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Torture Chamber Dweller
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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This is my collection of characters and worlds, with canons, canons I share with others, and lots of fun stuff. See the below threads for characters!

FYI: I also love using OCS as NPCS in my stories. It's quite fun ! Seeing as many of them have history together and depending on the character actually make some impact one one another, the characters listed down below can also be seen as little additions / possible side characters for the OC you're wanting to play with! Whoopee.

Current worlds :

Fantasy world


Characters in this world :

High / Medium Fantasy world with different races, cultures and history. Most races have their own respectable kingdom, with a few singular citystates being wild mixtures. The big kingdoms are human, vampire, elven, fairy and orc. Aside from that many other races have singular clans or strongholds, or are native to forests or other terrain. Creatures like werewolves or merfolk live in packs or groups, but are not considered as a form of state. There also exist multiple factions of certain kingdoms that have settled outside of their original country, or clans that have broken away. Demons are also creatures of this universe, but are seen as mysteries no one dares to explore, seeing as there is barely anything known about them.

The vampiric kingdom is a country built around its capital, with the other cities and villages closely spreading outwards. The culture is centred around strength and power, with the royal family ruling with an iron fist, keen on being the strongest on the continent. The weak are not cared for, and their society strives towards being the best and most powerful, with harsh upbringing. Everything is to be done in belief that it helps the kingdom, and this race often times reasons hanous crimes with the betterment of their kingdom. Vampires keep heavily to themselves, being xenophobic and unfriendly creatures. Several territories and cultures have been conquered and bought under their control, and their kingdom seems ever expanding, with war being a constant threat looming across the other nations. Yet the other kingdoms are the only ones that remain and managed to stand their ground against these colonialists.Other races and kinds are barely seen here, and are either guests or captured slaves or prisoners of war. The cities and landscape are dark and gloom ish, with stone being the fundament of most buildings. Pine forests and mountains surround their landscape, as do burnt and dead forests.

The fairy kingdom is a kingdom filled with unique flora and fauna, and is known for its amazing and stunning nature, with blossoming wildlife and warm weather. The fairys are winged creatures with magical abilities, with their society being diplomatic and sophisticated. They are known for their rich culture and unique sense of fashion. They are famous for their music and dance, artistic values are important here. Hot weather and colourful forests make for a humid environment with thick forests and wild beasts. The cities are well hidden behind thick flora, making their civilisation rather well hidden, but not unfriendly towards outsiders. Slavery is banned here, and the society is more levelled than in other nations. The vampiric nation loves provoking war, and the fairys are in a constant fear of their neighbouring country.

The elven kingdom is a place made from different clans and groups, that all unite under a crown. The elven society is built on their capabilities and is often times compared to a mixture of vampire and fairy influences. They are people who harness and use magic, but also rely on craftsmanship and hard labour to uphold their society. The singular clans and houses are different within each other, with different political views and policies on their society and people. However these clans come together to form a higher circle, or board with one ruling king from the royal family. They unite under the royal banner, and appear as one to outsiders. Elves are friendly towards outsiders, but still hold a respectful distance towards the other races. They are known for breeding in-between races however, with human-elf or vampire-elf mutts being seen from time to time. Laws, punishments and opinions vary on the region. Elven and vampire opinions often time overlap, so these two nations get along rather well.

The humans are, similar to the elves, a compliance of tribes and clans that unite if given need. Humanity has always upheld a powerful hold upon their land, with the human warlords and soldiers being known for bitterly defending their rights until the end. Human society is rather welcoming and open, yet humans take very badly towards other races interfering within their ranks, and are known for their many, many colonies spread across the globe.

The Ork kingdom is a large space of rocky mountains and underground tunnels, with a small royal family, and otherwise wild tribes that stand as one when threatened. This kingdom is rather shattered and in a constant struggle of power in-between fractions, yet is not seen as desirable land by other nations wishing to expand. The orc lands are rather feral, with little economic interest and wild landscapes filled with beast and other races. Orcs are seen in free cities or enslaved as beast, and are not always viewed as fully intelligent, some races even classifying them as beast.

Tribes of Merfolk can be found across the sea or in very large lakes, and are very cut off from the rest of the other races.
Werewolves are wild tribesmen who are hunted and killed, but are known to hunt in large packs and can pose great threat to convoys or merchants.
Demons are seen as mysterious spirits and are unheard of, only known to be children's tales.
Shapeshifters exist, but are rare, especially since they are masters of deception.
Harpies are seen as beasts and hold no own form of society.
Centaurs have apparently been sighted, but are as of now not believed to be real.
Dragons exist as beasts.
Spirits exist, but are seen as mere paranormal appearances and are barely studied.


Hell :


Characters in this world :



Lucifer´s kingdom: Right in the centre, the middle of the hells, nothing but hellfire and a few stone buildings remain here. Uninhabitable for any sort of life. No lesser demons exist here.

Satan´s kingdom: Burnt and dead kingdom with beasts, night terrors and all sorts of monstrosities. Lesser demons are kept in an animal like state.

Beelzebub´s kingdom: Volcanic void with no lesser demons, burnt ground, no life, only silence and coldness. In the middle stands a large iron prison, where the prince rules over prisioners that the hells proclaim dangerous. Mostly other demons that are kept there under his rule, locked away for eternity.

Leviathans kingdom: Earth and ground is weirdly alive, the land has its own strange will. Lesser demons are sometimes intelligent, but rather dumbed down. Humans exist here too but are mostly in hiding, or gather and live in small groups. The land is covered in old stone ruins, indicating that once a city was to be found here.

Mammon´s kingdom: Weirdly peaceful land with flora and fauna, with the lesser demons appearing more like animals (deer, foxes, mice, typical wildlife) and no humans to be found. Kingdom is considered beautiful, but due to everything being filled with poison, no life except the one that is made here survives.

Belphegor´s kingdom: Considered the most habitable, with forests, rivers, small villages and somewhat normal life. Humans live here as the strongest ruling party, with the lesser demons being intelligent and self governing. Almost as if the ruling prince simply let nature take it´s course. The main castle is often times used for parties, and other demons are often times found here, princes included.

Asmodeus´ sanctuary: The island off to the edge of the hellish world is made of cold stone and large buildings, with an established succubi society that rules over mainly human men. The castles sometimes hold parties, and powerful succubi often times own their own land and govern it as they see fit.

Power over a demon is by knowing its name. A demon may not speak the name of one higher than oneself, hence they will oftentimes use nicknames or titles to reffer to someone higher in power.

The brothers strength runs from top to bottom, with the first demon being the strongest, and the last being the weakest. This hirachy is untouchable and set in stone. However, infighting and war is not uncommon, as sins will eventually clash when faced with different points of view. The seven brothers rule their respectfull kingdoms of hell, they do however wander into the human realm from time to time. The seven kingdoms all differ in appearance, flora, fauna and climate depending on the sin. Yet the brothers remain in their own territory. A demon tries to mask itself as a human as good as possible, some better, some worse. They usually have a goal to complete, depending on which brother. Demons can be banished back to hell by powerful religious figures, being burnt by the sun, or being exorcised by later when possessing a victim. Demons can also be killed when beheaded by a blessed blade. Otherwise killing them off is quite dificult as is better left to professionals.

All seven princes used to be angels.
The seven brothers however can never die. They are immortal, punished to suffer for the rest of eternity by their lost father. Killing a high demon will just force him back into hell. However, demons will then usually stay in hell for several decades, rebuilding their power. Some of the brothers rarely chose to visit earth, while others wander up quite frequently. They are also the only ones that carry their wings from their past, each brother having the same wing count as the number they hold. Their powers are always somehow related to their sins, but generally speaking, lots of fire magic, portal creation, shape shifting, supernatural senses and strength, regrowth of limbs. As these are the strongest of demons, they hold the most power and are in 99% of the cases the stronger power in comparison to an opponent.
They are brothers in a sense, but not related by blood. Sexual encounterts between them do happen from time to time. Be it as a form of trade or securing power, the demons do engange each other more or less frequently. They do not hold memories of their days as angels, except for Lucifer. He is the only demon who remembers his past.

