Closed Looking For The One! [Closed]

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Closed Looking For The One! [Closed]


I'm a PB with a literary tongue
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Blue's Roleplay Request


About Me:

"Alrighty, now that we've settled that score, let's cut to the chase and get to the nitty-gritty, shall we? No use dilly-dallying around – time to dive headfirst into the real McCoy!"

Howdy, folks! Blue Capone's the handle, and I'm your regular fedora-tipping, suit-wearing, cigar-smoking, power-bottom dynamo. Been kicking around the role-play circuit since I was a spry 13, and now I'm a ripe old 30. Hail from the UK, hitched to the marriage wagon, but let me tell ya, I'm here for the wordplay, not no romance rodeo. Don't go thinking this is a love story – it's a tale spun with words, grit, and a dash of grittier tales. Maybe we'll rustle up some friendship, but nothing more.

Now, I'm a busy fella with a schedule so unpredictable, not even I know what tomorrow holds. I might be in the saddle for days on end, only to vanish for months. But fear not, I'm a communicator. Life throws me curve-balls, and I'll let you know wherever the wind takes me.

I'm a straight-shooting, rambling good-fella, no room for drama outside the tale we're weaving. You got an issue with me, you tell me straight, and if we can't square it away, no hard feelings if you decide to mosey on out. Just the way of the trail, partner.

Now, if you're itching to know more about what I'm after and what tickles my fancy, I'll spill the beans below. And if my riffraff hasn't spooked ya, don't be shy to drop a line. Let's rustle up a tale worth tellin'. Y'all ready for the roundup?



Well, buckle up, partner, 'cause I'm the kind of goodfella who rides the writing trail just as my partner does. I'm a mirror – you go long, so do I. You keep it short and sweet, I'll follow suit. When it comes to dialogue, I'm a fiend for it – love them wild and crazy, but don't you doubt for a second that I won't lace my replies with enough details and inner turmoil to make your head spin. Call me a literate multi-paragraph gunslinger, but my post lengths will dance to the tune you're playing. The story's good, I can sling words all day, especially if you're packing a narrative punch. I'm right there with you on the detail train. I crave it like a parched cowboy yearning for a cool sip of water. Multiple characters, backgrounds as rich as a gold mine, and stories so interesting they'd make a coyote stop and listen – that's the kind of tale I'm lookin' to spin.
I ain't shy about saddlin' up with a whole posse of characters if that's what the story demands. 'Cause, let's be honest, what kind of story only rides with our main two? It's like trying to lasso the wind – impossible. So, if you're ready to wrangle up a diverse cast and weave a tapestry of tales, count me in, partner.

Communication's my badge of honor. We're in this together, carving out our own tale, and I ain't afraid to holler when I need a steer on how a character might take to things. We're a team, partner, and I need someone who's ready to toss ideas, curve-balls, and lore into the mix.

Now, let's make one thing crystal clear – no room for fluff, daddy-mummy play in this saloon. If you're in it for a soft play, turn back now 'cause I won't be tipping my hat to that. Bad grammar, sloppy punctuation, and one-liners? Ain't nobody got time for that. And slice of life? Not my rodeo. I'm here for epic battles, romance that's got to fight tooth and nail. Plot's the sheriff in this town, but make no mistake, I'm a devil when the scene gets heated. I'll drag you into the fray, but I want a partner who can square up, not someone who'll tumble at the wink of an eye and a firm backside. I'm all about the chase, partner. Let's ride.



Listen up, partner, 'cause I'm about to lay down the law. I'm a MxM kinda guy, and don't you go asking me to dance a different jig. I'm more than happy to conjure up background characters in all shapes and sizes, but my main goodfella, he's set in stone. A power bottom, and that's the whole dang story. Don't be expecting any changes on that front.
Now, maybe down the dusty trail, I might be more open to a different tune, but for now, this is the song I'm singing, and you ain't getting anything else from me. Clear as a cloudless sky, partner?

Let's cut to the chase, partner. I ain't one for dilly-dallying.
Now, I'm laid-back about a lot of things, but here's the deal – vore, minors, excrement, urination, feet, zoophilia, sugarbabies, diapers – consider 'em the cardinal sins in my book. You toss any of that into the mix, and I'm saddlin' up and hitting the trail. Anything else that's liable to turn my stomach, I'll give you a holler. No-nonsense here, partner.


