Lots of Info! ⚘ ISO Lit, MultiPara, LongTerm

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Lots of Info! ⚘ ISO Lit, MultiPara, LongTerm


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monsta x's heart
i know how to write properly, but lower case is the ultimate aesthetic, pls @ me
i cant help if you fall in love with my characters but i'll happily make it 110% worse

-ˏˋ the boring part: ˊˎ-

hyeya !! my name is ness
you can still call me kuwu if you want, tho!
please excuse my initial awkwardness

and incessant use of bullet points

now, basically;
i'm a pastel kinda gal
who strives to be aesthetic
and loves kpop more than myself
that isn't saying much, but

my writing:

i've been writing for 8~ years
my characters are literally my pride and joy
i love them more than the world itself, and no, it isn't an obsession
well probably not

life is into anal atm so unless i'm engrossed in our story, i probably won't reply daily
but then again i probably will, because i have an issue with leaving things unreplied to
regardless, i will always respond to ooc chatter because i love plotting and fangirling

i strictly write in 3rd person
my tense is all over the place tho
uhh, i'm multipara, although i reach novella
this depends on a variety of things, be it the scene, my interest, etc
i only really do long term, meaningful roleplays
and i main women characters, although i do have a couple males
playing multiple characters is great, and i can easily write males as additional roles!

now when it comes to my plots,
i can count my ocs + ideas that aren't fucked to hell and back on one hand
twisted stories are my joy, angst is my fuel
so in other words, my writing includes a lot of triggering topics
this doesn't exclude: sexual, physical, or mental abuse. eating disorders, abortions, addictions, skewed relationships, mental illness, self-harm, prostitution, suicide, etc.

ah, in the ballpark of taboo,
i want to make this clear-- i do write smut
but i do not partake in anything non-con, or any extreme kinks.

please, inform me of any limitations you have so both parties can be comfortable and enjoy the story!

speaking of you:

i'm not gonna ask for much,
but your genuine interest and effort is important
it's no fun if im doing things myself
i need someone who will plot with me,
someone who will enjoy the story we're creating

and while i'm patient and understand life > roleplay,
it's hard for me to stay attentive to a story that's not moving !!

so i'm looking for semi-active writers.
and ooc is important !!! writing is a special thing, it's a great way to make friends, and when you're friendly with your writers it makes everything so much better! so yes, please, make conversation.

with all this being said, i want to continue on to a few major points;

please respect my limitations,
and although this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with writing, you can move on if you are..

... you get the picture, we don't hate in this household

and now, what you came here for:​

these are my current roleplay cravings, which i've organized into three different sections..
ocs i am itching to write that may have packaged story-lines or be flexible, plots that may or may not involve an already-fabricated oc of mine, and fandoms i'm interested in writing within at the moment. of course, skip over what doesn't interest you, but make sure you read what applies to whatever you're inquiring about, assuming anyone is actually interested. if you ask a question i already answered here i will be big sad :(

-ˏˋ OCs: ˊˎ-

lonnie - a columbian mama who's fierce at heart despite her rough start and the terrors she's lived through. lonnie is the result of a passionate affair, her mother's escape from a controlling relationship, and to keep their daughter from the rage that ensued her parents smuggled her into the united states at a young age. alone, she struggled through poverty and did what she could to sustain herself, becoming pregnant at the age of sixteen and then furthering her efforts to support the new love of her life.. even if that meant sacrificing her own well-being.

plot 1, lonnie can be found in the midst of her terrors, under the reign of an abusive lover and working at a strip club. throughout this storyline, the presence of a criminally or legally powerful man is needed, to whisk a young lonnie through the chaos of her abuser and into the safety of a healthy, loving life.
thriller • romance crime action

[trigger warning/s: self-neglect, prostitution; [mentions of] sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, drug use, alchoholism, suicide, self-harm, death, and abortion. probably more, idek at this point.]

jannie - describing this bad gal is impossible, unless i were to use the words 'severely damaged', or even the word-letter combo 'rated r'. every chapter of her wretched little life is another tragedy and another trigger warning, and as it all adds up you watch what was once art crumble into nothing but a torn canvas and cracking acrylics. as of right now jannie is a prostitute supporting a family of five-too-many, none of which are her own, who is barely stringing along in school by a blowie every friday. what little life there is left of her is blunt, cruel, and vilely sarcastic. somewhere deep within she strives for the person she once was, the life she once had, and she hurts for what she's lost.. but overall, she's just waiting to be hit by a bus on one of her vertigo trips down the sidewalk.

