MxF Looking to RP

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MxF Looking to RP

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Today 2:33 AM
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I am hoping to find at least a couple of partners-in-crime to write some sexy romantic (long-term) stories with, I have experienced in Para style Rp, which is mostly 2 or more paragraphs so please if you like to RP with one line, do not message me. I do research and check out your work so, I will know. I do have a few rules so let me set them in stone before we move on...

1] Be logical with your character, I do not want to read your character is 8 foot 9 and has a 24-inch rod. Its just silly and will make me uninterested so fast.

2] I am seeking storylines with 60% story and 40% smut, this can change depends on the plot ideas.

3] Please stay in character, I can't say how much of a turn-off or let down it is when someone can't stay in character.

4] Communication is a Key, So be willing to message with me through PM about things. I am open to Ideas and will listen to them. Don't mean I will like them or want to do them, but we will surely work something out.

5] I am open to generally anything kink wise but don't expect me to change my character mid story for you.

6] Have fun and don't forget the aftercare!


- Wearing Lingerie
- Romance
- Mirrors
- Risk of Pregnancy/Pregnancy
- Light/Medium Bondage
- Sexual Frustration/Exhaustion/Tension/Foreplay
- Domineering/Protective Men
- Spanking
- Oral Sex
- Vaginal/Anal Sex
- Heavy BDSM/Sexual Torture
- Dom x Sub Relationships
- Master x Slave Relationships
- Bimbofication
- Humiliation

- Rape
- Harems or Reversed Harems
- Incest/Forced Incest
- Furries/Anthros
- Aliens/Xenomorphs
- Watersports/Bathroom Play/Scat

Plots I would like to do

1] Love from a Neighbor [AlphaHellWolf]
MC is in a new marriage, and it has quickly gone not so the way she seemed. She's moved, her husband isn't around, her family isn't close, nor her friends. YC would be freshly divorced. They meet outside of the Neighborhood at a coffee shop or grocery store and They hook up for a night and yeah basically they can't stop thinking about that amazing night so it would become more than just a one night stand leading to a secret - hotel rooms, sleepovers [when husband is for sure gone] dinners, trips, and dates...

2] Zombie Apocalypse
MC is an immune carrier, She is a nurse and has outlasted her group of survivors. YC would find her in an abandoned hospital and they would travel to find a safe place. YC would eventually figure out MC is immune and will go a great length to protect her from the mad people who want her for research to cure the zombies.

3] Let me protect you! [Waldo3030]
YC is a hired hitman, The target is MC. But.... YC finds himself in a bit of a bind. MC is innocent and is being set up due to the man [mobster] who hired YC to Kill MC. She went on one date with him and found out his plans to destroy buildings with people in them and other wrongful things. But while YC is on the way to kill MC, the Mobster puts a target on YC figuring he would not be able to commit to the kill so, Our Characters somehow makes it out alive from a brutal attack on MC home. And they hit the road running from the Mobster's new hitmen, he sends after them.

~Some ideas I have, I like to try, YC would be the bold listing~

Vampire x Human Woman
Doctor x Hurt Woman
Prince / King x Princess / Blacksmith or Baker's daughter
Rich Player x One night stand
Billionaire x Runaway or Theif

More Plots To Come later!

I don't mind doing FxF or Playing a Male.

If you have an idea and want to bring it to my attention please feel free to message me!
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