Lesser demons (Fiends, succubi, imps) are always associated with a higher sin, therefore serving the respective lord of that power.

All lower ranking demons were either corrupted from humans, or were born in hell, shaped by one the higher sins. Lesser demons vary in intelligence and many remain rather animalistic, depending on how their respective prince wants them to behave. However, most lesser demons are simply ex-humans who lost their memory as to why they ended up down there. Lesser demons can die and be killed in hell, as well as on earth. The corrupt human soul forms into a specific type of demon, depending on the sins they commited in the past (ex. Lustful/Adultery life as a human -> Succubus).
Demons feed by consuming souls, or through highly sinfun activities such as sex, war or betrayal. Binding oneself to a demon will gift the person respective powers, yet slowly drain or suck them empty of life force as time progresses. The demon is forced to serve the human they are bound to, yet the end goal is to consume the human soul. If the human dies by any other means than by the demon, the demon dies too (for the princes, they just get depowered heavily and suffer quite badly), so keeping the host alive is a priority. To use the demon properly, one needs its name in order to cast smells and directly talk to the demonic creature. Being bound to a demon without knowing its name is profoundly bad, as the demon is pretty much free of any orders as without a name, as they are not addressed. If the demon managed to kill the human they are bound to, it makes for a powerful meal, and the demon is freed from the shakles of the binding, meaning they are free to go where they please, yet they require human intervention to go back home. Oftentimes demons that are free then go on killing sprees, posses a human, or do ungood through other means. Then oftentimes, they force a human to send them back down with a spell, or they start causing havoc and get caught by religious figures.

-> Succubi (Incubi)
Succubi are demons created by and for the seventh prince of hell, Asmodeus. Asmodeus remains the only demon who is able to create new life with a human. He is able to create new demons by impregnating female humans, the resulting child killing the mother in the process. The child is considered a higher succubus. Women who commited adultery or any other sin connected to lust are sometimes reborn in hell as succubi, and then serve and reside in the kingdom of lust. These demons are summoned and appear on earth rather frequently, seeing as they are well sought after by mortal men. Succubi present as women with unnatural eye colors and slit pupils, with wings, tails and horns. Lower ranking succubi are made more for the human male gaze, with large chests, wide hips and slutty personalities, while higher ranking succubi are more angelic, with the idea being that they are a mockery towards angels and gods children himself. What greater disrespect as to fuck something that looks like an angel?
Succubi have a small hierachy amongst themselves, with the higher ranking ones being as stated, rather angelic looking, with petite bodies and gentle features. These girls are also prefered by their prince, and are seen as companions of the seventh brother who molded them after the divine. The highest ranking are also his daughters, their father ofentimes holding them in high regard. Succubi can become pregnant by other demons or humans, yet the resulting child will most likely be a living curse, or some other horrible creature. The more powerful they become, the more "non" succubi powers they yield. Fire magic, shape shifting, that stuff. Binding yourself to a succubi makes a succubus mark appear on the lower abdomen of the demon and the human.

Incubi are the male version and are considered weaker and rarer.

Hell otherwise in inhabited by beasts, critters and humans. Humans are literally just fodder, and are considered prey that comes in endless supply.

Demons are either summoned by humans or appear after or in combination with events on earth. Great amounts of sin will allow singular demons to cross over into the human realm, yet this does rarely count for the princes. They are summoned, yet the church has made sure as to destroy and forbid all knowledge on the spells on how to summon a prince, seeing as their overwhelming power is deemed a massive threat to the earths population. (example: war causes massive tragedy, demon pops up and makes shit worse) . Demons always need some sort of human intervention and cannot move from realm to realm on their own.

In this head canon Angels do exist aswell, with them being generally a bit more powerful than demons. Demons may not cross into heaven, Angels can technically enter into hell, yet they rarely emerge alive. On earth is where they meet and often clash. The demons hate angels with a burning passion, yet deep down they envy them for the love of the father they never received. Angels are considered a powerful meal, but generally speaking too powerful to fight. Hence the angels are usually taken care of by the higher ranking demons, yet also those do not always feel up to fighting the divine, seeing as angelic powers hurt rather badly.

Earth for history setting, use Wikipedia lol
-Amoura is a League insert otherwise-​
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Name: Kayn
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Classification: Vampire
Positioning: can be Switch, yet mostly dominant
Age: Around 530
Age appearance: early 50´s
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 80kg
Body type: Muscular, but not overly. Pretty "normal" body build
Skin tone: Rosy ivory, slightly grey-ish
Eye color: Purple-ish
Hair color: Used to be black, but now has some greys in there
Body hair
: Lightly covered with body hair, not too much
Personality: Harsh, strict, grumpy, thoughtful, charming, rational, cold, stubborn, leader, goal driven
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, fangs, heavy battle scars all over his body and hands, thick eyebrows
Fashion sense: Leather, typical vampire fashion. Long coats, lots of ornaments, black clothing, gothic

Songs get you a good feeling for a character, so listen, or read:

You got my blood running
Turn the heat to six hundred
Wish I could knock your skull in
But I'm rising above it
Know you're crashing and burning
God knows you didn't earn it
My friend karma's a bitch
She's got some lessons you'll learn 'em
Now we're enemies
You're a snake, you're a snake
I can see it in your face
Ah, do you feel no shame?
Ah, can't you see my rage?
I'm a snake, you're a snake, just like a spitting image
Fate, how's it taste? It's your own medicine
Make no mistakes, got 2020 vision
If I see your face, don't think I'm forgiving
It's time we had a discussion
'Bout your sorry production
Mask your shade and corruption
Grinning teeth lack seduction
Know the crime you committed
I forget not forgive it
Don't you dare get it twisted
I'm nice but I can get wicked
Now we're enemies
Ah, do you feel no shame?
Ah, can't you see my rage?
I'm a snake, you're a snake, just like a spitting image
Fate, how's it taste? It's your own medicine
Make no mistakes, got 2020 vision
If I see your face, don't think I'm forgiving
Snake, you're a snake
I can see it in your face
(You're a snake, you're a snake)
(I can see it in your face)
You're a snake, you're a snake
I can see it in your face
You're a snake, you're a snake
I can see it in your face (ah)
You're a snake, you're a snake
I can see it in your face (Ah, Ah)

Kayn is a vampire, a cliché to be fair. An older man with power fantasies, a slight god complex and a love for gothic fashion.

Kayn is one of the vampires that was born a vampire, he never experienced the human life, so he feels barely any understanding, or compassion, towards human struggles. He does find them interesting though, like a good book found at ones favorite library. Entertainment. He himself is a harsh and strict man, and he finds some sort of weird joy in things that he himself may never own. Human emotions, mortality, all things he finds enticing, something he likes looking at. Being alive for so long, he is always looking for something to entertain him, and he just , loves watching interesting things play out infront of him. Be it war, a new partner, or a public hanging. He grows bored rather easily, so he has great fondness for anything that catches his attention. Kayn has many, many bad qualities, but he can be charming, if he tries hard enough. He just needs the right enticement, and he´ll happily invest himself into something of his liking.

A murderer, and a brutal man. He married a woman some time ago in order to secure himself a heir, before killing her in front of his own son in order to teach him a lesson. Kayn is a father to one singular son, one than he wishes will once take his place. His method of parenting was to show his son the worst of the worst, so much so that the two cannot stand each other. The son hates his father for killing the mother, and the father hopes to one day be slain by his son. Kayn orchestrated this tragedy in order to create the most perfect heir, a vampire that would outshine him. If his son used all he had learned, and funneled his hate into such power as to kill the father, he would have a worthy successor. Even their portrait shows their distaste for each other.
Kayn is always in a position of power, making sure he is never found being handed the bottom hand. He values strength above all, and in his eyes, those that are truly weak have no say in anything related to him.

