MxM Looking for someone to RP some thicc Dragon smut! I have cake!

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MxM Looking for someone to RP some thicc Dragon smut! I have cake!

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Today 11:13 AM
Of course, just like my Spiderman themed RP post on GP, the cake is in fact, booty.

I'm looking for someone to play an ancient, elder dragon, one completely capable of speech and the like, entirely sentient. Not just normal elder dragons mind you but... thicc ones. If you need an example of what I'm looking for, look up Justmegabenewell, or sssonic2, or R-A-S-P on Furaffinity. Warning, very NSFW. Look it up only if you're 18+, which you have to be anyway if you're even looking at this.

Now the kinds of RPs I go for are usually ones where my partner's character is stuck in a sticky situation, one where they end up either blackmailed or forced to endure some... ahem, ministrations at the hands of me or my character. Or other characters.

Now you may be asking 'If this guy wants to RP with dragons, why doesn't he go to a Furry RP site?' Well, the answer is simple. I'm not... well, Furry, at least, completely. I have a specific niche and interest and Furry sites are usually for the more hardcore people who have to know all the weird furry terminology and stuff and wear fursuits or want to be Alphas and Omegas and all that weird stuff. I'm not looking for any of that, I just wanna RP with a thicc dragon.

Right, so here's some specific details.

1. Length. This is a literate RP, so paragraphs are kind of a must. Don't be afraid of detail! You don't have to write SUPER long posts if you don't want to, but if it helps you flesh out a scene or character, by all means.

2. Story vs Smut. This is obviously very smut heavy but I don't mind story, though we would need to discuss how much story would fit into this RP in private.

3. Limits. Are you up for anything? I have a few limits, the gross and weird toilet stuff mainly.

4. What do you not tolerate in a partner? I'm pretty tolerable, just don't make your replies absurdly short and have decent grammar and spelling, and you're good to go. If you're gonna go off and do something that stops you from replying for a while, please warn me in advance so I'm not sitting there waiting for you to get back. If you're gonna head off to do something, warn me. That's what I can't tolerate, suddenly vanishing. Even a small warning like 'Hang on, gotta go, emergency' only takes seconds to write out.

5. Ideas. Again, non-con/blackmailing/corrupting/humiliating your dragon character. Any other ideas are a little too saucy to talk about right here.

6. Do you like constant out of roleplay chat? I don't mind a bit of it, but OOC chat should be saved in a separate PM.

7. Willingness to negotiate. I am willing to negotiate some things, like the reference for your character. His name, background, personality, that's all up to you, the reference image would have to be by one of the aforementioned artists I mentioned above. What I can't negotiate is the plot of it being non-con/blackmail, no matter what, your character gets the short end of the stick and is stuck in a sexy situation that will slowly corrupt him.

Its all just hot, sweaty, thicc action.

I think that's about everything. If you're interested in playing a thicc dragon, shoot me a PM. I'm available between 6 AM to 2 PM on weekdays and 6 PM to 1-2 AM every night, my time. Sometimes I go a night without sleep and end up staying up past 2 AM due to insomnia and stuff.
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