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- Today 8:57 PM
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- 12
- Age
- 44
About Me
Hi, I'm Muse! Thanks for taking the time to peruse my request thread, I hope that we can create something together! I have been roleplaying via tabletop and online for longer than some people on this site have even been alive. I live on the East Coast and am mostly around during the evening through to the early hours of the morning as well as sporadically through the day. I love making friends with my partners or anyone who happens to say hello so feel free to PM me if.What to Expect From Me
What I Expect From You
I expect my partners to be friendly, respectful, and polite. I would like my partner to be able to carry their weight in the story, this is OUR creation so put yourself into it. Have a positive outlook on creating, share your ideas, speak up if there is something you aren't enjoying and would like to change, but don't be rude about it. I do not have a post limit that I require. I only ask that you give enough to keep the plot going and for me to respond. I know everyone out there isn't wanting to write a novel of a post so at least a paragraph will be good. The last two things I ask is that if you are going to be away, please tell me. If you don't want to continue our story let me know.Characters & Themes
I enjoy dark themes such as BDSM, loss of virginity through force or payment, rough treatment and sex, slavery, force, and more, but that is not the only thing I want in my stories. I'm not saying that a slaver falls in love with his slave, more he finds pride in her service, enjoys her company, utilizes all of her skills. There does not have to be an element of romance, but I'm not into having my characters beat and tortured all the time.
I also love vanilla stories, lighter, more fun interactions, romance, quirky characters, nonsexual stories, and even D&D adventures.
I am willing to play in pretty much any setting, my favorites include an element of fantasy, even the most minimal thing to give a little twist. I'm big into world building and development and have a lot of experience as a DM/GM, and group stories set in kingdoms and cities I and my partners created. I have no issue playing without the element of fantasy if that is your cup of tea.
I enjoy doing twisted fairy tales. I adore turning fairy tails into smutty, dark, or just outlandish stories. Anything from Disney to Grimm, Mother Goose to Aesop, Hans Christian Anderson to culture stories, I love it all.
I am more than happy to create characters for stories. My set characters are just there to bring about ideas, though I do love to play them when I can. I am good to play any kind of creature for the most part, but I will only play as a female. All of my characters have a way of communication. Your character might have to learn it or teach mine to speak theirs.
With my incest stories, I lean more towards a loving relationship. I don't enjoy the idea of non-con in that setting, nor do I want to play a spoiled brat that is always in trouble. I do love dark stories, but this is something that calls to my softer side.
I'm not all that into stories that focus on cheating. It can be part of the plot, but not the main focus. I am the same way with poly family life, it just isn't for me.
(Continued in second post to keep things better organized.)