All Looking for Plot-Driven Dark Fantasy! {Huge update, new plots, etc}

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All Looking for Plot-Driven Dark Fantasy! {Huge update, new plots, etc}


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  • Hello there. You can call me Princeling!

    And just to get a little bit about me out of the way~
    • 30's
    • I am nonbinary; my pronouns are he/him.
    • I live in the Central time zone and work from home-- I have a lot of free time.
    • I love to write (duh), and when hooked on an RP, I can write a lot. You have no idea. I passed the 150k word mark with a specific long-term partner in less than a month after starting an RP with her. While I'm not asking you to match that volume, I definitely want someone who will get as Enthusiastic about things as me and will reply regularly if we really hit it off. The beginning of an RP is the most critical part for me-- if the plot is good I can get super into it and reply multiple times a day, so if you can match my energy, that would be ideal.
    • Re: writing. My average post is like 300-1000 words.
    • Kind of related to the above, I like to be friends OOC. I will definitely make a Discord server for OOC chat if you are amenable to that, and it will have a billion channels for inspo pics, character pics, plotting, etc
    • Regarding limits... See the Kinklist below for all of that.
    I am looking for a roleplay; I've got the most experience with m// stuff, but I'm absolutely down with playing against characters who identify as female! However, I will be upfront here right now and say that I almost exclusively play nonbinary characters, typically ones who would be considered AFAB but identify as male (or some equivalent thereof, as I'm a slut for worldbuilding and most of the settings I prefer to play in simply Do Not approach gender as we do here on Earth). Kind of segueing along with that, yes I do enjoy mpreg quite a bit and yes I do want to incorporate it into my plots where it would be appropriate because I'm a nasty little gremlin and I refuse to apologize for it.

    Also— to clarify. If you saw what I wrote and automatically thought that I only play submissive characters and/or that an AFAB male character can't be dominant... Well, I don't want to be mean, but— skill issue, lmao. (Hell, I've got femdom in my writing samples tab). My plot writeups are just that, writeups about the plot. They typically cover only where things start, and don't account for every possible nuance in character relationships. That's why I like discussing all of these details before starting an RP.

    Anyway! If I don't sound totally insufferable to you, please read on!
  • What to expect from me:
    + I do not and will not use photo face claims. I will not play real people— asking me to guarantees I'm blocking you immediately. I exclusively use illustrated face claims of my original characters. I like to play around with AI art generation, so that's what I tend to work with (unless I have a pre-existing commissioned reference of my character). I prefer you do the same or rely on descriptions. Nothing wrong with descriptions.

    + In the same vein? My character is my character. Your character is your character. I will rarely, if ever, try to tell you what character to play or even ask you to change details about them— typically I only do it when asked. I expect the same courtesy. If you want to have complete control over every character in an RP, go sign up for ChatGPT or something lol, damn.

    + I love to write (duh), and when hooked on an RP, I can write a lot. You have no idea. I passed the 150k word mark with a specific long-term partner in less than a month after starting an RP with her. While I'm not asking you to match that volume, I definitely want someone who will get as Enthusiastic about things as me and will reply regularly if we really hit it off. The beginning of an RP is the most critical part for me-- if the plot is good I can get super into it and reply multiple times a day, so if you can match my energy, that would be ideal. That is not to say, however, that I don't want something slower-paced. I just tend to fall in love with RPs in the beginning and just go hog wild, lmao.

    + Re: writing. My average post is like 300-1000+ words.

    + Kind of related to the above, I like to be friends OOC. I will definitely be very very chatty OOC. Please be ready for it.

    + Regarding limits... Most of mine revolve around violence, lmao. If you want more information, just go ahead and check out my Kink List tab. Anything that is a 'No', I'm not really down for doing.

    + Regarding 'fetishization'. This has never, personally, bothered me as a NB trans person, and I really feel like the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction lately, toward complete desexualization, which is just as bad in a different way. Why do cis characters get to have all the fun, and I'm left with the boring uwu coffee shop AUs that go nowhere? I won't write an essay here (that's for tumblr), but all of that to say? Yeah. Bring me your gross self-indulgent kink plots. Give me nasty ideas. I love that shit.

    + Kind of related to the above: our world is so bad and scary already lately that I find it unacceptable and exhausting to get on other people's cases regarding imaginary fictional scenarios. That is to say, if you are a member of the feelings yakuza, we won't get along. I know that kinkshaming is against the rules here already, but I just want to like, double say that I am So Over The Discourse. I see it on tumblr and twitter already, I don't wanna deal with it here.

    What I expect from you:
    I expect you to read the above and decide for yourself if we are compatible, lmao.

    In all honesty, I set no expectations for my partners. with regards to age (as long as you are over 18), gender, timezone, whatever. My best friend (aka that person I talked about writing 150k words with in a month up there) is completely different from me in every conceivable way, so if that's not a testament to my ability to get along with pretty much anyone, nothing is.

    Actually, no, I now have a single expectation:

    + Holy SHIT, give me something to WORK WITH. Nothing gives me a sense of impending doom for any potential interaction we might have like having my first message from someone be some variation of "Hello do you want to do an rp?" This is a hobby. This should be fun. If you're approaching me with the enthusiasm of a dead fish? That's not fun. Tell me something about yourself. Send me a cute cat pic. I don't care how you introduce yourself, but I don't really want to RP with people who seem like they're bored before the RP has even started.
  • Plots && Ideas
    • I've hidden the plots behind spoiler tags or else you'd get carpal tunnel syndrome scrolling down this page, lmao.
    • As is tradition in every listing I have ever seen, if I have bolded a role in a pairing, that would indicate I want it.

    Current Cravings:
    - I had a dream last night about, well, basically it was about a haughty elf who came to a big, magically-industrialized city and ended up attracting the attention of a mafia princess who decided to totally destroy him (also she was some sort of magic consuming vampire in a world where people who had an aptitude for magic were becoming less and less common, so he was a target anyway). I woke up thinking about it, and now I'm going to make it everyone else's problem by putting it in this thread, lmao.

    Fantasy Plots
    Obsession (Noble x Commoner) (Craving this one right meow)
    A commoner has lived for his entire life in a small village at the edge of the ruling noble's territory. Though infrequent, the noble occasionally visits this village, and through one means or another, he ended up making his acquaintance. Though the people in the village seem to dislike their ruler, the man always left him with a good impression because it seemed that he went out of his way to be kind to him (and he was, perhaps, too naive to realize that this could be anything but altruistic).

