Character(s) Muses of the Loremaster

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Character(s) Muses of the Loremaster


Loremaster Extraordinaire, at your service!
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I have decided to reveal my muses to the world! The world of Inner Sanctum! :p
Anywho, here's how it works.

I have, last I checked, about 60-ish characters. Some are more fleshed out than the other. They fit many roles; Main, NPC, Villains, canon-fodder, etc... But I'll only post the profiles of the characters that are decently fleshed out. The ones that I figured out what their personality is like.

I won't give you all the information for 2 reasons.
1) I like to surprise people and let them discover the characters within the story. Get to know them along with their characters. I will add a general idea of their personality so you sort of get a feel for them when trying to figure out roles, etc... But you won't know everything about them.
2) When I posted their 'complete' files on other RP sites, I noticed a pattern in players. They usually go for the characters that are either very submissive or very dominant. Leaving many of my characters overlooked and unused.

Each character has a personal kink-list that is custom tailored to suit only them, and it will not change. So don't expect them to suddenly switch gears or add or delete new kinks. However, these characters can be considerate of their lovers and simply not expose their kinks to them...but you'll definitely catch some glimpses throughout their stories because it is after all part of who they are. The lists will only contain their favs or major kinks to keep things simple.
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Mostly use her as NPC or a Villain. I have played her as an Elf or Vampire as well. And as Magic User; what School? I won't tell.
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Alastroinia Scholaighe
Nicknames: Ally, Alice,...
Age: Early 30's
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Bi-Sexual - Dominant - Promiscuous

Irish Accent she tries to hide
Build: Curvaceous
Height: 5'6
Hair: Natural Redhead with some pink highlights, Curly, Shoulder-length
Eyes: Ocean Blue
Skin Tone: Creamy without any blemishes
Scars/Birthmarks: A diagonal, straight scar on her right cheek that she keeps hidden under make-up (or magic).
A pink, rose tattoo on her left shoulder.

Personality in one sentence:

She's a greedy, manipulative, gold-digger and literally fucked her way up the social ladder.

Kink List:

She's more loving towards women then she is towards men.
Pet-Play (I don't have much experience with that)
Collars & Leashes
Wax Play
Toys & Strap-Ons
She's got a sadistic streak and can get carried away sometimes.

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I've created her for a Hellsing Fandom which turned out disastrous. I've also played her as a Vampire. She can fit into other genres or settings besides Victorian.
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Name: Eleonora Tilly
Nicknames: Nora
Age: Early 20's
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Straight - Submissive - Monogamous
Morality: Lawful Good

Voice: Nothing special to note
Build: Slender, Hourglass shape
Height: 5'4
Hair: Honey blonde, Wavy, Above buttocks Length
Eyes: Bright Green
Skin Tone: Creamy, slightly sun-kissed
Scars/Birthmarks: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: N/A

Personality in one sentence:
A stubborn lady that daydreams of exotic places and adventures

Kink List:
She's not all that experienced but for a Victorian Lady she's a surpriser.
Light Bondage
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He was created for a Guild Wars 2 short story between him and another character of mine. He can be used for other genres and settings, other than fantasy or Magic.
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Name: Longwei
Nicknames: The Necromancer
Age: Mid 30's - late 30's
Gender: Male
Sexual nature: Straight - Dominant - Promiscuous
Morality: Chaotic Evil

Voice: He has a speech impediment due to scarring.
Build: Slender, Slightly muscled
Height: 6'1
Hair: Black, Straight, Buttocks length
Eyes: Inky black
Skin Tone: Pale
Scars/Birthmarks: A mangled gash along the left cheek that starts at the mouth corner. His teeth can be seen.
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: N/A

Personality in one sentence:
He scares me...

Kink List:
Heavy Bondage
Absolute Obedience
Collars & Leashes
Non-Con (Rape is a trigger for me so this is fade-to-black)

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I created her, and another character, for a Walking Dead fanfic that has yet to be finished still.It's gonna be tricky to fit her into Fantasy or Historical settings. She is mostly played as a Drug Junkie or Recovering one. She's mostly played side by side with another character; Roxanne.
Fighting for the cure - The Creator
Brave New World - JHutch42
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Name: Lucille Wilder
Nicknames: Ghost, Lucy,...
Age: Late 20's - early 30's
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Straight - Switch - Monogamous but doesn't shy away from one-night stands.
Morality: Neutral Good

Voice: Southern Accent
Build: Athletic, hourglass shape
Height: 5'4
Hair: Dirty Blonde, Wavy - slightly Curly, Mid-waist Length
Eyes: Heterochromia, Blue left eye, Green right eye.
Skin Tone: Sun-kissed
Scars/Birthmarks: Small cuts on her back caused by falling into glass shards. Large and long cut along the left side of the neck down to the breast. And a stab-wound in lower abdomen.
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: On right shoulder-blade; an undead Native-American chieftain in watercolors. Right sleeve is a psychedelic, spiritual, geometrical, and spacy, confused colorful mess made in poor quality and was obviously impulsive. On her right hand on the side near the pinky is the name 'Avani' in Sanskrit. A simple, black and white Ganesha tattoo on her right pinky. The back of her right hand is the classic sun and moon combo with the faces in it and surrounded by rays. Left thigh; Lace garter belt with a dagger in grey colors. Back of her left hand has a grey mandala of a floral design. The left sleeve has a beautiful and colorful collection of lotus flowers, hindu symbols and sanskrit prayers clearly of higher quality with thought put into it.