Vampires are complex creatures, some are born, some are turned. They are human-ish, with usually very ashy skin, black, gray or white hair, and the signature fangs. Some of them also bear pointed ears and claws, yet not all of them. They are intelligent creatures that technically could die of old age, yet none has managed to escape hunters, rivalry or any other sort of death. They age too, but at a very, very slow pace. Highly allergic to silver, they are known to avoid this metal at all costs. Silver not only burns them, but also causes massive poisoning if spread across the body. Vampires can die by a lodged piece of silver that managed to get buried into their body. It has happened before, and especially silver arrows are seen as a massive threat. The sun harms only lower ranked and younger vampires. The older ones can stomach it, yet the heat burns them out rather quickly. They are nocturnal creatures that are seen as very brutal and unsympathetic, yet they carry the reputation of being quite sophisticated and elegant. Killing a vampire is tricky, but doable. Poison them with silver, or cut their heads off. A lower rank can also be killed by exposing them to the sun.

What I am looking for in a partner:

Mainly I am looking for someone who is able to survive his snarky and oftentimes harsh comments. The other must be able to navigate around such a grumpy and sour personality. Kayn does not jump on overly seductive or agressive people, seeing as he can be rather charming if he wishes to be, he needs someone who is able to play politics with him. He likes his partners smart and cunning, playful in a sense that he likes the chase, but he also enjoys being challenged, especially with smarts.


Plot ideas:

King x Prisioner
Vampire x Hunter
Lord x Slave/Pet (prefferably forced)
Vampire x Demon (with Kayn being the weaker one, perhaps!)
Warlord x Warlord
Warlord x Assassin

All of these can also be turned into non fantasy!

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Art by Brennzan​


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-Woah my only female character, and the only one I`ll ever make-

Name:Amoura, Ara / Ari for short

Sexual orientation: straight

Classification: Demon

Positioning: Power bottom or smth

Age: roughly 320

Age appearance: early 20´s

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 45kg

Body type: Slim, slender with feminine hips and a smaller chest

Skin tone: Rosy, pale

Eye color: Yellow with slit, black pupils

Hair color: White

Body hair: Shaved

Personality: Gentle, motherly, calming, soothing, loyal, giving, protective, strong willed, goal oriented, stubborn

Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, fangs, black eyebrows, slightly freckled, thick lips, soothing voice

Fashion sense: Clothing is always in reds, gold and black

My only female character is a League of Legends head cannon, and can be played inside of this universe, or outside of it.
In the "outside" universe, she counts as a succubi and is found in the world above as a high ranking demon. See first thread for more information.

Songs help with getting a feel for characters, so listen, or read

Oh, I think you're standing on my left foot
It's hurting, but that's okay
'Cause I'm in your way
You'll break that foot that you're standing on
I'll walk with the other one
Do what you want to, do what you want to
Be what you want to, be what you want to
Go on and step on me
You're free to have everything you can see
All that you want from me
Free to be all that you want to be
Do what you want with me
Oh, I think you're spinning inside my head
I think of you all the day
'Cause you're in my way
Oh, I think you're holding the heart of mine (my heart is)
Squeeze it apart, that's fine
Do what you want to, do what you want to
Be what you want to, be what you want to
Go on and step on me
You're free to have everything you can see
All that you want from me
Do what you want to, do what you want to
Be what you want to, be what you want to
Go on and step on me
You're free to have everything you can see
All that you want from me
You're free to be all that you want to be
Do what you want with me
Go on and step on me
Go on and step on me
Go on and step on me

Hell setting:

Amoura is a succubus born from a human mother and the prince of lust, Asmodeus. She was powerful to begin with, and worked her way up the hellish ladder of politics. She gained popularity with her father, and made sure that humans never learnt of her name. She wanted to become a powerful demon by her own means, not by those of the human world. So she kept to herself, scheming and working on herself and her connections, until she managed to establish herself as a well known and powerful succubus. She is favoured by her father, and is respected and seen as one of the most influential lesser demons of the hells. She also managed to somewhat befriend Belphegor and is a well known guest at his parties. It is rumoured that the prince of sloth quite fancies this succubus, and helped her a great deal in accomplishing her current position. It is no secret that he has seen her before, and both are often times seen together during parties and other gatherings. Asmodeus is very aware of this, and uses his daughter as a political pawn, with Amoura understanding the importance of a good ally. She known she wanders the delicate line of being hoarded by her father, and also sought after by powerful demons. It is a gamble, and she plays it well, for now.

Asmodeus is known for sheltering his daughters, and dislikes sharing them with his brothers. Amoura is granted rather many freedoms, being able to do much on her own, yet from time to time, her father makes sure to remind her that she belongs to him, and only him, and that her soul was made from his. The demon craves a deeper wish for independence, yet is shackled by the fact that she is ruled over by the prince of her sin.

Basic understanding: In this universe, there are ten primordial demons, the first being fear, and nine other ones being the primal emotions of humans that split off into other emotions, like agony, terror or greed. The ten first are strong and ancient, while the other demons manifested along the way, yet not as powerful as the ten main demons.

Amoura is a primal fear, one of the ten demons, yet she is unheard of, her name being more of a legend than an actual threat to humanity. She has not been seen in hundreds of years, and the few who know of her think of her as a well-kept, but forgotten threat.

The truth is, the demon is not quite as harmless as thought. The demon of comfort is not a fighter, not a killer, no, she is a myth, and one that remains strong, even without lifting a finger. Amou does not need to fight, why should she? She remains safe in the shadow realm, the spiritual world being her home for ages. Her whole scheme is rather easy: She offers a easy solution: an easy death in exchange for ones life. The demon will offer anyone who is faced with a painful death a gentle rest, and faced with such a choice, she had an easy game. She grew powerful through these exact means, her power growing and growing outside of the spotlight. She remains safe and protected in the spirit realm, while her power is easily funneled by the inhabitants of the world.

However, this leaves her vulnerable to something quite simple: imprisonment. In comparison to other demons, Amoura is a bad fighter, not skilled with the ways of war, and not used to the normal, physical world. If she is ever summoned, she will do her best to try and get back to where she feels safe. She wears her mask and armor at all times, not allowing humans to ever see her true face. She fears the physical world, the conflict and the danger it poses. She remains a mystery, and wishes to stay this way.

It is to be said, that the demon of comfort offers this: comfort. She offers gentle and comforting death, yet if she is overpowered, she becomes a pawn rather quickly. Despite her being a bad fighter, she is not weak, no, she is one of the ten. She may appear weak and easily controllable, but in the end, such an ancient terror will get her will. The white haired girl offers such lovely things, yet they will always come with a cost. The few that had managed to overpower and imprison her, ended up dead. They would enjoy the demons embrace a bit too much, finding themselves falling deeper and deeper into her gentle touch, until she would end up consuming them. Amoura offers men the comfort of getting what they want, the woman letting the men she associates with own and use her, in any means possible. She has found herself the object of lust and possession, men obsessing over her, her power and her beauty, only for them to die a horrible death by a creature they knew would turn on them. She lets these men do what they want to her, her body dying many deaths, only to make them happy. A happy man will take the hand of death, if offered by a beautiful woman.

It is this simple logic that makes her powerful, and that power is only seen when it is too late for victims to react to. She remains a power to be feared, if ever confronted.

She appears as a short, white haired woman who is dressed in thin iron armor, with a golden mask that is always worn across her face, tightly stuck to it as the mask conceals all human emotion she might harbor. Her face is that of a young woman with piercing yellow eyes, slit pupils and freckles adoring her skin. Her face is something she absolutely does not show unless forced to do so, or somehow removed from her. Her powers are in the realm of normal magic, mostly fire based. Despite all, she is one of the ten strongest demons there are, and her limbs and even head can be regrown. Her fangs do a mean bite, and her claws and overall strength are still above that of an ordinary human. She might be one of the worse fighters amongst the demons, but she can still defend herself, if given need.


