- Local time
- Today 11:07 AM
- Messages
- 55
- Age
- 34
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Hello there. You can call me Princeling!
And just to get a little bit about me out of the way~
- 30's
- I am nonbinary; my pronouns are he/him.
- I live in the Central time zone and work from home-- I have a lot of free time.
- I love to write (duh), and when hooked on an RP, I can write a lot. You have no idea. I passed the 150k word mark with a specific long-term partner in less than a month after starting an RP with her. While I'm not asking you to match that volume, I definitely want someone who will get as Enthusiastic about things as me and will reply regularly if we really hit it off. The beginning of an RP is the most critical part for me-- if the plot is good I can get super into it and reply multiple times a day, so if you can match my energy, that would be ideal.
- Re: writing. My average post is like 300-1000 words.
- Kind of related to the above, I like to be friends OOC. I will definitely make a Discord server for OOC chat if you are amenable to that, and it will have a billion channels for inspo pics, character pics, plotting, etc
- Regarding limits... See the Kinklist below for all of that.
Also— to clarify. If you saw what I wrote and automatically thought that I only play submissive characters and/or that an AFAB male character can't be dominant... Well, I don't want to be mean, but— skill issue, lmao. (Hell, I've got femdom in my writing samples tab). My plot writeups are just that, writeups about the plot. They typically cover only where things start, and don't account for every possible nuance in character relationships. That's why I like discussing all of these details before starting an RP.
Anyway! If I don't sound totally insufferable to you, please read on!
What to expect from me:
+ I do not and will not use photo face claims. I will not play real people— asking me to guarantees I'm blocking you immediately. I exclusively use illustrated face claims of my original characters. I like to play around with AI art generation, so that's what I tend to work with (unless I have a pre-existing commissioned reference of my character). I prefer you do the same or rely on descriptions. Nothing wrong with descriptions.
+ In the same vein? My character is my character. Your character is your character. I will rarely, if ever, try to tell you what character to play or even ask you to change details about them— typically I only do it when asked. I expect the same courtesy. If you want to have complete control over every character in an RP, go sign up for ChatGPT or something lol, damn.
+ I love to write (duh), and when hooked on an RP, I can write a lot. You have no idea. I passed the 150k word mark with a specific long-term partner in less than a month after starting an RP with her. While I'm not asking you to match that volume, I definitely want someone who will get as Enthusiastic about things as me and will reply regularly if we really hit it off. The beginning of an RP is the most critical part for me-- if the plot is good I can get super into it and reply multiple times a day, so if you can match my energy, that would be ideal. That is not to say, however, that I don't want something slower-paced. I just tend to fall in love with RPs in the beginning and just go hog wild, lmao.
+ Re: writing. My average post is like 300-1000+ words.
+ Kind of related to the above, I like to be friends OOC. I will definitely be very very chatty OOC. Please be ready for it.
+ Regarding limits... Most of mine revolve around violence, lmao. If you want more information, just go ahead and check out my Kink List tab. Anything that is a 'No', I'm not really down for doing.
+ Regarding 'fetishization'. This has never, personally, bothered me as a NB trans person, and I really feel like the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction lately, toward complete desexualization, which is just as bad in a different way. Why do cis characters get to have all the fun, and I'm left with the boring uwu coffee shop AUs that go nowhere? I won't write an essay here (that's for tumblr), but all of that to say? Yeah. Bring me your gross self-indulgent kink plots. Give me nasty ideas. I love that shit.
+ Kind of related to the above: our world is so bad and scary already lately that I find it unacceptable and exhausting to get on other people's cases regarding imaginary fictional scenarios. That is to say, if you are a member of the feelings yakuza, we won't get along. I know that kinkshaming is against the rules here already, but I just want to like, double say that I am So Over The Discourse. I see it on tumblr and twitter already, I don't wanna deal with it here.
What I expect from you:
I expect you to read the above and decide for yourself if we are compatible, lmao.
In all honesty, I set no expectations for my partners. with regards to age (as long as you are over 18), gender, timezone, whatever. My best friend (aka that person I talked about writing 150k words with in a month up there) is completely different from me in every conceivable way, so if that's not a testament to my ability to get along with pretty much anyone, nothing is.
Actually, no, I now have a single expectation:
+ Holy SHIT, give me something to WORK WITH. Nothing gives me a sense of impending doom for any potential interaction we might have like having my first message from someone be some variation of "Hello do you want to do an rp?" This is a hobby. This should be fun. If you're approaching me with the enthusiasm of a dead fish? That's not fun. Tell me something about yourself. Send me a cute cat pic. I don't care how you introduce yourself, but I don't really want to RP with people who seem like they're bored before the RP has even started. -
This is where I put characters I'm wanting to play, but don't necessarily have a prebuilt plot for!
