Mae l'ovannen!

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Mae l'ovannen!

Lore N. Fables

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion Confirmed Responsible Adult 10000 Likes!
Local time
Today 9:22 PM
Gi suilon! (I greet you!/Greetings!)

My name is Lore, and though I am new to this site, I am not that new to RP. I had started back in 2012, during a bought of The Dreaded Writer's Block phase of my college career. It turned into my Kryptonite, and upon a meeting with my creative writing professor, and fellow writing comrades, I learned of the wonderful world that is RP. I have written pretty much my whole life, starting with poetry, and eventually moving on to essays and stories.

I originally started on social media, email, and some messengers, but I found this time around, I needed something more in-depth. Possibly even find someone who can help carry a plot in the process. And, I would like to find a partner that is interested in the 'story-telling' aspect of an RP.

I generally linger in the in the realms of magic/ fantasy/historical, though I do write in modern worlds for my private/personal stories. In case you couldn't tell by this introduction, I am a descriptive writer, who writes in 'novella' form, and almost always in 3rd person. I am a History and English major with my focus being in the 13th and 14th century Ottoman Empire, and ironically Shakespeare and Chaucer. (I kind of earned the title of Nerd Goddess for those topics, throw in a slew of video games, and thus, I elevated through ranks of Nerd-Dom.)

So, on that note, any questions, feel free to ask, I am an open book if you like to read. I do hope whoever is reading this, is having an amazing day/night, and I truly hope that it is filled with magic!

~ Lore
Elven, (though not fluent unfortunately, but learning still), and fluent in Shakespearian. Kudos for knowing that was Elven! I was wondering if anyone would understand it.. ;)
I have a friend who speaks fluent elven. Not me though. I Have actually made up my own dwarven dialect.
It's still developing though. kinda hard to develop it quickly because I am the only one who's practicing it. *sigh* It would be nice to spread it around.
Dwarven, huh... That is actually brilliant! I would love to read that! (At least learn how to say "Friend, not foe!" <--most important phrase, in any language.;))
Ooh!! I would totally learn that! Make it a "thing", like learning Elvish, or French, or bad English... :)
Well, hello is "Hahgruk" (haw-gruk)

I forgot good bye. oops. That's what happens when you don't speak it frequently I guess, lol.

Oym is yes

Nahr means no or not. (na-ar)

Bwinu means good (bwin-uh)

Galagid means bad.

Dren -- sister

Brun -- brother

There are phrases I can share as well.
I seriously just took a screen shot. And, next time I play a dwarf character, I am totally going to be using these in it! And anything you want to send, please do! I think languages are fascinating, and I enjoy reading/learning new ones. (Especially the fantastical ones. They're neat!) Hopefully, this will take off one day, like the lovely Elven language. ;)
I know right?

u is always pronounced "uh" unless followed by an h, which thus makes it "oo"
O is always pronounced like "Oh"

Gundugu (Gun-dug-uh) is a common curse word.

Yo you (singular)
Yun your/yours (singular)
Yolu you (plural)
Yolun your/yours (plural)

Ro he/she
Run they
Rolu his/her/hers
Rolun their

Vo I/me
Vun my/mine
Volu we/us
Volun our/ours
With nouns

to make them plural:

-u at the end if it ends with a consenant
-lu at the end if it ends with a vowel

to make them possessive:

Add -un to the end if it ends with a consenant
If it ends in a vowel, replace the vowel with -un
Hahgruk vun dren! Huhdro awrey yo?

(haw-gruk vun dren! hoo-dro ow-ree yo?)

Hello my sister! How are you?
Ooh! I like that! Especially with a Russian-is flare.

Fantásticoch! <--Fantasic! (threw the German/Spanish I didn't know if you had a word for it or not, but in case you didn't, there's my minute contribution ;)
To clarify, the sounds of the words are isnpired by the two languages, not so much the words themselves
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