Looking for new horizons.

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Looking for new horizons.

Coran Valencie

There's a dark side to everything.
Local time
Tomorrow 12:32 AM
Hello, I'm Coran. I have been in the RP world on and off properly since probably 2002. I am looking for new groups of people to interact with in order to branch out of my comfort zone a little bit.
I prefer long plot story lines (usually fantasy/mythical based but I am open to anything) with in depth story rather then flitting between one story/character to another.

I look forward to meeting some new players and seeing where it will take me.
Welcome, Coran! I know that we've got some wonderful writers here who gravitate towards plot-based stories, so I'm certain that you'll have luck in finding at least one good partner here. :)

I look forward to seeing you around the forums, and perhaps even in chat!
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