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My name is Kali, nice to meet you! I am a writer of about 11-12 years now, highly literate plots for about 7 of them. Don't let that deter you however, as I will explain in a minute I am open to a lot when it comes to writing and my partners! Now with that, let's get into this!
My name is Kali, nice to meet you! I am a writer of about 11-12 years now, highly literate plots for about 7 of them. Don't let that deter you however, as I will explain in a minute I am open to a lot when it comes to writing and my partners! Now with that, let's get into this!
I will be sectioning off this post in a way that will make everything easy to find and digest, enjoy!
Who I am as a writer
As I have stated above I have been writing for a good handful of years now and in that time I have gotten a good handle on who I am as a partner and co-author. Note, I don't say role-player. I am here to create a story, not to live out a fantasy through one liners and, *giggles*, illiterate means. (Seriously though, if you put in '*' for anything other than it's originally designated use I will not take you seriously as a partner).
I write exclusively in the third person and I tend to have lengthier posts when it comes to plots I really enjoy; max length tops out at 3 pages in a word document, minimum is around the 3-4 paragraph mark. I love plots that are dark and mysterious, preferably with similar main characters. Twists and turns are a must as is sexual tension. The buildup to two clashing characters finally succumbing to their instincts is one of my favorite things about writing and I hope to find someone who can mirror that interest.
Who I'm looking for as a partner
I'll keep this part short and sweet, in a list format for simplicity.
- Third person POV is a must
- Dark, edgy male characters preferred
- Someone who loves to work out a plot and takes as much consideration in me as I do in them would be appreciated.
- OOC Communication
Kinks/Writing must haves
Here is my F-list for your viewing pleasure: F-list - Warning
One of my favorite kinks is size difference however, if you can give me a muscled man of above 6ft3 with a gruff attitude and healthy sexual appetite, I will be a very happy camper.
On this note, I prefer my partners to keep their character profiles to physical description only. I hate receiving face claims with a burning passion. If you need one from me expect a picture collage of many different aspects of a person, rarely will I ever just look up a model and call it good. Call me Frankenstein, I will piece together a person.
Hard no's all around
- Incest
- Constant smut (the buildup is extremely important, sexual tension is a must, but constant sex becomes repetitive very quickly.)
- Sub partners, I am not a switch.
- One liners/ 'role playing'
- Sci-fi & Horror.
- Scat, piss play, snuff.
Here are a few plots/pairings I have been dying to do!
This will be formatted as such: (MC x YC)
Woman x Vampire
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Hunter
Hunter x Vampire
Stripper x Vampire
Woman x Werewolf
Werewolf x Werewolf
Woman x Mafia member/ Mafioso
Stripper x Mafia member/ Mafioso
Mafia member x Rival Mafia member/ Mafioso
Faerie x Human man
Faerie x Hunter
Seelie Faerie x Unseelie Faerie
Old Flame x Biker gang leader
Stripper x Biker gang leader
Biker gang member x Rival biker gang member
College girl x College Football star
Demon x Demon
Demon x Hunter
Hunter x Demon
Human x Demon
Demon x Human
Non human x Human
Human x Non human
Non human x Non human
Anorexia sufferer x Man
*Note: PLEASE DON'T RESPOND IN THIS THREAD, message me instead!
Writing Samples:
Ava scrunched her nose at the mirror, twisting her body this way and that to see every angle of her latest costume. The dim lighting hitting her at the weirdest angles, illuminating her leather bra and dark denim shorts as though they were made of cheap plastic.
"Does anyone have anything that would match these shorts a bit better?" She called out behind her, the room full of scantily clad girls and scattered makeup tables, mirrors covering the walls and dingy light bulbs swinging from cheap chandeliers. Fur lined furniture spread across the perimeter, different women of varying species lying across them trying to shimmy into their newest corsets and skirts.
"What size?" A smooth voice called back, Ava knowing right away it was Scarlett from the sultry tone.
"34 D." Ava twisted once more, shaking her head before flinging the almost offensive bra across the room in the dump pile. A cache of discarded lingerie to be carted out and replaced with the next shipment.
