
Hi there! I'm Heart (or Queen, really what you like best.) and I just wanted to start by saying thank you for looking at my thread! I have a few ideas that I'd love to work on and I'd love to hear others ideas as well. I'm looking to only take on one or two stories right now just because of my jobs and schedule currently. I should get more free time in the summer, but I don't want to take on too much and not be able to follow through! First a few things about me!
- I'm a Twenty-eight and for those who it maters to I am a lady.
- I've written a number of characters with different sexuality and genders. I love all my characters even if I do love making their lives miserable! Also it's worth adding I don't mind doubling or adding more then one pairing into a story if we end up liking some side characters/NPCs
- I often write quite a bit. I tend to write at least three paragraphs if not more. A lot of it is I tend to work with what is given and another part inspiration. But I very rarely write less than one to two meaty paragraphs. I also only write in the third person in RPs, it's just the most comfortable way to write a character for me. I also can write multiple characters, I actually enjoy implementing a number of NPCs or side characters into a story.
- I enjoy all sorts of settings and genres, my current reading and watch lists might have narrowed a little recently but I'm up for any setting or genres if the plot interests me enough. So if you have an idea that's not on my list? Don't be scared to share it! Some of my favorite RPs lately have been ones a potential partner has stepped forward to either improve on the start of an idea I had or an original idea of their own! So I'm open to ideas, please share them!
- I love Netflix bingeing, but who doesn't? I'm always up for recommendations for good shows or anime. The latest series I started watching was Killing Eve( on Hulu) and You (On Netflix). I just recently finished rewatching M*A*S*H and finished End of the F*cking World (On Netflix. Which I really recommend it has a delightfully dark sense of humor.)
- It's been a little bit since I last picked up a new book but I'm a sucker for Fantasy, Supernatural and romance novels. Admittedly a lot of the romance novels I read are the sort of trashy kind. (Please don't judge too much! Bitten was the last one I finished and Jesus I'm such trash for werewolves.) Though I do have a soft spot for Jan Austains Classics. (She's a big influence in my weakness for fancy ball/dancing banter scenes)
- I'm a more plot-heavy then smut heavy sort of writer. Don't get me wrong, smut is nice in an RP (and good books) but I've never been one to stick with a plot that is nothing but sex, got to have some meaty plot to sink my teeth into and then any smut and such that follows, all in good flow and taste of the story~ (Though full disclosure I haven't written any sort of smut in a long while so I'm a little rusty so please have mercy!)
- I also just wanted to add that I love Pinterest and Videogames as well! I tend to love to make boards for my characters and romance aesthetic boards for pairing when I start to really get into a story.
- Someone who likes trading ideas, and just working on an idea together with me and will feel comfortable to throw their own ideas into the mix! I love world and plot building with who I'm writing with! Trust me if you don't like an idea it won't hurt my feelings if you tell me so!
- Someone who respects that I do take my time to write since I do work every weekday from 7:30-3:30. I'll let you know if my post is going to take longer then a week, but please don't poke me two hours after you post asking why I haven't posted yet. If you haven't heard from me in a week? Then yes please poke me! This likely means I thought I posted and it's actually just hanging in my google docs.
- Worth noting I don't mind chatting with who I'm writing with and bouncing more ideas around while I work on the post, but I'm not as quick as some and I mull over my ideas more then I should.
- Someone who will share their limits with me! There are some things that make me uncomfortable as well! Please don't hesitate to be upfront with your writing dos and don'ts. (You'll find my in my won't do spoiler bellow. )
- Someone who can write at least one to two paragraphs if not more? I really can't work with one-liners and I will be upfront about that! Though I by no means expect anyone to match me when I get really excited and into a story where I end up writing like six or seven paragraphs! Please I will never expect anyone to do so but I'll always need more than just a sentence to work with!
- Vore (like I enjoy horror elements but I do not enjoy it when it's in the sexual sense. Like frightening Erdrich abomination horror way of eating their victims? (I got like three cannibal characters.) Coolio, but for sexual satisfaction? No thank you.
- Anything that belongs in a toilet? No, I wil not budge on this in the slightest.
