Either Needed Lovecraftian/Gothic Horror Adventure

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Either Needed Lovecraftian/Gothic Horror Adventure

So when is this story forecasted to begin?

Also what are the rules for storytelling? Is partial player control allowed?
is this story going to be completely driven by the RPM or will players be able to expand the universe?
Can players create NPC characters?
Ok hi sorry I'm late and hi! I would like to join in if that's ok. I love the idea and understand the rules hope I'm not too late.
-NAME- Klide Holmes

-AGE- 23

-SEX- Male

-PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- 6' 160lbs, medium length blonde hair that covers his eyes unless swept back or to the side. Black eyes, naturally sharp and thin eye lids so it can be hard to tell if his eyes are opened or closed, especially with his hair. Thin pointed eye brows and a natural smirk. Has a curtain charisma or charm to him and is genuinely a nice guy. In ok shape but not built to fight.

He wears a white dress shirt under a black vest with black leather trousers and grey calf high laced boots with a steal toe tip. He always travels with a small brown leather satchel and a watch on his right wrist.

-SKILLS/TALENTS- Supernatural awareness but prefers not to think or talk about it. Worked as a bartender so he knows how to start and keep a conversation and has a way with words. Good at getting information and knows how to talk his way in and out of situations but hates fighting and will actively try to avoid it. Quick on his feet and good at dodging and hiding. Can fight but only as a last resort and if forced to by the situation.

-PERSONAL POSSESSIONS- Carries gloves and a small knife in his bag, as well as a small book for reading when bored. Has a picture of his dead brother and sister in his wallet.
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Omg yes please Daddy Doctor Lovecraft! I'm soooo in (if you'll have me). I was hoping to play an insane artist, as I've always loved Cthulu's obsession with creative types. The quick back story I made in my head, however, had my artist going to the city on purpose because he's seeking truths to his messed up visions. Would that work? I guess I could go there on purpose and then sort of end up trapped and realizing I need to escape?
Gregorio D'Lazzo



6'2" tall, 155 lbs. His tall, wiry frame is hugged by his wasit length brown hair, which he never pulls back. A long, wispy, unkempt goatee floats around his lips, the rest of his face covered in a patchy 5 o'clock shadow. You can tell by his bone structure that he was once a handsome man, but his sunken eyes and pallid skin have tarnished his look.

Gregorio is extremely aware of the supernatural, and it has driven him to madness. When he is lucid, Gregorio is charismatic, confident, and optimistic. He is also an amazingly talented artist, and is well known for his craft. He sometimes suffers from debilitating visions of eldritch horror which he must express in art form.

Gregorio always carries a sketch book, charcoal, a few ink pots, and a paint brush in his bag. He also stole a few days' worth of bread, a tinder box, and a pistol with some ammo before leaving for Saldenholm. He has never shot a gun before and doesn't know how, but he hopes it's loaded.
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Massive apology to everyone who's posted replies over the past couple of weeks. Bizarrely, I've only been able to see everyone's sheets and replies today. I'm going to chalk it to my abysmal internet and hope that those of you who've sent a sheet recently, as well as earlier, are still on board.

Despite Alphones's decision to depart the Rp, I would still like to answer his question as I would imagine they're questions others might have. In terms of the world and characters, I already have everything pre-made and set aside for your characters to interact with. This is essentially a traditional roleplaying game minus all the dice rolling and stats. I realize that this is not what most people on here seem to enjoy, not that there's anything wrong with that. I personally enjoy being DM'd through worlds but I can't expect everyone to share that interest.
In terms of NPCs, while there won't be NPC's controlled by you all, I have no problem with each of you having two, *possibly* even three personal characters.
I hope I've made everything perfectly clear. I, once again, understand if folks now decide they don't want to participate.

As a side note, while I you all won't have much control over the state of the world, I will most definitely write in references to your characters' lives and interaction with the world before this RP if you choose to provide a bio.
Now, time to answer new questions!

To Hodrick, Upward, and Cat respectively

You are not at all too late, Hod, my friend! I realize you didn't actually have a question, but I wanted to welcome you regardless!

To Onward (who I called upward for some reason) that Idea is totally fine, and if you have a basic plotline you'd like for your character to follow, then DM me and we can work it out! If not, I'm more than happy to write something on my own if you'd like more of a surprise.

And last, but not least, I actually really like that Idea Cat! Especially how it fans the flames of my god complex :D

Hopefully, that answers everyone's questions! If everyone could just reply to the thread one last time letting me know they're ready yo start (or if you have more questions) then I think we can get started within the next few days!
Esther Bashalde



Esther is a lithe young woman, standing at just 5'6" with a pear-like shape, modest of bosom and wide of hip. Her skin, while olive in hue, has paled from chill and shadow, sunny days of travelling hither and tither locked away behind her. Thick tendrils of straight, black hair fall just past the small of her back, uncut and unfashioned, but healthy. Thick plumes of lashes wreathe large, amber eyes, tired from restless nights, heavy with worry, piercing. Shapely, pale pink lips offset her delicately aquiline features, thick, but feminine brow often resting half-furrowed.

While she is not muscled, she is not in poor condition like those stuffy noble women you see fainting their way around the marketplace or the salon. Years of keeping pace with the caravan have left her lithe, and fit. She has a few small scars, nothing of note, and while her ears show signs of having been pierced in more than one place, she wears no jewellery.

Esther's parents were builders in the community of the wandering tribes. Limited by her size, more than her gender, she was taught to make candles and soap, work leather and fabrics, knit and crochet, repair firearms and sharpen knives. She's an awful cook, but a decent baker, and her mother taught her where to cut a man who gets handsy. Most notable, though, is her gift of foresight, which developed as she flowered into a woman. Taken in by the previous seer of their caravan, she was taught the superstitious traditions of her people, vague or dubious as they may be. While she loves the tarot deck her brother drew for her, she knows a variety of techniques for so-called fortune-telling and divination, from reading coins, dice, and playing cards, to scrying bowls and the pouring of sand or seeds. She possesses supernatural awareness.

  • A deck of tarot cards drawn for her by her brother
  • A small, wood handled knife her father made for her
  • The clothes on her back (I'mma figure out an outfit, but no point if I've gotta do a major personality/background/skill overhaul :p )
  • A small pouch of mixed coins and currencies amounting to little
  • A silver medallion depicting a flattened hand with an eye at the centre.
I don't see anything in your sheet that needs an overhaul. Love the character! Same goes for all of your sheets!

I'm going to close the thread, for now, seeing as we've got four people. I haven't heard from Zora in a bit, but I'm assuming she's still on board. I'll create a new thread for the RP and we can work out a sort of 'turn order'. Cheers, all!
Am great excite! I realized, tho, that I do has question!

It's more about the setting; You said we're working on a loose Victorian/Edwardian theme, but what level of tech are we going for? I'm seeing a lot of people leaning into the kind of ... dishonoured era, clockwork guns and rapiers, that sort of thing, but what's DM rule? What's the technological/cultural era?
In terms of tech, we're going the more realistic route. Rapiers, early revolvers, single-shot rifles, etc., without the tall-boys and walls of light.

I might have a few mildly anachronistic surprises up my sleeve though...

Edit: Just a little update, I'm hitting the hay now, so any more questions will be answered tomorrow. Night, all!
Hello everyone, sorry to drop this on you but I'm going to have to leave this site for some unknown amount of time and I don't know when I'll be back. Sorry and I hope this doesn't ruin anything even though I haven't posted yet lol
Not a problem at all! You'll be missed, but seeing as we've hardly started, you don't have to worry about "ruining" anything!

Hope everything is alright though! stay safe out there!
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