MxF Looking for Romance

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MxF Looking for Romance

Lynx Hatter

Emperor of Romance
Local time
Today 9:48 PM
Alright, so there is this rp i had that ended years ago. Involving one of my most loved OCs. MC is a demon king, YC is a human. She does not know what he is.

Idk what it means when you like my post and it stresses me out cause I dont wanna ignore people but IDK WHAT IT MEANS

1. I'll reply every day and I expect the same from you. I'll loose interest if the rp does not move forward.
2. I like to write 3 large paragraphs, if not more; but I will generally match what you give me. NO ONE LINERS.
3. I write only in past tense 3rd person, I expect the same from you.
4. Always up for OOC chat, just not good at starting it.
5. I am always up for hearing rp ideas. If you have an ide . Dont be worried about saying something!
6. I am dyslexic. So sometimes spelling will be weird. I usually catch it, but it is a thing.
7. I am not a fan of pointless filler. If I write 7 paragraphs and you just can't come up with anything and can only write 7 sentences? I get it, it happens. But I do not want the color of the cracks in the old flags separating lawns mentioned in every paragraph. It's pointless filler. Can't work with that.

YC is a bar tenders, waitress, or a server of some kind. She makes her money by flirting and wearing skimpy stuff but she is an intelligent scholar who's a book worm and a secret nerd. She hates how men treat her and touch her and absolutely hates her job and how it dehumanizes her. Shes saving money to go to school but it is a slow process. Shes in ber early to mid twentys and it is a struggle. From rent to saving to utilities to basic necessities... it is a struggle. She is a classy and beautiful strong minded woman, in a unfortunate situation. A queen waiting for her crown.

Then she meets him.

Que My Character Zachery Shadow.

He walks in one day in a business meeting. He is a big man who speaks a different language yet she can't figure out what that language is. The people he is with seem unusual too, they treat YC the way every other man at the bar treats her. Ofcourse Zach doesn't look at her twice. He's nice and tells her what he wants but doesn't really notice her.

The second time he shows up, he had forgotten his coat. So he approaches her. And we will see where it goes from there!

Zach is a classy kind of guy with a gentle air about him. He is big, dark and mysterious yet also gentle... but it is easy to tell this man has a dangerious side. He is into strong minded and intelligent women who take that they want and speak their mind. He has no interest in weak women. Submissive to her man as her protector is a different story. If he says something she disagrees with, she needs to verbally smack him in the face. He is not always right and she needs to remind him.

Featured Character
Zachary Shadow

Appears 27

Strait Male

Genuinely charming, mysterious and misunderstood. He comes off as the bad guy 99.99% of the time, but he is not bad. He is not evil, yes he looked bad and yes he looks evil but he is a honest and kind person. He is protective of his loved ones and doesn't relay his emotions very well. He has a hard time dealing with them so he often just shuts down and ignores him, But he is there for you if you are there for him. He is a warrior, wise man and a king. He fights for his people and leads with dignity. There is a reason he does everything, he does bad things for good reasons. As he is secretly a lonely man; a hopeless romantic. He can be manipulative and arrogant… he does not like challengers. If you oppose him?... he is the villain you would expect him to be.



Phasing- walking through walls and furniture as well as people. He can make himself untouchable, but also cannot touch.
Shadow Teleportation- Able to teleport where ever a shadow is, they are like gate ways that she can travel through. He is able to appear and disappear where she wants. This also works for any shadow, not matter how small.
Size Manipulation- this works hand in hand with his other two abilities, he can change his size at will, up to 48 feet tall, and down to 6 foot minimum. He can engage this ability only when engaging one of her other two.
Shadow Sight- as tacky as it sounds, this is an ability Only Shadow Lords posses. When jumping through the gate ways, leading to and from universes and realms, there is a void blackness that his eyes have adapted to so he can see where he is going. Normal eyes cannot are in this gate way. His eyes also give him perfect vision in day or night.
Blood Medicine- his blood has healing properties, cutting himself and dropping the blood onto someone else means that wound will heal. At the same time, if he gets hurt, he also heals quickly. His blood is addictive.
Shadowing- what ever planet he goes to, he can replicate the appearance of the primary inhabitants. Like humans to earth, or martians to mars. Only the main inhabitants.​
Dark Portals- He can open massive portals to his realm, sure you could go in… but you should be more worried about what's coming out.
Kings Rule- an ability only Zachary possesses. He can call his subjects forth. Twenty foot tall shadow people as his warriors. War horses and military dogs as well as horrific flying beasts. All loyal and devoted to their savior.

To ensure Shadow Lord domination is achieved.

Warriors - Imagine Dragons​
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