driving the plot. For example: If my character moves towards your character in pursuit of a conversation, run with the action and even take charge, don't wait for me. We take on equal loads, even if it's "my" story or plot- It's ours now, it's a baby, our RP baby- do not neglect our child!

❀ My RP Style
I can RP both male and female. I have no problem with playing a male if anything it's more women I'd like to roleplay. For the better practice of course. When I do write female characters, I do not use Mary-Sues, I write bad bitches. That goes for men too, a perfect character is boring and trite. I expect your characters to have flaws as well as mine.

I LOVE drama, but not unrealistic drama, so no Spanish Soap Opera-esque material.

I'm looking for a passionate roleplaying partner with no BS and won't abandon me, who is also well-versed and invested in their character as well as mine.

❀ Plots ❀
I enjoy playing multiple characters to ground the main character through interaction and personality because IRL people tend to act differently depending on who they're talking to. This makes the story more 3D rather than 2D. I also like to have multiple main characters to spice the story up and tell the story from all sides.

Here is a list of general pairings/interests:

Barkeep x Call Girl
Badboy x Ballerina
Exotic Dancer x Secret Agent
Priest x Vampire
Space ranger x Alien Invader

Supernatural (Not the show...)
Vampires (Or any remotely mythical creature)
Normal/ Slice of life (I crave this the least, but try anyway.)
Medieval +Magic
DC Comics
Fire Emblem
Celebrity Life

Specific RP Plots:

(Demon x? (Maybe Priest) ) new to the demon world, MC is exploring her abilities. She's becoming destructive and she can't control it. Her newfound demon lineage is plaguing her social life as well as her human life, which is slowly receding.

( Serial Killer x Cleanup ) A normal cleanup job goes wrong when the serial killer takes a liking to the girl sent to clean up his recent mess. He continues to call her up to fix things for him, unmasking her and using her identity against her.

Writing Samples For Credibility Purposes!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me :3
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