What is one to do when the circumstances of their birth have doomed them?
By all rights, Ailbhe should not exist. In a kinder and more just world, he never would have. Born half-fae in a world where few, if any, things are feared more than the fae by the general populace (and for good reason), he has spent the majority of his life on the run from one place to the next. There is an open bounty on his kind, as there is on all of those who treat with supernatural forces, and upon supernatural creatures themselves.
Where he goes, disaster tends to follow, for he overflows with magic that he has no control over, and it tends to manifest at the worst possible time. Were you to ask any inquisitor or witch-hunter, you would be told that magic is an unstable and unnatural force, often killing human mages who attempt to wield it as retribution for treating with forces beyond their ken. However, supernatural creatures can perform magic almost as a second nature; it comes especially easily to those of the Fae Court, and that is indeed one of the many reasons why their kind is so feared-- and why half-breeds like himself-- containing all of the power but none of the control, and so easily able to blend in in human settlements-- are feared even more.
This character is one I've been tossing around in my head for years. He exists in a dark-fantasy setting where the general public fears and reviles magical creatures and magic users, but none so much as the fae, giving any lands where they are known to congregate a wide berth. For the fae in this setting are not the twee and helpful creatures they have become in popular culture, but instead considered dangerous and cruel, operating by rules that humans are incapable of understanding (see: [The Goblin Market] or really any old folklore that discusses the fae).
I have multiple ideas for him, actually, now:
- He could end up running afoul of a witch-hunter (if you want to get Dark™)
- ... Or end up being forced together with one out of Circumstance (he or they are Injured and have to rely on their sworn enemy? IDK?)
- He could meet (and ally) with someone similarly persecuted in this world and they could travel together?
- He could meet an actual Fae for whatever reason and then that could get interesting
- Anything else, I just REALLY WANNA PLAY HIM
Even in a golden age of piracy, there are captains and crews so successful that their name has become synonymous with legend. And even among legends, there are those who stand at the top. Such is the case of The Immortal Captain Khoury Khattai, of whom the tales of preternatural skill and ability have been told for nigh-on a century. Over the years, as his story (and even his very identity as a member of a particularly marginalized race) has faded into obscurity, many pirates have assumed his name and mantle, and have assumed that he had long since died, as well. They were wrong.
-Slaps Khoury- This bad boy can fit so much worldbuilding inside of him! I have an intensive amount of backstory for him, as well as for his race, which factors a huge amount into his story. I... Do not have the space to get into it here, but if you are interested, boy am I ready to bombard you with info, lmfao. As is customary, here are some ~ideas~.
- He could run into an old (ancient?) rival?
- An ~impostor~ pirate using his name could attack his ship?
- Literally anything that you can use pirates or high seas/high skies travel in. I can make him fit.
If something isn't on this list that you are interested in, please ask about it. I left a great amount of things off of it that I did not anticipate I would run into with the type of search I'm doing.
As with everything else, context matters-- anything on my 'NO' list that is not simply unrealistic may be viable in an RP, if framed the correct way.
Regarding Anal stuff: I'm just not really into it. I'll write it, but it does nothing for me and I'm not super enthusiastic about it– so if it's something that you Really Love and need, I may not be the best partner for you! That may be a pain point for some of you. Sorry!
