Torture Chamber Dweller
Inner Sanctum Nobility
This is my collection of characters and worlds, with canons, canons I share with others, and lots of fun stuff. See the below threads for characters!
FYI: I also love using OCS as NPCS in my stories. It's quite fun ! Seeing as many of them have history together and depending on the character actually make some impact one one another, the characters listed down below can also be seen as little additions / possible side characters for the OC you're wanting to play with! Whoopee.
Current worlds :
Fantasy world
Characters in this world :
High / Medium Fantasy world with different races, cultures and history. Most races have their own respectable kingdom, with a few singular citystates being wild mixtures. The big kingdoms are human, vampire, elven, fairy and orc. Aside from that many other races have singular clans or strongholds, or are native to forests or other terrain. Creatures like werewolves or merfolk live in packs or groups, but are not considered as a form of state. There also exist multiple factions of certain kingdoms that have settled outside of their original country, or clans that have broken away. Demons are also creatures of this universe, but are seen as mysteries no one dares to explore, seeing as there is barely anything known about them.
The vampiric kingdom is a country built around its capital, with the other cities and villages closely spreading outwards. The culture is centred around strength and power, with the royal family ruling with an iron fist, keen on being the strongest on the continent. The weak are not cared for, and their society strives towards being the best and most powerful, with harsh upbringing. Everything is to be done in belief that it helps the kingdom, and this race often times reasons hanous crimes with the betterment of their kingdom. Vampires keep heavily to themselves, being xenophobic and unfriendly creatures. Several territories and cultures have been conquered and bought under their control, and their kingdom seems ever expanding, with war being a constant threat looming across the other nations. Yet the other kingdoms are the only ones that remain and managed to stand their ground against these colonialists.Other races and kinds are barely seen here, and are either guests or captured slaves or prisoners of war. The cities and landscape are dark and gloom ish, with stone being the fundament of most buildings. Pine forests and mountains surround their landscape, as do burnt and dead forests.
The fairy kingdom is a kingdom filled with unique flora and fauna, and is known for its amazing and stunning nature, with blossoming wildlife and warm weather. The fairys are winged creatures with magical abilities, with their society being diplomatic and sophisticated. They are known for their rich culture and unique sense of fashion. They are famous for their music and dance, artistic values are important here. Hot weather and colourful forests make for a humid environment with thick forests and wild beasts. The cities are well hidden behind thick flora, making their civilisation rather well hidden, but not unfriendly towards outsiders. Slavery is banned here, and the society is more levelled than in other nations. The vampiric nation loves provoking war, and the fairys are in a constant fear of their neighbouring country.
The elven kingdom is a place made from different clans and groups, that all unite under a crown. The elven society is built on their capabilities and is often times compared to a mixture of vampire and fairy influences. They are people who harness and use magic, but also rely on craftsmanship and hard labour to uphold their society. The singular clans and houses are different within each other, with different political views and policies on their society and people. However these clans come together to form a higher circle, or board with one ruling king from the royal family. They unite under the royal banner, and appear as one to outsiders. Elves are friendly towards outsiders, but still hold a respectful distance towards the other races. They are known for breeding in-between races however, with human-elf or vampire-elf mutts being seen from time to time. Laws, punishments and opinions vary on the region. Elven and vampire opinions often time overlap, so these two nations get along rather well.
The humans are, similar to the elves, a compliance of tribes and clans that unite if given need. Humanity has always upheld a powerful hold upon their land, with the human warlords and soldiers being known for bitterly defending their rights until the end. Human society is rather welcoming and open, yet humans take very badly towards other races interfering within their ranks, and are known for their many, many colonies spread across the globe.
The Ork kingdom is a large space of rocky mountains and underground tunnels, with a small royal family, and otherwise wild tribes that stand as one when threatened. This kingdom is rather shattered and in a constant struggle of power in-between fractions, yet is not seen as desirable land by other nations wishing to expand. The orc lands are rather feral, with little economic interest and wild landscapes filled with beast and other races. Orcs are seen in free cities or enslaved as beast, and are not always viewed as fully intelligent, some races even classifying them as beast.