    The truth is, however, that the noble was kind to him, in part, because he was attracted to the commoner— an attraction that has turned into obsession, and now rage when he discovers that his lowborn love has been seen around the village with another. Realizing that he has let this go long enough, he sends his men to capture the object of his affections and bring him to the palace.

    At first, when the commoner discovers that he has been taken to the home of the man he's so admired over the years, he is initially relieved, for the noble has never been anything but kind... However, he quickly discovers that there has always been much, much more behind the pretty words and fine gifts that the man treated him to, and he has always been expected to reciprocate.

    Upon the Sea of Clouds (Navigator x Sky Pirate Captain) (Craving this one right meow)
    Navigator's ship was recently hijacked by sky pirates. As tends to be the case in pirate hijackings, the captain of said ship was murdered and everyone who surrendered was left to their devices.

    The only things that were taken from Navigator's ship was the treasure on board— and the Navigator himself. It seems that Sky Pirate Captain has a cryptic map that he found, and no one he's met knows how to read it.

    Navigator has knowledge that is pertinent to deciphering the map. But considering the fact that he's been captured and all that, he's not that willing to give it up.

    Adventures ensue.

    Claimed by the Dragon (Elven King x Elder Dragon) (Craving this one right meow)
    The stupid in-joke I keep referencing in my AO3 stories is now a plot!
    Once thought to have disappeared from the world entirely, dragons have made a sudden reappearance from their dormancy. Consumed by a lust for power and riches, they have leveraged their ancient wisdom and strength into cooperative campaign of total domination over the free lands, and have begun claiming massive swathes of land as their territory. They rule these lands with an iron claw, enslaving their denizens and devouring publicly all who oppose them.

    As their reach expands, even places that have been historically impregnable, like the elven kingdom of Ellina, built high upon a mountaintop, are coming under threat. The ruler of said kingdom decides that the only thing he can do to spare their people is to make a deal with an ancient Elder Dragon who has, for thousands of years, been imprisoned beneath the mountain in an eternal sentence for his failed campaign of world domination.

    But this dragon's hatred for all free peoples, none moreso than the elves who imprisoned him, has been burning brightly ever since, and so when the elven king comes to him, offering to free him in exchange for his help in driving back his brethren from their and the remaining free lands, he offers it only if he will pledge himself to his service eternal.

    The Locket (Summoner x Demon)
    It is said that in the city of Astengaard, one can find about anything if they know where to look and are willing to pay a certain price. No doubt, this rumor is due in part to the presence of a man with a preternatural ability to identify and sell not only magical objects... But magical creatures, as well. He has built an empire upon his unscrupulous dealings.

    One day, he comes into possession of a locket which he can feel radiates power, but the enchantment is one which he cannot identify. And, in a slip of logic, he breaks the number one rule of magical items that you don't know about. Namely, that you don't use them until you know what they are.

    In an instant, the locket opens, and standing before him is... A demon. It was sealed away eons ago after a reign of terror that almost destroyed the mortal realm, and in this slip of judgment, he has unknowingly released him once more. He is shocked to see the world as it is now, fully recovered and having lost his name and legacy to history, and decides that he will finish what he started millenia ago.

    But for that, he needs an army.

    Luckily, his summoner-- clueless on how to banish him again-- will be the perfect host to carry his brood.

    (Yes this plot IS a self-indulgent setup to satisfy my sinful interests, but I swear that I have So Much Worldbuilding, you have no idea).

    A Befitting Sentence (Thief x Ruler) (Craving this one right meow)
    The Emperor of a certain nation is well-known for his bias against the part-animal, part-human citizens of his nation, derogatorily referred to as "beastmen" in the common language. Treated as second-class citizens, these beastmen have little opportunity and prospects, and are unfairly persecuted when they commit crimes, receiving maximum punishments even for petty theft (which, due to their lack of available opportunities, happens quite often).

    After being caught attempting to steal silverware from the palace, a young beastman is brought before the Emperor, and is all but certain that he will be sentenced to a torturous death for his crime. However, to the shock of all present, even himself, the Emperor is taken by the uncanny beauty of the creature before him, and decides to have him placed in the harem, instead.

    On the Fringe (Shopkeep x Adventurer, or???)
    This idea is very small and simple so far, because I haven't had a whole lot of time to develop it further, but it struck me like a bolt of lightning and really inspired me, and so here I am posting it here.

    Basically, this plot would take place in some sort of fantasy world wherein an extremely common career path is becoming a monster hunter. It's a monster-parts-dependent economy. We can worldbuild this, okay?

    My character is a shopkeeper/alchemist jack-of-all-trades with a traveling shop, who frequents popular areas in which people go monster hunting. He has a lot of repeat business and a lot of customers who want to either buy his alchemic concoctions and wares, or sell him things they've found that they don't want to bother with carrying to wherever they're heading.

    My current idea is that, in the course of his travels, he gets embroiled in something unsavory involving Your Character, and they have to depend on each other to get out of it.

    But there are lots of other possibilities as well! I don't have an exact plot trajectory in mind, and it's very flexible. We could just do a series of little vignettes as he develops a friendship with a traveler. He could get snatched (it's a dangerous world out there, after all). He could get convinced, for whatever reason, to close his shop temporarily and embark on one of these dangerous journeys with an adventurer he's grown close to. I don't know! It's open to Discussion!

    I dunno but I'm CRAVING IT and as such I really want to discuss it!

    Cold Reception (Newcomer x Werewolf Alpha)
    Newcomer has recently moved to a small town in the mountains for the sake of his health, for the polluted air of the large city in which he spent most of his life did far more harm than good to his weak lungs. The clean air and lack of toxic smog up there does wonders for his breathing, and for the first time in his life he finds that he isn't getting winded from merely walking across the room. He has discovered that many of the things which were once denied to him by his circumstances are now available, and he has, recently, developed a fondness for pathfinding in the many old trails through the forests surrounding the town.

    What he does not realize is that these black woods are dangerous, full of ancient magic and ancient creatures. And he unwittingly stumbles across the best example of both one fine morning when he encounters… Something. An effigy, it looks like. In its presence, the wind stirs up, creating an unnatural howl.

    He's curious.

    He touches it.

    Immediately it crumbles, and the wind stops. Everything stops. The woods grow silent in a way that they never have been before.

    He doesn't know what just happened, really, but the way that the hair on the back of his neck is standing on end can only indicate that it was nothing good. And so he flees the area.