plot 1, if you play lip from shameless i will sell you my soul. you will see this again below because i'm desperate.
plot 2, getting through to jannie and soothing her asshole tendencies is improbable, yes, but not impossible. it's not work for the lesser of hearts and if your hide isn't rough enough she'll chew you up just to spit you out, but jannie is redeemable and healing is possible. this would typically take place in high school, although jannie is of age- as all other characters involved would have to be -but there may be a few other options. she's pretty flexible, so we can definitely discuss!
angst • eventual romance angst

asterra - though her power is used less than fruitfully, asterra, known as xelo, is a demigod with the ability to manipulate and seduce men and women alike. she is the bastard daughter of dionysus, left to a greedy mortal family who took advantage of her beauty and were later repaid with the anger they instilled in her. after destroying the bonds within the family, xelo lives her life one luxurious home to the next, selfishly wrecking the vows of married, successful couples to home herself temporarily. commitment is a big issue for asterra, obviously, and there is much growing ahead of her.

plot 1, bored, xelo wanders around a pankration-esque gathering and finds herself insatiably curious of a fellow demigod, who she's instinctively drawn to. unable to help herself and loving the thrill of teasing this new suitor, xelo promotes the challenge and offers herself as the prize. conflict is to follow, of course, but it'll change per plot.
romance angst mythology demigods • action

seren - focused and flexible, seren is a girl woman devoted to what she loves, gymnastics. although she is well-versed in many sports and activities, she has partaken as a gymnast for the majority of her life and at some point it surpasses a talent and runs into 'gift-like' territory. seren is in college for social work and media and assists in a variety of sports, but in a nutshell she's a girl who loves her parents, her cats, and her food.

plot 1, in the universe of university, seren doesn't really get out much. she isn't necessarily socially awkward, nor she does hate others, but she really just prefers to hit home with what she does, without distractions. it's hard to keep her attention as well as her friendship, and obviously anything more. but it's possible, and worthwhile.
slice of life romance
plot 2, similar to her alternative life, seren is an avid gymnast. it's a love that can never be taken from her through one life to another, but yet in this storyline it lies victim to a terrible accident. after hell and horror comes for a visit, seren is left without the use of her legs, be it permanent or temporary. her livelihood is taken away from her in an instant, and she's left with a mere shell of herself. as she heals both physically and emotionally, seren definitely needs special companionship.
slice of life angst romance

venice - the weight of her willingly-absent mother and drunken father failed to sway her fiery attitude or her tough skin, and she lives her life as her will permits. happily burying herself in the shop she has pretty much inherited from her father, venice, better known as vince, is the go-to-gal if you want to deck out your ride or simply fix it up. her passion for cars extends not only to shows, but to illegal racing as well, and her hardass self holds up easily among the guys who know better than to doubt her or fuck with her.

plot 1, i don't exactly have anything specific in mind for venice, really, but regardless it has to revolve around cars and racing. less 'preferably' and somewhat of a requirement, your character has to be involved with the racing/criminal scene!
crime slice of life action

-ˏˋ Plots: ˊˎ-

angst thriller romance crime
finley was born and raised in spokane, washington, and is currently a vigilant senior at l&c high; she's an academic at heart, a wallflower without doubt, and most definitely in the wake of her sociopathy.

although she does not yet know what she's reaching for, finley's single goal is to go up, up, and up, and she's on the right path. she's the highest academic in her school, county, and state, and she has no doubt that she'd succeed anyone throughout the country, continent, and possibly even the world in its entirety. narcissism is only partially at play here, because she's devoted her entire life to studying and school work.. but regardless, her success is at stake:

after her father fails to return from his deployment she's forced to take up a job to help her mother with bills, and what was once a controlled test of her will-power has began slipping and is now seeping into the reigns of an eating disorder-- normally such a slip up would be carefully roped back in, but senior year is quickly coming to a close and important tests tower over her. even if endlessly confident, to say the very least, finley is logical and she knows her future cannot proceed under such circumstances. although more of a morbid joke among her classmates, she's well aware of the regulation that follows a student's death during exams.

the solution to her problems is an easy find, and selection is even easier. in no way would finley put herself at stake, she's a rarity, an adaptive sociopath, and knows better than to jeopardize her future, so an assassin is really the only peg she needs to continue her climb up the ladder. after this first kill though, in which she passes her test and a graceful set of dominoes fall, something strikes her.. unexpectedly.