Fave Yes Maybe NOPE Age Differences - LEGAL ONES
Clit Play
Dubious Consent
Extreme Tightness
Fingering (Vaginal)
Fingers in Mouth
Gaping (Vaginal)
Light / Medium Bondage
Male Pregnancy
Multiple Characters
Older Characters
Pregnancy Progression
Pregnancy as Control ¹
Risk of Pregnancy
Sex Toys
Story Driven
Transgender Characters
Vaginal Sex (Receiving)
Vaginal VirginityBegging
Clothed Sex
Cum Inflation (Light / Medium)
Double Penetration
Intercrural Sex
Leash & Collar
Master / Slave
Multiple Orgasms
Nonsexual Roleplay
Oral Sex (Giving)
Oral Sex (Receiving)
Pleasure Control / Denial
Roleplay within RP
Sadism / Masochism
Sexual Exhaustion
Sexual Frustration
Sexual Pain
Small Breasts
Vanilla Sex
Weapon PlayAbrasions
Anal Sex (Receiving)
Anal Training
Anal Virginity
Anthro Characters
Bad Ends
Barbed Cocks
Breath Control
Cock / Balls Worship
Cock Warming
Fingering (Anal)
Genital Torture
Heavy / Extreme Bondage
Immobilization (Bondage)
Incest (Parental)²
Incest (Siblings)²
Nonsexual Pain
Orgasm Control / Denial
Sex Driven
Vaginal Fisting
Vaginal Prolapse
All the Way Through
Alternative Pregnancy
Anal Fisting
Anal Prolapse
Anal Sex (Giving)
Ass to Mouth
Cervical Penetration
Cock / Ball Smothering
Cock Slapping
Cum Bath
Execution / Murder
Extreme Pregnancy
Foreskin Worship
Gaping (Anal)
Gender Transformation
Hard Cum Facials
Hyper Anything
Nipple Penetration
Non-Standard Penetration
Nonsexual Torture
Slapping (in a sexual context)
Unintelligent Characters⁴
¹To elaborate: I adore incorporating pregnancy into my roleplays because of the conflict it invites. The unprecedented level of control it gives a dominant? The unprecedented lack of control it bestows upon the submissive? The way it shifts the entire power dynamic— should the submissive just give in for the safety of the child; or, are they unable to resist as much, exhausted as they are from the unwilling changes they're experiencing in a body they no longer have control over? Will the dominant be inclined to be more gentle towards the submissive now that they've cemented their ownership in such a concrete way; or will they seek to reinforce it for fear of what the submissive might do out of desperation? Simply exquisite.
² I really have no problem at all with doing incest in my roleplays. The problem comes when people come to me with a bare-bones plot that has little substance aside from "dad x son, the mom died and the dad seeks comfort in his son" or something. I need more than that-- WAY more than that. Give me a compelling storyline and a plot, because this is not a kink that can carry a roleplay for me. If you are looking for something like what I listed, I am not your guy.
³This is a 'maybe' as in, 'maybe someone will be interested in doing this my way'. My 'interpretation' of the "omegaverse" I play is Very Different from how it usually is— practically unrecognizable, in fact. I trimmed away much of the gender essentialism and the weird infantalizing things (ie- nesting), for one, because that makes me extremely uncomfortable and I don't care to explore a watered down Handmaid's Tale But Gay when political circumstances as of late are threatening to make that a reality and I use fiction as an escape, lmao.
⁴ By this I don't mean like, himbos or whatever. Love those guys. But I don't want to fetishize intellectual disability, for example.
And here is the tab for my writing samples. I don't tend to really ask for them on my own, but it's in vogue now to request them, so I thought to go ahead and add some here.
Dialogue-heavy | Exposition | Multiple Character Interaction
"Please— I would not ask anything of you. You are a guest here," Sian had said, raising a hand to stave off any argument. Just as quickly, he had already changed the subject.
"So, you enjoy reading?" He asked, and that little commonality with the young man was really all it took to earn his favor. With an easy smile, he lifted up his satchel once more, offering it to the prince. "If you see anything inside which interests you, feel free to borrow it... Ah, though many of those are written in Ancestor, which I gather you're unfamiliar with."
He referred, of course, to the unique written language utilized by cubs and those unable to transform into a two-legged shape, which consisted of a great variety of symbols and markings which could easily be made with paw and claw. All of the books of that type were printed upon a much thicker vellum, which made them more durable when being read by those who did not have the fine dexterity that a pair of hands presented.
"... I have many more books in the common language as well, of course— they may be to your taste." He turned, then, waving his hand, bidding Silas to follow, and they walked down the opposite corridor to where the family bedchamber was. There was a room to the left which consisted of a desk beside a window, and a simple bookshelf which leaned under the weight of an enormous variety of books from all over the world.
"Nima brought me most of these home from the bazaar," Sian said, fondly, reaching up to pick one of them off the shelf, paging through it. "Most of the books we own are imported from other lands— but I consider that a blessing, in truth. It allows us to broaden our perspective on the world and others who may be unlike us."
"Baba!" Shirin said, leaping from his shoulder and to the top of the bookshelf, reaching over to paw at the books on the top row. "I just remembered— Silas asked me earlier what I wanted to be when I was older. I said I wanted to be like Dorien Allister, but when I tried to talk about him, I couldn't remember the word you taught us in the common language, his— his job, aside from a traveler?"
