Either Needed March of the hotheaded princess

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Either Needed March of the hotheaded princess


A Nervous priest and a tomboy princess
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Today 9:44 PM
This is a pg 13 RP please nothing more then kissing if it happens at all
Maybe kiryl will act on his feelings...
Or..Maybe not...

This is based off of dragon quest 4 (or dragon warrior 4) so no sueing? Or baning please?

Alena is a hot headed princess who hates the way she is 'protected' from the outside world by her father the king of Zamoxva and will do anything to see it. One day she escapes the castle but is caught by her childhood friend kiryl, (who has a crush on her that she doesnt even suspect) and [your character] and insist on joining her. Join them on an epic journy to defeat deamons, monsters, and maybe even parso the manslayer.

If you still want to join this after it has started tell me and i will figure out how to fit you in
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Name: kiryl
Occupation: bodyguard
Class: priest
Weapon: spear
Gender: male
Age: 20
Looks: i think it is obvious witch one he is

Height: 5'7"
Personality: kind, caring, devoted, worries about alena a lot, firm on his beliefs, has a crush on alena, scared of heights
Name: Alena
Occupation: princess
Class: marshal artist
Wepon: her fists
Gender: female
Age: 18
Looks (shes the girl in the photo in kiryls bio)
Height: 4'9
Personality: stubbbon, thrill seeker, isnt afraid of anything hates that she has to act like a 'proper lady', obilvous to how kiryl feels, loves a good fight, always says what she means, doesnt pick up on subtle things
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Name: Patrick
Occupation: Adventurer
Class: Mage
Weapon: Staff
Gender: Female (Was male)
Age: 25
Looks: Picture below
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Personality: Kind, Loyal, Stubborn
Extra: none

So sorry for taking so long to get this posted! But here it is!
I hope it's not too late now.

Rorick Mandelson
(Nickname: Rory)






Rorick is tall and lean, though he is quite muscular as well. When he moves, he does so with an athletic grace, which comes from training in the art of combat. The confident way he moves hints at the skill he has to back it up.
He has strong facial features, and blue eyes that compliment his bright, blond hair, which he keeps short most of the time.

(Sorry, the picture is larger than I realized)


For the most part, Rorick has a bright and cheerful attitude, tinted with too much sarcasm for his own good. He will look for humor in almost any situation, which can lead to either great amusement, or great frustration for his friends, and even his enemies.
He has strong morals, and is willing to do just about anything to uphold the values that he believes in. He would even die for a cause that he finds truly worthy; that includes protecting those that he cares for.

Of course he has weaknesses, as does everyone.
While he is generally kind-hearted, he is far from impossible to anger. He can be quite scathing with his tongue when he is irritated.
One thing that agitates him rather easily is when he finds the actions or words of people around him to be… well, stupid. In such cases, his sarcastic nature remains, though instead of lighthearted and harmless comments, he tends to make snide remarks as a joke to himself, often in such a way that the person he is speaking of doesn't even realize that they've been insulted.
In the past, it was not unusual for his temper to flare quickly and inevitably get the better of him. And while he has vastly improved at reigning in that temper as he has grown older, he still has to fight to keep it under control sometimes.​
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