not a rush of adrenaline, but the comfort of home- of a calling long awaited. finley doesn't belong in cambridge, princeton, or harvard; anyone can be a cashier, a bouncer, even a surgeon, but few- if anyone else -can really play their hand at who lives and who dies. that is finley's up, her place in life, and she visits the man again with another victim in mind.

this quickly becomes a cycle the two fall into and soon blossoms their relationship. she loves the feeling of prowess he provides her, his capability, and everything soon molds together.

i'm looking for a male oc, someone who takes up the role of the assassin finley reaches out to. maybe more on the amateur level, to make things a bit more realistic, but we can discuss further!

note: i didn't include this in the main post because 1. i didn't want people to take advantage of it, and 2. i didn't want people to think i was after one thing only, but part of her payment in her original visit is her virginity, because she doesn't make enough money to pay the whole thing. of course she can only give that up once, but this is more or less a cycle of its own, which will most definitely help them connect further as well. the end.

survival romance adventure
the world may not work in mysterious ways, but its many outlets does, and so forth does this jumanji twist come to life. at the fingerless hands of an ugly, old little snow globe, your very being is judged by the tribe within, and if they sense that quiet call for help they won't bat an eye before pulling you into the cruel, icy world within.

almost three years ago, jeri monroe tillman was a girl chewed up and spit back out by the deity of anxiety itself. if she was not lead she'd be lost, she didn't have a lick of confidence whatsoever, and the only known solidity in her life was being torn apart by the people she depended on the most.
now however, she has shattered her shell and grown so drastically that she didn't need such a thing. thriving within the chilled world of iztuji, jeri is confident, strong, and.. friends with a sabertooth? she's a completely different person, but an improvement to who she once was, and she can't imagine being so skittish, or even going back home.

for the entirety of her disappearance, jeri's parents searched every nook and cranny of each and every town, county, and state. she made the news, was scrawled down in countless newspapers, and of course was never found. they haven't exactly flushed out all of her belongings, they kept what meant most to her and reminded them of their little girl, but the random globe they found on her floor that infamous night didn't make the cut. it's cast aside, forgotten and abandoned..

until it's not.
through its journey, the little snowdome has been many places, but it hasn't found its next.. tenant. now, cooped up in the thrift shop of a small town, its bound to find someone. jeri may not be the most hospitable of feral women, but she'll warm up.. maybe, anyways.

note: i'll tell you more about the technicalities of the world through pm if you're interested!

action slight scifi thriller
youth is something to be cherished, to be appreciated, but more often than not it is overlooked, taken advantage of by a world looking to mold a generation of limitation and normality. instead, it should be built upon and the new world should be shaped within the hands of free minds for a forward-reaching future of progression, genuinity, and acceptance.

unfortunately, the aforementioned 'new world' will be irremediable if not protected from the horrors that greed and power-hungriness has situated. the stance of an 'illuminati' has been monetized and diligently made into a silly, superstitious humor, but the ideal hasn't exceeded reality. beneath the barreling tram of everyday life runs cables wound with lies and mediocracy by figures of fame and fortune, and they're not-so-slowly tangling around the throat of the world. however, among the ignorant innocents are the children of the future, suppressed by a uniformed society and the fear that comes with being outcast, and somehow they've become the hope of further generations.

gathered together by an ultimately undecided pair or organization, the beckoned young adults have outgrown their phases of vulnerability and must learn to peel off their forced facades and accept the issue that lies ahead of them-- along with their role in fixing what's left of their broken, nearly unloveable world. they're not superheroes written across the papers, but their abnormal abilities are certainly lucky, and hopefully they are too.

this is a very flexible plot, the only things that are really uniform are my involved characters and, ironically, the limitations in any of your introduced characters. i'm looking for more subtle abilities, things i wouldn't even really consider 'powers', but of course these things can be discussed further if this seems to tickle your fancy or whatever the thingy is.

includes these characters:

coven ~ a wealthy girl, aged 18, that just happens to be socially awkward and socially desperate all the same. she craves genuinity and reality but the riches and class among her family name draw forth the exact opposite, so she chooses to isolate herself with her little cawing friend and the whimsical gift that fits her witch-y aesthetic.

suwei ~ angry, burdened, temperamental. suwei hasn't been dealt the best cards, and while she's managed it can't be said she's made the best of things. she's got a short fuse and brings life to the phrase, 'if looks could kill', having copped the nickname, human sniper.