"Is it 'magician', my dear?" Sian asked, and smiled at the cub's excited nodding. He pulled a book from a mismatched set kept on the highest shelf, paging through it. "I read some of the entries from this volume to the class one day, and Shirin was particularly taken with it, it seems. I had to read all of them to her at bedtime for months afterward. Have you read any of them? Ah, but what a silly question— from a place as well-read as the Empire, you must have."
He shelved the book, pulling out another, newer one, in a fine leather cover. "Nima was able to procure me this newest release shortly before he last worked in the bazaar. Have you had a chance to read it yet? It's a bit different from his usual writing— rather than a general memoir like the others, it's full of stories about mystical ailments that he was asked to assist with. Some truly interesting things can happen when magic is misused; there's a certain story in there about a baron whose shadow began to display new phantom appendages each day, until one night—"
Nima, having heard the tale before, and cognizant of a certain someone listening atop the bookshelf who was prone to nightmares after hearing scary stories, cleared his throat. Sian paused, glancing to him, at which point he noticed Shirin listening open-mouthed, and flushed.
"Ah," he said, suddenly sheepish. "I apologize, I may have gotten carried away. Here," he offered the book to Silas. "If you've not had a chance to read it yet, it's a fascinating book. And I'd be obliged to have someone to discuss it with. Nima shows endless patience picking them up for me and letting me talk about them, even if he doesn't particularly enjoy reading, himself."
Tension | Character Interaction | Horror
Something was wrong.
It was strange, the way that the realization had suddenly come to him. He had been sitting at his desk, reading through another book on the art of summoning, when the thought had come to mind, suddenly and with an uncommon clarity.
I should begin to prepare Amelia's medicine.
And so he had stood up from the desk and, with an urgency he did not know the source of, moved into his laboratory, lighting the flame beneath the distiller as he had each night. In truth, he was not certain if the medicine could be prepared in advance or not; once he had figured out a method of preparation which had been successful, he had never changed it; why try to iterate upon something proven successful when the stakes were so high?
He would merely distill the liquid portion of the medicine for now, he decided– it could be allowed to cool, as had happened in the past when he had gotten distracted by Amelia in the process of preparing it. It did not become potent until the powdered quill was added to it.
And yet, it turned out that no sooner had he decided this then he heard frantic footsteps in the hallway, and his door was slammed open. He jumped, his heart racing, fearing for the briefest moment that the soldiers of the Empire had decided to come after him now that this hallway was unoccupied by any other than himself, but when he turned, he saw the prince, the panicked look upon his face.
"What–" He started, but then he saw the terror in the man's face, and knew immediately what was wrong even before Silas got the words out.
He nodded, turning to his equipment, uttering a silent, thankful prayer to the gods that he had thought to prepare it now. Pulling open the drawer with the powder, he measured it out, swiftly pouring it into the liquid portion, and then flew from the room, stirring it as he hurried along the hallway.
He prayed it was not too late.
The doors to their chambers had been left open, and when he saw as much, he felt himself fill with fear that Amelia had already been taken and fled the room. But as he approached, he saw her doubled over upon the floor, heard her quivering voice.
"FoRty-EIghT... fOrtY-nINe..."
It was not yet too late.
"Amelia, I'm here," he spoke quietly, kneeling beside her, placing a hand upon the small of her back. The skin beneath the silk of her dress undulated beneath his hand, and he grimaced. He should have come sooner. Waited at the end of the hallway, if need be...
"NiMA," she whimpered, and when she turned to face him, her eyes were red. "It huRTs..."
"I know, my dear. I'm so sorry. Let me get you into bed." With one hand, he lifted her up, holding her steady as he carried her to bed, setting her down gently atop the covers, propping her against the pillows.
He could see the fresh blood dribbling from her mouth, see the flash of sharpened teeth.
"My poor darling," he whispered. "Here, I'll help you drink," he held the cup before her, tilting it to her lips. Shaking, her hand came up, holding onto his forearm as she took gentle sips. He could feel the bloodied talons at the tips of her fingers pierce his flesh as she gripped him tight, but did not react, his thoughts only upon her.
When she finished the medicine, she yet clung to him, shaking, her eyes squeezed shut in pain. "Nima... I'm so so-sorry," she whispered. "It's l-late... Did Silas wake you? ... Oh no, p-poor Silas... I-I ruined the n-night..."
"It will be all right, my dear," he murmured. He set the cup aside, stroking her hair. "He came to get me." He glanced toward the doorway, looking for the prince. "... Worry not about such things. It will be all right."
