Looking for Roleplay Partners

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Looking for Roleplay Partners

Corax Noir

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Hello, everyone! I'm new here, but not to roleplaying. I've been dying to RP for ages now, but the website I've been using hardly has any good RPs, so I joined this website. I really look forward to RPing with everyone. PM me to discuss RPing with me.

I generally post 5 paragraphs (1,000+ words) once or twice a week, though I may post more frequently if I have more time on my hands. I rarely reply on Fridays or Saturdays, though. I'm perfectly fine with people posting more infrequently so long as the replies are quality and at least 3 paragraphs. I will never get mad about you taking too long and won't give up on an RP unless you tell me you don't want to do it - so if you come back to one months later, chances are I'll respond. I'm willing to chat a bit, but do take some time to reply to OOC chat.

I don't do smut, though I will do romance and fade to black. I'm fine with violence and gore of most kinds, though I draw the line at more graphic physical torture. I'm mostly interested in fantasy, adventure, and historical RPs, though I'm willing to try other kinds of RPs. I've always thought I'd like to try out post-apocalyptic or sci-fi. I don't do fandom RPs of any kind. I'm not much good at horror, but I guess I could try it. I'm fine with romance, but generally not as the main plot. I prefer adventuresome RPs types instead.

I'm always looking for people with ideas to bring to the table, and am willing to bend and negotiate on nearly everything. I love worldbuilding, though I know it can take up time - I've never tried worldbuilding while RPing, but I bet it could be fun. I like historical RPs as well, but it takes me a while to make a character because I have to do a lot of research.

Either historically-accurate pirates or fantasy pirates, which could be fun to play around with. It could be that we play pirates or are fighting them, or even a pirate and non-pirate teaming up. This one is very loose.

D&D-Style Adventure
This could start with a short one-shot adventure, and we'd see where to go from there. It could be a quest to find something or lead up to a big battle, but it would be better to have a goal for a short adventure.

Space Adventure
This would be sci-fi, which is something I'm not too familiar with but have always wanted to try. It would be two people, either from the same ship or different ships, who are stranded in a small space pod together and are trying to get back home through the vast, strange space. It could be a Star Trek kind of space, more serious but still weird, or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy space, where everything is insanely strange.

I'm thinking something like a tundra expedition or people going into ancient Egyptians tombs. There could be a hint of magic, but it would be imbued in the landscape and our character's wouldn't have magic. We might start out with more NPCs who eventually die, or start with a major catastrophe that kills them. Our characters would be forced to decide whether to turn back or push on and try to achieve their goal at the risk of death.
I'll come back tomorrow with a more detailed reply and a few possible ideas to try out (because it's getting late on my end and I need to wake up early), but for now let me just say that this has definitely caught my interest. Pirates, D&D Style Adventure, and/or Exploration especially jump out at me at the moment, but I haven't quite fleshed out anything specific with those yet, though I have a few possible ideas that might go well with yours.

QUESTION: Would an Egyptian and/or Greco-Roman setting work well for you, with or without fantasy elements? And/Or a modernized version/satire of the classic fairy tale tropes (save the princess, fight the dragon or evil sorcerer, etc.)?
Great, I'm glad someone is interested! I have a few vague ideas about those types of plots as well, but I know it's better to be specific so I'll see if I can brainstorm some general plots. Egyptian and Greco-Roman would both work fine with me, though I might take longer to respond since I need to do a lot of research on those. I think it might be fun to include some fantasy elements to that. I would love to do modern/satire fairy tale tropes, more so I'd say than the first idea (though I love both of them).
Sorry about the delay; this took me FOREVER to write, plus I had relatives over at the time.

Nice! That helps a lot with some of the ideas I had in mind.

Based on your responses, here are a couple of starter concepts I've managed to put together. More details/ideas may be added on as well if you're interested, but for now hopefully this will help with brainstorming.

Fairy Tale Tropes

Fairly self-explanatory. The exact details are still open to suggestion, but essentially this would be a stereotypical fairy tale plot, but in a more realistic modern setting where those kinds of tropes don't always fly. For example, background checks and psychological counseling are now a thing, so don't expect an evil royal advisor to last long on the palace payroll. And the royals (if there are any) would be thoroughly modernized as well, a la the likes of Queen Elizabeth and her family, without nearly as much direct political authority in the kingdom as their fairy tale counterparts might enjoy.

Fantasy elements can and will still be present, but are likely to receive more of an urban fantasy treatment, and/or feature modernized counterparts such as a royal bodyguard/soldier in place of a knight or a computer genius or other science whiz in place of a mage.

Modern w/ Dragons
Fairy Tale Tropes
Possible Exploration
Hints of Greco-Roman

The central focus of this idea is on a traditional rite of passage for dragons called the Rite of Ages, in which young adult dragons (colts) must kidnap princesses, slay knights, and start building a treasure hoard as part of their coming of age. Actual practice of the Rite gradually died out after the medieval period for a number of reasons (the lack of available princesses, the advent of modern weaponry that can easily kill a dragon, etc.), but now a group of malcontent insurgents is forming to try to give it a comeback by targeting multiple "modern princesses" (presidents' daughters, Miss [COUNTRY] types, etc.) in order to reclaim the respect that they feel dragonkind has lost in the modern era. Our characters could be on either side with respect to the Rite and this new plot, either trying to stop it or trying to see it through to its completion.