Tribes of Merfolk can be found across the sea or in very large lakes, and are very cut off from the rest of the other races.
Werewolves are wild tribesmen who are hunted and killed, but are known to hunt in large packs and can pose great threat to convoys or merchants.
Demons are seen as mysterious spirits and are unheard of, only known to be children's tales.
Shapeshifters exist, but are rare, especially since they are masters of deception.
Harpies are seen as beasts and hold no own form of society.
Centaurs have apparently been sighted, but are as of now not believed to be real.
Dragons exist as beasts.
Spirits exist, but are seen as mere paranormal appearances and are barely studied.
Hell :
Characters in this world :
Lucifer´s kingdom: Right in the centre, the middle of the hells, nothing but hellfire and a few stone buildings remain here. Uninhabitable for any sort of life. No lesser demons exist here.
Satan´s kingdom: Burnt and dead kingdom with beasts, night terrors and all sorts of monstrosities. Lesser demons are kept in an animal like state.
Beelzebub´s kingdom: Volcanic void with no lesser demons, burnt ground, no life, only silence and coldness. In the middle stands a large iron prison, where the prince rules over prisioners that the hells proclaim dangerous. Mostly other demons that are kept there under his rule, locked away for eternity.
Leviathans kingdom: Earth and ground is weirdly alive, the land has its own strange will. Lesser demons are sometimes intelligent, but rather dumbed down. Humans exist here too but are mostly in hiding, or gather and live in small groups. The land is covered in old stone ruins, indicating that once a city was to be found here.
Mammon´s kingdom: Weirdly peaceful land with flora and fauna, with the lesser demons appearing more like animals (deer, foxes, mice, typical wildlife) and no humans to be found. Kingdom is considered beautiful, but due to everything being filled with poison, no life except the one that is made here survives.
Belphegor´s kingdom: Considered the most habitable, with forests, rivers, small villages and somewhat normal life. Humans live here as the strongest ruling party, with the lesser demons being intelligent and self governing. Almost as if the ruling prince simply let nature take it´s course. The main castle is often times used for parties, and other demons are often times found here, princes included.
Asmodeus´ sanctuary: The island off to the edge of the hellish world is made of cold stone and large buildings, with an established succubi society that rules over mainly human men. The castles sometimes hold parties, and powerful succubi often times own their own land and govern it as they see fit.
Power over a demon is by knowing its name. A demon may not speak the name of one higher than oneself, hence they will oftentimes use nicknames or titles to reffer to someone higher in power.
The brothers strength runs from top to bottom, with the first demon being the strongest, and the last being the weakest. This hirachy is untouchable and set in stone. However, infighting and war is not uncommon, as sins will eventually clash when faced with different points of view. The seven brothers rule their respectfull kingdoms of hell, they do however wander into the human realm from time to time. The seven kingdoms all differ in appearance, flora, fauna and climate depending on the sin. Yet the brothers remain in their own territory. A demon tries to mask itself as a human as good as possible, some better, some worse. They usually have a goal to complete, depending on which brother. Demons can be banished back to hell by powerful religious figures, being burnt by the sun, or being exorcised by later when possessing a victim. Demons can also be killed when beheaded by a blessed blade. Otherwise killing them off is quite dificult as is better left to professionals.
All seven princes used to be angels.
The seven brothers however can never die. They are immortal, punished to suffer for the rest of eternity by their lost father. Killing a high demon will just force him back into hell. However, demons will then usually stay in hell for several decades, rebuilding their power. Some of the brothers rarely chose to visit earth, while others wander up quite frequently. They are also the only ones that carry their wings from their past, each brother having the same wing count as the number they hold. Their powers are always somehow related to their sins, but generally speaking, lots of fire magic, portal creation, shape shifting, supernatural senses and strength, regrowth of limbs. As these are the strongest of demons, they hold the most power and are in 99% of the cases the stronger power in comparison to an opponent.
They are brothers in a sense, but not related by blood. Sexual encounterts between them do happen from time to time. Be it as a form of trade or securing power, the demons do engange each other more or less frequently. They do not hold memories of their days as angels, except for Lucifer. He is the only demon who remembers his past.
