Maddox James Aries
M. J.
Mads (few are permitted this familiarity)
Inspector Spector, behind his back (though he knows)
Tulane, New Orleans
Date of Birth
January 21, 1984
Detective Inspector / Criminal Investigator for New Orleans PD
Dark, thicc
Also dark, but secret hazel lives there.
Ethnicity (
/race if YC is other-than-human)
French, Cuban - despite this, he is a yankee.
Tall, wide shoulders, lean but sturdy - his job can be hands-on, and so too can he.
Quite private, thank you. Just like everything that isn't to do with his job.
Not Trained, To Say The Least.
Which is to say that someone tried once, and he decidedly Hated It.
Maddox has therefore only done the minuscule amount of work it takes to not be terribly bothered by Things He Can't Really Control. Which, in short, would be Sight. He:
-Sees Dead Folks sometimes - it's usually pretty disturbing but so is his job and it's all pretty samey after a while.
-Sees The Veil, though not always or even often through it - which is a mix of unnerving, distracting, and largely useless.
-Sees Big Feelings. A witch at Coney Island called it Aura Reading when he was 8, his shrink calls it Synesthetic Empathy and encourages him to try sensory deprivation. He thinks this is not something he will do.
He is capable of Channeling, but it Feels Gross. For that matter, so does all of that bullshit.
Other abilities
Not talking about the above.
Non-magic skills
The man is a skilled detective, and a particularly successful one. Skilled fields include, but are not limited to:
Psychology, linguistics, handwriting analysis, investigative evidence collection, orienteering, chemistry, and law enforcement.
He is somewhat uncanny at detecting lies.
Personality traits
Quiet, intelligent, rational, wry, gallows humor under his breath. Meticulous. Quite serious, and can be very intense. He keeps work and personal life very separate, and is generally private to the point of coming off as secretive. He might be Lawful Neutral.
Personality flaws
Suspicious, skeptical, distrusting, obsessive, dark-minded, cold, grudge-holding, and self-repressing. Doesn't want to talk about it. He keeps his vices compartmentalized to the point that they are violent when they do leak out of his obsessive self-managing clutches, and spends a large amount of energy and effort doing so.