    What the Newcomer does not understand is that the forest has eyes, and his deed was witnessed. What he does not understand is that he has destroyed a monument to the recently-deceased leader of a local pack of werewolves that would ensure his safe passage to the afterlife. A local pack of werewolves who comprise the majority of the residents of the town in which the Newcomer lives. A local pack of werewolves who are furious that said monument has been destroyed. They're out for blood.

    The Newcomer finds a letter on his pillow that night. Upon the night of the next full moon-- which, it just so happens, is tomorrow night-- his presence is required in the forest, at the site where he encountered the effigy. And there his fate will be decided.

    Attempting to flee would be highly inadvisable.

    The City of Gold (Prince x Savior) [Doing via PM]
    The Exalted City of Hewic stands as a testament to the superiority of the Noressean empire. Within its shining walls, its inhabitants live lives of decadence and luxury unheard of in the uncivilized lands beyond. And yet, beneath the veneer of hedonistic delight is an undercurrent of violence and deception; the many nobles in the line for the throne wage an unseen war for any shred of power, much less for the throne. A single wrong move could mean one's life— or worse yet, their social standing, and their place in line for the throne.

    Not all turn to secrets and slow machinations to undo their rivals, however. Some prefer violence.

    And so it is the case for a certain son of the emperor, who, upon returning from a diplomatic visit to a city under imperial rule, has his convoy attacked by 'bandits'. His men killed, his horses fled, injured to near-death, he is left by the side of the road, victim of an 'unfortunate accident'.

    Such would be the case, anyway. By chance, he is found by a resident of one of the lands nearby: a young shepherd, from a place so small that it doesn't warrant even a dot upon the maps of the lands beyond Hewick.

    Over days, weeks perhaps, the shepherd takes care of this prince, ignorant entirely of his noble heritage. The prince learns of his way of life, of how the people— called savages by his kin, forbidden from entering the Exalted City, but he's not certain of how true that any of that is anymore— outside of the city live, of how a life where one has to work for what they have works.

    Until one day, an imperial patrol passes through the town, and finds their lord. He's whisked back to Hewick with fanfare, and life for the shepherd returns to normal.

    At least, it does until some days later, when an imperial convoy once more passes through the town. The captain reads out a name, the name of a certain young shepherd, and before he knows it, he is in a carriage, being transported through the barred gates of the shining city which has only ever been a jewel upon the horizon, entry forbidden to a lowborn such as him.

    And there, in a home finer than any he's ever seen, in a room larger than any building in his tiny town, he is reunited with the man he saved a week past, nigh unrecognizable bedecked in silks and gold, a man who smiles and nods and informs him that he has been chosen to join the royal harem, and live a life of luxury few outside the walls can imagine.

    It is not a choice. For it is his reward, the finest that one born outside the city can ever hope to have.

    Yet, just as much as that, it is a calculated move. For it is clear enough to the prince that the attack that nearly killed him was not random chance. Someone, perhaps many someones, planned his death, and he knows now that nothing is safe, and none in his circle can be trusted. So what better ally is there than one who might look upon this new world with fresh eyes, one with no connections, one with the privilege, nay, the expectation, to grace the most intimate areas of the most privileged of the City?

    It seems a foolproof plan.

    As long as emotions don't get in the way.

    Spilled Salt (Prince x Merman)
    Over the last twenty years, the nation of Thianos has changed dramatically. Thanks to rapid industrialization, it has grown from a small blip in the political radar to a large and powerful country, with an economy driven primarily by exports of goods from the sea, which its improved fishing fleet are literally dredging up by the boatload.

    A small side effect of this is that the ecosystem in the ocean is being damaged not only by the rampant fishing up of natural resources, but from runoff from the boats. This poses a massive problem for the merfolk, as it just so happens to be their domain that is being stolen from and polluted... Although in Thianos' defense, such a species is seen so ridiculously rarely that no one even believes that they actually exist.

    The merfolk have no desire to reveal their presence, but they do agree that something must be done. They send a representative up to the surface with a necklace that will disguise him as a human so that he can freely meet with the king of Thianos and discuss the danger that the fishing industry is doing to the ocean.

    It is by chance that he drags himself out of the sea onto the beach nearby an estate where the prince of Thianos is staying on holiday.

    It is by chance that almost a year ago, the prince lost his lover, a sailor who he was madly in love with, to a tropical storm on the high seas. He has never gotten over it, and recently his grief had intensified as the date of his wedding approaches.

    It is by chance that this mysterious man who has just crawled out of the ocean looks exactly like his lost love.

    It is by fate, however, that the prince just happens to be awake and looking out his window when what appears to be his long-lost love coming out of the sea.

    The merman realizes how significant this odd coincidence is, and he thinks to himself that if he can just stay in the prince's good favor, he may he able to complete his objective and leave. But that may be a lot harder than it seems, because after a year of grief, the prince has no intentions of losing his beloved sailor again.

    As if by Fate (Betrothed x Betrothed)
    Escalating tensions between two neighboring nations has left war on the horizon. However, the ruling families of both nations have come to the conclusion that a conflict, costly both in lives and in money, is the least-desirable outcome. And so, in order to avoid this and cement lasting peace, a political marriage is arranged between the heirs of both nations.

    As the date of the wedding approaches, the two betrothed are brought to a neutral location to meet for the first time. And when they do...

    They really hit it off. They greatly enjoy each other's company, and the connection is immediate. Despite their previous reservations about this marriage, by the time that the arranged meeting is over, neither of them can wait until their wedding day.

    The wedding goes off without a hitch, and the relations between their respective nations is repaired and has never been better. However, those who were stoking the fires of war behind the scenes are most displeased by this sudden interruption of their plans, and have now set their sights on what seems an easier target. Do our newlyweds have what it takes to stand against the political machinations of those who lurk in the shadows? Or will these sudden challenges prove too much for them?

    (This writeup is a little bit rough. It will need some additional plotting).

    Martyrdom (Inquisitor x Accused Heretic)
    No one expects the fantasy inquisition.

    This is a very new idea— like, I'm coming up with it as I write the thread idea. I would be comfortable playing either role, with some caveats that we can discuss later on. But the basic idea is that whatever society this takes place in is relatively gothic in aesthetic, with those big beautiful cathedrals I love so much. As of late, civil unrest has grown to the point that there is a serious potential for revolution. So, naturally, what better way to restore the populace's faith in the current system than to declare the would-be rebels as heretics who threaten society as a whole?

    I'm comfortable in playing either role for this one, with some obvious caveats, lmao. But this is a story that has potential to get quite dark, and it will need to be story and character driven with a lot of worldbuilding and nerding about political intrigue and all that good stuff.

