Any Looking for RP Partners (long-term)

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Any Looking for RP Partners (long-term)


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Today 2:58 AM
Hello! I'm currently in the process of looking for a long-term role-play partner(s). I have a few bare bone ideas and would love some world-building assistance. I like for my partner to feel as actively involved in creating the world as I do.

Here are some of my favorite ideas/settings:

1. Arranged marriages- whether they're in a medieval setting, fantasy or whether or not the stakes of the marriage are high, I love it. Give me childhood best friends or sworn enemies forced together.
2. Fantasy setting- I do love a good supernatural element like our characters being vampires, fairies, werewolves, demons, magicians, or a combination of any (or perhaps something entirely new).
3. Greek mythology- whether we play full-fledged gods and goddesses or their demi-god children counterparts.
4. I'm also the type down for slice of life style role-plays.

In terms of pairings, I typically play female characters. I have a few male characters but they're not as well-developed. I'm open to a variety of pairings from MxF to FxF to MxM. As long as our characters have chemistry, that's all that matters.

I do write between 1 paragraph to about 6-8. I'm huge on detail and expect some effort to be placed in a response especially if we are world-building. However, slice of life and generic type role-plays I'm willing to dwindle down a bit.

I prefer story over smut. I'm not opposed to smut but I'm not very good at writing it and when I do, my comfort is in the vanilla territory. I'm also not a fan of animal cruelty in any capacity, intense gore/violence and themes of any abuse. Mentions are okay but detail is what gets to me.

I don't mind how often you reply, we all have lives. But I do hope you can respond at least once a week! So let's chat, negotiate and let's see where creativity takes us!
Hey I would love to roleplay any of these with you!want to PM to discuss it?
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