- Rape. No thank you, I can consider questionable consent if talked through and it's for a good reason plot wise but otherwise, no.
- Hyper-inflation is a no.
- Most other things I can consider, though to be honest I might not know about all the stuff out there so if something makes me uncomfortable I'll be sure to let you know and please feel free to do the same if anything makes you uncomfortable as well!
The Stories!
I don't have a lot of concrete plot ideas right now, so I really am open to suggestions. I got a couple of ideas of my own and then at the bottom of this I will have a list of general cravings and pairing I like. If you have any ideas that you don't have on the list and are really excited about? Please, feel free to hit me up! Admittedly a couple of my ideas are pretty loose and have room to build on as well, so please feel free to add on more to those as well if something strikes your fancy!No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: {Open}
It was an average enough day walking down the crowded street waiting for the crosswalk signal to turn. One moment looking down at your phone, the next you glance up to find someone absently stepping out into traffic. A single act of kindness, of human decency even. Pulling someone out of the way of a speeding truck, was what set you on this messy path. Maybe you should have just taken that cab?
This idea revolves around the idea your character inadvertently saved someone from getting themselves killed by not paying attention or even something more heroic if you want. It was this act of kindness that grabbed my character's attention. It was this that made them see someone as somthing just prey or something toxic in a long, long time. A splash of color in this black and white world that left them craving more.
This one will feature my twisted little serial killer who toes the line of lucidness and complete insanity. A person of such singular devotion and worship. That would literally do anything to please the spark of life that had stumbled into their life.
This plot can take a more urban fantasy/supernatural twist as well since a cheracter I have that might fit is an abomination of sorts a result of a sacrifice made a living god of sorts. One no where near to having come fully into their role or powers, but one just the same. A war of gods and those not quite so. This idea has a lot of room to build on!
My Dove {Open}
This idea is pretty much, in a nutshell, a supernatural sort of thing. It could feature a vampire, demon, some sort of immortal creature who had once upon a time fallen in love with a being. (human or supernatural) that died. They walked through this existence ever since, existing, living, but one day like any other they cross paths with a human that looked and even sounded like their lost love.
This could just be a fixation or a coincidence or even reincarnation.
I'd be happy to play either
Cheating Death: {Open}
Your character finds themself in a tough situation, be it they owed someone, made some bad deals, got involved with the wrong sorts or even things go awry with a job of their own for such unsavory characters they find themselves with a noose around their neck and bout to be knocking on death's door.
This would involve one of my characters , they have been alive far too long for their taste but death will not answer. They needs another to help, even if it's a bit unwillingly, they will save an unfortunate soul from an untimely death only if they would help with finding their own by destroying those who had wronged them both. For at the end of that trail lies an old friend, and the key to ending my characters immortality.
Again a loose idea would be happy to build on it or take another direction, even if you would rather play as an avatar of death or an unlikely savior to my character in a precarious situation.
Of Risk and Intrigue: {Open}
So this is a bit of a craving as well but has a bit more plot-ish ideas? The idea of a person of noble blood or even royalty being on the run when the kingdom and royal palace are overrun by either rebels or a foreign force. They at their heel seeking to kill the noble/royal member. I'll be happy to play either but I'll admit I'm a weak, weak woman to the idea of a Princess and a knight/ servent. Like you throw any idea involving that sort of pairing at me and you have my ear. (Heck I can even be persuaded into the idea of a princess being whisked away from an arranged marriage and thus shinanigans dog them. Though yes I'm open to suggestions and ideas!
This has the idea of in a world of heroes and villains that a villain (or even the hero for a twist!) rivalry with their nemesis evolves into something more twisted where "I must take them down." Turns into "I'm the only one allowed to hurt them." "That's mine!" It's a slippery slope of where their rivalry starts and this twisted obsession begins.
Setting either futuristic or modern-Esq.
I'm also up for a less dark hero x villain/antihero pairing
The Line: {Open}
It's a delicate line between success and failure. Of dedication and madness and this is something one detective learns as they play a twisted little game with a target. A person they were supposed to find and arrest for their crimes is leading them on a twisted little game where the choice between life and head. Who deserves to live and who doesn't, and most of all who can you trust, and who you can not.