"Your god does not love you, and neither do the other creatures called to by this song. But I love you, and what is loved deserves to go...peacefully"


What am I looking for?

A charming, powerful man who likes a challenge. It depends on what you like, but generally speaking, she is meant to be sunken into, an abyss. A man who takes what he likes, and takes the gamble of trying to gain this powerful enterty as an ally. She is in most cases the more powerful one in the relationship, so the other must be able to overcome her by other means than combat. She´s a character that is supposed to be written in a romance!

Plot ideas

LoL Head cannon: If you´re into league and can write a good Swain, I will marry you on the spot.
If you don´t know league, your guy would be a well known and powerful warlord, who is able to harness some demonic power himself. In this case, the lord willingly takes the gamble of summoning the demon to defeat his enemies, knowing well that the demon would try and get his head. All the risk lies on one simple trick: Fall in love with the demon first, and then have her fall in love with the man, saving him in the process. He tries gaining a powerful ally, and risks her not falling for him, a massive gamble, but a powerful one if done right.

- Suggest something :)

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Name: Malik
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Classification: Vampire
Positioning: can be Switch, yet mostly dominant
Age: Around 190
Age appearance: early 20´s
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Body type: Slender and muscular, but not overly. Pretty "normal" body build
Skin tone: Rosy ivory, slightly grey-ish
Eye color: Ocean blue
Hair color: Black
Body hair: Clean shaven, except stomach and chest
Personality: Stubborn, goal-oriented, thoughtful, strong willed, adventurous
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, fangs, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes
Fashion sense: Leather, typical vampire fashion. Long coats, lots of ornaments, black clothing, gothic, yet not as heavily armored as others. More of the agility type of person

Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?
One got shot and the other got lost in
Drugs and punks and blood on the street
Blood, blood on her knees
Bloody history (yeah)
Whatever happened to the hayloft?
Burnt to the ground, and what about Pop?
He took his ass back to the crack shack
With his long johns on, singing that old song
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom
An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg
A shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak
She really didn't wanna make it messy
She really, really didn't, but the girl gone cray
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom
She crucify (she crucify)
She crucify (she crucify)
She crucify (she crucify)
Hey Pop, you die, you die
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, boom
My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun
My baby's got a gun, I better run
My baby's got a gun, it goes
Boom, boom, crack, ga-ga-ga-ga, boom, ga-ga-ga-ga
She's not a bad kid
She's not a bad kid
But she had to do it
She had to do it
They're not a bad kid
But they had to do it
They couldn't, no
They had to face off
She's not a bad kid
But they had to do it
She had to crack
She had to kill Pop


Malik is a vampire, but a younger and more modern one

This man carries the burden of his past, the pain of the present and the terror of the future upon his shoulders. Malik was born to a tyrannical father and a mother who knew she was not meant to last. With Kayn being his father, the young man was taught early that nothing was fain in life, and nothing was to stay. His father is a man of power, someone who was always meant to hold his head above others. They look similar in appearance too, with the son having a slightly slimmer face and blue eyes. On rare occasions, the young man would receive a bit of compassion from his father, yet he mainly would seek love from his mother. The son grew up like this, learning archery, sword fighting and horse riding. Anything that was useful for someone who would one day take over the power of his father. In his early teens, he was taught the most painful lesson, as his mother was killed by his father right before his eyes. He wanted to teach his son that whatever he loved, it would be killed, taken away from him, if he was not strong enough. The vampire had to learn this lesson most painfully, as he spent the rest of his years resenting and hating his father. It was simple, however.

-The more powerful he grows, the more powerful he will be as my successor. If I fill him with enough hate and resentment, he will outgrow and kill me. Only a worthy heir would be able to overpower me. And if I am able to be killed, that means I had it coming, and it my time to leave the stage. Simple as that-

Kayn, Maliks father

Malik lives his life far away from his father, trying to build his own life and character. He was a pawn of his father for far too long, and now tries to do what he thinks is right. He does not want to end up like his father, yet he does also not want to let his old man get away with the murder of his beloved mother. Malik finds himself in the dilemma of wanting to defy his own fate that was set in stone even before he was born, and avenge his mother. Killing his father is what he wants himself, Malik was to outgrow his father and take the power for himself. But up until that day comes, Malik tries to travel, see the world, learn new things and meet new people. He does what it needs to try and escape his destiny, forging it himself in a deep rooted wish to create his own story.


What am I looking for?

Someone who enjoys a bit of a higher fantasy setting, seeing as Malik is supposed to be used in a more action filled roleplay. Otherwise he`s very versatile when it comes to partners!


Plot Ideas:

(highlighted is my preferred role!)

Vampire x Human

Vampire x Vampire

Master x Slave

Bounty Hunter x Target

Vampire x

Traveler x Refugee

and more! Please suggest something :)

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Image drawn by Brennzan​
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- Woah woah it´s a big chested demon for the monster fuggers :] -

Name: Leviathan , Evi in short
Sexual orientation: gay
Classification: Demon
Positioning: Dom, but you never know :]
Age: whenever hell spawned
Age appearance: early 40´s
Height: 250cm
Weight: 150kg
Body type: Toned, muskular,large
Eye color: Yellow, gold
Skin tone: Slightly tanned
Hair color: White
Body hair: Stubble on cheeks, otherwise normal hair coverage
Personality: Controlling, Defensive, layed back, power hungry, mean, charming, playful, posessive, lustful
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, sharp and pointed teeth, scars where wings used to be, claws, large black horns.
Fashion sense: Usually shirtless, yet mostly GOA Style pants and no shoes. Fashion sense of a rat

I've been watching him for my entire life
I hate the air he breathes, his foolish decrees
His words so contrived
And I hate the way the townspeople gather outside
They hang on every breath, cling to his chest
Home to his heart full of pride
The oracle told him to beware the Ides
And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing
For untimely death or demise
Or am I just wishing I could be like you?
That the people would see me too as a poet
And not just the muse
Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you
From birth we've been like brothers of different mothers
Within the spirit of the same womb
May the gods strike me down if I forsake you
Frater meus, you're beautifully made
And to you I'm forever grateful
I'll never forget that you showed me to make art
And I know the love you showed me came
From a pure and noble heart
I love you, and if you want, I'll call you King
But why do I lie awake each night thinking
"Instead of you, it should be me"?
Something wicked this way comes
And as I set to face it, I'm unsure
Should I embrace it, should I run?
What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love?
What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great
Or my mother wished she'd had a son?
And even if I can't be the one
Maybe I could at least help make way for him
Until the day that he comes
Maybe my name could also be known
That I helped return good to the people
And restored greatness to Rome
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
My name is Brutus and my name means heavy
So with a heavy heart
I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy
My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me
Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy
I, too, have a destiny
This death will be art
The people will speak of this day from near and afar
This event will be history, and I'll be great too
I don't want what you have, I want to be you
I always knew I could be the one
Though I feel the endless pain of being
And I am scorched by the Sun
Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex
My name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex

- Following the seven princes of hell, the forth brother Envy is next -

Leviathan is the demon forth in line, linked to the sin of envy. This demon is named as one who consumes ones he finds lower than himself in an attempt to harness their powers, yet struggled with the idea of others being more powerful than himself. Oftentimes seen as a creature of chaos, this man is oftentimes very disruptive in the hierarchy of hell, and is a known troublemaker.

