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- Today 11:06 PM
- Messages
- 66
- Age
- 27
- Pronouns
- she/her
Hi! My name is LuRai (pronounced lew-rye) or Mai (pronounce My or may).
I am a 25-year-old with a love and passion for roleplay and RP. I have been writing for well over 10+ years, the exact amount would be a wild guess for me.
I am a mother to two little demons
I have two jobs
Several random certificates ( really just a hobby to obtain)
And a Bachelor of Science in Business Management
I love to write (almost anything) and I love making friends
I love reading, my physical library is conclusive of about 200 books, and my virtual library is never-ending
And I always match my partner's energy, as best I can that is.
Music is my jam and I listen to everything except polka and country music ( I grew up in the country and I work every day having to listen to it so I'm sick )
My all-time favorite movie is Strange Magic. It's a cartoon movie but I'm a sucker for cartoon musicals and the story is adorable
I like to write almost anything:
I am a 25-year-old with a love and passion for roleplay and RP. I have been writing for well over 10+ years, the exact amount would be a wild guess for me.
I am a mother to two little demons
I have two jobs
Several random certificates ( really just a hobby to obtain)
And a Bachelor of Science in Business Management
I love to write (almost anything) and I love making friends
I love reading, my physical library is conclusive of about 200 books, and my virtual library is never-ending
And I always match my partner's energy, as best I can that is.
Music is my jam and I listen to everything except polka and country music ( I grew up in the country and I work every day having to listen to it so I'm sick )
My all-time favorite movie is Strange Magic. It's a cartoon movie but I'm a sucker for cartoon musicals and the story is adorable
I like to write almost anything:
- I am not that great at fan fiction,
- FXF plots (I'm just not that great at this type of roleplay so I don't usually do it),
- or extreme smut (meaning those with harsh vulgarities.)
I prefer to write:
- romance,
- historical fantasy (different periods),
- fantasy, sci-fi (limited knowledge but I have ideas),
- horror (despair is my go-to for writing stories),
- and smut (minus the aforementioned)
I usually play female roles, but I can sometimes play male roles depending on the plot and If I find an interest. I base all my roleplays on initial interest, therefore if I message you it means it spiked my interest.
I ask a TON of questions, so if I ever seem a bit annoying please let me know. I ask a ton of questions to get story & world-building clarification. I promise it will never be to undermine or make you feel bad.
Curiosity killed the cat but discovery brought it back.
I tend to respond with 1-2 paragraphs, but depending on the topic or reply given I can respond to multiple paragraphs. I always like to ask if there was enough information in my posts, and if ever a time there isn't please let me know. I prefer honest feedback to losing interest because there was not enough detail.
I tend to immerse myself in my writing, I like getting lost in the world and my characters. Much like acting but with words rather than actions. I wouldn't say I'm a natural writer either, I have a need to go with the flow of things.
My grammar, I like to think, I sufficient enough for people to understand and to help my partner dive into the world and hopefully hold interest.
Below are some of my current RP's on the site as well as writing samples, please feel free to view them if you need an example of my writing style or reply length.
I work around 60 hours a week from home. I normally work Mon-Saturday
Since I am usually busy since it is the school year, if you have a reply I try to complete it on Sundays. Because of my hectic schedule please bare with me. I apologize ahead of time if I am not able to contact you immediately. I prefer to use discord for contact, so please ask if you have one since that's best for communication.
My tolerance for gore and violence is okay. I don't mind certain more extreme violence, as long as it is discussed prior and fits the current roleplay plot.
If you have anything particular that you would like to roleplay involving violence or gore please ask, I'm not usually good at thinking of stuff off the top of my head.
I like to think I'm a blunt and honest person so I will always say if I am not comfortable.
I do write smut, I am willing to have smut as a part of a roleplay but not the main focus as that makes the RP die out. I like building stories as mentioned and think smut should never be a main focus, but more like a plot driver or highlight. Sexual content for me also has to flow naturally, something that doesn't fit the scene or RP is just awkward.
I can also do completely nonsexual roleplays for those who have no interest in adding sexual endeavors or don't feel comfortable.
Kissing / Making out
Spanking (within reason)
Exhibitionism (without getting caught)
Blindfold Sex
Brat Play (not age play, the act of being disobedient to gain punishment or pleasure)
I can't think of anything else but anything not listed, unless mentioned as something I will not do please ask
Age play
Anything with bodily fluids
Foot Fetish/Play
These are pairings I don't yet have set ideas for, bold sets are my preferred character for pairing. If there is no bold it just means I don't have a preference.