Lesser demons (Fiends, succubi, imps) are always associated with a higher sin, therefore serving the respective lord of that power.
All lower ranking demons were either corrupted from humans, or were born in hell, shaped by one the higher sins. Lesser demons vary in intelligence and many remain rather animalistic, depending on how their respective prince wants them to behave. However, most lesser demons are simply ex-humans who lost their memory as to why they ended up down there. Lesser demons can die and be killed in hell, as well as on earth. The corrupt human soul forms into a specific type of demon, depending on the sins they commited in the past (ex. Lustful/Adultery life as a human -> Succubus).
Demons feed by consuming souls, or through highly sinfun activities such as sex, war or betrayal. Binding oneself to a demon will gift the person respective powers, yet slowly drain or suck them empty of life force as time progresses. The demon is forced to serve the human they are bound to, yet the end goal is to consume the human soul. If the human dies by any other means than by the demon, the demon dies too (for the princes, they just get depowered heavily and suffer quite badly), so keeping the host alive is a priority. To use the demon properly, one needs its name in order to cast smells and directly talk to the demonic creature. Being bound to a demon without knowing its name is profoundly bad, as the demon is pretty much free of any orders as without a name, as they are not addressed. If the demon managed to kill the human they are bound to, it makes for a powerful meal, and the demon is freed from the shakles of the binding, meaning they are free to go where they please, yet they require human intervention to go back home. Oftentimes demons that are free then go on killing sprees, posses a human, or do ungood through other means. Then oftentimes, they force a human to send them back down with a spell, or they start causing havoc and get caught by religious figures.
-> Succubi (Incubi)
Succubi are demons created by and for the seventh prince of hell, Asmodeus. Asmodeus remains the only demon who is able to create new life with a human. He is able to create new demons by impregnating female humans, the resulting child killing the mother in the process. The child is considered a higher succubus. Women who commited adultery or any other sin connected to lust are sometimes reborn in hell as succubi, and then serve and reside in the kingdom of lust. These demons are summoned and appear on earth rather frequently, seeing as they are well sought after by mortal men. Succubi present as women with unnatural eye colors and slit pupils, with wings, tails and horns. Lower ranking succubi are made more for the human male gaze, with large chests, wide hips and slutty personalities, while higher ranking succubi are more angelic, with the idea being that they are a mockery towards angels and gods children himself. What greater disrespect as to fuck something that looks like an angel?
Succubi have a small hierachy amongst themselves, with the higher ranking ones being as stated, rather angelic looking, with petite bodies and gentle features. These girls are also prefered by their prince, and are seen as companions of the seventh brother who molded them after the divine. The highest ranking are also his daughters, their father ofentimes holding them in high regard. Succubi can become pregnant by other demons or humans, yet the resulting child will most likely be a living curse, or some other horrible creature. The more powerful they become, the more "non" succubi powers they yield. Fire magic, shape shifting, that stuff. Binding yourself to a succubi makes a succubus mark appear on the lower abdomen of the demon and the human.
Incubi are the male version and are considered weaker and rarer.
Hell otherwise in inhabited by beasts, critters and humans. Humans are literally just fodder, and are considered prey that comes in endless supply.
Demons are either summoned by humans or appear after or in combination with events on earth. Great amounts of sin will allow singular demons to cross over into the human realm, yet this does rarely count for the princes. They are summoned, yet the church has made sure as to destroy and forbid all knowledge on the spells on how to summon a prince, seeing as their overwhelming power is deemed a massive threat to the earths population. (example: war causes massive tragedy, demon pops up and makes shit worse) . Demons always need some sort of human intervention and cannot move from realm to realm on their own.
In this head canon Angels do exist aswell, with them being generally a bit more powerful than demons. Demons may not cross into heaven, Angels can technically enter into hell, yet they rarely emerge alive. On earth is where they meet and often clash. The demons hate angels with a burning passion, yet deep down they envy them for the love of the father they never received. Angels are considered a powerful meal, but generally speaking too powerful to fight. Hence the angels are usually taken care of by the higher ranking demons, yet also those do not always feel up to fighting the divine, seeing as angelic powers hurt rather badly.
