All Looking for some plots and partners!

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All Looking for some plots and partners!

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Today 9:52 PM
Heyo friends! I'm a 19-year old guy with only about 3 or 4 years of RPing under his belt who was hoping to find some writing partners to tell some stories with on this lovely little site. I'd like to consider myself pretty flexible when it comes to characters and specific plots, but I do still have a few requirements and asks I'd like to set for anybody who may be interested in RPing. They are as follows:
  • NO ONE LINERS. Pretty much the only hard rule in place, and one I will not budge on. I consider myself a pretty good writer, and I'd like my RP partner to be the same. I won't be asking for novella length posts each time (because I know I certainly couldn't do that, and I wouldn't expect my partner to do what I couldn't do), but I do ask that you post several good paragraphs worth of story
  • At least one response a week. I'm pretty patient when it comes to activity, everyone has a life to live after all. But I don't want our story to hang in limbo for too long. As such, I hope that we can keep things moving with at least one post a week. If you'll be away for a while, please notify me. I'll do my best to return the favor if IRL stuff gets in my way.
  • For face claims, anything goes, but I'd like us to keep things consistent. So, either art FCs or IRL FCs, but not mixing the two of them
  • If we're doing a romance plot, I would really prefer it to be a slow burn of some sort. Gives more room for juicy plot and character interaction/growth
  • Keep the plot moving. If a conversation is ending, find some way to keep our characters in action
Okay, I think that about covers everything in terms of requirements and what I look for in a writing partner. With that in mind, let's talk settings! I'll be honest, as of right now, the plot bunnies and hooks have evaded me entirely. However, I do have settings and themes that I generally like to touch on and create for RP, which I'll list below. These are the settings and themes I'm looking to write at the moment, so if anything catches your attention, feel free to let me know!

  • Finding your purpose in life
  • Running from one's past
  • Found family
  • The merging of the supernatural and mundane
Settings and characters
  • Anything cyberpunk
  • Urban fantasy (huge favorite of mine that I don't write enough)
    • Werewolf packs
    • Witches in the modern age
  • Demigods and deities
  • Low fantasy
    • Mercenaries
    • Royalty forming a connection with common citizens/palace staff
  • High fantasy
    • Almost any plot with magic as a driving force
    • Elf characters
    • Tiefling characters
  • Superheroes
  • Runaway experiments (I have several OCs that fit this vibe, it's one of my favorites)
These are all the main things that are generally at the forefront of my mind. If any of them sound interesting to you, feel free to let me know, and we can start brainstorming! I'll update this thread with any specific plot ideas as they come to mind, if any of them come to mind at all. Thank you for reading, and I hope we can tell some amazing stories together!
I have a DND cleric that I'm looking to build backstory for if you're interested!
If you are interested in a third person, I would love to play a wizard apprentice with some crafting abilities.
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