LordChase's Character List

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LordChase's Character List


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 100 Likes! January Challenge Participant
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"Magic will find those with pure hearts, even when all seems lost"

Name: Tarak Divya Shafer

Age: 30

Sex/Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Race & Nationality : British/Hindu

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Alternative Medicine, PH.D. in Master of Science in Clinical Herbal Medicine \ Ph.D. In Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness

Languages Spoken: English \ Old English \ Latin \ Egyptian \ Welsh \ Sanskrit

Family: Father is still out there somewhere.

Personality: After losing the only two women that he cared about in this world, Tarak finds himself keeping most people at arms length. This leaves him to feel a little standoffish at first if you are trying to break through the tough exterior. He is cordial to most and is always the first guy to jump to help when needed. But the short list of people in this world that Terrance would classify as a true friend would tell you that Tarak was worth his weight in gold.

Likes: Baking, Nature, The Moon, The Stars, The Ocean, Candles/incense

Dislikes: Big Cities, Sports, Coffee, Tight Enclosed Spaces, Confrontation, money

History: Tarak was born just outside of Detroit Michigan. Not the safest of place to have grown up as young lad. He watched his Hindu mother Krisha always looking over her shoulder as if she was always worried about something. His father wasn't around much always working trying to climb the corporate ladder and trying always to be striving to have more. When he was home it seemed like his parents were always constantly fighting over something, but mostly it was his father nagging on his mother for something she did. So Tarak grew up pretty protective of her. He learned to fight and take care of himself if something ever came about. But he tried to keep his head down and kept his mind on his studies and tried his best to keep himself out of trouble. Yet sometimes when you try to avoid something it learns to come calling. One night at the young age of sixteen as he was walking his mother home from the store so punks came of calling. Even though Tarak had learned to fight at the local Dojo, at the young age of 16 four against one was not a fair fight. He held his own that night and got away himself with only a broken arm and some minor bruises and scratches. However his mother was not so lucky and one of the punks, the one that got away plunged a knife into his mothers side that was laced with some kind of poison that the doctor could not figure out. Tarak watch his mother slowly leave this world over the next few months. His father blamed him and sent him away too numerous bordering schools. Tarak didn't waste that opportunity and tried to learn as much as he could. After earning his Ph.D he found himself teaching Philosophy at The University of George Mason. Met a wonderful young woman by the name of Jessica and for once he felt all his stars has aligned for him. So once again he found himself keeping his head down in his books and trying to avoid trouble, but after one cursed night after another this one changed his life. It not something he talks about as his record was expunged and sealed, but the damage was done and he was released from his teaching position. That is where you will find Terrance now, trying to find his next gleaming star in this world.
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Name: Tabris

Age: Unknown

Sex/Gender: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Deep Purple

Race & Nationality : Fallen Angel / Immortal

Characteristics: Compassionate, Faithful, Gallant, Intuitive, Passionate

History: Tabris is faithful to almost a fault. He made one mistake in his life and that was falling in love with a mortal and because of that he was cast out and prone to walk this land alone immortal and without his love.
Rory Sweete
Age: 25
Likes: Music, Chocolate, Hugs, Cooking, Nature
DisLikes: Bullying, Anger, Snobs, Lying
Bobby Clayden
Age: 21
Likes: Video games, Beer, Sleeping in, Staying up too late.
DisLikes: Nature, Cricket sounds, Flowers
Job: Influencer

Corey Rylan
Age: 24
Likes: Tea. Puppies, Warm Bread, Massages
Darkness, Long lines, Being late, Snarky comments
Job: Officer

Sam Lincoln
Age: 27
Likes: Coffee, Fall weather, Clean sheets, Wine, Live music
DisLikes: Extreme hot, Zoos, Hangnails
Job: Doctor

Rene Cromwell
Age: 22
Likes: Classical music, Poems, Hot baths, Rain
DisLikes: Extreme cold, Burnt food, Foul odor
Job: Diplomat

Declan Thorpe
Age: 31
Likes: Ice cream, Kittens, Riding bikes, Dancing
DisLikes: Large groups, Feeling out of control, Clowns
Job: Professor

Max Whiteley
Age: 35
Likes: Bonfires, A good joke, Laughter, Beer Street faires
DisLikes: Books, Being alone, Politics, Quiet
Job: Bar Tender
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