Personality in one sentence:
Punching = Affection

Kink List:
She likes it rough
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I mostly play her as an Android of sorts. But can play her as a human, or maybe other species depending on the story.
Brave New World - JHutch42
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Name: Mary-43
Nicknames: Nurse Mary
Age: Early 20's - mid 20's
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Straight - Switch - Promiscuous
Morality: Neutral Good

Voice: No sign of artificial origins
Build: Fit body, curvaceous
Height: 5'6
Hair: Bubblegum Pink, Wavy, Below shoulder length
Eyes: The color changes depending on her mood. (android feature)
Skin Tone: Peach, unblemished
Scars/Birthmarks: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: The fine grooves in her synthetic skin have a faint pink color. (android feature)

Personality in one sentence:
Naughty as Fuck, but she can go Terminator in 0.1 seconds.

Kink List:
Naughty Nurse
Strength (Android feature; being a robot not many people are stronger than her. It thrills her that she can be 'weaker' for once.)
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She's mostly played side by side with Lucille Wilder. She was also created for the Walking Dead fanfic.
Fighting for the cure - The Creator
Brave New World - JHutch42
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Name: Roxanne Perry
Nicknames: Roxy, Baby Girl
Age: (Teens - early 20's)
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Straight - Submissive - Monogamous
Morality: Lawful Good

Voice: Nothing special to note
Build: Chubby
Height: 5'2
Hair: Black, Curly, Shoulder-length
Eyes: Jade green
Skin Tone: Olive (she's of Indian decent and American)
Scars/Birthmarks: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: N/A

Personality in one sentence:
She's a sweetheart!

Kink List:
She's very inexperienced
NO blowjobs
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She can play different roles besides doctor. She can also be played as a Vampire or Werewolf. Maybe other species.
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Name: Angelica Mishurin
Nicknames: Angel, Angie, Lieka,...
Age: Late 30's - early 40's
Gender: Female (or Futa; I don't have experience playing this gender)
Sexual Nature: Lesbian - Dominant - Monogamous, rarely promiscuous
Morality: True Neutral

Voice: Russian accent
Build: Athletic
Height: 5'10
Hair: Natural light blonde, Straight, Shoulder length
Eyes: Icy Blue
Skin Tone: Creamy with some freckles
Scars/Birthmarks: A blast of shrapnel to her left eye caused it to appear cloudy and no longer has sight. There are some scratches around the eye and cheek.
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: A military styled tattoo on her right, upper arm that suggests she was once part of a secret service/agency,...

Personality in one sentence:
A mysterious lady who may or may not be trusted.

Kink List:
Strap-ons (not necessary if she's played as a Futa)
She likes girlie girls
Oral Sex
Light BDSM
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I mostly play him as the villain in the story. But I can tone down his evil to make him more approachable for other stories.
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Name: Lorenzo Orfeo
Nicknames: Il Dottore
Age: Late 30's - Early 40's
Gender: Male
Sexual Nature: Straight - Dominant - Slightly Promiscuous, not really the 'settle down' type.
Morality: Lawful Evil

Voice: Italian accent
Build: Fit, muscled
Height: 6'2
Hair: Black, Starting to grey here and there, Short cropped, Keeps it neat, sometimes slicked back
Eyes: Dark Blue
Skin Tone: Tanned
Scars/Birthmarks: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: N/A

Personality in one sentence:
A perfect gentleman with blood on his hands

Kink List:
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She just came to me one evening. I imagined her being a psychic lounge singer who was receiving visions of a murder. With the aid of a detective they investigated but little did she know it was her bf, who was the killer.
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Name: Daisy Jones
Nicknames: Starlette, Daisy-Jo,...
Age: Early 20's
Gender: Female
Sexual Nature: Straight - Submissive - Monogamous
Morality: Lawful Good

Voice: Nothing special to note
Build: Petite, Slender
Height: 5'3
Hair: Light Blonde, Wavy, Shoulder length
Eyes: Baby Blue
Skin Tone: Peachy
Scars/Birthmarks: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: N/A

Personality in one sentence:
A sweet girl but anxious

Kink List:
She is very Vanilla
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