This is sort of a twisted little idea where it pushes one character to the brink of sanity while one might have never been on the light side of it. This can include conspiracies. One idea I have for how this can go is that the detective's partner is the serial killer they are trying to catch. Maybe the partner joined up in hopes of destroying evidence or throwing people off their trail, but this game became something more than a bit of fun. The question is who is it that will break first.
Heartless {Open}
This one has to do with one of my characters, Auria, she is a Pirate Queen, so to speak, she at least thinks herself a Pirate Queen. A fierce adversary, a lady of adventure and theatrics little shit. Though in truth? Her name is less from her own deeds then the legend of the ship she sails upon. It has been a figure throughout history, many tried to capture the Aurora but none successful. The Unsinkable lady. Each captain had made a name in the books one way or the other. Auria is the latest in this line and has no such feats to rank her among the captains before her.
Though infamy is the least of her concern. For to call her Heartless hits closer to home then she would like. Literally. She has no heart. The young Captain learned the hard way to not make deals with Witches without being able to read the contract. For with power comes a great price, and her's was her heart and more importantly her freedom. Now she must get it back or spend her immortality in servitude. The dog on the leash. A glorified errand girl. She'll do what she has to for her freedom.
So this idea has plenty of versions for it.
One is she kidnapped someone of royal or noble blood but more importantly descended from a hero of legend. She needs that blood to make it pass locks and traps to retrieve these items from the legends. It will lead up to the Witch being up to something I won't mention right now cause that will need discussion.
Another idea is she gets separated from her crew and ends up hiring someone (professional thief, Assassin or other sorts of professional) Who can help her complete her task set by the Witch and thus shenanigans happen.
The last idea is one that I haven't done with her before is someone play the witch (male, female or other) We can plot a whole plot for the why.
Heck another idea could be a Naval officer captures her but shenanigans happen trying to capture her crew.
It was an average enough day walking down the crowded street waiting for the crosswalk signal to turn. One moment looking down at your phone, the next you glance up to find someone absently stepping out into traffic. A single act of kindness, of human decency even. Pulling someone out of the way of a speeding truck, was what set you on this messy path. Maybe you should have just taken that cab?
This idea revolves around the idea your character inadvertently saved someone from getting themselves killed by not paying attention or even something more heroic if you want. It was this act of kindness that grabbed my character's attention. It was this that made them see someone as somthing just prey or something toxic in a long, long time. A splash of color in this black and white world that left them craving more.
This one will feature my twisted little serial killer who toes the line of lucidness and complete insanity. A person of such singular devotion and worship. That would literally do anything to please the spark of life that had stumbled into their life.
This plot can take a more urban fantasy/supernatural twist as well since a cheracter I have that might fit is an abomination of sorts a result of a sacrifice made a living god of sorts. One no where near to having come fully into their role or powers, but one just the same. A war of gods and those not quite so. This idea has a lot of room to build on!
My Dove {Open}
This idea is pretty much, in a nutshell, a supernatural sort of thing. It could feature a vampire, demon, some sort of immortal creature who had once upon a time fallen in love with a being. (human or supernatural) that died. They walked through this existence ever since, existing, living, but one day like any other they cross paths with a human that looked and even sounded like their lost love.
This could just be a fixation or a coincidence or even reincarnation.
I'd be happy to play either
Cheating Death: {Open}
Your character finds themself in a tough situation, be it they owed someone, made some bad deals, got involved with the wrong sorts or even things go awry with a job of their own for such unsavory characters they find themselves with a noose around their neck and bout to be knocking on death's door.
This would involve one of my characters , they have been alive far too long for their taste but death will not answer. They needs another to help, even if it's a bit unwillingly, they will save an unfortunate soul from an untimely death only if they would help with finding their own by destroying those who had wronged them both. For at the end of that trail lies an old friend, and the key to ending my characters immortality.
Again a loose idea would be happy to build on it or take another direction, even if you would rather play as an avatar of death or an unlikely savior to my character in a precarious situation.
