birth name: rhet connor anderson
date of birth: october 12, 1992
place of origin: brooklyn, new york (bushwick)
gender: male
orientation: yes
romantic inclination: non-monogamous for fear of commitment
status: single
occupation: sex-worker
finances: unstable
height: 5'11"
weight: 113 lbs
eyes: icy blue, sunken, often appear tired/lidded
hair: white-blond, stringy, waves
skin: milky, pale
body type: ectomorphic, emaciated, walking skeleton
handedness: left
voice tone: tired, dry throat
accent: streets of brooklyn, drops ends of words and hard consonants often
languages: english, american sign language
dress style: street-wear, fishnets, cropped shirts, mesh, oversized flannels/hoodies, timberlands
grooming: no thanks
stands like: he might fall over soon
smells like: he hasn't washed in a week, patchouli & dirt
alignment: chaotic good
position: switch, usually bottoms for work
sins: greed, wrath, lust, pride, envy
virtues: kindness, diligence
phobias: bodies of water / drowning
addictions: heroin (recovering), alcohol, coffee
mental makeup:
acquired brain damage due to:
- extensive heroin abuse and overdose
- previous strangulation / hypoxia
- head trauma
- difficulty processing information
- difficulty expressing thoughts
- difficulty understanding others
- short attention span
- inability to understand abstract concepts
- impaired decision-making ability
- memory loss
- spacial disorientation
- inability to sense time
- balance issues
- persistent headaches
- extreme mental fatigue
- extreme physical fatigue
- tremors
- seizures
- sensitivity to light
- slurred speech
- loss of consciousness behavioral
- irritability and impatience
- reduced tolerance for stress
- sluggishness
- flattened or heightened emotions or reactions
- denial of disability
- increased aggressiveness