Moved from DreamRealms, looking to hopefully find old and new partners.

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Moved from DreamRealms, looking to hopefully find old and new partners.

Local time
Today 4:20 AM
It's a slim chance, but one I'm willing to take. Ever since DreamRealms went down many months ago, us users from that site were left in the dark. I turned to the Sanctum. The format is familiar, everything feels right at home.

So, if any of my old partners happen to read this thread, PM me! I've definitely forgotten.
Welcome to the Sanctum. You are not the first refugee from DR.
I hope you enjoy the site and manage to find some old and new friends around here
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Sorry I don't remember you from there. But not to worry. This is a great safe place. The people are nice. The staff really is helpful and they are on top of things handling things in a very timely manner. So have a great time here.
Welcome to the sanctum, fellow DR refugee...though I made the move a good bit before DR closed down. I went by Corsicseraphim or something like that over there.
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