"The danger of Envy is sour, and not easy to see at first. Those who are consumed by envy loose their reason, their morality and empathy, and are the ones that commit the most heinous crimes in the same of their own profit. Envy turns that was once peaceful and orderly into chaos. To become more than the muse, one must force oneself to be known as a poet"

Leviathan is a demon that does not like wandering upwards towards the mortal world, and rather stays in the hellish dimension. This demon constantly challenges rules and hierarchy, oftentimes causing conflict and disturbance in his wake. Hence his relationship with his brothers is rather strained and tense, seeing as the hierarchy in hell is very strict and sacred. Leviathan as all princes used to be an angel, yet could not stand the unequal favoritism of god, hence he followed as the forth angel that was banished from paradise. As an angel, he oftentimes found himself wondering why he was not the archangel himself. No matter what he did, how hard he tried, he was never seen as the best, rather one of many. Growing bitter and jealous of those around him, he finally found himself in the middle of the rebellion started by his brothers, killing the angels that once ruled over him. Much to his horror, he found himself being cast down to hell, forced to take the forth place in the hierachy. Ever stuck in the middle, not the best, not the worst, the forgotten middle child.

Now ruling in the underworld, the white haired man holds a deep hatred for angels, bitter about their status and their closeness to a father that had abandoned them. He is often depicted as a sea creature, as the sea is deep chaos, and chaos is what this demon loves. He can take several different forms, and likes fire magic. Evi is known to like control, disliking others outshining him.

His appearance is that of a very tall man with straight, white hair, black horns and a rather muscular body with a large chest, together with a long, hairless tail. He can take forms of whatever he chooses, yet he prefers water creatures, hence he is oftentimes mistaken for another supernatural being. Evi is also quite famous for his sexual encounters, seeing as he is convinced that demonic love is superior to that of god. He might lie to himself, knowing he is wrong, but he seeks that conviction through actions, oftentimes clawing himself through beings in order to get his point across. He however does think with his brain (most of the time), hence he is not completely blind to romantic manipulation.

He is also known for liking succubi, but so far has restrained from sleeping with the important ones, seeing as Asmodeus is strictly against it. He keeps good relationships with most of his brothers, yet likes bullying the younger ones when he gets the chance too. He is also a known thief, and will oftentimes steal his brothers pets (also known as humans) for his own entertainment.

"Now see, you ended up here, for your god does not love you. His love as never meant for you. But I love you, we love you. And our love is all you need. Forget what you have been calling love for the last few decades. Let me show you how I love and forget the god that forgot us"

For Demon lore and Evis kingdom, check above!


Plot ideas:

Mainly anything heaven / hell related. This character isn´t really made for anything wandering to far away from that. Angel x Demon is preffered. This character also is meant to be a bit smuttier than the others.
Otherwise men who think themselves pure, but then can´t resist a big chested demon are always welcome.


Sketch by me!

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(Last two, overdrawn screenshots!)

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Name: Mammon, Amon for short
Sexual orientation: gay
Classification: Demon
Positioning: Switch
Age: whenever hell spawned
Age appearance: early 20´s
Height: 175cm
Weight: 63 kg
Body type: Slim, lightly underweight
Skin tone: Pale, ghostly white
Eye color: Crimson red
Hair color: Crimson red
Body hair: Clean shaven
Personality: Calm, desinterested, cautious, vary, selfish, loyal, stubborn, cold, gentle, comforting
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, fangs, scars where wings used to be, claws, monotone voice
Fashion sense: High victorian eara fashion, leather, lace, jewelry, corsets, very impractical clothing sense, doll like. Pierced ears

Enemies to lovers - Violence - Ownership - Corruption - Twink - Gore - Abuse

ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀᴛᴇ - ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇɴ - ᴍᴜʟᴛɪ ᴘᴀʀᴀ - ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟᴇᴅ

Fifth of seven

I think songs are a good way to get a feeling for a character, so listen, or read:

I haven't done a cartwheel since I was nine
I haven't seen my mother in a long, long time
I mean, look at me, look at the length of my hair
My face, the shape of my body
Do you really think I give a damn what I do
After years of just hearing them talking?
I say I live in Rosemead
Really, I'm at the Ramada
It doesn't really matter
Doesn't really, really matter
Call him up, come into my bedroom
Ended up, we fuck on the hotel floor
It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore
This is the experience of bein' an American whore
Called up one drunk, called up another
Forensic Files wasn't on
Watching Teenage Diary of a Girl
Wondering what went wrong
I'm a princess, I'm divisive
Ask me why, why, why I'm like this
Maybe I'm just kinda like this
I don't know, maybe I'm just like this
I say I live in Rosemead
Really, I'm at the Ramada
It doesn't really matter
Doesn't really, really matter
Call him up, he comes over again
Yeah, I know I'm over my head, but, oh
It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore
No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore
I mean, look at my hair
Look at the length of it and the shape of my body
If I told you that I was raped
Do you really think that anybody would think I didn't ask for it?
I didn't ask for it
I won't testify, I already fucked up my story
On top of this, so many other things you can't believe
Did you know a singer can still be
Lookin' like a side piece at thirty-three?
God's a charlatan, don't look back, babe
Puts the shower on while he calls me
Slips out the back door to talk to me
I'm invisible, look how you hold me
I'm invisible, I'm invisible
I'm a ghost now, look how you hold me now
It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore (oh, okay)
No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore
It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore
No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore
This is the experience of bein' an American whore
This is the experience of bein' an American whore
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, Jimmy ride
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, get me high (oh, my God)
Love me, if you love enough, you can be my light
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time
Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, Jimmy ride
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, get me high
Love me, if you love enough, you can be my light
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Your mom called, I told her, you're fucking up big time
Jimmy, you should switch it up, maybe light it up (yeah)
Jimmy, if you leave the house, find me in the club (like)
Jimmy, if you switch it up, you should light it up
Jimmy, if you leave the house, find me in the club (surf's up)
Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time
But I don't care, baby, I already lost my mind
If you light it up, find me in the club
Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, Jimmy ride
Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, get me high
Love me if you love enough, you can be my light
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high
Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time

Following the seven princes of hell, Mammon or Amon represents the fifth sin, greed.

" Greed is the most beautiful of sins, a gorgeous face, skin as silk, eyes red like rubies. But Greed is the most toxic of them all, its poison creeping in slowly. A death by greed is a lonely, painful and desperate one. Don`t be fooled by a pretty face and calm words, every ounce of word by this monster is poison. It is best to avoid the son of greed at all costs. "

"God never loved me as my brothers did. In all years of service I found myself unloved by the father, only finding that comfort in humans. I did not want to share those humans I adored from above, so I followed the call of my older brother. Although it lead to our ruination, I long for the love of those humans I am now able to visit in a form they are able to recognise. That, I think, is what we demons long for in the end. Me, my brothers, I think we search in the humans what we could not find in our god. Being punished for that for all is a burden only we carry. But I am willing to accept my fate, as it is mine and mine alone. They can behead me as many times as they want, I will return to the people, as it is their love I seek for."

The danger of greed is a tricky one. Amon does not appear greedy at first, many would probably mistake him for another demon, most are surpised when they find out the calm and mild mannered young man represents such a powerful sin. Greed is beautiful, calm, well spoken and gentle. Amon does not fight well either, he`s never been as skilled as his brothers when it comes to combat. He was never a good swordsman, his claws were never as sharp as his brothers, his bite not as deadly as others. However, there is a reason he is the fifth brother, not the last. Greed is something that develops slowly. It creeps into the mind, slowly manifesting and feeding off of its victim. The true power of greed is not in combat, not in a direct confrontation, but in the poison that it spreads throughout a persons mind. Fighting greed will not do anything, as it consumes it`s victim from inside, slowly. It appears beautiful, a gentle flower that will do no harm if left to grow. Touch, pull or even pluck it however, and its poison will spread and sear through skin like wildfire, devouring the soul from the inside until the victim belongs to it, entirely. Once greed has decided it owns something, escaping it`s claws is not something easily done. That is the true danger of greed.

For Demon lore and Mammons kingdom, check above!


-> Plot ideas

Demon x Human: King: Amon does what he does best. Worm himself into a position of adviser, gaining power and manipulating the other in ruling the kingdom. The King then at some point sees through the facade and attempts to bind the demon into servitude.