    Pre-Modern Supernatural/Fantasy
    Somber Notes (Pianist x Vampire)
    The time period is flexible, either during the Roaring Twenties or the late 1940's, in a bustling city along the eastern seaboard. In one of many cocktail lounges across the city, there is a performer who is quite popular among the ladies-- his charming good looks, combined with the poignantly romantic music he plays each night from dusk to dawn, give him a certain mystique, lending the lounge a larger audience than such a small, unknown venue should have.

    His repertoire of music is self-composed, and speaks heavily of love and loss and forlorn romance, the sorts of themes that attract the lonely and lovesick, though he's never spoken of a relationship and keeps conversations with those who approach him at the bench strictly casual. The only thing even the regulars at the club know of him is that he arrives at the lounge in the evening, and plays until shortly before closing time in the early hours of the morning.

    One of the regular attendees of the club is more fascinated by this man than most, because while the meanings of his songs are attractive to everything, they're especially resonant with him-- he's a vampire, and that makes... Relationships difficult. Over time, he becomes convinced he's found a kindred soul in the pianist, someone who can empathize with him, because it's obvious that he, too, is a creature of the night. Convinced of these things, he makes a move, and the two of them hit it off.

    ... Except, Mr. Performer isn't a vampire-- he's simply writing, vaguely, about the difficulty he has in his own right, being a gay man in a deeply homophobic era of American history. And therein the tension lies-- one of them must inevitably find out the hard way that the other isn't quite what they're expecting, and it's bound to be a difficult time for everyone involved.

    False Promises (Mute x Con Artist)
    A is a very, very unlucky man. He never knew his mother, and his father died several years ago of mysterious circumstances, leaving him nothing but a huge estate, ownership of an enormous manufacturing company, and a swarm of caretakers who have been around since his birth to manage every aspect of his life.

    First-world problems, am I right?

    Except then he got stricken with an incurable condition. One day, his voice grew hoarse, and then he lost the use of it entirely. This wouldn't be so bad in any other time period because, as I imagine that you're thinking, 'he can just write notes to people', but this is where I remember to mention that this plot takes place in Victorian England, and considering the fact that the Elementary Education Act was only passed in 1870, that means that a substantial part of the adult population has no idea how to read. Obviously, A called in a bunch of doctors, and the few who didn't say 'well clearly God is displeased at you, repent for your sins' kind of just shrugged their shoulders and admitted they have no idea what was going on before recommending leeches and bloodletting, sometimes both, at which point they were shown the door. Still, whatever the origin of this strange ailment is, A is quickly alienated by most of his associates.

    Eventually, through some means that isn't important at all so I'm not going to cover it, A gets hold of a book on Sign Language. It's easy enough for him to pick up on his own, and it's a bit faster than writing, but now he's faced with the problem that he's never met anyone in his life who understands it. All seems lost.

    At this point, there are two possibilities for the con artist (hereby named B) to enter the story.

    It's late at night, and A is headed home from some event or party or orgy or something the details are not important. Unfortunately, his carriage driver is new (the last one quit, fearful of working for someone who's cursed), and not nearly as good as reading, so he gets lost and they wind up in the bad part of town. It takes approximately fifteen seconds for hoodlums to accost them, but before they can get robbed blind, a wild B appears and chases them off! Of course, this was only because he wanted to rob them instead of those other guys, but when he realizes that A

    1) can't talk
    2) is signing at him and he can understand it because he knows it himself

    He realizes that this is a very unique opportunity and casually asks if A has any need for an interpreter. B gets the job and begins casing the joint and deciding which priceless vase to steal first.

    Streets Running Red (Half-Vampire x Vampire Hunter)
    It starts with a murder. It's not a normal murder, obviously-- rather, it's a particularly gruesome one. The victim looks like he got torn apart by an animal, which would be normal in some town in the middle of nowhere, but much less so in an alley in London. Hunter, as the foremost expert in supernatural/weird crimes (as well as the man undisputedly in control of supernatural crime prevention), is called in to investigate this murder, but he's thrown for a loop, because it doesn't look like a werewolf attack, and it's clearly too messy to be caused by a vampire. It doesn't resemble anything he's ever seen.

    That's because it is neither of those things. The perpetrator of this most horrid crime is none other than a half-vampire-- specifically, the half-vampire who proceeds to approach the man as he's leaving the scene to go back to his place to do a bit of research on this murder. Not that the Hunter would know that he's looking at a half-vampire, of course; the creature appears for all the world like nothing more than a desperate young man. And with the help of a sad story about how he's down on his luck (and possibly some allusion to him knowing a bit more than he should about supernatural phenomena), he manages to convince the man to take him in.

    Of course, in the beginning neither of them know what the other is. With some snooping around the man's house, the half-vampire is the first one to discover that this man he's hanging out with (and was plotting to murder because he needs blood) could definitely kill him, easily... But at the same time, he's got his own problems and certain people of the supernatural persuasion after him, so his best option is to hide in plain sight... Even if that does come with the constant threat of being found out and staked looming over his head, because there's little doubt in anyone's mind that that's exactly what will happen.

    Summer at Grandfather's Perfectly Normal Manor (Distant Relative x Distant Relative)
    Before last week, A and B, both privileged layabouts, had never heard of their first cousin once removed and his lovely wife who apparently live "just on the other side of London", but that didn't stop their parents from arranging a lovely journey to Paris for the summer without them. Before today, A and B had never heard of each other, either, which hardly helped when their coaches pulled up at nearly the same time before the wrought-iron gates of their grandfather's very country estate.

    Of course, there are other things to worry about aside from the fact that they've never met each other. These things include but are not limited to: their grandfather who is always viciously drunk by the time that they're awake, the lack of all but two or three staff members to attend to the estate, strange howls in the woods at night, the denizens of the tiny pastoral village nearby whom all act very suspiciously, faces peeking out from between the trees, that white horse with a horn on its head that follows them right up until they get to the gate, and other such marvelous wonders that the two men will experience during their Summer at Grandfather's Perfectly Normal Manor.

    (If it ain't clear, both A and B are adults, though the sort of coddled adult that has been raised with extreme wealth and privilege that comes with having excessively wealthy parents who have control over them.)

    Science Fiction/Futuristic Plots

    Perfect Dystopia (????? x ?????) (Kind of a setting more than a plot tbh)
    The year is 3xxx. In a far-flung future, humanity has mastered the art of genetic manipulation, a triumphant achievement and one of the last frontiers that scientific knowledge has been unable to settle.