There's also an option for some Exploration if we let the storyline delve into the full history of the Rite of Ages, which dates back to a revenge pact sworn by the sea dragons of the Ancient Mediterranean (and later by all other dragons as well, thereby forging peace among dragonkind) after the Greek hero Perseus killed a sea dragon to save Princess Andromeda. Perhaps, in an effort to discredit the Rite while still seeking peace between humans and dragons, a team is sent to investigate the circumstances of the sea dragon's death in hopes of clearing Perseus' name of any wrongdoing.

Egyptian AND/OR Greco-Roman (whichever you'd prefer)
Possible D&D-Style Adventure
Some hints of Exploration
Possible hints of Fairy Tale Tropes

The title is fairly self-explanatory. In the distant past, an evil band of conspirators (the world's first ever supervillains) made a pact with mysterious dark forces to conquer the entire kingdom where our heroes come from, and are quickly moving on to the rest of the known world. While taking refuge in one of the last remaining free temples, our heroes discover an ancient magic that imbues them with incredible powers (finding ancient magical scrolls, contacting the gods, etc.), thereby becoming the world's first superheroes. The story would then proceed through the First Heroes' quest to end the First Villains' reign of terror and save the known world.

Possible D&D-Style Adventure

The main meat of this idea is based on the myth of King Sisyphus of Ephyra (Corinth), who is best known for using trickery to kidnap Thanatos/Hades (depending on the version) in order to avoid being sent to Tartarus, imprisoning him for a full month and thereby halting all mortal death during that time until Thanatos/Hades was eventually rescued.

I could see this idea going one of two ways:


Our characters could be either trying to rescue Thanatos/Hades (which would result in Sisyphus being sent to Tartarus and death resuming its natural course) or helping Sisyphus to keep him imprisoned (there helping him avoid Tartarus and continuing to prevent all death in the world). In addition to the potential for D&D-style action, this would create a strong philosophical angle to the RP as well, with each character having to decide whether or not to essentially rescue mortal death.


In the most well-known version of the story, Ares is the first one to realize that Thanatos/Hades is in trouble after noticing that he can no longer kill his enemies in battle; Ares then proceeds to travel to Ephyra, rescue Thanatos/Hades, and personally help him take down Sisyphus. This is quite the departure from Ares' usual characterization (a mindlessly bloodthirsty brute who loves fighting and killing for the fun of it, is almost universally hated on Olympus, and frequently gets his butt kicked, usually by the likes of Athena). At the same time, however, it makes a surprising amount of sense, because Hades is one of three gods specifically cited as actually liking Ares (the other two being Eris and Aphrodite) which might make Ares more inclined to like him in return.

So with that in mind, perhaps the RP could focus more on Ares and his relationships with Hades (whom I could see as a sort of mentor or father figure for the otherwise severely neglected Ares) and the other gods before and after the kidnapping, maybe having Ares stripped of his godhood as a punishment at the start so that he isn't too OP. Needless to say this idea would work best if we have Hades as the one who gets kidnapped, but just throwing it out there for now.
No problem, you don't ever have to rush or tell me why you were late replying to something. I really appreciate you putting together these starters. Once I've been on the site longer I'm sure I'll be more comfortable doing it myself, but I'm just rather unsure of myself at the moment, so thanks for taking the initiative. I'm particularly fond of the latter two, though I also like the top one. The World's First Superheroes seems to have a lot of room for creativity and letting the plot go where it will, so I like that. I know enough about the mythology to be able to play Recusing Death without doing a ton of research. I do like this idea, and I've always been interested in Hades in particular in Greek mythology. Just to clarify, in the second version of this, you're suggesting that one of us plays Ares and one plays Hades, with us playing various other gods? I'm new here, so is it common for people to play more than one character as their main?
Awesome! Just let me know which one you'd prefer (or we can do both with separate threads for each) and I'll set them up.

Just to clarify, in the second version of this, you're suggesting that one of us plays Ares and one plays Hades, with us playing various other gods? I'm new here, so is it common for people to play more than one character as their main?
That's not a strict requirement, but if you're up for it then sure. It's usually a matter of personal preference whether or not someone plays multiple characters in a single RP (and if so, how many), but personally I can usually do multiple characters if the story calls for it.
If we do go that route, then would you prefer to play Ares or Hades?
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Loving the ideas!!! If you two need a third player, please include me! This is wonderful stuff!

If you are open to playing with someone else too if you do not want a third player, I love doing historical/period roleplays. I have some Victorian characters currently that are London based, some Romani... I am open to other areas too. I love ancient Greece and Egypt also.
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