Earth for history setting, use Wikipedia lol
-Amoura is a League insert otherwise-
FYI: I also love using OCS as NPCS in my stories. It's quite fun ! Seeing as many of them have history together and depending on the character actually make some impact one one another, the characters listed down below can also be seen as little additions / possible side characters for the OC you're wanting to play with! Whoopee.
Current worlds :
Fantasy world

Characters in this world :
High / Medium Fantasy world with different races, cultures and history. Most races have their own respectable kingdom, with a few singular citystates being wild mixtures. The big kingdoms are human, vampire, elven, fairy and orc. Aside from that many other races have singular clans or strongholds, or are native to forests or other terrain. Creatures like werewolves or merfolk live in packs or groups, but are not considered as a form of state. There also exist multiple factions of certain kingdoms that have settled outside of their original country, or clans that have broken away. Demons are also creatures of this universe, but are seen as mysteries no one dares to explore, seeing as there is barely anything known about them.
The vampiric kingdom is a country built around its capital, with the other cities and villages closely spreading outwards. The culture is centred around strength and power, with the royal family ruling with an iron fist, keen on being the strongest on the continent. The weak are not cared for, and their society strives towards being the best and most powerful, with harsh upbringing. Everything is to be done in belief that it helps the kingdom, and this race often times reasons hanous crimes with the betterment of their kingdom. Vampires keep heavily to themselves, being xenophobic and unfriendly creatures. Several territories and cultures have been conquered and bought under their control, and their kingdom seems ever expanding, with war being a constant threat looming across the other nations. Yet the other kingdoms are the only ones that remain and managed to stand their ground against these colonialists.Other races and kinds are barely seen here, and are either guests or captured slaves or prisoners of war. The cities and landscape are dark and gloom ish, with stone being the fundament of most buildings. Pine forests and mountains surround their landscape, as do burnt and dead forests.
The fairy kingdom is a kingdom filled with unique flora and fauna, and is known for its amazing and stunning nature, with blossoming wildlife and warm weather. The fairys are winged creatures with magical abilities, with their society being diplomatic and sophisticated. They are known for their rich culture and unique sense of fashion. They are famous for their music and dance, artistic values are important here. Hot weather and colourful forests make for a humid environment with thick forests and wild beasts. The cities are well hidden behind thick flora, making their civilisation rather well hidden, but not unfriendly towards outsiders. Slavery is banned here, and the society is more levelled than in other nations. The vampiric nation loves provoking war, and the fairys are in a constant fear of their neighbouring country.
The elven kingdom is a place made from different clans and groups, that all unite under a crown. The elven society is built on their capabilities and is often times compared to a mixture of vampire and fairy influences. They are people who harness and use magic, but also rely on craftsmanship and hard labour to uphold their society. The singular clans and houses are different within each other, with different political views and policies on their society and people. However these clans come together to form a higher circle, or board with one ruling king from the royal family. They unite under the royal banner, and appear as one to outsiders. Elves are friendly towards outsiders, but still hold a respectful distance towards the other races. They are known for breeding in-between races however, with human-elf or vampire-elf mutts being seen from time to time. Laws, punishments and opinions vary on the region. Elven and vampire opinions often time overlap, so these two nations get along rather well.
The humans are, similar to the elves, a compliance of tribes and clans that unite if given need. Humanity has always upheld a powerful hold upon their land, with the human warlords and soldiers being known for bitterly defending their rights until the end. Human society is rather welcoming and open, yet humans take very badly towards other races interfering within their ranks, and are known for their many, many colonies spread across the globe.
The Ork kingdom is a large space of rocky mountains and underground tunnels, with a small royal family, and otherwise wild tribes that stand as one when threatened. This kingdom is rather shattered and in a constant struggle of power in-between fractions, yet is not seen as desirable land by other nations wishing to expand. The orc lands are rather feral, with little economic interest and wild landscapes filled with beast and other races. Orcs are seen in free cities or enslaved as beast, and are not always viewed as fully intelligent, some races even classifying them as beast.
Tribes of Merfolk can be found across the sea or in very large lakes, and are very cut off from the rest of the other races.