    Finally, all diseases can be cured! The human body is no longer confined to being merely human! Ask anyone, the world has never been better!

    Unless, of course, the person you ask happens to be of the lower classes. Then you might get a different story.

    For all of the advancements in science and technology, the world is suffering socially. The class gap has never been wider. Automation has killed off many industries, and the rare few jobs that are available are highly skilled and require training that the average person is unable to attain unless they have a lot of money or wish to be buried in debt for the rest of their life. Certainly, there is a bare minimum of income that one can receive, and universal health care... But the newest in gene augmentation is expensive, ESPECIALLY compared to cheap pills that will manage your symptoms and kill your liver, and not covered by government health plans.

    But, even for the poor among the population, there is hope. This comes in the form of a daring new startup company that connects those in need of help with rich benefactors willing to fund the treatments they need. And like many shiny new Silicon Valley startups of the modern day, there's a catch that definitely screws people over.

    Basically, in exchange for lifesaving treatments, there are certain stipulations. The basic terms of the most extreme of the contracts through this company basically boil down to this: people who get their lifesaving treatments are indentured to their benefactor, and may be subject to certain modifications that will help them... Better repay their debt.


    And there we go, I've set the stage. To get us started off with, I have several characters that immediately came to mind for this setting, lmao.

    The first is... Completely throwing out the latter half of the plot write-up for something less problematic and more fun. Basically, he's a rich playboy who decides that it might be fun to augment himself into a beautiful fluffy person (basically a kemonomimi with critter legs), and so he does exactly that. The resulting RP would involve adventures in high society, or possibly him getting involved with a Very Bad Crowd and taking some exciting, action-y turns. Or he could somehow lose everything and end up needing to indenture himself, possibly to someone he made an enemy of previously? Wonderful.

    The second is somewhere in the middle. Basically, a dude signs up with the We Will Help You, Inc. site not for any particularly pressing reason, but because he thinks this will be a superb way to find a sugar daddy. He absolutely gets more than he bargains for, and ends up as the spoiled, bratty pet of a rich billionaire. Pretty good deal! This one is senseless fun. And who doesn't love senseless fun?

    The third fully plays into the entire write up. I've got a character in mind who is one such beneficiary of this new startup— a guy who had his cystic fibrosis cured and who is also in a very different body than the one he had before, pushed into a life-changing decision out of necessity. This one has the potential to be quite dark. It also has the potential to be cute and wholesome. But I kind of prefer dark.

    A fourth and equally valid option is to throw out the Dystopian Kickstarter nonsense and just decide that Science has begun to create tailor-made animal hybrids as a product for the (rich) masses. After all, why bother turning a person with their own personality into your pet if you can just have a lab grow you a brand new one that looks and acts however you want? GREAT IDEA. CAN'T GO WRONG.

    Endless Stars (Thief x Soldier of Fortune)
    A very long time into the future, space travel has been perfected, and planets inside and outside of our solar system have been colonized. Humans have achieved contact with a variety of strange and wonderful alien races.

    Across the galaxy, Soldier of Fortune is well-known for… Nothing, really. Hoping to change that, he has taken on a high-profile case to capture a fugitive, whom he has tracked to Europa. Everything is going well, and he's hot on the fugitive's trail, when he has a chance run-in with an alien, who bumps into him, apologizes, goes on his way.

    It's only minutes later that he realizes one of his important belongings have been pinched-- a keepsake or, perhaps less-cliché-y, the keys to his ship. He goes after the thief, and after a long chase, manages to catch him and retrieve the thing that was stolen.

    However, this has put him off schedule-- he returns to the trail of the fugitive just in time to see him board a vessel to a far-off planet.

    Feeling extremely put-off by this turn of events, the Soldier of Fortune goes off in search of the thief that ruined his plans and 'recruits' him as an assistant in finding his quarry again.

    (This plot will require a lot of worldbuilding. Be prepared for that if you are interested!)

    Dominion (Human Pet x Vampire)
    Centuries ago, vampires were thought of as nothing more than a myth at most, a fantasy at best. A creature of horror movies and video games and trashy YA novels, something that didn't, couldn't possibly exist.

    Until they declared war on all of humanity.

    And when that happened, it was only a matter of time until the creatures of the night took over.

    The year is 2xxx, and humans have been slaves for as long as anyone can remember. Their history has been all but lost, and what shreds remain of it has been twisted, rewritten to place their supreme overlords, vampires, as the heroes. At best, humans are pampered pets of vampires, bred and raised and entered in competitions like pedigreed dogs, or kept as trusted servants, clinging to the desperate hope that one day they, too, may join the ranks of their absolute masters. At worst, they're forced to slave their days away in camps, having their blood taken by great machines in the night, or dwelling in the filth of sewers far beneath the cities, living like vermin and killed on sight. But whatever their place, every human swiftly learns that in this vampire-controlled world, they are utterly disposable.

    By and large, vampires enjoy their rule over the world. Or, most of them do, anyway. There are a scant few of them who consider what the world has become to be a violation of the natural order… And they are considered just as dangerous as rogue humans to the vampires who consider their dominion over humanity to be sacrosanct.

    Horror???????? Ish?????
    Jalousie Cove (??????? x ???????) (Craving right meow)
    Along the west coast of the United States, somewhere between Los Angeles and Seattle, there is an unmarked road leading off of U.S. Route 101. There is a solitary gas station there, an entrance back onto the highway, and, a mile or two in-land, a road leading off of the street into the woods. The pavement is cracked, there is no sign indicating what lays down this path, and you wouldn't be able to find it on any map. There is a reason for this. Do not follow this road. Do not look at this road. Do not consider going down this road. Put it out of your mind, turn around, get back on 101, and in minutes you will forget that it exists or that you ever saw it.

    If, for some reason, you decide to follow the road, you will end driving along it for a long time. No matter what time it is that you start down the road, even if your car breaks down and you need to walk, it will be twilight by the time you reach the sun-faded sign at the top of the hill. It's an old sign, looks like it hasn't been touched up since the 50's or 60's, and upon it is an old, hand-painted mural of a beach at sunset.

    "Welcome to Jalousie Cove", it says, in sprawling text.

    If you turn back now, you'll be back by the gas station within ten minutes.

    If you continue onward, you will never see that gas station again.

