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Hello everyone! I have been away for a while and want to get back into roleplaying. I currently have some ideas but if you have an idea for an rp i would love to hear about it :D i just got a few basic rules about my style of rping:
1. I am usually open when it comes to rps, but the things that I cannot rp as is a female/homosexual character. I've tried that before and I just suck as playing them lol no offense to anyone here I swear!
2. I am a gore hound, meaning I love blood and gore in roleplays. I understand that not all of the rps and not many people like blood and gore, which I completely understand. I just feel I have more freedoms in more darker themed roleplays.
3. I thought I had more but I was wrong lol if you are interested in rping then I will let you know more of my limitations when it comes to planning them :3
Search for the Irur Stone (PiratexPrincess/Noblewoman)
The Irur Stone is a stone that was long believed to have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. The origin of the stone is unknown, but it is believed to grant whoever possesses it the ability to see both into the past, and into the future. There is only one problem: no one knows where it is. In fact it is believed to only be just a mere myth since it hasn't been found yet, and there are rumors saying that it is located in a tomb that can only be opened with a key, and the key is just as difficult to find as the stone itself. A pirate captain (MC) is dead set on finding the stone, even if it takes him the rest of his life to find it. While preparing to go in search for the stone, he wasn't prepared as a young woman (YC) walked up to him, wanting to come along for the ride.
Her Knight of Honor (KnightxPrincess)
In the Kingdom of Rosevera, a princess (YC) is forced to marry a prince of Xalaranx, a country that they are currently at war with in hopes to bring and end to the bloodshed and hopefully find peace. Her knight (MC) and best friend is assigned to safeguarding her as they traverse their way to the kingdom of Xalaranx, knowing not that their time together plus their strong bond might bring them closer to eachother than they thought possible.
NOTE: The two rps above do involve a bit of world building. I have even considered the two rps taking place on the same planet just different continents, where they do not have any direct ties to eachother (Yet :O). I'm hoping to find someone that is interested in world-building in an rp to help expand the history and lore of these two rps :D
Robot (Working Title((MechanicxSoldier/Military Officer)))
In the not so distant future, humanity has successfully created robots, each serving different purposes to help mankind with jobs, or leisure. A mechanic (YC) specializes in repairing robots and other machines. When she doesn't have enough parts to fix up her current client, she goes out to get more parts. Her usual road was blocked off so she had to take a detour, resulting in her finding an seemingly abandoned office building of what used to be one of the biggest robot manufacturers until it went bankrupt and had to shut down. Thinking that she could scavenge for parts, she goes in to do so. while searching, she discovers a complete robot that she wasn't familiar with. Upon touching it, she accidently turns it on (Not that way you perverts :p), and security is activated. A single security robot sees the woman and goes to eradicate, only for the other robot to protect her and get her out of the building. Taking the robot back to her shop, she sees that the robot has suffered a lot of damage and rust. The next day however, she gets a surprise when a military officer is at her front door, asking about the robot that she was seen walking with back to her home, and later discovers what is so unique about this particular robot.
NOTE: Sorry that this story sounds rushed the story makes a lot more sense in my head xP if you are curious about this rp please ask and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
1. I am usually open when it comes to rps, but the things that I cannot rp as is a female/homosexual character. I've tried that before and I just suck as playing them lol no offense to anyone here I swear!
2. I am a gore hound, meaning I love blood and gore in roleplays. I understand that not all of the rps and not many people like blood and gore, which I completely understand. I just feel I have more freedoms in more darker themed roleplays.
3. I thought I had more but I was wrong lol if you are interested in rping then I will let you know more of my limitations when it comes to planning them :3
Search for the Irur Stone (PiratexPrincess/Noblewoman)
The Irur Stone is a stone that was long believed to have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. The origin of the stone is unknown, but it is believed to grant whoever possesses it the ability to see both into the past, and into the future. There is only one problem: no one knows where it is. In fact it is believed to only be just a mere myth since it hasn't been found yet, and there are rumors saying that it is located in a tomb that can only be opened with a key, and the key is just as difficult to find as the stone itself. A pirate captain (MC) is dead set on finding the stone, even if it takes him the rest of his life to find it. While preparing to go in search for the stone, he wasn't prepared as a young woman (YC) walked up to him, wanting to come along for the ride.
Her Knight of Honor (KnightxPrincess)
In the Kingdom of Rosevera, a princess (YC) is forced to marry a prince of Xalaranx, a country that they are currently at war with in hopes to bring and end to the bloodshed and hopefully find peace. Her knight (MC) and best friend is assigned to safeguarding her as they traverse their way to the kingdom of Xalaranx, knowing not that their time together plus their strong bond might bring them closer to eachother than they thought possible.
NOTE: The two rps above do involve a bit of world building. I have even considered the two rps taking place on the same planet just different continents, where they do not have any direct ties to eachother (Yet :O). I'm hoping to find someone that is interested in world-building in an rp to help expand the history and lore of these two rps :D
Robot (Working Title((MechanicxSoldier/Military Officer)))
In the not so distant future, humanity has successfully created robots, each serving different purposes to help mankind with jobs, or leisure. A mechanic (YC) specializes in repairing robots and other machines. When she doesn't have enough parts to fix up her current client, she goes out to get more parts. Her usual road was blocked off so she had to take a detour, resulting in her finding an seemingly abandoned office building of what used to be one of the biggest robot manufacturers until it went bankrupt and had to shut down. Thinking that she could scavenge for parts, she goes in to do so. while searching, she discovers a complete robot that she wasn't familiar with. Upon touching it, she accidently turns it on (Not that way you perverts :p), and security is activated. A single security robot sees the woman and goes to eradicate, only for the other robot to protect her and get her out of the building. Taking the robot back to her shop, she sees that the robot has suffered a lot of damage and rust. The next day however, she gets a surprise when a military officer is at her front door, asking about the robot that she was seen walking with back to her home, and later discovers what is so unique about this particular robot.
NOTE: Sorry that this story sounds rushed the story makes a lot more sense in my head xP if you are curious about this rp please ask and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.