He could feel her grip upon his arm beginning to weaken, and winced but barely as he felt the claws recede from his flesh. Blessedly, she did not seem to notice, her eyes already beginning to close. "Would you..." She whispered. "Would you sing to me?"
"Of course," he whispered. Holding her gently, he began to hum, quietly, whispering an old lullaby, finishing only when she had fallen once again into deep sleep.
"Thank you," he then spoke, glancing to Silas. Quietly, he rose from his chair, glancing down at his arm; his sleeve had soaked through with his blood, but he paid it no mind. "Had you not come and gotten me when you had..." He glanced to Amelia, a grim look upon his face, and shook his head. "... In the morning, she will not remember the changes she underwent; I would be unsurprised if she recalls little beyond collapsing." Despite himself, he smiled, looking to the prince. "I'm afraid that means that she will not remember what a hero you were to her, either. I'll be certain to tell her."
Porn, lol
The elf let out a guttural sound as he felt the prince's teeth against his neck, the sting from the bite sending a wave of pleasure-pain tingling down his spine. The intensity with which the man fucked into him now was almost more painful than it was pleasurable, and a part of him was very aware of the fact that the aftermath of their morning together was certainly going to remain with him far into the evening.
He was so lost in the sensations and in his own approaching peak that, while he heard his lover say something, he was not fully cognizant of what it was. Only when the man paused entirely and he heard a second voice did he realize something was amiss, and lifted his head from the bed to see that they were no longer alone.
... Did people not knock in this palace?
Despite the fact that he was covered almost entirely by the prince's bulk, he felt very exposed indeed. Unfortunately, for the selfsame reason that the prince was on top of him, he had no recourse to shift or move to cover the parts of him that were quite visible, and he felt his cheeks burn hot at the thought of what their visitor could see from the angle at which he sat.
Oh, if only he could melt into the bed entirely! At least then, he would have no need to confront the curious... Excitement? That the knowledge they were being observed was giving him.
Instead, he remained silent as the two men conversed. He did remember, vaguely, the encounter with the advisor the night before, and how tense things had been between him and the prince (and the disdain, as well, with which said advisor had looked at him). It seemed as if that was a trend which was continuing here and now. And yet, despite his predisposition against the man, he could not keep from admitting that...
"He has a point..." he murmured. His cheeks colored nonetheless at the prince's excuse on his behalf, and he smiled a bit, but then started to speak once more,
"I-- gh!" His head dropped at the unexpected thrust of the cock that throbbed inside of him, and took a moment to regain his composure and blink the stars away before speaking softly, his voice shaking. "I... I won't mind if you need to go to the meeting instead. We can spend time together whenever you like. The good of the kingdom should come before me, o-or I'd feel terribly guilty."
Porn again, lol (Light femdom?)
Amelia could feel her own heart beginning to race. Each small reaction of his— each little gasp, or moan, or whimper— filled her with a feeling that she could never begin to describe. It was not arousal— or rather, it was, partially, arousal, but it was a great many other things, separately and all at once.
Just a few moments ago, when he had used his mouth upon her, she had never known she could feel such a way. In that same vein, she had never known she could make anyone else feel the way that Silas now seemed to.
It was, put lightly, a very powerful sensation. She quite liked it.
His warning made her chuckle, and she shifted her head upon his shoulder, nuzzling against him. "It's all right with me if that is what you would prefer," she whispered, directly into his ear– following it up with the gentlest possible bite. And at his request, then, she felt her cheeks turn scarlet, felt a heat unlike any she had experienced yet fill her chest.
"Would you permit me release, my love? Will it please you to watch?"
Oh, why did something so innocuous make her feel so strongly?
"It would," she murmured. She shifted her position again, so that she might look at his face or at his body equally, and shifted her arms. Mindful of the length of her nails, she shifted her hand at his sex once more, fingers ghosting out before dipping back inside of him. With her thumb, she gently teased his clit, and with her other hand, she adjusted her grip, stroking his length exactly how he had showed her when he had moved her hand before.
As she did, she rested her head in the crook of his neck, reveling in the sound of each of his stilted breaths, at his every shift and movement. "Oh, Silas," she murmured into his ear. "Please, whenever you are ready." She hesitated, and then spoke, thinking to how he had asked her, a grin coming onto her lips.
"You have my permission, my love."
(Three of these samples have the same names in them. They'll never know that they're all from AUs of the same setting.)
Wow you clicked this tag too? You deserve a reward. Here's a bee eating a yummy cheeseburger.
Look at him go!
I hope you have a lovely day and I hope to hear from you! :)
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