    Beyond the hill lies a valley, and in the valley is a small coastal city. There is a tiny harbor with a scant few sailboats in it, and rows of streets containing buildings that appear to be from various decades. It is an idyllic little place, ignoring the singular grey stormcloud moving with great speed above one of the streets, and if you pass the sign, you will be compelled to drive down into it.

    Halfway along the road, if your car didn't fail yet, it will break down, and you will be forced to walk. There are train tracks immediately before the entrance to the town, and the post nearby them will be flashing continually, but there is no sign that a train is coming. Abruptly after crossing the tracks, it will arrive with great speed, and a couple with their child will get off onto the platform.

    None of the people who get off the train have a complete face-- one woman has no eyes, and her nose starts abruptly below her dark bangs. She holds the hand of a man with yellow teeth who breathes through his mouth, because there is no indication that his face ever had a nose upon it. Their child has twice as many of the things her parents are lacking. You do not allow your gaze to linger on this family as they walk onto the street and past you. If you do not notice them, perhaps they won't notice you, and that is something you desire greatly.

    You hasten your steps to get into town, because it is growing dark now, and when you turn back to look the way you came, you will notice that there is no longer a gap in the trees near the billboard, indicating that a road has ever led out of them.

    The billboard, as well, seems to have turned around, and the faded painting upon it seems to mockingly bear down on you.

    "Welcome to Jalousie Cove", it says, in sprawling text. And, under that, "Enjoy your stay."
  • This is where I put characters I'm wanting to play, but don't necessarily have a prebuilt plot for!

    Ailbhe | "I've been running my whole life. I don't know how to do anything else."
    What is one to do when the circumstances of their birth have doomed them?

    By all rights, Ailbhe should not exist. In a kinder and more just world, he never would have. Born half-fae in a world where few, if any, things are feared more than the fae by the general populace (and for good reason), he has spent the majority of his life on the run from one place to the next. There is an open bounty on his kind, as there is on all of those who treat with supernatural forces, and upon supernatural creatures themselves.

    Where he goes, disaster tends to follow, for he overflows with magic that he has no control over, and it tends to manifest at the worst possible time. Were you to ask any inquisitor or witch-hunter, you would be told that magic is an unstable and unnatural force, often killing human mages who attempt to wield it as retribution for treating with forces beyond their ken. However, supernatural creatures can perform magic almost as a second nature; it comes especially easily to those of the Fae Court, and that is indeed one of the many reasons why their kind is so feared-- and why half-breeds like himself-- containing all of the power but none of the control, and so easily able to blend in in human settlements-- are feared even more.

    This character is one I've been tossing around in my head for years. He exists in a dark-fantasy setting where the general public fears and reviles magical creatures and magic users, but none so much as the fae, giving any lands where they are known to congregate a wide berth. For the fae in this setting are not the twee and helpful creatures they have become in popular culture, but instead considered dangerous and cruel, operating by rules that humans are incapable of understanding (see: [The Goblin Market] or really any old folklore that discusses the fae).

    I have multiple ideas for him, actually, now:
    • He could end up running afoul of a witch-hunter (if you want to get Dark™)
    • ... Or end up being forced together with one out of Circumstance (he or they are Injured and have to rely on their sworn enemy? IDK?)
    • He could meet (and ally) with someone similarly persecuted in this world and they could travel together?
    • He could meet an actual Fae for whatever reason and then that could get interesting
    • Anything else, I just REALLY WANNA PLAY HIM

    Khoury | "You don't understand what you're up against."
    Even in a golden age of piracy, there are captains and crews so successful that their name has become synonymous with legend. And even among legends, there are those who stand at the top. Such is the case of The Immortal Captain Khoury Khattai, of whom the tales of preternatural skill and ability have been told for nigh-on a century. Over the years, as his story (and even his very identity as a member of a particularly marginalized race) has faded into obscurity, many pirates have assumed his name and mantle, and have assumed that he had long since died, as well. They were wrong.

    -Slaps Khoury- This bad boy can fit so much worldbuilding inside of him! I have an intensive amount of backstory for him, as well as for his race, which factors a huge amount into his story. I... Do not have the space to get into it here, but if you are interested, boy am I ready to bombard you with info, lmfao. As is customary, here are some ~ideas~.
    • He could run into an old (ancient?) rival?
    • An ~impostor~ pirate using his name could attack his ship?
    • Literally anything that you can use pirates or high seas/high skies travel in. I can make him fit.
  • If something isn't on this list that you are interested in, please ask about it. I left a great amount of things off of it that I did not anticipate I would run into with the type of search I'm doing.

    As with everything else, context matters-- anything on my 'NO' list that is not simply unrealistic may be viable in an RP, if framed the correct way.

    Regarding Anal stuff: I'm just not really into it. I'll write it, but it does nothing for me and I'm not super enthusiastic about it– so if it's something that you Really Love and need, I may not be the best partner for you! That may be a pain point for some of you. Sorry!

    Age Differences - LEGAL ONES
    Clit Play
    Dubious Consent
    Extreme Tightness
    Fingering (Vaginal)
    Fingers in Mouth
    Gaping (Vaginal)
    Light / Medium Bondage
    Male Pregnancy
    Multiple Characters
    Older Characters
    Pregnancy Progression
    Pregnancy as Control ¹
    Risk of Pregnancy
    Sex Toys
    Story Driven
    Transgender Characters
    Vaginal Sex (Receiving)
    Vaginal Virginity
    Clothed Sex
    Cum Inflation (Light / Medium)
    Double Penetration
    Intercrural Sex
    Leash & Collar
    Master / Slave
    Multiple Orgasms
    Nonsexual Roleplay
    Oral Sex (Giving)
    Oral Sex (Receiving)
    Pleasure Control / Denial
    Roleplay within RP
    Sadism / Masochism
    Sexual Exhaustion
    Sexual Frustration
    Sexual Pain
    Small Breasts
    Vanilla Sex
    Weapon Play
    Anal Sex (Receiving)
    Anal Training
    Anal Virginity
    Anthro Characters
    Bad Ends
    Barbed Cocks
    Breath Control
    Cock / Balls Worship
    Cock Warming
    Fingering (Anal)
    Genital Torture
    Heavy / Extreme Bondage
    Immobilization (Bondage)
    Incest (Parental)²
    Incest (Siblings)²
    Nonsexual Pain
    Orgasm Control / Denial
    Sex Driven
    Vaginal Fisting
    Vaginal Prolapse
    All the Way Through
    Alternative Pregnancy
    Anal Fisting
    Anal Prolapse
    Anal Sex (Giving)
    Ass to Mouth
    Cervical Penetration
    Cock / Ball Smothering
    Cock Slapping
    Cum Bath
    Execution / Murder
    Extreme Pregnancy
    Foreskin Worship
    Gaping (Anal)
    Gender Transformation
    Hard Cum Facials
    Hyper Anything
    Nipple Penetration
    Non-Standard Penetration
    Nonsexual Torture
    Slapping (in a sexual context)
    Unintelligent Characters⁴