Monster X Human
Nun x Templar Knight
Werewolf x Anything
Best friend x Best friend's brother
Noble x Noble
Noble x Commoner
Arranged Marriage (enemies to lovers, offer to a warring nation, sacrifice, etc.)
Mafia/ Gang War (two opposing groups make a treaty or an important member falls in love with someone from the opposing group)
College Slice of Life
Alot of these ideas are recycled from old rps I never got to do, or could never finish. I would love a fresh perspective and chance to start something new.
Dreamscape: MC/YC has lived their life in their dreams, the real world not nearly being as nice as the fantasies in their mind. One day MC/YC appears in the other dream (maybe they can appear in each other's dreams). Thinking that this amazing person couldn't be real MC/YC looked forward to the times when they fell asleep. Until one day the person of their dreams appears at their work, in their neighborhood, etc...
The Arrangement: To quash the brewing tensions between The Elven Empire and The Human Nations, an arranged marriage is proposed by both rivalries. No one wishes to admit it but to continue the prosperity and peace that they live in, they must do this. The Elves have always lived and reigned in the North with respective borders among The Human Nations. The Humans have always reigned in the South and are no strangers to war, but in times like now they wish to continue to rebuild their recent war-torn lands. An arranged marriage is what they need between their chosen heirs, but it's not without opposition from their people. The chosen heirs must first journey across the lands to learn more about one another's culture, customs, and languages - if they wish to keep the peace. What they don't know is that there's darkness just lurking outside their borders, coming to dash the hopes and dreams of said arranged marriage.
Two Stars: YC is a starship (haven't thought of a name yet) doctor, usually alone (BASED ON OC DANIEL ON CHARACTER SHEET). MC is an alien who got injured and caught in a dimensional rift ending up on your plant/ starship, etc. Based on OC Agape. YC teaches MC the language and fascinated by an unknown species keeps her on his ship/ in his home. falling for her clumsy ways.
Milk of the Siren: Based on the song by Melanie Martinez- Milk of the Siren Youtube A descendant of the siren, or a noble who is of siren descent. Maybe they own their nation or country at the time the rp is set. After years of discrimination by humans and years of killing and abuse of their kind, they finally started to fight back. Humans called it the curse of the siren, while they called it retribution. Using their lulling voices to lure sailors and others to their deaths, regardless if they meant harm or not. Seducing the nobles/ men and their descendants directly involved at the beginning of their suffering. They pull them into a false sense of security and murder them taking all they have..... The last two descendants of those who have harmed them are well and alive. A siren descendant, a beauty among beauties was sent to finish them off. What if those men are nothing like their ancestors, nothing as she learned? What if she falls in love with one of them? (Maybe there is a betrayal by one of the men that causes them to discover the siren nation/ or their plans. which causes her people agony)
Faerie Soiree: YC stumbles in the forest to find a girl dancing with sprites, pixies, and fairies. She is the next faerie queen, and she catches your interest. Whether it's gaining her favor or kidnapping her what happens to this magical forest once she disappears?
Xolmeani [Home of Xolmeanians] Xolmeani is Agape's home planet. Found to the left of the Ryai Star in the Kreoi Solar System. A planet of three moons, each moon rotating the planet in a year-long cycle known as a Mea cycle. This planet is characterized by two drastic land features. On one end is a cold vast area covered in mountains, the mountains blanketed by white dust made of crystals. (though they are not rough to the touch) On the other end of the planet is a long stretchy plain land covered by the same crystallized dust only yellow in color.
The grass on these lands is violet in color, and the waters are teal.
There are two major cities known on the mountainside of this cold planet Atanian and Yoxvet. And on the desert lands are Gershoi and Amaint.
The climate and its people are much similar to humans, if not with their language and further behind in technology. Being able to use and wild various magics at their whims, and very kind-hearted people, never prone to the violence one would usually see.
The grass on these lands is violet in color, and the waters are teal.
There are two major cities known on the mountainside of this cold planet Atanian and Yoxvet. And on the desert lands are Gershoi and Amaint.
The climate and its people are much similar to humans, if not with their language and further behind in technology. Being able to use and wild various magics at their whims, and very kind-hearted people, never prone to the violence one would usually see.
Below is a link to my character thread.
Apologies I know it is long, but if you've held out please reach out to me if anything catches your eye.
Apologies I know it is long, but if you've held out please reach out to me if anything catches your eye.
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