Scarlett sauntered up, snaking her way through the crowd to avoid smacking her large wings into any of the girls deep in concentration to create the perfect makeup looks. In her arms were many different pieces of breast hugging fabric, anything from corsets and bustiers to tiny strings that didn't even fully cover one's nipples let alone the rest of the breast. Scarlett took in the shorts for a moment, motioning for Ava to slowly turn for her. Quickly doing so Ava herself felt no shame, breasts fully exposed along with a good part of her ass from the thong like fabric rubbing up against her. They weren't necessarily even shorts. Pieces of denim that rode higher than her underwear stayed unbuttoned as they would never close from around her curves.
"Be thankful we're the same size, I think I have something." The winged woman dumped her treasure onto the nearest cushion and began rifling through, quickly pulling out a piece with a victorious smile.
Ava took a moment to appreciate the other woman's looks, almost in awe for a moment as she rarely saw any sort of emotion coming from her. Scarlett was just a stage name, given for the deep blood red hair that grew naturally out of the demon woman's head. Her eyes practically glowed green against the pale skin that she bore. Tattoos covered parts of her arms, her wings a dark brown adding even more contrast. Ava simmered with envy for a moment at the striking image, coming out of it as she was dressed by the demon before being turned back around to the mirror. A grin lit up her own face, the lace triangles covered a good portion of her breasts, the sheer material leaving just a bit to the imagination but not much. The white color sharp against her tanned skin and the swell of her breasts emphasized by its shape.
"Perfection. Now go, you have a customer." Scarlett ushered her towards the door, the light on her room number blinking on over all their heads. Ava blew a kiss behind her before rushing out, her heels no longer hindering her movements while she breezed into her space.
The room had two doors, a public entrance and an employee entrance, giving her a good look at her client's back as she walked in behind him. Usually she could expect a business suit or two, men with hair peppering gray or some sort of sign showing older age and money. This time though, she was surprised. The back she stared at was a lot more imposing than any other she had seen before. Even from a distance she could see the fabric had a hard time keeping together over his frame.
'I could have fun with this one, hopefully he comes from money.'
The music slowly turned up in volume, her steps growing closer to the chair before she finally reached him. Her arms slowly winding their way around his shoulders as she pressed herself up against his back, allowing her breasts to press into the muscles she was staring at not even a minute ago.
'Not bad at all.' her mind practically purred as her hands roamed. She usually never got aroused with her customers, she thought it was unprofessional and old was never her type. She still wouldn't allow arousal to set in but she wouldn't bar herself from enjoying this one.
As the beat picked up she made her way to his front, raising her eyebrow as she took him in. His face wasn't half bad either, his entire figure was intimidatingly large compared to her own and she never considered herself a small girl. 5ft7 was above average height and she was wearing 5 inch heels yet she would guess he was still over a head taller than her if he stood up.
Straddling his thighs she started slowly, her hands resting against his chest for a moment just to relish in the feeling of muscles instead of fat or bones for once.
"Looking for anything specific love?" she asked, a small smirk touching her lips as she ground into him, her hips moving in intricate circles she prided herself in, taking many classes to achieve optimum flexibility and movement.
"Does anyone have anything that would match these shorts a bit better?" She called out behind her, the room full of scantily clad girls and scattered makeup tables, mirrors covering the walls and dingy light bulbs swinging from cheap chandeliers. Fur lined furniture spread across the perimeter, different women of varying species lying across them trying to shimmy into their newest corsets and skirts.
"What size?" A smooth voice called back, Ava knowing right away it was Scarlett from the sultry tone.
"34 D." Ava twisted once more, shaking her head before flinging the almost offensive bra across the room in the dump pile. A cache of discarded lingerie to be carted out and replaced with the next shipment.
Scarlett sauntered up, snaking her way through the crowd to avoid smacking her large wings into any of the girls deep in concentration to create the perfect makeup looks. In her arms were many different pieces of breast hugging fabric, anything from corsets and bustiers to tiny strings that didn't even fully cover one's nipples let alone the rest of the breast. Scarlett took in the shorts for a moment, motioning for Ava to slowly turn for her. Quickly doing so Ava herself felt no shame, breasts fully exposed along with a good part of her ass from the thong like fabric rubbing up against her. They weren't necessarily even shorts. Pieces of denim that rode higher than her underwear stayed unbuttoned as they would never close from around her curves.