note: i'm looking for someone who can play multiple characters, and i'm definitely looking to multi-ship.

historic controversy romance angst
the injustices splayed throughout history have been beyond unruly; love smothered by hate, humanity rendered helpless, and the strongest minds silenced. but even during the most horrendous of events, twisted in the textbooks, some people are bound to reject the restraints that society so harshly presses.

this story is set to take place around the mid 1940s to 1960s, it can be decided at a later date or not at all, but its main focus is supposed to be on racism and the issues surrounding interracial relationships. it is supposed to incorporate the ugliest sides of reality, even while the relationship is under wraps, and obviously isn't for the lighthearted. we can discuss an array of things!

i'm looking for someone to play a male of color for this story, who will eventually be paired with my journalist, ro small, a sweet girl whose soul and heart are much larger than she is.

self discovery angst slice of life lgbt romance
similar to the plot above, this will also incorporate themes of racism- it is set back in the 1950s, when the infamous greaser style was rising, and also focuses on themes of homophobia. although it is in no way involved with the title, the character pairing and my own character was inspired by two counselor selections in the friday the 13th game. mine by a.j. mason, and what i'm looking for regarding your own by fox. this inspire-er means very little to the plot, of course, but i figured i'd just give it a little note.

that being said, the dynamic between our characters is supposed to resemble the 'cliché' of bad boy and good girl, except with two girls. their worlds mix and even as kathleen is pulling away from the idea of rebellion, a decision she made on a whim, she simply can't pull away from your character. i'm looking for a story of difficulty, passion, drama, and intensity, so hopefully we can conjure that up!

i'm looking for a female character, specifically a girl styled as a greaser, who's from the rougher side of town and has had to grow up fending for herself. she's stubborn, hardheaded, and she knows what's she wants, which just so happens to be the prissy rich girl who is looking a little less pristine than usual.

thriller romance angst
the intensity of working in a psychiatric ward could eat new, well-meaning nurses up like a kid could candy. either the pressure from their senior nurses tie their tongues and then further force their hands, or they slowly began to lose their grasp on themselves and their reality just as their patients had before being submitted themselves.

amelia's life has been one wave of horror after another, but she's blinded herself to the abuse that clamped at her ankles and has preserved herself with naivety. she has every intention to continue the good will she grew up with and care for those that are troubled, but even backed with the concrete of a traumatic childhood, there's a chance she's not ready to face the cruel reality inside the psyche ward. she's too sweet, blindly innocent, and dangerously selfless.. but even if that were to get her into a bit of trouble, that wouldn't necessarily be bad.

i am looking for a male character who is currently in the ward himself- someone a bit more down to earth, not necessarily far from his sanity. perhaps he's in there for a more cynical reason, who knows, but he has to have some good in his heart. we can discuss more!

-ˏˋ Fandoms: ˊˎ-
note - pls write canon characters correctly

adventure romance
be it a team of two, four, or the entire six, an adventure with your closest pals is always what nurse joy prescribes. whether you're battling, studying, or maybe even causing a little trouble, there is no unhealthy dosage of self-discovery and acceptance. may your adventures bless you, and your pokemon move you!

kaiserin ende, the typical trainer who travels with a party of six, and yet tends to be very much atypical. she's been driven by her hardships from a young age, and at this point her determination is unrivaled. nothing can stand in her way. although she's trained her pokemon and they can hold their weight in a battle, that isn't what she's aiming for. in all honesty, she just like the adventure and seeing the world. her party consists of an arcanine, torterra, goodra, gengar, honchkrow, and a nidoking.

rosalind le wilkins, a girl whose intelligence is often buried by her clumsiness and social inabilities. she works out in the field and collects as much data as she can despite the chaos her team reigns on her studies, and although the professor she works under is less than reliable, she genuinely enjoys her work. beneath the armor of anxiety she wears, rosalind is very caring and considering and she strives to help who she can. often she's faced with the dilemma of her social mishap versus the guilt thereafter when she can't bring herself to help someone. her party consists of a bewear, rockruff, spinda, and mudbray.

sephora dior is a trendy model prospering in city life, building a reputation of her own that is slowly exceeding that of her parents', who both hold their own fair share of fame. cliche, maybe, but she escapes the stereotypes that fall in step with young, rich, teenage models and is the exact opposite of snobby and stuck up. despite this, she has been known to topple entire companies when they try to exclude any of her pokemon, who she has attached herself to and is unwilling to abandon. because of a childhood lacking parental involvement sephora is always open to new, genuine friendships and can't get enough of the people around her, always sparkling with a positive attitude. her party consists of a slowking, snubull, sylveon, shiny sylveon, and a lurantis.