Demon x Vampire: What is a vampire? Some bastard creature hell did not create, henceforth does not abide to its rules. Amon is faced with a vampire, a concept he has never heard of before. -> End up fighting, Amon maybe even loses, rivalry turning into romance type stuff.

Demon x Demon: A strong demon gains power on earth and challenges the prince in the human realm. Power struggles, fighting and messy lovemaking on the way.

Demon x Religious figure : Amon is bound to a human against his will and is forced to serve under him, while constantly trying to kill the human.

Demon x Angel: An Angel rarely travels down to earth. But when they do, the last thing they want is running into a demon. Especially one who is searching for revenge. Can go in all directions.

Slave stuff: I`m also totally down for some good old slave stuff. Forcefull slavery, with one character being the master, the other the slave having to submit. Doesn´t have to be fantasy!

Non Fantasy: I`d also be up for a non fantasy setting, if you´re able to charm me x) Give me something good to work with and we can make it work, sure sure!!


What I am looking for:

If you´ve been alive for the last few decades, you´ll find yourself bored rather quickly. A creature that cannot die, and will just regrow its limbs if cut off will be looking for something that entertains it. Hence, I`m looking for interesting characters, that meet mine head on. Amon is a switch, but he usually ends up taking the submissive role, depending on the plot. With a beeing so powerful, he is mostly made the weaker link with means of smarts, not power alone. Your character must be able to find away around the rules, and pose a challenge towards this former prince.

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Name: Asmodeus; Deus / Asa for short
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Classification: Demon
Positioning: Switcher
Age: whenever hell spawned
Age appearance: early 30´s
Height: 210cm
Weight: 100kg
Body type: Toned, muscular
Eye color: Pink with black bulbi
Skin tone: Sickly pale
Hair color: dark grey
Body hair: Normal, shaven down there
Personality: Nervous, skittish, impulsive, loyal, easily swayed, friendly, caring, brash, protective
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, sharp and pointed teeth, scars where wings used to be, claws, black horns. Half of his face is hidden behind his hair, since the left side of his face is disease ridden and unsightly, with large, canine teeth. Signature tattoo / sigil on his groin
Fashion sense: Long black robes, loose clothing, flowly clothing

When I grow up
I want to be a forester
Run through the moss on high heels
That's what I'll do
Throwing out a boomerang
Waiting for it to come back to me
When I grow up
I want to live near the sea
Crab claws and bottles of rum
That's what I'll have
Staring at a seashell
Waiting for it to embrace me
I put my soul into what I do
Last night I drew a funny man
With dog eyes and a hanging tongue
It goes way back
I never like that sad look
From someone who wants to be loved by you
I'm very good with plants
When my friends are away
They let me keep the soil moist
On the seventh day I rest
For a minute or two
Then back on my feet and call for you
You've got cucumbers on your eyes
Too much time spent on nothing
Waiting for a moment to arise
The face in the ceiling
And arms too long
I'm waiting for him to catch me
Waiting for you to embrace me, oh-oh

As the last prince of hell, Asmodeus stands as the youngest prince, the sin of lust. Father to the succubi and incubi, this demon is known for it´s rather sad appearance and aura. A tall creature, mostly wearing dark robes and cloaks. This demon rules over it´s own island, which is a rather barren wasteland, with settlements for his succubi. Asa was given only a small land, yet he treats it with utmost love, seeing his small kingdom as a sanctuary for his kind.

"I never liked that sad look from someone who wants to be loved by you"

Lust is the last, yet the most vile of sins. Lust is the absence of morality, the willingness to cross boundaries and break taboos in order to satisfy a deep craving. Those rules by lust are disease ridden, starving to death and infested with the most vile of parasites. A human consumed by lust will not bother with eating, drinking, or keeping oneself alive, if the sexual desire is all that counts. Lust is a horrible thing to suffer from, and the humans that fall towards that sin are rotten and ruined by the time they meet their end. Skin and bones, riddled with STDs and being eaten alive by the animals around them. Hence lust will always be the weakest, the one without strength, yet the one in the shadows, the most vile and ruined of them all. Once lust has consumed a human, it is to die in the darkness, festering in it´s own misery and delirium.

Asa stands as a tall man with silky gray hair and pink eyes, his right side of his face being rather handsome to look at, with thick dark lashes and pouty lips, yet behind the wall of hair, his left side is corrupted flesh, sharp, canine teeth prying open a ever hungry mouth, a rotten and horrible sight that even other demons avoid looking at if possible.

The prince was gifted with the ability to create demons himself, and he does so with great pleasure. As to not be alone, the gray haired man created a sanctuary for his lesser demons. He is also the only demon that is able to create offspring with humans, the born children being succubi and incubi. Although these demons also appear naturally by adulting humans being corrupted, Asmodeus offspring is more potent, and rarer in numbers. He has always had a stern liking to his underlings, making sure as to allow them to have a rather lavish lifestyle. Succubi, the ruling lesser demons in his kingdom, have their own hierarchy and are oftentimes co-rulers. Asmodeus enjoys their company, and especially if he fathered them, holds them in high regard. He is also able to breed with succubi, yet the resulting child was born a curse, not anything physical. Yet this demon seemingly prefers letting his subjects rule and govern themselves, finding them rather amusing to watch.

He is treated with pity by his older brothers, and is seen as the runt of the litter. However, and that is to be said with care, the other demons have a healthy amount of respect and rarely seek confrontation with the demon of lust. Despite all of them being more powerful than him, none of them are all too keen on being infested and pested with illness. Hence Asmodeus has more say in many things than he should normally have.

Asmodeus forms his lesser demons after what their purpose is. Those that are to tend to human men, are oftentimes sharper, curvier and sluttier in nature, while the sexual demons catered towards the demonic are angelic and pure, seeing as the pure symbolism is already an act against god as it stands.

Asa remains a demon with charisma, who stands unique amongst his kind, liking the fact that his lesser demons are seen as powerful and sought after. He takes much pride in their kind, and makes sure to protect them from humans and demons alike. He is also however known to shelter his children a bit too much, and will punish them harshly if they stray to far. He also shelters them from his brothers, especially from known troublemakers like Leviathan. He thinks of those unions as too dangerous, and doesn´t want one of his children to end up falling under the control or a stronger prince.

-> Amoura

Amoura is one of the favoured succubi created by Asa, and her looks were moddeled after those of angels. Since he is unable to properly remember what angels look like, she was one of his attempts at creating an angel like appearance. Amouras looks may not be too appealing to men, seeing as she presents petite, angelic and gentle, yet her looks have made her popular amongst demons. Seeing it as the ultimate disrespect, fucking an "angel" was something most demons yearned for, hence her claim to fame.

Their bond is that of a father and daughter, yet of course a bit corrupted by demonic nature and politics. Amoura wishes to free herself a bit more from her father, yet he remains very persistent with sheltering her, and being rather unhappy with her being summoned, if that ever happens. He is also not quite happy with her and Belphegor being close, but he is aware that his brother taking a liking to his underling brings quite the advantages with itself.


What am I looking for?

Everything and anything.

