MxF Looking for an active partner!

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MxF Looking for an active partner!


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Hello everyone! May name is Clover, I'm coming back after a long hiatus so I'm not new, just editing my post and changing some things up. I've been roleplaying for a long time and I'd like to get back into writing now.

I'm looking for a detailed and active roleplay partner for an idea that I have or any ideas that they may have! The writing bug has really been bothering me lately, so I'd be happy with pretty much anything as long as it's interesting. I typically write in third person past tense. I enjoy responses that are 1-3+ paragraphs long, but quality is more important than quantity so that's not a determining factor in choosing a partner. I just want enough that I can make a decent reply with. One liners are a no go. I tend to match my partners length if they like something different as well.

I'm comfortable writing both female and male characters but my main character is female, and any males will likely be side characters. I'm not really interested in writing for fandoms, I like making my own worlds and characters and going from there.

Genres I enjoy:
  • Romance
  • Action
  • Dark Urban Fantasy
  • Horror/Thriller
  • Scifi
  • Time Travel (ie get stuck in a different time/dimension somehow. One person is from the present, the other is from the past)
  • Apocalypse (ie zombies, alien invasion, etc.)
  • Supernatural/Paranormal

I don't mind some violence, and I actually really enjoy writing fight scenes. I really enjoy romance, so pretty much any story I write will have some aspect of it. I do enjoy smut, but not if it doesn't make sense with the plot and not right off the bat. We can talk about expectations together.

I'm a spontaneous writer. I don't usually plan my stories in advance; I just get an idea and run with it, making things up as I go! That being said, I have no problem talking OOC with my partner about the story to make sure we're both on the same page. I don't mind planning out the plot a bit if that's what my partner wants.

Some general tropes that I like:
  • Slow burn of any kind haha
  • Big scary monster x small delicate human girl
  • Alien species kidnaps some women from earth because their species is dying out due to a lack of viable females. Futuristic/updated technology, pretty scifi.
  • Soulmates with some kind of a twist for angst
I'd love to hear what ideas you have! Message me so we can talk about them.
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Would you be interested in a fantasy rp? With a few slight modifications your starter can stay
You've caught my attention.
I'm intrigued, are you exclusive to MxF or are you also willing to do FxF?
Are you open to twists on the Damsel in Distress theme?
Hello everyone! May name is Clover, I'm new to this website, and I'm still figuring out how it works, so forgive me if I'm a bit slow off the get go. However, I have been roleplaying for a long time, so I'm definitely not new to that.

I'm looking for a detailed and active roleplay partner for an idea that I have or any ideas that they may have! The writing bug has really been bothering me lately, so I'd be happy with pretty much anything as long as it's interesting. I write in third person past tense. I enjoy responses that are 1-3+ paragraphs long, but quality is more important than quantity so that's not a determining factor in choosing a partner. I just want enough that I can make a decent reply with. One liners are a no go. I tend to match my partners length if they like something different as well.

I'm comfortable writing both female and male characters but my main character is female, and any males will likely be side characters. I'm not really interested in writing for fandoms, I like making my own worlds and characters and going from there.

Genres I enjoy:
  • Romance
  • Action
  • Dark Urban Fantasy
  • Horror/Thriller
  • Time Travel (ie get stuck in a different time/dimension somehow. One person is from the present, the other is from the past)
  • Scifi
  • Apocalypse (ie zombies, alien invasion, etc.)
  • Supernatural/Paranormal
  • Some of the uglier sides of slice of life
I'm very into the damsel in distress theme right now! Anyone want to come save me? Haha

I don't mind some violence, and I actually really enjoy writing fight scenes. I really enjoy romance, so pretty much any story I write will have some aspect of it. I do enjoy smut quite a bit. I'd be fine doing an rp that is wholly nsfw or wholly sfw or some sort of mixture!

I'm a spontaneous writer. I don't usually plan my stories in advance; I just get an idea and run with it, making things up as I go! That being said, I have no problem talking OOC with my partner about the story to make sure we're both on the same page. This would probably be done in PMs, and I don't mind planning out the plot a bit if that's what my partner wants.

Some general tropes that I like:
  • Slow burn of any kind haha
  • Big scary monster x small delicate human girl
  • Alien species kidnaps some women from earth because their species is dying out due to a lack of viable females. Futuristic/updated technology, pretty scifi. Slow burn romance
  • Soulmates with some kind of a twist for angst
  • Princess kidnapped for ransom but ends up working with her captor to perform a heist against the castle. Slow burn to falling in love with her captor
  • Any reason for menage a trois
I would definitely be interested in writing with you! I primarily write male characters but am always openminded!
Hey! Are you still looking for partners? I have a couple of ideas and was curious about some of yours!
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