Of Risk and Intrigue: {Open}
So this is a bit of a craving as well but has a bit more plot-ish ideas? The idea of a person of noble blood or even royalty being on the run when the kingdom and royal palace are overrun by either rebels or a foreign force. They at their heel seeking to kill the noble/royal member. I'll be happy to play either but I'll admit I'm a weak, weak woman to the idea of a Princess and a knight/ servent. Like you throw any idea involving that sort of pairing at me and you have my ear. (Heck I can even be persuaded into the idea of a princess being whisked away from an arranged marriage and thus shinanigans dog them. Though yes I'm open to suggestions and ideas!
This has the idea of in a world of heroes and villains that a villain (or even the hero for a twist!) rivalry with their nemesis evolves into something more twisted where "I must take them down." Turns into "I'm the only one allowed to hurt them." "That's mine!" It's a slippery slope of where their rivalry starts and this twisted obsession begins.
Setting either futuristic or modern-Esq.
I'm also up for a less dark hero x villain/antihero pairing
The Line: {Open}
It's a delicate line between success and failure. Of dedication and madness and this is something one detective learns as they play a twisted little game with a target. A person they were supposed to find and arrest for their crimes is leading them on a twisted little game where the choice between life and head. Who deserves to live and who doesn't, and most of all who can you trust, and who you can not.
This is sort of a twisted little idea where it pushes one character to the brink of sanity while one might have never been on the light side of it. This can include conspiracies. One idea I have for how this can go is that the detective's partner is the serial killer they are trying to catch. Maybe the partner joined up in hopes of destroying evidence or throwing people off their trail, but this game became something more than a bit of fun. The question is who is it that will break first.
Heartless {Open}
This one has to do with one of my characters, Auria, she is a Pirate Queen, so to speak, she at least thinks herself a Pirate Queen. A fierce adversary, a lady of adventure and theatrics little shit. Though in truth? Her name is less from her own deeds then the legend of the ship she sails upon. It has been a figure throughout history, many tried to capture the Aurora but none successful. The Unsinkable lady. Each captain had made a name in the books one way or the other. Auria is the latest in this line and has no such feats to rank her among the captains before her.
Though infamy is the least of her concern. For to call her Heartless hits closer to home then she would like. Literally. She has no heart. The young Captain learned the hard way to not make deals with Witches without being able to read the contract. For with power comes a great price, and her's was her heart and more importantly her freedom. Now she must get it back or spend her immortality in servitude. The dog on the leash. A glorified errand girl. She'll do what she has to for her freedom.
So this idea has plenty of versions for it.
One is she kidnapped someone of royal or noble blood but more importantly descended from a hero of legend. She needs that blood to make it pass locks and traps to retrieve these items from the legends. It will lead up to the Witch being up to something I won't mention right now cause that will need discussion.
Another idea is she gets separated from her crew and ends up hiring someone (professional thief, Assassin or other sorts of professional) Who can help her complete her task set by the Witch and thus shenanigans happen.
The last idea is one that I haven't done with her before is someone play the witch (male, female or other) We can plot a whole plot for the why.
Heck another idea could be a Naval officer captures her but shenanigans happen trying to capture her crew.
Anything Supernatural or Fantasy/ urban fantasy themed any setting or period.
Something period? Like Georgian,Renascence or even a good western! Though Modern is good as well!
Anything dark or fluffy I enjoy both!
Bodyguard x whoever they are protecting
Immortal x Mortal
Friends to lovers
Partners to lovers
Roommates to lovers/ neighbors to lovers
Assassin and accidental witness
Spy shenanigans?
Ai x Creator
Someone gets cursed and finds love be it with their best friend trying to help or whatever. Sorta a beauty and the beast sort of thing!
Noble/ Royal x commoner/servant/knight
Something period? Like Georgian,Renascence or even a good western! Though Modern is good as well!
Anything dark or fluffy I enjoy both!
Bodyguard x whoever they are protecting
Immortal x Mortal
Friends to lovers
Partners to lovers
Roommates to lovers/ neighbors to lovers
Assassin and accidental witness
Spy shenanigans?
Ai x Creator
Someone gets cursed and finds love be it with their best friend trying to help or whatever. Sorta a beauty and the beast sort of thing!
Noble/ Royal x commoner/servant/knight
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