Muse, meet brick wall

Currently reading:
Muse, meet brick wall


That guy your parents warned you about
Local time
Today 9:24 PM

Its been a while since I've RP'd so bear with me, please, this is going to be very bland as I don't really know how to talk about myself outside of memes. Be gentle.

My name is Kyle. Call me whatever you want. I LOVE writing. The idea of creating nothing out of something just for another person to read the nothing and make something out of it again really gets me going. It's oddly satisfying. Was that run-on? My B.

I am a family man and have to adult a lot of the time so don't worry if I have take some time off. My life is HECTIC, but I am a writer on the side. I WILL get back to you asap (as long as you're pretty consistent). Through hell or high water, I will help you make a story.

Style? Very pulp. I like the reality of things inside of a unrealistic setting...? Example: The good guy wins but he loses an arm or the hero got the girl but she picked her boogers and ate them and thats gross. Lol. I like flaws and having to work around them. *shrug*
Mostly Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Reality, and Fantasy (currently learning to play DnD). Not really into anything sexual though I will make exceptions if it flows with the overall story. Just don't be weird.

Note: I'm currently working from mobile, out of a year and a half slump (my laptop died and I am a failure) so if there are any edits I need to make just let me know. My mind writes faster than meh finguhs. Auto-correct doesn't help things either. Just point it out and I'll fix it/them. I got a few more things to learn about posting and whatnot.

Other than that? *looks around nodding* You got a pretty cool place here and I look forward to jotting some things down with you guys. Kudos to all.
Welcome to the Sanctum! Best of luck with your muse behaving, avoid the west wing and its biting plants, you're gonna find some awesome peoples here to write with!!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Ah. Well, always remember that perfection is a long sought goal for many. All have fallen short by leagues.
Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! ❤️

May your Muse sing sweetly for you on this day and many more to come! ❤️
I recognize that picture!
Icewind Dale right?

Actually, I have no idea who it is. Lol.
I'm getting into DnD and needed a look for my character. Anything but Drizzt. Lol. Guess, I'll have to change him now.
I wanna say he was one of the portraits you could choose for your characters back in that game, could be wrong though ^^
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