"Be thankful we're the same size, I think I have something." The winged woman dumped her treasure onto the nearest cushion and began rifling through, quickly pulling out a piece with a victorious smile.
Ava took a moment to appreciate the other woman's looks, almost in awe for a moment as she rarely saw any sort of emotion coming from her. Scarlett was just a stage name, given for the deep blood red hair that grew naturally out of the demon woman's head. Her eyes practically glowed green against the pale skin that she bore. Tattoos covered parts of her arms, her wings a dark brown adding even more contrast. Ava simmered with envy for a moment at the striking image, coming out of it as she was dressed by the demon before being turned back around to the mirror. A grin lit up her own face, the lace triangles covered a good portion of her breasts, the sheer material leaving just a bit to the imagination but not much. The white color sharp against her tanned skin and the swell of her breasts emphasized by its shape.
"Perfection. Now go, you have a customer." Scarlett ushered her towards the door, the light on her room number blinking on over all their heads. Ava blew a kiss behind her before rushing out, her heels no longer hindering her movements while she breezed into her space.
The room had two doors, a public entrance and an employee entrance, giving her a good look at her client's back as she walked in behind him. Usually she could expect a business suit or two, men with hair peppering gray or some sort of sign showing older age and money. This time though, she was surprised. The back she stared at was a lot more imposing than any other she had seen before. Even from a distance she could see the fabric had a hard time keeping together over his frame.
'I could have fun with this one, hopefully he comes from money.'
The music slowly turned up in volume, her steps growing closer to the chair before she finally reached him. Her arms slowly winding their way around his shoulders as she pressed herself up against his back, allowing her breasts to press into the muscles she was staring at not even a minute ago.
'Not bad at all.' her mind practically purred as her hands roamed. She usually never got aroused with her customers, she thought it was unprofessional and old was never her type. She still wouldn't allow arousal to set in but she wouldn't bar herself from enjoying this one.
As the beat picked up she made her way to his front, raising her eyebrow as she took him in. His face wasn't half bad either, his entire figure was intimidatingly large compared to her own and she never considered herself a small girl. 5ft7 was above average height and she was wearing 5 inch heels yet she would guess he was still over a head taller than her if he stood up.
Straddling his thighs she started slowly, her hands resting against his chest for a moment just to relish in the feeling of muscles instead of fat or bones for once.
"Looking for anything specific love?" she asked, a small smirk touching her lips as she ground into him, her hips moving in intricate circles she prided herself in, taking many classes to achieve optimum flexibility and movement.
Kate felt as though she were about to pass out for about the fifth time that night, the heat of the lights above her mixing with her empty stomach's cries for sustenance to go straight to her fluttering heart. She had woken up hungover from the night before at about 5pm, one hour to get ready for work and she couldn't mix eating into the time between makeup and breast control. Boobs don't tame themselves and Vlad liked the girls to wear bras about two sizes too small to emphasize the assets. Her back and shoulders absolutely hated him for it but her breasts never looked so full.
So there she was, hungry with a pounding headache, upside down on a spinning pole with heavy bass pumping through her blood for bills to be thrown upon her. It really wasn't a bad gig, she had always sort of admired quality strippers. The way they moved seemed so flawlessly sexy she couldn't imagine them walking down the street without exuding lust. They were hypnotic, she didn't think she gave off the same air as she danced but she did enjoy the attention she gained from the audience. Men who took their time to enjoy the view, not the usual rowdy crowd of the more seedy joints down in the red light district. Most of the clientele at her studio wore suits, business seemed to blend to pleasure for them. Not many would approach the dancers but the bills they threw from a distance were large.
A few of the men would come and speak to their favorite girls, once in a blue moon they would be pulled to a side room for a lap dance. Thankfully Kate had never been summoned, in the beginning she would have bolted.
At first the men terrified her, the girl she had been was always scared. Men in general were not on her list of positives at that point. Her father had run out, her brother stealing all the food and valuables left in their shared one bedroom apartment. She had eaten the last of their crackers and raisins (her brother couldn't stand them) and had no money to get anything else.
