MxF Many different pairings to choose from

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MxF Many different pairings to choose from


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Today 1:23 AM
The pairings I enjoy are:

-Alpha x Omega (I play Omega)
-Werewolf x human (I play human)
-Vampire x human (I play human)
-Fallen angel/guardian angel x human (I play human)
-Brother's best friend
-Best friend's brother
-College couple
-Sugar Daddy x baby
-Bad boy x good girl
-Married couple

I enjoy many different plots that go with these pairings so just let me know if you are interested in a specific plot.

I usually do a few lines to a couple paragraphs, but it can also vary depending on the scene. I also usually do anywhere between 30/70 to 70/30 plot/smut ratio. It depends on the pairing and on my partner.

I have certain limits, just like anyone, but we can discuss that later before the roleplay starts. And please let me know your limits as well and if you have any requirements for your roleplays.
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