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MxF // Medieval & Dark Fantasy RP

Kane Marrok

99% Dominant 98% Sadist 97% Primal
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Today 11:57 AM
Chicago, IL
// Porting this over from... another forum I won't specify...
// Looking for RPers and ideas... Medieval Fantasy only... A sample of my flavor below...

: Keep still... measure breathing.... feet together, hands in front... no other choice with the steel locked around each wrist... Can't fuckin' remember how long he'd been standing... Some sort of new-fuckin'-fangled "Stress Pose".... Perch you like some half-assed marionette, thinkin' that being uncomfortable will make you soft... Wasn't bad enough he was somebody's doll on a chain, but the horse bit strapped into his mouth and the bag thrown over his head... That was just for insult....

Keep still... don't rattle the chains... Another slow breath breath.... fuckin' bag stunk like piss 'n vomit.... wouldn't be as bad if it was his own, but he was sure the sack was at least second or third hand.... It took a few stomach-knotting breaths, but he caught it... the smell of fresh blood and armor oil mixing with the shit-stench in this pit.... Guests had arrived.... wondered if they were down for conjugal visits.....

Sound of maile on maile... Not his cup of tea, but who was he to deny someone theirs.... Paladins get lonely too.... Hmf... he might grin at that one, if it wasn't for that fucking bar wedged between his teeth....

Chain shirts rattling with lumbering steps.... Company was coming.... Keep still.... the best predators always wait for the right opportunity.... The lock clicked.... Must be his turn for the reach-around.....

One pair of boots, two.... four.... A whole little entourage wanted to stop in..... He'd never been so popular..... Ears ringing... been a while since he heard a voice outside of his own thoughts.... Highfalutin' words.. Some holy-rolling mouthpiece taking pity on such a miserably restrained soul.....

Yeah... whatever you say.....

Movement from the other side of the burlap showed white 'n gold.... tabbard and embellished plate mail..... Someone fancy..... Didn't matter... they all bleed red in the end....

Six in all were with him, two at his sides, two at the back.... Golden-boy up front spouting his Holy Man hoo-doo... some sing-song about gifts and divine mercy from the gods.... Fuckin' psycho-babble....

Wouldn't be long before they were outside.... Sit tight, Kane... Once the bag 'n chains come off, Fancy-lad goes in the first ten seconds, the rest in order of prettiest first... Enjoy the escort for now...

Kane kept still the entire time.... like a gator waiting for prey to walk itself into the waiting death trap..... Eyes focused in a moment when the bag lifted.... green eyes finding and fixing on the offensive golden officer... As the shackle fell, Kane caught the metal band before it slid fully from his right wrist.... weight of the left cuff and the chain attaching it was more than enough for an impromptu flail.... The sudden whistle of the chain spun... brought around....

Goldilocks collapsed in a puddle of tenderized meat, half a handcuff caving in that greasy face and wedging into what's left of his brain pan.... Shock allowed him free reign for the rest..... throats cut just above where those iron shirts ended their protection... Goldy's hunting daggar borrowed for the incisions.... wasn't like the meat-sack needed it anymore....

Would've been a good a time as any to make himself a memory.... but he still had some business in the area.... Score to settle with the good warden of this dungeon resort.... same as the band of bounty-huntin' punks that lucked out and caught up to him on a bad day.... This scuffle just now? A decent warmup... Didn't know any of 'em, didn't have any beef with 'em either....

All the same, he'd scrape them off just because there was some down time before dinner, and there wasn't a brothel about to leave a deposit or two... :
If you are still looking for a partner, I wouldn't mind restarting something with you. :)
i am intrigued. id like to start an rp with you if you are interested. feel free to pm me
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