She would have been in a box under a bridge if Vlad didn't take her in. She was wandering the streets one night to take her mind off her situation when a low beat pulled her towards a glowing door down an alley a few blocks away from her crummy flat. It took her all of an hour before she was entirely hooked and had a job. The manager was very business like, his eyes that of a hawk but was rather scrawny.
He knew what he was doing with his girls but he also knew he was left wanting in the muscle department. He had a plethora of bodyguards scattered around the building, all securing the location from any less than favorable men who wished to pull a girl in a direction she wasn't comfortable with. Vlad made sure to point them out when he was giving Kate the grand tour, feeding her information at lightning fast paces until she found herself signing papers while donning heels and lingerie for her first performance.
Ah...memories Her little sardonic smile didn't go unnoticed by a few of her regulars, the only men who seemed to have come in that night. A few more bills were tossed on stage for her to collect, the end of her song ringing through the parlour to signal those who wished to leave that their time was up. There had only been a handful of customers that night, Mondays were always the slowest. At least those that did show were high tippers. She wouldn't pick up so many shifts if they weren't.
She only wished something more exciting would happen, she couldn't handle another cat fight from the dramatic females that stood around bored in the dressing rooms. Vanity and snake-like tendencies weren't the most appealing of entertainments on a slow, sober night.
The doors opened as she picked up the last bit of money from her stage, the figure walking in immediately drew the attention of everyone in the room. Her own eyes pulled from the ground towards it.
She should have wished for a grim reaper.
Maybe then she would have been safe.
So there she was, hungry with a pounding headache, upside down on a spinning pole with heavy bass pumping through her blood for bills to be thrown upon her. It really wasn't a bad gig, she had always sort of admired quality strippers. The way they moved seemed so flawlessly sexy she couldn't imagine them walking down the street without exuding lust. They were hypnotic, she didn't think she gave off the same air as she danced but she did enjoy the attention she gained from the audience. Men who took their time to enjoy the view, not the usual rowdy crowd of the more seedy joints down in the red light district. Most of the clientele at her studio wore suits, business seemed to blend to pleasure for them. Not many would approach the dancers but the bills they threw from a distance were large.
A few of the men would come and speak to their favorite girls, once in a blue moon they would be pulled to a side room for a lap dance. Thankfully Kate had never been summoned, in the beginning she would have bolted.
At first the men terrified her, the girl she had been was always scared. Men in general were not on her list of positives at that point. Her father had run out, her brother stealing all the food and valuables left in their shared one bedroom apartment. She had eaten the last of their crackers and raisins (her brother couldn't stand them) and had no money to get anything else.
She would have been in a box under a bridge if Vlad didn't take her in. She was wandering the streets one night to take her mind off her situation when a low beat pulled her towards a glowing door down an alley a few blocks away from her crummy flat. It took her all of an hour before she was entirely hooked and had a job. The manager was very business like, his eyes that of a hawk but was rather scrawny.
He knew what he was doing with his girls but he also knew he was left wanting in the muscle department. He had a plethora of bodyguards scattered around the building, all securing the location from any less than favorable men who wished to pull a girl in a direction she wasn't comfortable with. Vlad made sure to point them out when he was giving Kate the grand tour, feeding her information at lightning fast paces until she found herself signing papers while donning heels and lingerie for her first performance.
Ah...memories Her little sardonic smile didn't go unnoticed by a few of her regulars, the only men who seemed to have come in that night. A few more bills were tossed on stage for her to collect, the end of her song ringing through the parlour to signal those who wished to leave that their time was up. There had only been a handful of customers that night, Mondays were always the slowest. At least those that did show were high tippers. She wouldn't pick up so many shifts if they weren't.
She only wished something more exciting would happen, she couldn't handle another cat fight from the dramatic females that stood around bored in the dressing rooms. Vanity and snake-like tendencies weren't the most appealing of entertainments on a slow, sober night.
The doors opened as she picked up the last bit of money from her stage, the figure walking in immediately drew the attention of everyone in the room. Her own eyes pulled from the ground towards it.
She should have wished for a grim reaper.
Maybe then she would have been safe.
Lilliana watched in awe as Father McCarthy talked down the woman before them as though he were a vessel for the Lord himself to breathe peace into her soul. Her anger completely disappeared, almost visibly as if it were a cloud being lifted off of her person. It was absolutely incredible to see the true power of one of God's sacred children. She only hoped to be able to embody a fraction of that light one day, far down the line.