yeoh habanashi isn't the easiest of people to get along with. after a life of home-relative troubles she is cold and untrusting towards everyone around her save for the pokemon she both grew with and left home for. this cautious nature comes from her learned ideal that everyone's only concern is getting what they want, regardless of how they treat you, and the refusal to let herself be used again. with time she may open up, and before she does yeoh isn't terrible inhospitable, and reveal her more loyal, caring side. her party consists of a luxray, arbok, and munchlax.

aley rei eck has shed the misfortunes of her life like a snake's skin, or as she likes to say, like a cacoon. having emerged from her chrysalis long ago, aley, also known as 'ekko', ventures the world with a vision that greatly surpasses the one she lost as a child. she always looks towards the brighter side of things and even when acknowledging the down sides, she refuses to let herself be impacted and always encourages others to overcome their hardships, as well. although her pokemon are understandably protective and tend to be weary of new people, ekko herself is endlessly friendly and strives to love everyone she comes by. her party consists of a yamask, tangela, oddish, smoochum, deino, and a sableye.

parsley epazote was born in the beautiful tropics of alola, and walks in stride with her family's age-long passion for the life of the land has stuck, though she may express it in a different, more thorough way. unlike her parents, their parents before them, and their parents before them and so on, raising, admiring, and working alongside the variety of flora within her home just isn't enough. parsley has an itch, an urge to study the life around her and really understand it, truly admire it. this love, just like any other love, is encouraged by her parents.. however, what wasn't as encouraged was her decision to travel outside of their homey region of alola. parsley is almost motherly in nature and even if it can be difficult to really grasp her attention, she does what she can to ease the lives of the people around her. going out of her way to help is far from a chore, and definitely isn't something that she expects praise for. her party consists of a phanphy, grubbin, and steenee.

note: i'm not looking for any specific/canon characters in the pokemon universe, so it's very oc friendly, or you can use someone you muse for the series! it doesn't matter, as long as they are of-age and human.

angst romance drama
there's not much in this world that's perfect and without flaw, and what is is simply fiction. no matter the front an individual may carry, there's always a few skeletons lying in their closet, even if the problem is within themselves. the trick to life isn't aiming for ideal, but learning to persevere through times that are amiss.

she's been listed a bit above, because i figured that'd double my chances of lodging her into the 'shameless' universe, but i'm looking to play jannie. i have only just started the series a while ago, and jannie has been my best gal for a good.. two, going on three years now, so she wasn't made to be played in the world of the gallagher's.. but i couldn't keep her out of mind when everything unfolded. i think she'd be a great fit, but a warning: she's damn near impossible to work with, assholery runs in her veins.

concerning canon characters, as i've mentioned before, i'm desperately in search of someone who can play lip gallagher. initially i was just smitten by him, but i realize how powerful of a dynamic he and jannie would have, so i'm in dire need of writing the two together! as far as the plotline is concerned, it really depends as i'm only a few episodes into season 4 and want to avoid spoilers, but we can cycle through our options!

criminal minds
thriller angst action crime
too often humanity's horrors lie in its everyday realities, and while too often it seems like we can never win, and maybe we can't, that doesn't mean we don't have people who will always aim for success. the lives of the innocent are much more valuable than statistics, after all.

maisy is an odd one, a social recluse with a lively imagination and a multitude of pen-names under her belt. although mousy in nature, she is sickeningly sweet and endlessly selfless, which is a great contrast to her only publicly claimed authorship, elan mai. a renowned name, elan mai's works are astoundingly successful and feature themes such as murder, mental disorders, obsession, and even a few pieces that highlight the depths of addiction. of course, these works aren't meant to capture maisy's ill intent or her inner rot, but she uses them to try and understand the violence of her past.

i'm looking for spencer reid, best baby of them all, and we can split the other characters however suits us best! and as far as the plot goes, maisy is packaged with her own! the works of elan mai have inspired one of the wrong people, and once the bau realizes the muse behind the newest series of murders, they find themselves at maisy's doorstep, asking for assistance.