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3 am doodle​
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- Belphegor -

Name: Belphegor // Nicknames: Belle, Bell
Sexual orientation: bisexuell
Classification: Demon
Positioning: Switch
Age: whenever hell spawned
Age appearance: Late 30´s
Height: 270 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Body type: Muscular
Skin tone: Pastel light red
Eye color: Black eyes with red pupils
Hair color: Brown
Body hair: Shaven
Personality: Laid back, relaxed, carefree, hygenic, smutty, charming, lazy
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, fangs, scars where wings used to be, scar across his left cheek, large (batlike) wings and long tail with a pointed tip, big big chest :]
Fashion sense: Barrock , felt suits and high collar clothing, lots of gold and silver

Taste what fell from grace
Wanna taste what fell from grace
Run away from the faith
Let's race if you wanna taste
You wanna mess around
They gonna take you down down down
Wanna slide and turn
Such a lovely way to burn burn burn

I never felt like this before
I think I might just want some more
I never felt like this before
I think I might just

SLIDE - shake your bones out if you wanna
RIDE - throw your head back make you feel
ALIVE - the kind of bad that make you feel good, good, good
GOD - the kinda wrong that make you feel
RIGHT - the little death that makes you feel
ALIVE - the kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should


I don't want to talk about the things that make you never
know you never get until you get go

It makes your blood run hot
It makes your spit taste sweet
It makes you feel more alive
Than you have ever been
Throw it into your mouth
Gets stuck between your teeth
Why would you die up there
When you can live underneath


SLIDE - shake your bones out if you wanna
RIDE - throw your head back make you feel
ALIVE - the kind of bad that make you feel good, good, good
GOD - the kinda wrong that make you feel
RIGHT - the little death that makes you feel
ALIVE - the kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should

The kind of bad that make you feel good, good, good

the kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should

Never same
Giving local luck
But when you go under you will never go back up
Never same
Never going up
Cos when you go under you will never go back up, up
Never same
Never going up
Cos when you go under you will never go back up

HEY. What you say
Wanna find a place to play?
HEY. Hey what you say
Wanna find a place to play?

SLIDE - shake your bones out if you wanna
RIDE - throw your head back make you feel
ALIVE - the kind of bad that make you feel good, good, good
GOD - the kinda wrong that make you feel
RIGHT - the little death that makes you feel
ALIVE - the kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should

SLIDE - shake your bones out if you wanna
RIDE - throw your head back make you feel
ALIVE - the kind of bad that make you feel good, good, good
GOD - the kinda wrong that make you feel
RIGHT - the little death that makes you feel
ALIVE - the kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should

Belphegor is the sixth prince of hell, representing sloth. Belle is the tallest of the brothers, the man standing at 270cm tall. He wears expensive clothing, nicely tailored suits and always has his hair slicked back behind his pointy ears. The demon is known for his lavish lifestyle, known as the "pimp" of the hells. The brown haired man barely rules his own kingdom, and is famous for his laid back attitude. His kingdom is close to what earth looks like, and is partially rules by humans. Several large cities have been built beneath his palm, and the prince could not care less. He has built a sanctum within hell, creating a safe haven far away from their once beloved heavily father.

Sloth is as all sins hidden within the details, only seen once one takes a closer look. Belle does not appear lazy, no, he works hard for what he wants. Yet the lord of sloth is that, that he simply, when it boils down to it, does not care. He doesn´t care for god, nor Lucifer, or his own kingdom, not even himself. He enjoys the moment, likes living his life how he likes it and cares not one bit for the future. There is the problem with sloth, the prince is unreliable, and dangerous in his inattentiveness. Whatever uprising or plotting goes on, it happens within the realm of sloth. Demons conspiring to overthrow one another, abuse, violence, murder. Yet it seemed the sloth demons realm just did not care about these things, and everything forbidden was held here, done behind closed doors.

Belle resides in his sanctum, a friendly demon who enjoys wine, food, and lavish parties. He is known for hosting large parties, and offering sanctuary for lesser demons, or brothers. His realm is known as the heaven within the hells, a peace, yet only on the surface. Look beyond the parties and the luxurious sanctum, and one could see that this unattended kingdom is nothing but a ticking time bomb. And who is there to control this, take care of that that stirs below the dark? No one. And that is the danger of sloth. To let power go, to let terror develop and spread itself, with those in authority turning a blind eye.

He himself was cast down as the sixth angel to defy god, or rather, as he was still an angel, did not rise to defend god. Belle had known about Lucifers plans to overthrow the father, yet simply did not care enough to say anything. Hence he was cast down as punishment for his in activeness. Lucifer, who retains the memory of heaven, has told him that his facial scar is from the betrayal. During the battle of angels, Belphegor got slapped by a former friendly kin, scarring his face for life.

To put it in Lucifers words "You cared not even for the fist you saw coming your way, did you not? I do not remember you ever fighting back, brother"

Other demons:

Belle is a popular demon, known for his parties and his lavish lifestyle. He oftentimes has lesser demons there to amuse him, and is also rather popular with his brothers. However, each and every brother is well aware that the prince of sloth is dangerous in his inactivity, knowing that their brother is the sole reason why hell itself may never rest, seeing as all that is hidden from even Lucifer stirs from his kingdom.

The red eyed man is popular among succubi, seeing as he likes their demonic magic for his parties. He and Asmodeus have a tense, yet peaceful relationship. Belphegor has developed a sort of friendship with Amoura, having allowed his niece to climb the inner ranks of hell using his connections and offering her the chance to establish herself in his sanctum.

Leviathan and Belphegor are seemingly quite close, seeing as both demons enjoy parties and sex, yet Belle is a bit more civilized than his brother. While Evi is more of a brute, the prince of sloth is known for his cleanliness, his hygiene and his rather lazy attitude towards violence and battle. Yet both seem to get along well, perhaps also since the white haired demon has long ago accepted that his younger brother is beyond changing, or saving.

(Drawn over screenshot!)

- Beelzebub -

Name: Beelzebub,Beelze, Elze for short
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Classification: Demon
Positioning: Dom, but you never know :]
Age: whenever hell spawned
Age appearance: late 40´s
Height: 210cm
Weight: 120kg
Body type: Muscular, firm
Eye color: Black bulbi with green irises
Skin tone: Greyish
Hair color: Black with red highlights
Body hair: Slight body hair
Personality: Proud, arrogant, controlling, observant, sadistic, stern
Characteristic attributes: Pointed ears, slit pupils, sharp and pointed teeth, scars where wings used to be, claws, large black horns, long tail. Also has scars and creases surrounding his mouth.
Fashion sense: Black clothing, leather, felt, anything nice and sleek

Lives, all mortal lives,
Souls go to their dooms,
in flame,
forever more
Hell, hell, hell has it's laws Hell,
hell, effects and the cause
Curtain falls, but hold your applause
Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the claws
Lives, all mortal lives,
Souls go to their dooms,
in flame,
forever more
Fools, fools, how hard you have fought
Brave, brave, but it's all been for naught
True souls, that couldn't be bought
Doomed, detected, and caught
No more dеals, it's over
The final act, your doom
No more grace,
it's over
This House of Hope
Your tomb

The third prince of hell stands rather short in comparison to his brothers. With long, black hair and a sleek, tidy expression, the horned man is known to uphold law and order. The prince of gluttony rules over a dead, volcanic land where all is to die. It is called he void of hell, where anything may enter, but nothing leaves. In the middle of the kingdom stands a large iron prison, a place known as the final bastion for those hell sees as dangerous, even for its standards. Prisoners are mainly other demons, but some other beasts and even angels are found here. The prison runs as a pure hierarchy, with only the prince as the reigning power. Keeping his prisoners under lock and key with powerful magic, he has created a strange hierarchy, with some prisoners taking on higher roles, yet bending the knee at their master. The long haired man has built himself a slave empire in his own walls, with the captive souls performing tasks, building, crafting, used for their bodies.

Beelzebub does not hold any lesser demons of his own kind, seeing as he would have to give up part of himself in order to create some. He is a serial horder, and keeps whatever he can get his hands on. The man is however known to be smart and controlling, seen as an authority figure by his siblings and lower demons alike. Always proud and upstanding, he is sent the problematic cases from his siblings, happy to take their troubles off of their hands. Yet who is forced to stay within the hellish prison is faced with utmost brutality, seeing as the head of the house is no stranger to sadism and torture. All to his own amusement, of course.

"No matter what is to happen, my prison stands, my rules stand, my power stands. I will never accept less than everything and anything. Not as long as the hells burn and the bones I leave behind are it´s fodder"

Now Gluttony is something one only sees when taking a closer look at him. The pierced man has signature scars across his mouth, a sign of what he has consumed, and what he forced into himself despite his own suffering. Beelze is a man who finds hard it to achieve satisfaction, looking for things he might enjoy at every corner. He considers things that are handed to him as entirely his, and will hold onto them no matter the cost. The danger of gluttony is the constant strive and ecstasy to get more, until nothing is left. Eternal hunger, never to be sated. And all that satisfied him will be kept under control, so he swears.