The warmth in her heart continued to glow as they walked down the street together, her mind newly star struck and conversation waning as she no longer knew what she could talk to him about that would be worthy of his time. Thankfully there was plenty to take in around them so she wouldn't have to fill the silence, both their attentions seemed to be pulled towards all of the colorful vendors, stalls, and people crowded the street around them. The amount of bodies did prove to be a bit of a problem however, Father McCarthy shielded her from much of the pushing and shoving but it was definitely going to be a challenge to get through. Ryan offered an interesting pastime, Lilly looking up at him in shock at the concept of looking over such products. But she was intrigued, her hand brushing over the rope coil that wrapped around her middle.
Since she hasn't been into town in years her monthly allowance from doing work for the farmers around the convent had built up, all of the Sisters in the Monastery were required to take work outside of their home to help the people of their village. Taking money for their work was frowned upon but the farmers wouldn't let her leave without just a small stipend. She felt so thankful for it now as the coins sat in the small satchel that she was allowed to wear on her robe's belt. She hadn't planned on buying anything on her trip, and she trusts the Sisters entirely, but she always keeps her money on her person. Perhaps the Lord meant for her to indulge a bit if all such events had lined up so perfectly.
Looking towards the shops, past the women, Lilly saw a large selection of shoes and body care items between the two stores. She would never admit it to anyone but she secretly loved items like this, she worked hard on not being materialistic but her heart couldn't help but beat faster when looking upon the heels and lotions and scents before her. Biting her lip for a moment she looked up at Ryan to see if he was genuine in his offer, squeezing his arm before letting him go to float over to what caught her eye first.
There was a pretty bottle of lotion sitting amongst many other things but the color captured her attention entirely, a deep scarlet red glass bottle topped with a cork, it looked almost like a genie bottle. She lifted the bottle from its spot, surprised at the weight as it was much heavier than she was expecting. The shop owner took notice of her interest and flew right over.
"Oh my dear that is a lovely choice, have you taken a sniff yet? A beautiful blend of vanilla and rose. Surely one of the most beautiful scents that I have. Quick, smell." The woman waved at her urgently, Lilly pulling the cork off the bottle and lifting it to her nose. It was an amazing smell, the notes of sweet vanilla wrapped around the rose in a way that she wasn't expecting. Looking around she didn't see anyone staring at her more than usual so she picked a few coins out of her clutch and swiftly passed it to the vendor. The lady glowed at her for a moment before sweeping away to speak with another possible customer.
The guilt set in quickly but she tried to push it to the side, Lilly never spent anything on herself and God wanted all of his children to take care of the body he gave them. That excuse didn't include shoes but after placing her new lotion in her coin bag she found herself shuffling over to the next stall. Rows upon rows of amazingly feminine shoes stood before her and for a moment she was overwhelmed. Another vendor took notice of her and this time they came over at the first notice of a new client. A woman took her hand with a smile and led her further in the store, sensing her hesitation and taking charge quickly. Lilly was too soft hearted to refuse so she allowed herself to be sat down in one of their chairs that she assumed was for customers to try on potential purchases, and she didn't know she was considered one of them until the vendor came back with a pair of beautiful black heels.
Lilly shook her head for a moment as they were placed by her feet, the vendor leaning down to help her out of her slippers and stockings.
"I am okay on my own, thank you so much for your help." The vendor only smiled again before walking off, leaving the shoes beneath her. Looking around once more Lilly worried her lower lip between her teeth. A nun was never to be seen out of her traditional garb, but if no one saw her there was no harm in trying something on. If only to appreciate it's craftsmanship. She was obviously very good at justifying her sinful actions. She would have to confess later as her left slipper slipped off and her stocking suspiciously just...went with it.
"Just one quick try Lilly, thank the lord for the opportunity." She easily slipped the shoe on her thin foot, somehow the vendor was extraordinarily accurate on her size and they fit perfectly, the one shoe hugged her foot's every curve. She looked down upon it in admiration for a few moments, twisting the limb this way and that to see it at all angles before taking the item off and dressing herself appropriately once more. They had to get back to the convent soon or the Superious might grow worried, she would hate to distress them.