zenniah is a fighter, a survivor, and so far she's not just dodged many bullets, but taken them head on. she was fortunate to find a good home and be raised by a good woman, but just because luck happened to be on her side in the beginning didn't mean it would stay around. life dealt her may shitty cards, but zenniah's fierce demeanor left her no choice but to take the bull by the horn and whip it around-- she's worked hard to redeem herself and to clamber her way back to a future, and there's nothing that will drag her back down.

i am looking for someone to play the one and only derek morgan, along with splitting the other characters with me! as far as plot goes, zenniah also comes with a story of her own that wraps into her past, but that comes later and typically i pair her and maisy into the same roleplay. but i also want to have a long-term roleplay where we continue to build scenarios and whatnot!
resaline is a veteran with many respects held to her name despite her young age, and it's fair to say she was raised for the life, being brought up by her father and an army of uncles and aunts, his servicemen friends. she is independent and self-sufficient, seeing as her father was on active duty most of her childhood, and though she has control of her temper, she's not one to be messed with. after an incident in her most recent deployment, she is currently fighting for the right to continue as a SEAL, that way she isn't made to retire.

i am looking for someone to play derek morgan, along with splitting the other characters! resaline comes with her own plot that not only introduces her to the bau, but later ties her into it as a job opportunity. i've never written her in this fandom before, but the idea came up and i miss writing her so i figured i'd try it out.

drama slice of life romance
a life with diehard fans and global fame sounds like the ideal life if you don't include invasive stans, insane schedules, and nearly 24/7 surveillance. between your limitations and lack of freedom, it's hard to live life outside of your career.

minet is a sweet girl with a selfless soul, and though it can be hard to keep her attention she has many passions, such as photography, fashion, and translating. she easily gets by doing various jobs among all three, and is even saving up to take the leap and move to korea. minet was born in america, but her family came from south korea shortly before she was born, and the entirety of her life has been her clinging onto whatever relative identity that she could. as a coping method during their transition her family selfishly hogged their culture, and though this was a valid mechanic of theirs at first, it quickly became an aggressive exclusion of minet. she was left on her own without an identity and barely a family, being turned onto a multitude of different languages to keep her from picking up korean and even being left out of most celebrations. this questionable upbringing has done a mark on her self-worth and she still feels as if she's grasping air, but minet is ready to truly find herself in her move and take whoever is willing into her open arms to give them the love she was raised without.

i am open to personal k-idol ocs, but i am also looking for certain idols! if you play monsta x's wonho, hyungwon, minhyuk, or jooheon, please i'll sell you my soulll!

contrary to minet, daeun isn't sweet or selfless. in fact, for the vast majority of her life she's been the exact opposite-- born in korea, daeun had a loving family and she was, in turn, a loving girl. sweet, smitten by art, and a tad bit silly, even if a tad shy. but after she was uprooted and the family of three moved to america? school was difficult, not a place of safety but a place of intimidation and exclusion, a place where she was demeaned for her culture and very being. she spoke funny, her english was never good enough, her face was the brunt of their jokes, she was never enough. initially daeun isolated herself, even at home, but after so much teasing she'd broken out in a fit of pent up rage and lashed out at one of the bullies, physically fighting him. this american act of anger pleased them, and it was the spiral she'd been edging on since their move. she became bitter, rough, rejected her culture and completely changed herself, americanized herself, ruined herself. of course, karma doesn't care for explanation. so now as she faces the consequences, she's forced to look back at who she's become and who she lost- and to do that, she's returned home to korea, in hopes of redemption for the wrongs she can never right.

i am open to personal k-idol ocs, but i am also looking for certain idols! if you play monsta x's wonho, hyungwon, jooheon or, changkyun, please i'll sell you my soulll!

quite a large portion of trinhkieu's life was spent salvaging the woman she yearned to be, and solely because of her determination and stoney will, it is fair to say she's done more than manage. the vocalist and main dancer of cube entertainment's 'krown', trinhkieu has established herself in the music industry and is well loved among many, partaking not only in her group's activities but also in solo releases, styling, choreographing, producing, and songwriting. her life before idolhood was one blurred with a variety of identities, but as of now she finds comfort in identifying purely with the love she receives from her fans, and she doesn't hesitate to return that love and appreciation and give them her all. having worked hard to get where she is, trinhkieu makes sure to cherish the life she's built for herself atop of her dark past, and she's genuinely content.

i am open to personal k-idol ocs, but i am also looking for certain idols! if you play monsta x's hyungwon, jooheon, or changkyun, please i'll sell you my soulll!
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