Werewolves are wild tribesmen who are hunted and killed, but are known to hunt in large packs and can pose great threat to convoys or merchants.
Demons are seen as mysterious spirits and are unheard of, only known to be children's tales.
Shapeshifters exist, but are rare, especially since they are masters of deception.
Harpies are seen as beasts and hold no own form of society.
Centaurs have apparently been sighted, but are as of now not believed to be real.
Dragons exist as beasts.
Spirits exist, but are seen as mere paranormal appearances and are barely studied.
Hell :

Characters in this world :
Lucifer´s kingdom: Right in the centre, the middle of the hells, nothing but hellfire and a few stone buildings remain here. Uninhabitable for any sort of life. No lesser demons exist here.
Satan´s kingdom: Burnt and dead kingdom with beasts, night terrors and all sorts of monstrosities. Lesser demons are kept in an animal like state.
Beelzebub´s kingdom: Volcanic void with no lesser demons, burnt ground, no life, only silence and coldness. In the middle stands a large iron prison, where the prince rules over prisioners that the hells proclaim dangerous. Mostly other demons that are kept there under his rule, locked away for eternity.
Leviathans kingdom: Earth and ground is weirdly alive, the land has its own strange will. Lesser demons are sometimes intelligent, but rather dumbed down. Humans exist here too but are mostly in hiding, or gather and live in small groups. The land is covered in old stone ruins, indicating that once a city was to be found here.
Mammon´s kingdom: Weirdly peaceful land with flora and fauna, with the lesser demons appearing more like animals (deer, foxes, mice, typical wildlife) and no humans to be found. Kingdom is considered beautiful, but due to everything being filled with poison, no life except the one that is made here survives.
Belphegor´s kingdom: Considered the most habitable, with forests, rivers, small villages and somewhat normal life. Humans live here as the strongest ruling party, with the lesser demons being intelligent and self governing. Almost as if the ruling prince simply let nature take it´s course. The main castle is often times used for parties, and other demons are often times found here, princes included.
Asmodeus´ sanctuary: The island off to the edge of the hellish world is made of cold stone and large buildings, with an established succubi society that rules over mainly human men. The castles sometimes hold parties, and powerful succubi often times own their own land and govern it as they see fit.
Power over a demon is by knowing its name. A demon may not speak the name of one higher than oneself, hence they will oftentimes use nicknames or titles to reffer to someone higher in power.
The brothers strength runs from top to bottom, with the first demon being the strongest, and the last being the weakest. This hirachy is untouchable and set in stone. However, infighting and war is not uncommon, as sins will eventually clash when faced with different points of view. The seven brothers rule their respectfull kingdoms of hell, they do however wander into the human realm from time to time. The seven kingdoms all differ in appearance, flora, fauna and climate depending on the sin. Yet the brothers remain in their own territory. A demon tries to mask itself as a human as good as possible, some better, some worse. They usually have a goal to complete, depending on which brother. Demons can be banished back to hell by powerful religious figures, being burnt by the sun, or being exorcised by later when possessing a victim. Demons can also be killed when beheaded by a blessed blade. Otherwise killing them off is quite dificult as is better left to professionals.
All seven princes used to be angels.
The seven brothers however can never die. They are immortal, punished to suffer for the rest of eternity by their lost father. Killing a high demon will just force him back into hell. However, demons will then usually stay in hell for several decades, rebuilding their power. Some of the brothers rarely chose to visit earth, while others wander up quite frequently. They are also the only ones that carry their wings from their past, each brother having the same wing count as the number they hold. Their powers are always somehow related to their sins, but generally speaking, lots of fire magic, portal creation, shape shifting, supernatural senses and strength, regrowth of limbs. As these are the strongest of demons, they hold the most power and are in 99% of the cases the stronger power in comparison to an opponent.
They are brothers in a sense, but not related by blood. Sexual encounterts between them do happen from time to time. Be it as a form of trade or securing power, the demons do engange each other more or less frequently. They do not hold memories of their days as angels, except for Lucifer. He is the only demon who remembers his past.
Lesser demons (Fiends, succubi, imps) are always associated with a higher sin, therefore serving the respective lord of that power.
