Either Needed Mind, soul, power, reality, space, time... Alive?!

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Either Needed Mind, soul, power, reality, space, time... Alive?!


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After the infinity gauntlet event where heralds, protectors, avengers, mutants, villains, and cosmic beings fought to save the universe from the deadly thanos then they succeeded and a man named Adam warlock took possession of the gauntlet. But what if the mind of thanos effected the stones? Led them to create their own bodies and become sentient to the point they can use their own power? When the mad titan was defeated the stones constructed their own bodies and declared themselves the new masters of the universe and much more. The heroes were immediately ready to oppose the new future oppressors but were wiped out by reality and power as if they were ants but some items survived the combat as they were flung away when struck like caps shield and Thor's hammer. The battle was over within seconds as the cosmic beings quickly left allowed to continue their celestial jobs from devouring worlds to judging them. The space stone approached the shield and mjiolnir sending them to earth with a mere thought as the mind stone transported a message to the universe declaring themselves as the rulers of everything, everyone, and everywhen for all eternity. A year passes until nick fury discovers a roster list of powerful heroes that might stand a chance against cosmic threats and seeing no other option he sends shield agents to their individual homes to bring them to the helicarrier uncaring of the fact that none of them have dealt with a cosmic threat or some of them might not have much hero experience or control over their powers.

Name: Joseph O'Shea
Age: 18
Sexual orientation: straight
Powers: he adapts so his body gives him a different omega level ability that cam help him woth the situation making him unpredictable and dangerous but the problem is he can only use one power at a time for the moment. He also has the ability to alter his own temperature based on his emotions so he can light with blue flame when angry or create ice when scared or sad but he relies on his temperature power because he is afraid if he uses his main ability something bad will happen. He hopes to learn to control his abilities so he can choose what power he gets and when he gets it.

Personality: it changes with his mood so when he is scared or afraid his mentality reverts to that of a child or when angry he won't be afraid of anything and isn't afraid of letting loose but when he is happy, collected, or calm then he opens up with people trying to fit in and will protect anyone around him as much as he can.

History: he was the only child of an abusive family who would assault him physically, mentally, and verbally as much as possible until one day he was approached by an strange man who offered him a way out of his home. Jack accepted which he then awoke in an alley with a strange mark on his chest. At first nothing happened until he got home where his family was about to hurt him again when he bursts into flames turning everything and everyone in the home into Ash. He went into hiding for a couple years until war machine found him and offered him a home and a place to train to control his powers. He accepted and began his way into the avengers initiative. He never found out who that strange man was but he hopes to thank him one day.

Rules and info:
1. No godmodding..... The stones are the exception
2. You can have Any abilities you wish for the stones will be basically gods in their own way but we also will be facing other enemies during the journey.
3. Smut is allowed
4. I made it that the shield and hammer survived so that characters could use them but don't just say your worthy or that you deserve to wield the shield. I will decide but don't think that because of that I'm going to instantly make my character worthy. He won't be worthy at first nor will anyone else for it won't be till later.
5. Some avengers will join us on the journey but not everyone will make it back and if you have any requests on certain heroes or you wish to play a specific one with your character just ask
6. Please be descriptive so at least a paragraph or more
7. Create a bio in the comments and once I have at least four or five then I shall start the roleplay but it doesnt mean more can't join
8. No real life bullying
9.if you have any questions then ask
10. If in a conversation with someone then you may go back and forth with your conversation as long as you don't move the story forward as that will be my job. I'll try not to interrupt a conversation but sometimes we will need to move the story forward. When in combat everyone will do an attack and the opponent will respond accordingly to each attack but in order for it to be realistic the opponent will respond to each separately. You will see what I mean if you don't understand.
11. HAVE FUN!!
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