The warmth in her heart continued to glow as they walked down the street together, her mind newly star struck and conversation waning as she no longer knew what she could talk to him about that would be worthy of his time. Thankfully there was plenty to take in around them so she wouldn't have to fill the silence, both their attentions seemed to be pulled towards all of the colorful vendors, stalls, and people crowded the street around them. The amount of bodies did prove to be a bit of a problem however, Father McCarthy shielded her from much of the pushing and shoving but it was definitely going to be a challenge to get through. Ryan offered an interesting pastime, Lilly looking up at him in shock at the concept of looking over such products. But she was intrigued, her hand brushing over the rope coil that wrapped around her middle.
Since she hasn't been into town in years her monthly allowance from doing work for the farmers around the convent had built up, all of the Sisters in the Monastery were required to take work outside of their home to help the people of their village. Taking money for their work was frowned upon but the farmers wouldn't let her leave without just a small stipend. She felt so thankful for it now as the coins sat in the small satchel that she was allowed to wear on her robe's belt. She hadn't planned on buying anything on her trip, and she trusts the Sisters entirely, but she always keeps her money on her person. Perhaps the Lord meant for her to indulge a bit if all such events had lined up so perfectly.
Looking towards the shops, past the women, Lilly saw a large selection of shoes and body care items between the two stores. She would never admit it to anyone but she secretly loved items like this, she worked hard on not being materialistic but her heart couldn't help but beat faster when looking upon the heels and lotions and scents before her. Biting her lip for a moment she looked up at Ryan to see if he was genuine in his offer, squeezing his arm before letting him go to float over to what caught her eye first.
There was a pretty bottle of lotion sitting amongst many other things but the color captured her attention entirely, a deep scarlet red glass bottle topped with a cork, it looked almost like a genie bottle. She lifted the bottle from its spot, surprised at the weight as it was much heavier than she was expecting. The shop owner took notice of her interest and flew right over.
"Oh my dear that is a lovely choice, have you taken a sniff yet? A beautiful blend of vanilla and rose. Surely one of the most beautiful scents that I have. Quick, smell." The woman waved at her urgently, Lilly pulling the cork off the bottle and lifting it to her nose. It was an amazing smell, the notes of sweet vanilla wrapped around the rose in a way that she wasn't expecting. Looking around she didn't see anyone staring at her more than usual so she picked a few coins out of her clutch and swiftly passed it to the vendor. The lady glowed at her for a moment before sweeping away to speak with another possible customer.
The guilt set in quickly but she tried to push it to the side, Lilly never spent anything on herself and God wanted all of his children to take care of the body he gave them. That excuse didn't include shoes but after placing her new lotion in her coin bag she found herself shuffling over to the next stall. Rows upon rows of amazingly feminine shoes stood before her and for a moment she was overwhelmed. Another vendor took notice of her and this time they came over at the first notice of a new client. A woman took her hand with a smile and led her further in the store, sensing her hesitation and taking charge quickly. Lilly was too soft hearted to refuse so she allowed herself to be sat down in one of their chairs that she assumed was for customers to try on potential purchases, and she didn't know she was considered one of them until the vendor came back with a pair of beautiful black heels.
Lilly shook her head for a moment as they were placed by her feet, the vendor leaning down to help her out of her slippers and stockings.
"I am okay on my own, thank you so much for your help." The vendor only smiled again before walking off, leaving the shoes beneath her. Looking around once more Lilly worried her lower lip between her teeth. A nun was never to be seen out of her traditional garb, but if no one saw her there was no harm in trying something on. If only to appreciate it's craftsmanship. She was obviously very good at justifying her sinful actions. She would have to confess later as her left slipper slipped off and her stocking suspiciously just...went with it.
"Just one quick try Lilly, thank the lord for the opportunity." She easily slipped the shoe on her thin foot, somehow the vendor was extraordinarily accurate on her size and they fit perfectly, the one shoe hugged her foot's every curve. She looked down upon it in admiration for a few moments, twisting the limb this way and that to see it at all angles before taking the item off and dressing herself appropriately once more. They had to get back to the convent soon or the Superious might grow worried, she would hate to distress them.
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