Captain Kincaid
Inner Sanctum Nobility
-About me-
Hi all, it's lovely to be here!
I've been roleplaying since very young, but a writing roleplayer for almost 10 years now but have only just recently joined this site in hopes to find some roleplay partners! I have found some already here and have enjoyed the experience so far :D
In my spare time I love to draw, and I enjoy taking walks and reading whenever I get the chance to. I work in a pet store, but I do full time so my time is quite limited to replies every other day, depending on how many I have going. I aim to get a reply in every day but I do prefer to take my time on replies, so I will sometimes spend more time on it and leave it a day instead of rushing it. Either way, I do communicate well and will let you know if you will be waiting for me longer than usual. I would also prefer people to tell me if they aren't liking the direction of the roleplay, or have lost the muse instead of just ghosting me. I will understand, and we can possibly find a way around it or just end it :).
I do like to have faceclaims, only because it helps me really develop the story in my head and get a feel for it, but I totally understand it if people don't like to use them for their own characters.
I'm only comfortable writing characters that are 18+, only because I find roleplay tends to move in the direction of how my character reacts to things instead of me planning it, so I never know where it will lead.
* = Craving the most.
-I will write-
Any gender
MxM *
Pairings and groups
Other species
Romance, both healthy and unhealthy
-My writing style-
Para/multi para - I rarely write less than 2 paragraphs per reply, but I can mirror replies.
Third person - I never felt comfortable with first person.
Descriptive - Depending on the situation, I can be either quite descriptive, or VERY descriptive.
Literate - I try my best to write perfect but sometimes a typo will find it way in! It's more about what's going on in the post than how well the grammar is, but I do like to have some decent grammar to work with.
I do write smut, but I prefer to have a story to go with it, looking at a 30/70 ratio. There will be times I'll write pure smut scenes, or one-shots, but that would be discussed in DMs, otherwise always assume I'd want a plot to be the priority over the sex scene.
-Who I'm looking for-
I'm looking for someone who is willing to create stories with me, with as much passion as I do and don't mind a little interaction. I'm ok with people if they don't want to talk about the plot and let our fingers take control, but I do also like to write with people I can get on with outside the writing. I'm also prone to not giving too much information on a starting story, preferring to develop it as we write, which is why I don't really have plot or pairing ideas. It's a shame because I know people like to have something to choose from and know what I want in order to contact me, but I'm not really someone who has lots of plots in mind beforehand. I also love brainstorming, it's usually part of the fun of writing.
I want honest people, those who will let me know if they don't enjoy something in our writing, or will let me know if the muse for our plot has disappeared, I prefer this much more than just not writing at all and me guessing why. I will help you to bring it back, or we can simply just drop it, either way.
Almost anything, but please ask in DMs. Although I don't entirely enjoy Master/Slave plots, or literal Sub/Dom stuff, I just can't seem to stick to either straight dominant or submissive, I lay between the two.
-Definite no-
Toilet play
-Plot ideas-
So I don't usually have many ideas before talking to a potential partner, and am usually the one to pick from other people's request threads, but I do have a couple I would love to start off:
Gangster Twins *
This is basically as it says, it would mainly be based on The Krays/Legend, two twins (Or could just be brothers) just causing havoc in the town and showing everyone who's boss. This plot would have a lot of violence, angst and probably smut? I'd prefer this to be MxM, and it was rumours that the Kray twins were in fact gay, and I want to keep that for the story.
More to come...
Professor/Student *
Cop/Criminal *
Best friends
-Canon characters and stories-
I also play canon characters, and actually love doing this as I like to develop canon characters in my own way without taking them away from their true selves, and will write from many fandom, such as:
Teen Wolf
Many others...
I do get that this post doesn't give much to go by but I do plan to update this post when I can! I am just open to anything at the moment, and would love to hear from you in DMs to get some writing going! <3
Hi all, it's lovely to be here!
I've been roleplaying since very young, but a writing roleplayer for almost 10 years now but have only just recently joined this site in hopes to find some roleplay partners! I have found some already here and have enjoyed the experience so far :D
In my spare time I love to draw, and I enjoy taking walks and reading whenever I get the chance to. I work in a pet store, but I do full time so my time is quite limited to replies every other day, depending on how many I have going. I aim to get a reply in every day but I do prefer to take my time on replies, so I will sometimes spend more time on it and leave it a day instead of rushing it. Either way, I do communicate well and will let you know if you will be waiting for me longer than usual. I would also prefer people to tell me if they aren't liking the direction of the roleplay, or have lost the muse instead of just ghosting me. I will understand, and we can possibly find a way around it or just end it :).
I do like to have faceclaims, only because it helps me really develop the story in my head and get a feel for it, but I totally understand it if people don't like to use them for their own characters.
I'm only comfortable writing characters that are 18+, only because I find roleplay tends to move in the direction of how my character reacts to things instead of me planning it, so I never know where it will lead.
* = Craving the most.
-I will write-
Any gender
MxM *
Pairings and groups
Other species
Romance, both healthy and unhealthy
-My writing style-
Para/multi para - I rarely write less than 2 paragraphs per reply, but I can mirror replies.
Third person - I never felt comfortable with first person.
Descriptive - Depending on the situation, I can be either quite descriptive, or VERY descriptive.
Literate - I try my best to write perfect but sometimes a typo will find it way in! It's more about what's going on in the post than how well the grammar is, but I do like to have some decent grammar to work with.
I do write smut, but I prefer to have a story to go with it, looking at a 30/70 ratio. There will be times I'll write pure smut scenes, or one-shots, but that would be discussed in DMs, otherwise always assume I'd want a plot to be the priority over the sex scene.
-Who I'm looking for-
I'm looking for someone who is willing to create stories with me, with as much passion as I do and don't mind a little interaction. I'm ok with people if they don't want to talk about the plot and let our fingers take control, but I do also like to write with people I can get on with outside the writing. I'm also prone to not giving too much information on a starting story, preferring to develop it as we write, which is why I don't really have plot or pairing ideas. It's a shame because I know people like to have something to choose from and know what I want in order to contact me, but I'm not really someone who has lots of plots in mind beforehand. I also love brainstorming, it's usually part of the fun of writing.
I want honest people, those who will let me know if they don't enjoy something in our writing, or will let me know if the muse for our plot has disappeared, I prefer this much more than just not writing at all and me guessing why. I will help you to bring it back, or we can simply just drop it, either way.
Almost anything, but please ask in DMs. Although I don't entirely enjoy Master/Slave plots, or literal Sub/Dom stuff, I just can't seem to stick to either straight dominant or submissive, I lay between the two.
-Definite no-
Toilet play
-Plot ideas-
So I don't usually have many ideas before talking to a potential partner, and am usually the one to pick from other people's request threads, but I do have a couple I would love to start off:
Gangster Twins *
This is basically as it says, it would mainly be based on The Krays/Legend, two twins (Or could just be brothers) just causing havoc in the town and showing everyone who's boss. This plot would have a lot of violence, angst and probably smut? I'd prefer this to be MxM, and it was rumours that the Kray twins were in fact gay, and I want to keep that for the story.
More to come...
Professor/Student *
Cop/Criminal *
Best friends
-Canon characters and stories-
I also play canon characters, and actually love doing this as I like to develop canon characters in my own way without taking them away from their true selves, and will write from many fandom, such as:
Teen Wolf
Many others...
I do get that this post doesn't give much to go by but I do plan to update this post when I can! I am just open to anything at the moment, and would love to hear from you in DMs to get some writing going! <3
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