    ¹To elaborate: I adore incorporating pregnancy into my roleplays because of the conflict it invites. The unprecedented level of control it gives a dominant? The unprecedented lack of control it bestows upon the submissive? The way it shifts the entire power dynamic— should the submissive just give in for the safety of the child; or, are they unable to resist as much, exhausted as they are from the unwilling changes they're experiencing in a body they no longer have control over? Will the dominant be inclined to be more gentle towards the submissive now that they've cemented their ownership in such a concrete way; or will they seek to reinforce it for fear of what the submissive might do out of desperation? Simply exquisite.

    ² I really have no problem at all with doing incest in my roleplays. The problem comes when people come to me with a bare-bones plot that has little substance aside from "dad x son, the mom died and the dad seeks comfort in his son" or something. I need more than that-- WAY more than that. Give me a compelling storyline and a plot, because this is not a kink that can carry a roleplay for me. If you are looking for something like what I listed, I am not your guy.

    ³This is a 'maybe' as in, 'maybe someone will be interested in doing this my way'. My 'interpretation' of the "omegaverse" I play is Very Different from how it usually is— practically unrecognizable, in fact. I trimmed away much of the gender essentialism and the weird infantalizing things (ie- nesting), for one, because that makes me extremely uncomfortable and I don't care to explore a watered down Handmaid's Tale But Gay when political circumstances as of late are threatening to make that a reality and I use fiction as an escape, lmao.

    By this I don't mean like, himbos or whatever. Love those guys. But I don't want to fetishize intellectual disability, for example.
  • And here is the tab for my writing samples. I don't tend to really ask for them on my own, but it's in vogue now to request them, so I thought to go ahead and add some here.

    Dialogue-heavy | Exposition | Multiple Character Interaction
    "Please— I would not ask anything of you. You are a guest here," Sian had said, raising a hand to stave off any argument. Just as quickly, he had already changed the subject.

    "So, you enjoy reading?" He asked, and that little commonality with the young man was really all it took to earn his favor. With an easy smile, he lifted up his satchel once more, offering it to the prince. "If you see anything inside which interests you, feel free to borrow it... Ah, though many of those are written in Ancestor, which I gather you're unfamiliar with."

    He referred, of course, to the unique written language utilized by cubs and those unable to transform into a two-legged shape, which consisted of a great variety of symbols and markings which could easily be made with paw and claw. All of the books of that type were printed upon a much thicker vellum, which made them more durable when being read by those who did not have the fine dexterity that a pair of hands presented.

    "... I have many more books in the common language as well, of course— they may be to your taste." He turned, then, waving his hand, bidding Silas to follow, and they walked down the opposite corridor to where the family bedchamber was. There was a room to the left which consisted of a desk beside a window, and a simple bookshelf which leaned under the weight of an enormous variety of books from all over the world.

    "Nima brought me most of these home from the bazaar," Sian said, fondly, reaching up to pick one of them off the shelf, paging through it. "Most of the books we own are imported from other lands— but I consider that a blessing, in truth. It allows us to broaden our perspective on the world and others who may be unlike us."

    "Baba!" Shirin said, leaping from his shoulder and to the top of the bookshelf, reaching over to paw at the books on the top row. "I just remembered— Silas asked me earlier what I wanted to be when I was older. I said I wanted to be like Dorien Allister, but when I tried to talk about him, I couldn't remember the word you taught us in the common language, his— his job, aside from a traveler?"

    "Is it 'magician', my dear?" Sian asked, and smiled at the cub's excited nodding. He pulled a book from a mismatched set kept on the highest shelf, paging through it. "I read some of the entries from this volume to the class one day, and Shirin was particularly taken with it, it seems. I had to read all of them to her at bedtime for months afterward. Have you read any of them? Ah, but what a silly question— from a place as well-read as the Empire, you must have."

    He shelved the book, pulling out another, newer one, in a fine leather cover. "Nima was able to procure me this newest release shortly before he last worked in the bazaar. Have you had a chance to read it yet? It's a bit different from his usual writing— rather than a general memoir like the others, it's full of stories about mystical ailments that he was asked to assist with. Some truly interesting things can happen when magic is misused; there's a certain story in there about a baron whose shadow began to display new phantom appendages each day, until one night—"

    Nima, having heard the tale before, and cognizant of a certain someone listening atop the bookshelf who was prone to nightmares after hearing scary stories, cleared his throat. Sian paused, glancing to him, at which point he noticed Shirin listening open-mouthed, and flushed.

    "Ah," he said, suddenly sheepish. "I apologize, I may have gotten carried away. Here," he offered the book to Silas. "If you've not had a chance to read it yet, it's a fascinating book. And I'd be obliged to have someone to discuss it with. Nima shows endless patience picking them up for me and letting me talk about them, even if he doesn't particularly enjoy reading, himself."

    Tension | Character Interaction | Horror
    Something was wrong.

    It was strange, the way that the realization had suddenly come to him. He had been sitting at his desk, reading through another book on the art of summoning, when the thought had come to mind, suddenly and with an uncommon clarity.

    I should begin to prepare Amelia's medicine.

    And so he had stood up from the desk and, with an urgency he did not know the source of, moved into his laboratory, lighting the flame beneath the distiller as he had each night. In truth, he was not certain if the medicine could be prepared in advance or not; once he had figured out a method of preparation which had been successful, he had never changed it; why try to iterate upon something proven successful when the stakes were so high?

    He would merely distill the liquid portion of the medicine for now, he decided– it could be allowed to cool, as had happened in the past when he had gotten distracted by Amelia in the process of preparing it. It did not become potent until the powdered quill was added to it.

    And yet, it turned out that no sooner had he decided this then he heard frantic footsteps in the hallway, and his door was slammed open. He jumped, his heart racing, fearing for the briefest moment that the soldiers of the Empire had decided to come after him now that this hallway was unoccupied by any other than himself, but when he turned, he saw the prince, the panicked look upon his face.

    "What–" He started, but then he saw the terror in the man's face, and knew immediately what was wrong even before Silas got the words out.