Mise En Bouche:

WARNING: includes violence, abuse, sexual themes, please turn away if you are easily disturbed

Ever since Carletta caught Blue wearing one of her dresses and heels, Blue never found respite, any sign of acting abnormal was harshly punished and then forbidden. And it wasn't even because he was gay, it had nothing to do with it. Carletta simply refused the sons of the Capone family to look "different". They all had a standard to keep up, they all needed to be the cream de la creme. What they did in their bedroom and or chose as their partners was no one's business. But while they are out, representing the Wolf Pack and the Capone name, any sign of outlandish behavior was punished and crushed on sight. Any time Blue showed weakness, revealing his especially feminine touch Blue was bullied back into shape with much violence.

"You represent the Capone name! You will not shame us with your ludicrous behavior and preposterous ideas and attire. You WILL look proper and you WILL act proper!" Carletta would growl as she'd hack her claws over Blue's face and body. Scars healed, they never stayed on his body. The only marks that remained were deep down in his soul. Sometimes it got so bad the werewolf began to flinch anytime he glanced at a particularly flashy and beautiful dress. He acted out by hurting others, making them feel even the fraction of what he experienced on daily bases, it made him feel better. Seeing the beautiful crimson lines drop down one's flesh in such beautiful patterns, almost like fine fabric glistening in the light as he skins another body in the name of the Wolf Pack.

Though Blue has learned to put on a mask to keep the family happy, every time he went back to his apartment, he closed the door behind him and dropped the act. Letting his mafia clothes drop as he unwind with the few things that actually made him feel better. Cheesy romance novels, skiing, cooking, baking, and sawing outfits he could never wear. He got to put them up on a manikin and look at them all he wanted, admiring the fabric and beautiful patterns. At least inside his home he got to play pretend like the mafia didn't exist.

Sadly, he quickly realized that this wasn't enough, his frustration of not being allowed to express himself was getting to him, slowly driving him up the walls as he was letting far too many slip ups. He even once showed up at the wolf pack headquarters wearing lacy undergarments. This was getting out of hand, so he found an alternative, something that seemed like something that would make this more tolerable.

A club in the heart of the city, where one of the biggest entertainments was cross-dressing striptease. Yes, some of the performers were then escorted to VIP rooms for explicit fun but it didn't mean Blue had to do that. He could just perform on stage, show off his designs while getting ogled by strangers that probably would never recognize him. Most of them would probably be way too drunk to notice and that's something Blue wanted. Respite and fun. He went under the name Dolly Sapphire. A play on one of his favorite old fashioned styles of Rockabella and his own name. While on stage Blue isn't Capone; son of a mafia overlord or the obedient son. He is a gorgeous young filly with a body made for sin and high red stilettos to boot. He had to wear a mask to cover his identity but the mystery was an effect that the performers all expected to uphold and Blue was all people could talk about when he danced his soul out. The roar of the applause, the hungry whistling, the looks that removed his clothes before he got to was exhilarating and that exact rush Blue needed.

If only he knew things would tumble so soon. With the cops showing up. Blue was strutting like a show horse before his performance, soaking in the attention of adoring fans, when in the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of a wild main of ginger hair. One he'd not mistaken for anyone else's. The man that has been chasing his family for a wild time, here, of all places, why would a cop'a even be in a sleazy place like this. sergeant didn't strike him like the striptease kind of guy, so why? The Capone in him was telling him to run and run fast while Dolly Sapphire was telling him, go have fun! And gosh darn it, he's listening to his better half.

"Howdy there sugar, want a dance?" He said with his perfect southern accent and a strut so glamorous professional models would be put to shame. The look in those baby blues was perfect, one of pure unadulterated lust. Blue smirked, pressing his hands atop his hips. "See somethin' ya like hunny?" He said with a slightly playful click, seeing no verbal response Blue decided he made quite the effect and that alone was enough for him to want to play more. "So, how 'bout that dance?"

Blue didn't wait for an answer as he stepped forward and pushed the sergeant down into the booth, the man was clearly far too surprised to fight back as he dropped into the seat with no fight, grunting slightly from the kicked breath only to have a pair of long legs straddle him up like one would a wild stallion.

"Ye'ha…" Blue murmured before his body began to move with a hypnotic and erotic overtones, he moved atop the sergeants lap like an eel, almost boneless, as he threw himself back with a blush and trembling lips as if in a silent moan. The beautiful Rockabella dress, slightly shorter than it was appropriate rode up revealing a set of the most frilly and outrageous stockings one could ever purchase. Sergeant averted his eyes, blushing furiously only to be pulled back by the collar as Blue almost brushed his lips against the other's. The blue eyes like mirrors reflected the performer and Blue got to admit to himself, he looked especially hot in that moment as he rose himself up on his knees only to fall back and throw his head back making the hair float around him like in a moment of passion. Suddenly the red eyed man slides between the sergeant's legs as if liquid only to rise up and swirl, his back now dropping against Lanes chest, Blue's hand lift up and drop backwards caressing the man's strong jawline, he hears a breathless gasp tickle his neck as Blue murmured.