Beelzebub fell from the heavens when he demanded other angels to follow beneath him, never satisfied with their weaknesses and their failures. When Lucifer arose to overthrow the lord, Beelze consumed his lower legions of angels, unaccepting that he would have to loose them in the fight. Consuming his own kind proved difficult, with the angels scaring his mouth, neck and face in the process. Permanently carved into his skin, his face is one known to anyone. Beware of the man who speaks from his scars, the the hunger that follows him.

Other demons:

Beelzebub is seen as a authority figure, and also a most welcome ally to his siblings. He takes care of the problematic actors in hell, making sure they never disturb the delicate intrigues the demons work so hard on. He is not known to fight, nor to openly defy or argue with his brothers, mostly because the remaining princes know of their brothers usefullness, but also are quite aware that the third, most powerful demon in hell is no joke to be up again. Beelzebub is a welcome friend, but a constant reminder that freedom, even in the eternal realm of sin, has its limits.
He also is known to be very strict with hierachy, and will oftentimes be seen as the man who keeps an eye on the younger siblings, making sure they don´t overstep too much.

- I still godda draw him whoops -

- Historical OC with alternative Timeline, this character is placed in the Ptolemaic dynasty -
Careful: History is changed to fit certain narrative, this is not historicaly accurate!

Pharaoh Amasis III

Name: Pharaoh / King Amasis the third
Sexual orientation: Questioning, officially straight, gay in truth
Classification: Human
Positioning: ?
Age: 21
Age appearance: 22
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Body type: Slender, feminine
Eye color: Golden, honey like
Skin tone: Ashy tan
Hair color: Black
Body hair: Shaved
Personality: Stern, Arrogant, Radical, Conservative, Diplomatic
Characteristic attributes: As a product of incest, he has several disabilities, including rather feminine features for a man. Otherwise high cheekbones, slender hands and thin eyebrows. His hair is short in the back, and the front is long, usually braided together with a pony that ends across his eyebrows.
Fashion sense: Time and status oriented

Important Link

Amasis is my historical character, that is to be used in historical rps placed in ancient egypt. However, as stated above, this is not accurate, and many things are changed to fit this narrative.

The main change is to the Ptolemaic Dynasty. These changes start at around 200 BC. Instead of Cleopatra I marrying into the royal family, Ptolemy V Epiphanes is pressured into re establishing native blood back into the ruling house.

In this version, the Ptolemy family marries native Egyptians back into their family line, weakening the Greek influence over Egypt. With the native and local influence re established in the ruling families blood line, Egypt runs a more conservative kingdom, with the Greek and Syrian influence lesser prominent.

Over the entire period Egypt struggles with its internal positioning and political views, with each following ruler differing on their opinion on outside influences and religions. The royal family sticks together, yet is torn between the two heritages, the country constantly changing and shifting, depending on the current ruler. Roman alliance was still present, yet way weaker and not anywhere as prominent. The Romans were seen as allies, but held little power over the Egyptian rulers. However, the decline of the dynasty still occurs, with the country slowly weakening under Roman influence and political distress.

In this timeline Cleopatra V never bears any children, meaning the entirety of the last ruling family is non existent. Ptolemy XII here takes a wife from the wider branch of the royal family, yet his wife is still related to him over several corners. He also dies in the year 40 BC, his wife dying only a year later.

Now for the details and Amasis biography:

Amasis III was born in 52 BC, the second son to Ptolemy XII and his wife. The couple all together had seven children, three sons and four daughters. Since the ruling couple were related, all of the siblings had some disabilities tied to inbreeding. Amasis, despite being a man, appeared quite feminine, with a wider hip and some walking impairments. Lucky for him, his somewhat crooked legs were straightened with painful procedures, leaving him able to walk, yet weak in his constitution. One of his sisters died of fever around 41 BC, leaving the royal offspring still strong, with several children to uphold the ruling family. Amasis parents were rather Roman friendly, accepting and partially adopting Greek and then Roman customs. They were seen as weak and passive by the more extreme and conservative parties of Egypt, especially disliked by the religious figures of the dynasty. Amasis was always more on the conservative side, passionate about his heritage and religion, and later on even resentful of his fathers Greek ancestry. His own father always was wary of his second son, yet to him, he was that, his second son. Not the ruler meant to be, yet all came crashing down with the sudden death of the crown prince, leaving Amasis as the new heir.

Ptolemy was faced with his new heir, his son who he had known to hold rather old fashioned views, and held little of the roman influence and peace that his family had been working towards. During this time, Amasis had allied himself with temple speakers, the prince seen as a beacon of hope for the conservative and religious Egypt. Several religious priests and priestesses had subjected the young prince to propaganda and nationalist ideas from an early age on, their plan to raise Egypt anew growing with their influence over the young boy. At only twelve years old, he married his younger sister, yet never consummated the marriage. With political tensions high, and the Roman influence seen as a threat by the nationalistic members of Egyptian society, the country was hit with the death of their ruling Pharaoh, the king dying to a sudden and harsh illness. He died, having hoped to re educate his son, yet he ultimately failed, seeing as one event chased another. Ptolemy died, leaving his nationalistic son in sudden power, with the Egyptian economy weakened and political uneasiness spread across Egyptian society.

Amasis was named Pharaoh at only twelve years of age, the young man immediately getting to work towards undoing much of his fathers agenda, strengthening the Egyptian coin, and re establishing old values and belief systems. His mother who was now seen as the queen was forced into silence, her son taking a strong and radical stance on the families inner workings. Amasis swiftly married his second sister, yet again, not fulfilling the marriage. The young man felt relieved when his mother died only a year later, her final attempts at controlling her son failing as she left egypt to him and his beliefs.

The young Pharaoh had been allied to religious figureheads from an early age, and now that the old ruling class was gone, he was able to fully take control of the elite, his influence strengthened by his established allies. The high priests had wished for a return of old values and a strong, religious society, and they had not only found their catalyst, but groomed their new king into the embodiment of their beliefs. Amasis younger brother died under unknown circumstances in 33 BC, leaving the ruling family with only four members. Amasis as the only son, with his two sisters, who were also his wives, and his youngest sister, who he is not married to.

Currently set at 31 BC, the young prince aged 21, with his oldest sister only a year younger having birthed their first child together, a daughter born from siblings, as tradition dictates. Amasis holds no love or attraction towards his wives, seeing them more as a means to an end, something he is forced to bear, and his wives see it in a similar fashion. The king had been questioning his sexuality for some time now, finding some attraction in other men, yet not indulging in any further action. Rome's influence is now undeniable, with the Egyptian and Roman friendship strained, seeing as Rome wants more than to just have egypt as their ally, the north African country now a profitable and interesting to the ever growing empire. While Amasis holds his hard line and nationalistic approach towards his own country, trying to keep out other influences, and keeping Egypt as independent as possible, he is slowly faced with the reality that Rome has become a threat, in more ways than another. The young king now stands with his ideals and beliefs against a giant, forced to work against an seemingly immortal enemy.

What am I looking for in an RP?

I am looking for someone to play a Roman, be it general, or other significant person of power. Either an actual historical figure, or an OC. Rome's current history can be changed as well, as long as it sort of aligns with the dynamics of the story I wrote of above. Your character could either be openly gay, bi, or questioning. However, this is meant to be MxM.

This is a RP promising to be very political and definitely enemies to lovers, or enemies to enemies with benefits, depending on what course you want to take. Either Rome follows through with their plans to finally rule Egypt, either with or without the pharaoh. Depending on the course of action that is taken, my character can end up a political pawn, a political prisoner, married off to your character against his will, or ultimately killed in an attempt to suppress Egypt.

So! Hmu and let me know if you´d want to try something like this! :]

Doodle I drew

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