Medieval Fantasy Guild of Centaurs (OPEN)

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Medieval Fantasy Guild of Centaurs (OPEN)


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Today 5:05 PM
Howdy! Looking for either centaur or 'winged creatures' to join my idea for a travelling guild in a medieval fantasy setting (I'm thinking fairy/angel/bird hybrid characters for the latter; the kind of character that'd look like a centaur's sprouting wings should they hop on their backs!).

I shall let my centaur knightress, Valerie, set the scene:

"I... I will never let us try and settle down anywhere again. We must be a travelling clan in order to survive. Last night, we lost over half of our people to hunters. A centaur's skin and hair is precious, after all. Of course that was bound to happen once word got 'round! We're so bloody rare as a race, most people believe us to be creatures of myth! In the continent of Mauvyn, centaurs such as you and I cannot afford to trust anyone. We must go and seek the winged. Our only allies rooted since ancient folklore. My grandmother told me that together, the winged and the hooved create such powerful sorcery, forming a bond like no other and creating the silhouette of the almighty alicorn that once ruled these lands, long ago. Perhaps then, should we find these winged people, we will find a way to truly thrive. But for now, we fight."

I imagine Valerie in this speech speaking to her offspring or a lover. I would like for her to have some sort of family member/s in this little travelling pack, though it is not necessary. If you'd like your character to be one of these winged people Valerie speaks about trying to find, perhaps your character has been long separated from their blood relations and is using this guild to reunite with their own family.

The basic plot revolves around this guild travelling through the continent of Mauvyn in hopes of discovering the winged who lie at the opposite end of these lands, getting into shenanigans whilst trying to keep their giant horse butts inconspicuous from the regular crowd. Perhaps they should invest in horse masks.

I'd like to keep the powers and capabilities of centaurs/winged people open for you to have some fun with; for now, if anyone is interested in this story, let me know here! Cheers.
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