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MxF Man in a World of Women


Literate Explorer
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Today 6:48 AM
[Advertisement is currently pre-final stage. May change things later.]

Hello! Today I was hoping for something a bit more unique and original. I've never done something like this before, but it works with the plot. While usually the person who creates the advertisement is the one who mainly controls the story, I was hoping that—while I still would help you with everything, of course—I had a partner to mainly control the story for me.

I'm searching for an apocalypse role-play where men were magically erased from the world one day. It's like the game: LISA, but in reverse. I was thinking of playing a younger guy, mainly assuming there would be older woman in the world. He's the only known man alive currently, so who knows how some women would act. Time from regular life is debatable: more than a year has passed, however.

Some requirements:
• I'm playing the only male in the story.
• My partner is open to play multiple characters.
• My partner mainly controls the story and world around me.
• Be a woman, meaning 18+ of age please. No minors.
• No limits for how cruel or vile this role-play would be. We can go as bad as we want.

Story is interchangeable. We could do something more civilized: where he's found by a large sanctuary of women and protected, but of course gets glares and attention. Or he's been surviving by himself in hiding for quiet some time. Or anything else that comes to your mind! Besides requirements, story-wise I'm down for anything.

I am open for a small group of this if I get multiple people! If we do a group and someone eventually leaves, the story would be continued. Is optional.

I hope to see you there.
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