- Local time
- Today 4:10 AM
- Messages
- 2
- Age
- 33
Shalott "The Vengeful Blade" Heartkreuz
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120 Ibs.
Hair: extremely long and black
Eyes: Amber
Home: Currently none
Allegiance: Only to herself
Combat Style
Major Skills:
- (A brief description of what your character is best at. Can be anything that would fit your character, be it swinging a sword, picking pockets, some kind of magic or a silver tongue.
A drawback or weakness for the skill must also be present. Not a crippling weakness, just a counter balance to being overpowered.)
- (A brief description of what your character is best at. Can be anything that would fit your character, be it swinging a sword, picking pockets, some kind of magic or a silver tongue.
- (A brief description of what your character is good at but not necessarily great at.
Again, a drawback is needed here unless it's a hobby. IE: playing an instrument or something.)
- (A brief description of what your character is good at but not necessarily great at.
- (What weapons, clothes, armor, potions etc. does your character carry on them? Just because it isn't listed here doesn't mean you don't have it, this is mainly to highlight your character's favorite items.)
- (Mention whatever might ail your character, whether it's old injuries, phobias, being too scrawny. Anything that might inhibit them from doing what someone else cannot.)
- (What kind of person is your character? What drives them, what makes them happy and what really irks them?)
- (What higher power, if any, does your character pay homage to?
- (Describe your character's creed. What is the most important, dearest thing to them in this world?)
- (Tell us what your character has done. You can go from birth until the current time and describe every key detail of their lives, or you can highlight some key events that lead them to where they're at now. The only requirement is that you give us at least two short paragraphs.)
- (Any tattoos, scars or other identifying marks that make your character unique.)
- (If you feel like there's something you want to add that just doesn't fit into the other categories go ahead and slap it in here.)
- (If you feel like there's something you want to add that just doesn't fit into the other categories go ahead and slap it in here.)