MxF Looking for Partner(s?)

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MxF Looking for Partner(s?)


Dirty Possum Boi
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Today 12:44 AM
✨The government owns my uterus✨
Hi I'm Sonny and I'm looking to RP with someone as a way to escape life for a while.

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to plot, I can do fantasy, scifi, a period piece maybe, we can definitely discuss.

I would like to play a female and I would like my partner to play a male. I use third person past tense and would like a partner who does the same.

I write anywhere from a couple short paragraphs to a few longer paragraphs, I'll provide an example of each. I would like a partner who is literate and can match my posts but again I am flexible with length, as long as it isn't one line or an entire novel (if you want to make longer posts that's okay, just please be aware that I may post slower due to my anxiety making me believe I need to match your posts and my creativity burning out due to feeling inadequate.)

Michael had never stepped foot into the kingdom, let alone the throne room for an audience with the actual king. Ever since his father left him in the woods as a child, Michael had been on his own, fighting to survive, doing any odd job for coin. Now, at a hardened 32, Michael was standing in the head of the guard's place in front of the heavy double doors that led to the throne room, kicking himself mentally. All for the promise of constant coin, he'd gone from a terrifying rumor- the nightmare haunting and hunting wrong-doers... he had gone from that to a glorified baby sitter in the span of two days. No longer would he roam the forest, no longer would he need to focus only on himself- he would be for too busy chasing after the high king and the prince, keeping them both in one piece until he was deemed no longer useful and dismissed as the last Head had been.

Upon hearing the booming voice of the king calling his name out, Michael hauled the doors to the throne room open and stepped through, his helmet under one armored arm, the other heavy glove resting on the hilt of his sheathed sword. There was a hush around him for only a split moment before the whispers started filling the air around him, the voices almost palpable to the point that, in a bitter tone, Michael couldn't help but wonder if it was the breath from all of those whispering that was causing his cape to fold and whip at the wind around his ankles as he walked. He'd never liked people- never trusted strangers until they gave him a reason to.

The venture to the throne seemed to take years in itself. Who needed this much space for themselves? Michael wondered how many villagers would be able to take refuge in this gaudily oversized castle if something awful enough were to threaten the area. After that thought, the bitter tail of 'I wonder if the king would take any of them in' flittered through his head. He never took his eyes from the throne, from the larger than life man adorned from head to toe in the brightest colors, the most dazzling metals and gems and Michael felt his eyes narrow. Usually it was men like this that would be his target, now he would have to swallow his pride and learn to take orders from him. Who knew, perhaps the man would be the kindest ruler he'd ever met. Michael wanted to laugh at his silly thought- he'd already met the king and knew from the moment that fat chapped mouth opened that he was a swine. Michael's eyes drifted from one throne to the prince, who he looked over with an unreadable steel in his storm blue eyes. The young man was small, adjusting in his set as though he were uncomfortable, as though he would run in an instant if given the chance. Michael took a deep, slow breath in through his nose and let it out with a soft growling huff. Nerves. Faint but it was there, the kid was nervous.

The prince introduced himself after the king had, once again, given his full name complete with every made up, waste of breath title he'd plastered onto his own head and Michael bowed his head to them both before clearing his throat and speaking. His voice was deep, stern yet somehow emotionless.

"It is an... honor to meet you both. Y- My King, Your Highness. I am Michael Thornsen, though I have been called... many a worse thing..."

He looked around him, to the crowd, to the thousands of eyes on him and he had to bite back a snarl. People. At the mention of his reputation, Michael let out a soft laugh and turned back to the prince, meeting his dark eyes for a moment. An interesting young fox eyeing him as though he was sizing up a potential predator. Michael again allowed his eyes to roam over the prince before pulling them away and back to the king.

"If you don't mind, I am starving. When can I eat?"

The crowd laughed and Michael's eyes slightly widened as he looked around again, taking a heavy hand from his sword to brush the loose hair back from his face. Had he made a joke without realizing it?

Naos didn't move a muscle as the researcher spoke to her. She maintained her hunched over position, red eyes locked onto the human before her as he attempted to coax her into speaking. She wanted to- she hadn't spoken a word to another being since before she was captured- but if she were to speak, her entire disguise would be null and void. Her disguise wasn't physical, it was a mental projection. She could not physically shapeshift, she could only effect the way others could see her, so if she spoke, it would look like an eight foot tall demonic man speaking with the voice of a four foot tall alien woman and that would no doubt raise immediate suspicion.

The researcher mentioned Naos' last escape attempt and for a moment, the edges of her mouth flickered upward. He was playing the pride card, it seemed, and damn it all if it wasn't working. This human seemed to be more in tune with Naos' thoughts than the others had been, which made it a bit more difficult to ignore what was being said. Where others had simply demanded answers to meaningless questions, this one was speaking to her. He expressed sympathy about the situation she was in, offering to make it better if she would just cooperate with him. When he asked her name, she took a deep breath and finally moved, sitting upright and stretching her hands up above her head, her back popping but still her eyes never left him. Her ears picked up shocked murmuring from the bodies outside her door as she stretched, but soon she was hunched back over, right back where she'd been before.

See was dead set on freezing him out as she had the others, blinking lazily at him but saying nothing. That was, until her stomach let out a silence shattering growl. Her eyes grew round, lips parted slightly in surprise and her head dropped to look down at her stomach as if to silently scold it. Traitor. Filthy fucking traitor.

As far as smut goes, I get detailed but I prefer a slow buildup over all smut all the time. I need story, I need romance and angst and such.

Kink list: Sonny's Kinks

Feel free to message me with questions or comments.
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Hey there would love to get an RP going! Would you prefer doing it here or on discord?
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