All lower ranking demons were either corrupted from humans, or were born in hell, shaped by one the higher sins. Lesser demons vary in intelligence and many remain rather animalistic, depending on how their respective prince wants them to behave. However, most lesser demons are simply ex-humans who lost their memory as to why they ended up down there. Lesser demons can die and be killed in hell, as well as on earth. The corrupt human soul forms into a specific type of demon, depending on the sins they commited in the past (ex. Lustful/Adultery life as a human -> Succubus).
Demons feed by consuming souls, or through highly sinfun activities such as sex, war or betrayal. Binding oneself to a demon will gift the person respective powers, yet slowly drain or suck them empty of life force as time progresses. The demon is forced to serve the human they are bound to, yet the end goal is to consume the human soul. If the human dies by any other means than by the demon, the demon dies too (for the princes, they just get depowered heavily and suffer quite badly), so keeping the host alive is a priority. To use the demon properly, one needs its name in order to cast smells and directly talk to the demonic creature. Being bound to a demon without knowing its name is profoundly bad, as the demon is pretty much free of any orders as without a name, as they are not addressed. If the demon managed to kill the human they are bound to, it makes for a powerful meal, and the demon is freed from the shakles of the binding, meaning they are free to go where they please, yet they require human intervention to go back home. Oftentimes demons that are free then go on killing sprees, posses a human, or do ungood through other means. Then oftentimes, they force a human to send them back down with a spell, or they start causing havoc and get caught by religious figures.
-> Succubi (Incubi)
Succubi are demons created by and for the seventh prince of hell, Asmodeus. Asmodeus remains the only demon who is able to create new life with a human. He is able to create new demons by impregnating female humans, the resulting child killing the mother in the process. The child is considered a higher succubus. Women who commited adultery or any other sin connected to lust are sometimes reborn in hell as succubi, and then serve and reside in the kingdom of lust. These demons are summoned and appear on earth rather frequently, seeing as they are well sought after by mortal men. Succubi present as women with unnatural eye colors and slit pupils, with wings, tails and horns. Lower ranking succubi are made more for the human male gaze, with large chests, wide hips and slutty personalities, while higher ranking succubi are more angelic, with the idea being that they are a mockery towards angels and gods children himself. What greater disrespect as to fuck something that looks like an angel?
Succubi have a small hierachy amongst themselves, with the higher ranking ones being as stated, rather angelic looking, with petite bodies and gentle features. These girls are also prefered by their prince, and are seen as companions of the seventh brother who molded them after the divine. The highest ranking are also his daughters, their father ofentimes holding them in high regard. Succubi can become pregnant by other demons or humans, yet the resulting child will most likely be a living curse, or some other horrible creature. The more powerful they become, the more "non" succubi powers they yield. Fire magic, shape shifting, that stuff. Binding yourself to a succubi makes a succubus mark appear on the lower abdomen of the demon and the human.
Incubi are the male version and are considered weaker and rarer.
Hell otherwise in inhabited by beasts, critters and humans. Humans are literally just fodder, and are considered prey that comes in endless supply.
Demons are either summoned by humans or appear after or in combination with events on earth. Great amounts of sin will allow singular demons to cross over into the human realm, yet this does rarely count for the princes. They are summoned, yet the church has made sure as to destroy and forbid all knowledge on the spells on how to summon a prince, seeing as their overwhelming power is deemed a massive threat to the earths population. (example: war causes massive tragedy, demon pops up and makes shit worse) . Demons always need some sort of human intervention and cannot move from realm to realm on their own.
In this head canon Angels do exist aswell, with them being generally a bit more powerful than demons. Demons may not cross into heaven, Angels can technically enter into hell, yet they rarely emerge alive. On earth is where they meet and often clash. The demons hate angels with a burning passion, yet deep down they envy them for the love of the father they never received. Angels are considered a powerful meal, but generally speaking too powerful to fight. Hence the angels are usually taken care of by the higher ranking demons, yet also those do not always feel up to fighting the divine, seeing as angelic powers hurt rather badly.
Earth for history setting, use Wikipedia lol
-Amoura is a League insert otherwise-
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