Either Needed Metro 2033: Nuclear winter faction Rp

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Either Needed Metro 2033: Nuclear winter faction Rp


Just kinda here
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Yesterday 11:27 PM
The sucky swamps of Louisiana
Bout' twenty years ago to this day, humanity bombed itself to hell and back. World War 3, or the Great War of 2013, the war which we ironically nicknamed "The war to end all wars", turned our planet into a barren and deathly landscape with unbreathable air and radioactive snow. As far as I know, we, the Russians in Moscow that is, are the only surviving members of the human race. 40,000 people fled to the underground Metro, or Subway, system beneath Moscow when the bombs first dropped. They never came back up. Now we live in Metro stations, the only safehavens in the cold, dark tunnels of the Metro. Sounds pretty shitty, eh? Trust me, it's way, way worse. If it isn't the mutants that'll do anything to rip you in half that kill you, then it'll either be the bandits looking to sell you into slavery, the Red Line putting a bullet through your head for voicing your opinion in their communist state, or the Fourth Reich executing you because you're not "Genetically Pure". Not to mention the other insanely violent ways you can die in this hellhole...

To anyone who has no idea what the Metro series is, then don't worry, you don't need to know. I'm only using the universe as a setting for this Rp, so know prior knowledge is needed. Besides, I'll explain everything about the universe in the first post.

So, this an Rp with a twist. Sure, you'll Rp as you're chosen main character, but here's the thing: Everyone who joins will get their own Metro station to control over. In the universe, stations are like Subway stations converted into underground towns. In the Rp, you'll get to decide what your station will be. Will your station be filled with traders, raiders, or soldiers? Will you be a benevolent leader or a cruel one? The character you create for this Rp will be your station's leader as well.

I don't know how to describe it well, but the interactions and political drama between the stations will be a pretty big focus of the story.

Also, there's a plot in case you were wondering. So, the Red Line and the Fourth Reich have been at war for a couple years now, and they're dragging almost the Metro into it. The two armies keep invading neutral stations, stealing food from the hungry and kidnapping people to help with their war. Now their war has entered your territory, so now the stations are caught in between an endless battle between the Reds and the Reich. Will you side with them or try to drive them out? You get to decide.

(Sorry if the summary of the Rp wasn't that great.)
I'd like to be in, have played the first game but never finished it and would like to soon read the novels.
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