"What a cute fella doing in a place like this anywho? Ain't ya too good for a place like this?"

"That is my line."

A rumbling voice answered and Blue got to admit he felt a shiver down his spine when that voice spoke up to him and a slight quiver of fear, he tried concentrating on his own dance but he felt strangely bothered and worried.

"You don't look like you belong here. Too good for a joint like this." Blue relaxed, his breath returned to him and with a smile and his usual manor he chuckled, curving his back and brushing his overly ripe rear against the sergeant in another move.

"I'm exactly where I meant to be Sugar...And ya're exactly where I want ya to be...Well other than my bed…" Blue purred and the sergeant curved his brow.

"You play a very dangerous game. This place ain't for a decent handsome boy that could honestly have a better life outside of stripping'."

"Maybe I enjoy it, how 'bout that? Maybe this lil' filly enjoys being ogled. I get to dance and explore myself. Not somethin' I can' say about the outside world…"

"Bad home life?"

"Non existent more like. I like it here. Here I can be myself…"
Blue twirled and fell between sergeant's legs curving up like a cobra atop his lap and moaning a silent song just for the cop's ears, but the sergeant seemed a lot less effected by the dance, his eyes full of sorrow and certain touch of humanity that pulled Blue out of the moment and made him freeze.

"What's your name?"

"Dolly Sapphire."

"I'm asking for your real name, who's that boy behind the mask."
He asked softly reaching out as if to pluck the mask of Blue's face only to get his hand slapped away.

"A-a-a! No touchin'' the girls, don't ya know the rules?" Blue chided and smiled mysteriously at the man to which the sergeant smiled back shaking his head.

"Thank you for the dance."

"It's usually preferable to tip…"
Blue stuck his tongue and the man smiled, reaching out his hand and tucking a card in Blue's cleavage. The performer looked confused but did his usual shtick, winked and blew a kiss before walking off ready for his dance. He pulled out a card and read a message both cryptic and worrisome. It read: You need to get out of here. Blue threw a glance over his shoulder to see the sergeant gone. A worrisome stirring now began to stir in his stomach as he looked around but dismissed it as nothing as he joined the others behind stage, ready to dance. His name was announced and Blue was ready as ever, sporting his most scandalous lingerie and beautiful semi transparent robe that he in his dance kept throwing of and on, teasing the public with the silhouette of his body only to cover it again, watching the men practically scratch at the stage any time he passed by them showing off his leg. He notice too late how the room grew tense, a far away table was having a heated argument and before he knew it, gunfire, screams echoing across the room, lights flickering as the light bulbs were shut and a single spark that set the club ablaze. He heard screams but distracted by the smoke and fire Blue scurried, lost and scared amongst the men and women running for dear life. Smoke filled his lungs and as Blue tried to scurry of the stage he heard a clack and shattering as the large chandelier above the stage began to fall, frozen in the moment Blue didn't know what to do only to feel something embrace him in large powerful hands. They rolled for a while but only a bit after Blue's eyes adjusted to see the sergeant hug him tight. Blue gasped but said nothing as he was carried out outside with the rest of the survivors of the gunshot.

The werewolf watched mesmerized his oasis burn and crumble, eyes filling with tears. He wasn't sure what was going through his head while he stood there watching the fires. He only really reacted when he felt a warm blanket draped over his shoulders and a pair of warm blue eyes look down at him.

"I'm sorry, I tried to warn you…"

"You...saved my life…"
Blue murmured looking up at the sergeant the man simply smiled gently brushing the performer's cheek with his large thumb.

"You'd do the same for me." He said and returned to his duties, assisting the others who needed it. Blue stared starstruck, unable to comprehend a thing that happened. But one thing for sure, he felt a warmth and stirring he never thought was possible. Warm and beautiful. He fell in love.

"Well, there you have it, folks – this is the character I'm itching to bring to life and the kind of partner I'm on the hunt for. Got a passel of ideas just itching to bust out, and I'm downright excited to see what YOU bring to the hoedown after savoring this little ditty! If the notion's struck a chord, don't be a stranger – shoot me a message, and let's jaw about plots, characters, and whatever else tickles your fancy. Can't wait to rustle up a tale together!"

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