MxF Looking for Partners!

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MxF Looking for Partners!

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Today 4:58 PM
Hello and nice to meet ya. First update to this thing in awhile so here we go. I have been Roleplaying for around 10 or so years. I'm not perfect but I try and make things as entertaining as possible. I'm not going to lay down some odd set of rules for you. Minimum paragraphs and all that. If you like to role play then you are welcome.

I will say to start off that it does seem everyone has the same no's. Which are also mine. Gore for gores sake. Bathroom play. Just not for me. Also. While I do like playing strong female characters I am not a dom. Any character of mine really. Yes they will be outspoken and sarcastic. Liking the witty banter and not just giggling and agreeing. Just my preference. Also, please for the love of goodness no Mary Sues. I don't understand that. What's the fun in having a character that is just invincible and amazing in every way? Make them awesome, charming, and handsome, but then add in some awkward or weird. Make him allergic to Mayonaise and hate the sound of kittens. I don't know. It's fun and funny.

What am I looking for? Honestly? I have no damn idea haha. Supernatural type things no not the show in particular lol the meaning of the word before the show. ..random strange "creatures" absolutely. I'm a fan. No I don't want your Edward Cullen kind of thing. Or to be some crazy perfect woman that they are corrupting. Let's think outside the box the way I know you all can. Fantasy. Not bad. Medieval. Yes. It's what I started off doing. Thank you AOL LotR chat room. I do choose to do a lot in modern day settings. Generally makes flow of conversation and everything easier to most people. Slice of life isnt really my style. Mainly because I'm not any good at it. I'll frustrate you with it more than anything. I roleplay to escape normal life. So throw your ideas at me. See where it goes.

Hmmm I think that's it for now. I'm flexible so just ask! If you have questions or ideas just let me know.

A few pairing ideas. Plots I can generally whip up if you tell me the character you are looking to play and what type of story you want.Action, adventure, military style. Let's just see how's it goes shall we?

Demon x human
Demon x demon
(( when I say demon it's more a broad description of any type of monster that's non specific. Hey maybe you have your own thing you have come up with and want to play. Who knows.))
King x Royal guard
New Queen x Royal guard
Supernatural hunter x supernatural creature
any type of creature that can be newly created x creature that finds them and tries to help them

As I said this is just some randoms. You have something you'll think I'll like?? Come to me! Just remember.... I'll make a horrible housewife. Make today awesome 💖
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I have a couple of ideas.
Hi there nice to meet you
I have a broad idea that we can cook up pm me if your interested x)
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