MxM Murderers and Masochists

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MxM Murderers and Masochists

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Today 2:42 PM
•I'm craving playing sub roles at the moment though that may change in the future.

•I'm Cori, they/them, 19, and have been roleplaying for years, probably since I was around 12 or 13. I loved writing even before that.

•My replies are anywhere from one paragraph to four usually. My starters are usually longer than my typical replies but when I have a really good rp I can get carried away. I typically try to respond at least once a day, but I have chronic fatigue and sometimes I literally don't have the energy to think, so I may have to take breaks sometimes. That being said, I do love going back and forth for hours when I have the time and energy.

•I LOVE gore! The more the better! Make your character an absolute sicko!

•My roleplays are almost always sexual nowadays, and my plots show it. My kinks are noncon, drugging, blackmail/coercion/threats, bondage, crossdressing (especially forced), sensory play, breath play, marking (branding, scarring, biting, etc), piercing, gangbang or forced to fuck someone/something while the other watches or aids, sex toys, and orgasm denial. Basically I just love power imbalance. Boundaries are play with bodily waste, pet play, bestiality (and other sketchy attractions), and inflation.

•No fandoms!

Muse A is a killer just like B, but he's newer, sloppier. He doesn't think through everything he should before he acts. He doesn't find out enough about his victims to truly know if they're someone he could get away with killing. He's been going through his spree with luck and a boosted ego. Unfortunately, that ends when A decides to target B.

Route A
Muse A did what he thought he should in regards to researching his next victim: finding weak points in his house's security, memorizing his schedule, making notes of potential weapons and exits, but that was all. He didn't notice the fact that B didn't seem to ever buy meat even though he always ate it. Or the fact that he completely dug up and replanted his garden more often than he needed to. Or that not all of the late night guests he was fond of inviting over ever left. The night A decided to break in was the night he'd disappear, having to face a much greater threat than himself when he walked in on something he'd never have expected to see.

Route B
Muse A thought B would be like any other sucker he picked up at the bar. He'd charm him easy peasy, slip something in his drink, and take him home to abuse and mutilate to his heart's content. That was the plan, at least, but it quickly went south as he found himself unexpectedly blacking out instead.

Route C
Muse A had taken the long approach to slowly get closer to B so he'd let his guard down. He'd invite him over periodically to hang out, have some drinks, and just overall wait for the perfect time to strike. However, it seemed B got a lot closer than anticipated without him even knowing. One day he was confronted with pictures of him carrying and disposing of bags, obviously containing bodies. Just like that he was blackmailed and threatened into becoming the unwilling sidekick for a much more notorious killer… who he'd find might be more sick than him.

The world is discriminatory, unfair, and vicious. Monsters, as people call them, have not only suffered from this discrimination, but have been separated from society. In truth, these are normal, innocent people with a few animalistic characteristics, but no one cares. One especially close-minded ruler has passed a law giving a right to commit any crime against a monster. If someone finds a monster, they can do whatever they please: murder, torture, anything; it all goes unseen by law. Many countries have adopted this law.

One person took full advantage of the law, having kidnapped many monsters to satisfy their own perverse desires and bloodlust. All of their previous victims were already either dead or sold after getting bored with them, though their newest victim, Muse A, hadn't suffered either fate. Rather, A had run away, and now the person had a bounty on them, dead or alive, spurring a surprisingly large manhunt.

Muse A had somehow found himself in a sex and drug cult. Upon his first time sleeping with the leader, he was given something he hadn't tried before to help him relax. Somehow, that drug trip unlocked the memories of his previous life, and he saw the leader when he was younger murdering him. A had to keep his composure long enough to escape, but his efforts just seemed to make B tighten his hold on him.

A zombie apocalypse had happened, just like the movies, and while the government was finally starting to help the survivors a group of rogue scientists had decided to experiment on the half-infected to see if they could be rehabilitated. Some had good intentions, but with no ways to check bad behavior in their small operation abuse of power was an ever-looming temptation.

Muse A had been brutally tortured and murdered by Muse B, who he'd thought to have been a good friend beforehand. Instead of it being the end, he was reincarnated, except he had the burden of keeping his memories, which didn't leave no matter how much older he became. One day, as he finally re-enters the adult world, he sees Muse B, older but undeniably the same man who'd caused his early death. To the traumatized soul, it feels like the whole ordeal is happening all over again. What's worse? Muse A's new body is the serial killer's ideal type.

-the muses could meet any way you want, here's a few ideas but you can suggest some too:
•A works at the prison B is at, probably as a janitor with how young he is but could probably be in training or something idk
•B is A's college professor
•B is A's boss/coworker
•A works at a strip club and B is a customer

Muse A had lost his lover and, in delusional grievance, felt many emotions he shouldn't have when he first met Muse B. Truly, A thought B was his lost lover and began stalking him. The things that didn't add up in the two different people mixed up in Muse A's mind to form new lies that he continued believing as memories. One day, A saw B walking out of a bar with another guy and, in a rage, beat up the stranger before kidnapping B.

Muse A runs the production of a drug chain. Specifically, he's in charge of testing sexual drugs: experimental stimulants, roofies, and aphrodisiacs need to get approved by him before being offered to clients. And how exactly are they tested? By human kidnap victims, of course. Anyone the mob wants to get out of their way or is deemed useless by their trafficking rings is sent to A's research facility. Muse B is just another one of the unlucky people to be locked up there.

Monsters are humans with animalistic traits, such as tails, horns, wings, and nonhuman ears. They're often hunted for any and every reason: for sport, to harvest horns or feathers, and just simply to capture. Muse A is one of such creatures, and unlike other harpies, he was born with wings too small to fly. Eventually, this became his downfall, and he was easily captured by hunters.

Route 1
Since B deems A practically worthless to harvest feathers from, he instead takes A as a prize, parading him around on a leash for all to see. Whether A makes such a thing easy or not is to be seen.

Route 2
A is taken to a warehouse. There, he's kept in a small room and harvested of his feathers once a month. B is the harvester, and the only person he sees after arriving there. It isn't long before the days blur together and the pleas for freedom become more intense.

Muse A had turned 18 and immediately left their toxic family situation. For a while, they wondered from city to city on the bit of funds they'd managed to save up. Eventually, they finally found a job and a cheap place to rent, and so they decided to celebrate with some drinks at a bar. Unfortunately, they'd had more drinks than intended and got drunk. Stumbling home, they took what was meant to be a shortcut through alleys and got lost, bumping into a gang instead.

Muse B could walk A home, take him as his bitch, share him with the gang, have the gang deliver A to him as a bribe, etc.

There'd been a war going on. Muse A, a soldier fresh from training, had been sent to deliver battle plans to an allied general. His general had thought it'd be a good first field job for him. Muse A needed to rush in order to deliver the plans on time. He took a short cut racing through the forest, jumping over logs and streams with no regard for where exactly he was so long as he was going in the right direction. However, he rushed a little too quickly in an area he should've gone around instead of through and fell, landing in the hard to spot trench of an enemy soldier.
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I would LOVE to roleplay Caught trespassing with you!!
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