    He nodded, turning to his equipment, uttering a silent, thankful prayer to the gods that he had thought to prepare it now. Pulling open the drawer with the powder, he measured it out, swiftly pouring it into the liquid portion, and then flew from the room, stirring it as he hurried along the hallway.

    He prayed it was not too late.

    The doors to their chambers had been left open, and when he saw as much, he felt himself fill with fear that Amelia had already been taken and fled the room. But as he approached, he saw her doubled over upon the floor, heard her quivering voice.

    "FoRty-EIghT... fOrtY-nINe..."

    It was not yet too late.

    "Amelia, I'm here," he spoke quietly, kneeling beside her, placing a hand upon the small of her back. The skin beneath the silk of her dress undulated beneath his hand, and he grimaced. He should have come sooner. Waited at the end of the hallway, if need be...

    "NiMA," she whimpered, and when she turned to face him, her eyes were red. "It huRTs..."

    "I know, my dear. I'm so sorry. Let me get you into bed." With one hand, he lifted her up, holding her steady as he carried her to bed, setting her down gently atop the covers, propping her against the pillows.

    He could see the fresh blood dribbling from her mouth, see the flash of sharpened teeth.

    "My poor darling," he whispered. "Here, I'll help you drink," he held the cup before her, tilting it to her lips. Shaking, her hand came up, holding onto his forearm as she took gentle sips. He could feel the bloodied talons at the tips of her fingers pierce his flesh as she gripped him tight, but did not react, his thoughts only upon her.

    When she finished the medicine, she yet clung to him, shaking, her eyes squeezed shut in pain. "Nima... I'm so so-sorry," she whispered. "It's l-late... Did Silas wake you? ... Oh no, p-poor Silas... I-I ruined the n-night..."

    "It will be all right, my dear," he murmured. He set the cup aside, stroking her hair. "He came to get me." He glanced toward the doorway, looking for the prince. "... Worry not about such things. It will be all right."

    He could feel her grip upon his arm beginning to weaken, and winced but barely as he felt the claws recede from his flesh. Blessedly, she did not seem to notice, her eyes already beginning to close. "Would you..." She whispered. "Would you sing to me?"

    "Of course," he whispered. Holding her gently, he began to hum, quietly, whispering an old lullaby, finishing only when she had fallen once again into deep sleep.

    "Thank you," he then spoke, glancing to Silas. Quietly, he rose from his chair, glancing down at his arm; his sleeve had soaked through with his blood, but he paid it no mind. "Had you not come and gotten me when you had..." He glanced to Amelia, a grim look upon his face, and shook his head. "... In the morning, she will not remember the changes she underwent; I would be unsurprised if she recalls little beyond collapsing." Despite himself, he smiled, looking to the prince. "I'm afraid that means that she will not remember what a hero you were to her, either. I'll be certain to tell her."

    Porn, lol
    The elf let out a guttural sound as he felt the prince's teeth against his neck, the sting from the bite sending a wave of pleasure-pain tingling down his spine. The intensity with which the man fucked into him now was almost more painful than it was pleasurable, and a part of him was very aware of the fact that the aftermath of their morning together was certainly going to remain with him far into the evening.

    He was so lost in the sensations and in his own approaching peak that, while he heard his lover say something, he was not fully cognizant of what it was. Only when the man paused entirely and he heard a second voice did he realize something was amiss, and lifted his head from the bed to see that they were no longer alone.

    ... Did people not knock in this palace?

    Despite the fact that he was covered almost entirely by the prince's bulk, he felt very exposed indeed. Unfortunately, for the selfsame reason that the prince was on top of him, he had no recourse to shift or move to cover the parts of him that were quite visible, and he felt his cheeks burn hot at the thought of what their visitor could see from the angle at which he sat.

    Oh, if only he could melt into the bed entirely! At least then, he would have no need to confront the curious... Excitement? That the knowledge they were being observed was giving him.

    Instead, he remained silent as the two men conversed. He did remember, vaguely, the encounter with the advisor the night before, and how tense things had been between him and the prince (and the disdain, as well, with which said advisor had looked at him). It seemed as if that was a trend which was continuing here and now. And yet, despite his predisposition against the man, he could not keep from admitting that...

    "He has a point..." he murmured. His cheeks colored nonetheless at the prince's excuse on his behalf, and he smiled a bit, but then started to speak once more,

    "I-- gh!" His head dropped at the unexpected thrust of the cock that throbbed inside of him, and took a moment to regain his composure and blink the stars away before speaking softly, his voice shaking. "I... I won't mind if you need to go to the meeting instead. We can spend time together whenever you like. The good of the kingdom should come before me, o-or I'd feel terribly guilty."

    Porn again, lol (Light femdom?)
    Amelia could feel her own heart beginning to race. Each small reaction of his— each little gasp, or moan, or whimper— filled her with a feeling that she could never begin to describe. It was not arousal— or rather, it was, partially, arousal, but it was a great many other things, separately and all at once.

    Just a few moments ago, when he had used his mouth upon her, she had never known she could feel such a way. In that same vein, she had never known she could make anyone else feel the way that Silas now seemed to.

    It was, put lightly, a very powerful sensation. She quite liked it.

    His warning made her chuckle, and she shifted her head upon his shoulder, nuzzling against him. "It's all right with me if that is what you would prefer," she whispered, directly into his ear– following it up with the gentlest possible bite. And at his request, then, she felt her cheeks turn scarlet, felt a heat unlike any she had experienced yet fill her chest.

    "Would you permit me release, my love? Will it please you to watch?"

    Oh, why did something so innocuous make her feel so strongly?

    "It would," she murmured. She shifted her position again, so that she might look at his face or at his body equally, and shifted her arms. Mindful of the length of her nails, she shifted her hand at his sex once more, fingers ghosting out before dipping back inside of him. With her thumb, she gently teased his clit, and with her other hand, she adjusted her grip, stroking his length exactly how he had showed her when he had moved her hand before.

    As she did, she rested her head in the crook of his neck, reveling in the sound of each of his stilted breaths, at his every shift and movement. "Oh, Silas," she murmured into his ear. "Please, whenever you are ready." She hesitated, and then spoke, thinking to how he had asked her, a grin coming onto her lips.

    "You have my permission, my love."

    (Three of these samples have the same names in them. They'll never know that they're all from AUs of the same setting.)
  • Wow you clicked this tag too? You deserve a reward. Here's a bee eating a yummy cheeseburger. 🍔:bee:

    Look at him go!

    I hope you have a lovely day and I hope to hear from you! :)
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